  • Sports & Gaming Moderators: ghostfreak

The Official NFL 2005 Season Thread

Did anyone else watching the NE-Carolina game think it was inexcusable that Belichick didn't challenge the ruling on Brady's "fumble" at the NE 12-yard line?

I mean, you've just gotten back in the game with an interception for a touchdown, stopped the Panthers and regained possession. Why would you allow the momentum to slip away, especially on such a debatable yet clearly tide-turning play, without at least a challenge?

I'm not a Panthers fan, but I have to hand it to them...they did step up, especially after the 2 consecutive horribly blown coverage assignments leading to the easy NE first score. They could have folded up shop at that point, but they didn't. Kudos to them.
^ i dont know why they didnt challange those plays either. It WAS a fumble but i dont know why they didnt challenge the play in the first half on the Carolina TD. Clearly he wasnt in the endzone.

The Pats just seem to be out of it as a whole. They are lucky to be 1-1. If they played a team that had thier act half together in week one, t hey would be 0-2.

At anyrate, Pats fans, get ready for 1-2 after next week.

Steelers are gonna own ya.
Steeltown, bitches!!! Pittsburgh is ready to inflict sweet revenge. Be warned.
Yay, glad to see the Browns whipped Green Bay today!
^STFU!!!! I am so fucking depressed about the Packers this season.... I can barely watch... :(

the Pack turned it around last year. there is no reason why they can't do it again. that game got exciting towards the end. had it not been for that push off in the end zone, there might have been enough time for Farve to score again. he was on a streak.
I guess... They just didn't really pick up what they needed to in the draft. Both the defense and offense are pretty weak... Hopefully they'll pull it together - I *do* think they can, but I'm not getting my hopes up. Fourth and 24, man... fourth and 24... Yuck. :)
The Eagles kicked some major ass today! We came out strong and stayed that way through the whole game. =D
Dilfer sucks as QB, so I dont expect great things from the Brownies this season.
kittyinthedark said:
^STFU!!!! I am so fucking depressed about the Packers this season.... I can barely watch... :(


How can you lose to the brownies like that? Damn!
Dilfer is Cleveland's best quarterback since the Browns returned to the NFL. Sorry BA.

As for Belichek's non-challenge...

I don't really remember seeing any Pats pushing him to throw the flag, nor do I think the replays were shown in time at the stadium before the extra point...a little home cookin' on that front maybe?

I don't think it was clearly a fumble though, as he was on the ground when the ball hit the ground w/ his hand on top of it. Throw that in w/ the fact that it was 1st down and goal and the spot of the ball would've been as close to the goal line as posible w/o actually crossing the plane and the same result is highly likely even w/ a successful challenge.
^^I missed the first challengeable play. I think I was fiddling on the computer atm.

The unchallenged play I was referring to was just before the end of the 3rd quarter, when Brady's attempted pass was ruled a fumble at the NE 12-yard line. Rucker jarred the ball loose as Brady's arm appeared to be in forward motion and Peppers recovered. The Panthers scored 2 plays later and wiped out NE's momentum.

They clearly had time to challenge on the commercial break during the possession changeover. I think replays showed it once or twice before the changeover, and one commentator even questioned it during the replay.

On another note, given the way the Packers are bombing and Rodgers is waiting in the wings on the sidelines, anybody else thinking Favre retires at the end of the season?
i thought he was going to retire at the end of last season. or the season before.
I think that Favre will keep playing on the condition of 2 things:

1) How far the Packers get this post-season
2) If his heart is still in it after this season is over

The way I see it, as long as the Packers O line keeps blocking for him and protecting him, there is no retirement in sight any time soon.
SF 49'rs

they should hang their heads in shame after that game.

But hell, I'm a dallas fan, so lets see whos full of shame after tonights game. lol
^Frankly I can't decide which team has a bigger idiot for an owner.

Both teams have had their problems over the years. The Cowboys with drugs, drinking, and abuse of spouse. The same for the Redskins. Then there was the whole bizarre thing when the Redskins were for sale. Why didn't Cook give the team to his son in his will? The Cowboys - Redskins rivalry is a mere shadow of what it was in the 80's.
congrats to the Bengals for handling the Vikings. they are looking really good so far. I am thinking the Steelers and the Bengals are gonna be goin' at it for boss of the AFC North.

Pats didn't look too strong against the Panthers, the Panther d had Brady guessing all day long.

I cannot wait for the rematch between my Steelers and the Pats, I think the men in gold and black will be bloodthirsty for revenge and their D will hopefully have a great day.

Jesus I love football season.
Haven't seen any posts here in a while.

But I just wanted to point out to everyone that the BUNGALS are 3-0 and in 1st place in the AFC North. And they've been winning pretty soundly.
Who dey, who dey, who dey think gonna beat them Bengals!!!!

And so far Carson Palmer has been the sole reason I'm undefeated so far in fantasy football:)