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Opioids The Opioid Withdrawal Megathread and FAQ

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Thursday I banged roughly a half G of dope at like 2pm. It's now Saturday at 2pm and since then I've done a cotton shot and eaten 3 5/500 hydros to get through work yesterday. I've also taken a few megadoses of loperamide. The cotton had nothing in it and if anything my pupils dilated even further as I progressed in to day 2 of no dope.

So my question is, why am I not feeling worse? I don't get it. When I went to rehab my withdrawals with a sub taper of 4-4-3-2-2-2-1-1 wasn't too bad with clonidine and a muscle relaxer, but being 2 days in to W/D I'd think I'd be far worse. Did my dose of 15mg hydrocodone postpone my withdrawals or could the loperamide and my own personal body chemistry be saving me?

dont get me wrong, I'm uncomfortable, craving, my legs keep going in to that weird position where they're just kicking and curled in to each other and I can't really eat but I'd just think after 6-7 months of banging every single day it'd be much worse.

A .2 bag would be my normal every day to be well. Most days I'd buy a half gram and do it all, rarely saving any unless I knew I had a super important morning and wouldn't have time to cop.

(If this could be moved to OD)

Edit-Fuck it idc if it's anonymous or not, if this could be moved

it's the lope dawg.
it's the lope dawg.

Where do I go from here? 3-5 days on megadose lope and then just abruptly stop? will I experience any withdrawal after? PAWs etc?

I'm craving bad. Like really bad. I'm at work and I'm dead tired but I'm still smiling and relatively happy which is weird.

Edit- my local store sells 72ct bottles of lope for 5 bucks. I've been taking random handfuls of them usually twice a day, once a cohole hours after wake-up and another uncounted Palm full at like 9-10. As long as I'm not combining it with other drugs or alcohol am I alright? How long do I wait after taking them before I can drink?
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Where do I go from here? 3-5 days on megadose lope and then just abruptly stop? will I experience any withdrawal after? PAWs etc?

I'm craving bad. Like really bad. I'm at work and I'm dead tired but I'm still smiling and relatively happy which is weird.

Edit- my local store sells 72ct bottles of lope for 5 bucks. I've been taking random handfuls of them usually twice a day, once a cohole hours after wake-up and another uncounted Palm full at like 9-10. As long as I'm not combining it with other drugs or alcohol am I alright? How long do I wait after taking them before I can drink?

Get lyrica and hydroxyzine. If you have access to lyrica it completely erases the withdrawal. Then you can leave it because it's not an opioid. Once the lope wears off you're back in full withdrawal. It also erases withdrawals but it's just replacing one opioid for another.

Don't drink on lope or take any other depressants. Treat it like any other opioid.
Get lyrica and hydroxyzine. If you have access to lyrica it completely erases the withdrawal. Then you can leave it because it's not an opioid. Once the lope wears off you're back in full withdrawal. It also erases withdrawals but it's just replacing one opioid for another.

Don't drink on lope or take any other depressants. Treat it like any other opioid.

Wait...if I stop taking lope after 5 days on lope no dope I go in to withdrawals? I was under the impression that lope is a magical cure And after 3-5 days on it all physical symptoms will be gone and just PAWs and cravings would be left?
Nope. A few days after lope wears off (it has a long ass half life) you'll be in full blown. Especially at the amounts you're using. Usually people use a little (20 mg) to ease symptoms and maybe use it for a taper. Why do you think it's dubbed OTC methadone?
Nope. A few days after lope wears off (it has a long ass half life) you'll be in full blown. Especially at the amounts you're using. Usually people use a little (20 mg) to ease symptoms and maybe use it for a taper. Why do you think it's dubbed OTC methadone?

I didn't know it was. Is that personal experience? Should I just go back to shooting dope if there's apparently no point in doing what I'm doing?
No. It's factually an opioid. It's not personal experience.

"Loperamide--an opiate receptor agonist with gastrointestinal motility effects."

If you shoot dope now you won't feel it. Lope is like subs and done. It blocks everything else out. You could taper or use the miracle drugs I mentioned. I was just doing dope last week and here I am feeling like a champion on lyrica.

If you wanna shoot dope wait a while until the lope wears off. If you try and shoot through it you risk an overdose.
No. It's factually an opioid. It's not personal experience.

"Loperamide--an opiate receptor agonist with gastrointestinal motility effects."

If you shoot dope now you won't feel it. Lope is like subs and done. It blocks everything else out. You could taper or use the miracle drugs I mentioned. I was just doing dope last week and here I am feeling like a champion on lyrica.

If you wanna shoot dope wait a while until the lope wears off. If you try and shoot through it you risk an overdose.

Fuck my life. There's no way I can find lyrica. God dammnnit feeling hopeless
No need to feel hopeless man. Visit a doctor and grab a script for gabapentin or lyrica. They're not so tightly controlled. You can also measure how much lope you're taking and taper down. I'm always around if you need help.
36 hrs into opiate withdrawal please help

Hey guys as you can tell I'm a greenie. Not sure if this is the best place to post, if it isn't please move to the appropriate forum.
So.... 36 hrs opiate free after a five year solid addiction with no breaks. Was up to 100mg/3xdaily hydro at one point. Weened it down to 55mg in morn and 30mg at night then jumped thirty six hours ago.
So my question is why do I feel better today then yesterday? Only things used for comfort so far has been 5mg val. 4mg immodium, 5mg flexeril( for sleep last night) and .2g rso 3xdaily.

I don't want to press my luck, but I'm wondering if it's possible to have such a mild wd after such a long habit? Or am I going to get hit w acute wd in the next few days? I have to work tomorrow and that will put me right in the 72 hr window. I was hoping the worst would be over by then, but now I'm worried it will hit me at work. I've gone through wds from 1yr 60mg OC/day before and was sick within 24 hrs. Please help me understand this.
Thank you guys in advance.
You can post here anytime and I'll move your thread for you.

Homeless -> Other Drugs (opioid withdrawal megathread)
No problem.

You should refer to my previous posts in this thread on the page before this one regarding loperamide/Imodium. It can, at times, trick you into thinking the withdrawal is milder than it actually is. Of course, it's always possible that isn't the case but just thought I'd give you a heads up.

Other than that, opiate withdrawal is opiate withdrawal and its arrival at full throttle can most definitely always be distinguished. Add to that you've been on them for 5 years, I see no reason that you shouldn't be experiencing classical symptoms. I apologize for the possible perceived lack of bedside manner but I prefer to be upfront.
Upfront and direct are the way to go. I appreciate it. I thought about the Imodium but I've only taken 4 mg. from what I can tell you need a larger dose to take away withdrawal symptoms? I could be wrong though. I fully expected to be an acute withdrawal by now. Especially with my consistent use. The last time I knew for sure that I was in withdrawal. I'm just afraid that it's going to hit me at work tomorrow.
Loperamide is a potent opioid and flexeril potentiates opioids. Again, this is just guess work.

If you want to avoid withdrawal at work, take what you took today and see if you still feel comfortable. You're still not quite at the point where you should be peaking. Feel out the withdrawal tomorrow, if it isn't manageable, taking more loperamide to suppress the withdrawal is always an option.
Can doing small bumps of meth in Am skip over withdraw period for 5 day?
Completely skip over them? Not a chance. But they help a great deal. Do a bluelight search for "amphetamine and opioid withdrawal."

If you are going to use them my best advice would be: watch your blood pressure and watch your dosing. Make sure you have clonidine, a nitrate, or a benzo on hand because opioid withdrawal already causes a massive spike in blood pressure. If you add the stimulation from an amphetamine you could be looking at bad news. Amphetamines also cause anxiety which is all the more reason to keep your dosing in check.