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The official NBA thread

haha, you are way too harsh on lebron mate, he definately has the potential to be as good as the players you mentioned. He is 6 years younger and his stats compare favourably with Kobe's. Lebron has started every game of his career, basically carrying his team from day one. he isn't the greatest in clutch situations, but could develop that part of his game - given time. it would also be fair to say that he goes to the basket better and that he makes more rebounds and assists than Kobe. i'm not saying he is as good a player just yet because Kobe absolutely dominates when his shot is working, but comparisons between them are certainly not unreasonable.

Nice game against Phoenix today LapDawg. 45 points in the first quarter!
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mark my words: LeBron James will easily surpass the greatness of Kobe Bryant when their careers are finished, in numbers, maybe not in championships.
^ a bold statement, especially in the wake of all this "he's really not shaping up to what we thought he could be" criticism.

Anyone catch the suns/warriors game last night? It's a bit unnerving to see such a great team get rolled over like that. edit: just noticed Diego's comment--yeah I couldn't believe when they were saying that's not even the most points teams have scored in a quarter this year (54) :|
LapDawg said:
C'mon Warriors!!!

I'm telling you all...if the Warriors sneak into that 8 seed...the Mavs are going down in one of the biggest 1st round upsets ever. They don't want none of the Dubs! They've taken 5 of the last 6 meetings including the last 3 in Dallas.

Seriously, if I wasn't already a huge Jazz fan, I'd be on the Warriors bandwagon FO SHO! I love this team! How could you not like the team?!!!

L O V E L I F E said:
That Pistons team was literally the only team in 27 years to win a title without a superduperstar, and, in fact, in at least half of all of those sesons, the NBA champion just happened to be led by the best player in the entire league at that time.

Billups getting a MVP doesn't make him a star?

and as for the LeBron/Clutch debate.. Yes, he hasn't hit the buzzer beat yet.. It's not really a huge issue... Like the star he is, he takes games on his shoulders and carries them so they shouldn't get to a clutch situation..
holy shit, did anyone see the Wizards v Raptors game! I didn't, but i certainly saw the highlights ... OOPS! not so dissimilar from Camby's inbounds pass that lead to the buzzer-beater against Denver the other night.
deeCee said:
Billups getting a MVP doesn't make him a star?

What a remarkably silly question. The answer, of course, is no.

Well, star maybe; but you seem to be missing LL's point. Billups is a workhorse but should never be mentioned in the same breath as Kobe or MJ. He can't take over a game and crush you like a piece of shit.

The Lakers would have a legit shot at the title if they were healthy. How quickly some people forget their stellar start to the season. But Lamar, Kwame and Luke are all playing at a reduced level due to injuries and they won't be able to pick it up by season's end. Next year though... watch out you motherfuckers.

As for Kobe Bryant, it is so ridiculous how good this man is. You've never seen someone play at this calibre. He wants to fucking kill motherfuckers on the court. And clutch... well, how about two buzzer beaters against Portland, one in regulation to send it to overtime, then one in overtime to win it. How about that three he just dropped on Houston on the Kwame Brown missed free throw to send it to overtime? How about all those shots LL mentioned? He's unbelievable. You cannot stop him. Jerry Buss said that any team with Kobe Bryant has a legit shot at a title at any given time and Dr. Buss is no dummy.

I've always loved Kobe. I've always hated Shaq. If I was the President of Iran and the NBA suspended Kobe again I would immediately launch nuclear missiles at Israel and invade Iraq. I think I have a man crush on Kobe Bryant. What he does is incredible, and he's always done this. Let's not forget the streak of 9 games scoring 40+ in 2003. And I love that so many people hate on him, because you all look stupid now. You stupid babies. Eat shit glowbug.

If only the Lakers could play some fucking defense. Kobe should be taking about 90% of this team's shots. If you don't agree, then shut up because you are wrong. Jesus Christ. I am overwhelmed with emotion.
Axl Blaze said:
mark my words: LeBron James will easily surpass the greatness of Kobe Bryant when their careers are finished, in numbers, maybe not in championships.

Wilt Chamberlain and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar surpassed EVERYBODY in numbers.

And not even their respective mothers would consider either of them to be the best player of all time.

It's easy to pile up numbers when you're by far the best player on a non-elite team.

Check out Sprewell's stats in his early Warriors seasons.

I'm not saying LeBron's not great - he most certainly is - but he can't score like Kobe, he can't play D like Jordan or Kobe, he can't pass like Magic, he hasn't yet proven he's consistently clutch, and he hasn't come CLOSE to winning a title.

He's got a fantastic all-around game, no doubt . . . but so does Gilbert Arenas, and so did Dominique Wilkins.
^only because it's THE FUCKING EAST. :D Who's going to step up? Mikki Moore? Nachbar? Heheheh

Goddamnit Lakers! Take care of business...the Warriors need you to win! :(

And deeCee...the JAZZ?!?!? For shame...FOR SHAME! ;)
Well my first ever NBA game that I watched was Jazz vs Seattle in the early/mid 90's.. (when Kemp was good) The Jazz won, and I was hooked. But I still had a spot for the Warriors after then too.. I liked the Mullin/Hardaway tandem..

But Fuck the jazz are falling on there arse quickly.. Hopefully it's the old, better losing games before then finals then during the finals.. I hope the whole houston team is injured in the playoffs ;) :p

LOVELIFE, I thought your opinion was credible until you said beware of the nets.. :/
If I was involved in a Game Seven, tied, going into the fourth quarter, I would rather have Jason Kidd than Lebron James leading my team, by a landslide.
They have to get to a game seven. Which they wont.

So the Jazz are frustrating the hell out of me.. Beating Dallas (no stack, terry or dampier), I thought me might start to turning things around. But then that was all over the next day with a spanking by the Suns. We prove that we can beat them by winning the season series against them. But that will mean fuck all next week.

My Jazz vs. Bulls bet is going down the gurgler.. We're up by 1 game, with Portland and Houston to go... While the Bulls have Washington and NJ to go... :\
well kobe scored another 50 points to clinch a playoff spot for the lakers woot.

did anyone read about tim duncan gettin ejected for laughin on the bench ? i was just reading about it on yahoo sports. what was that all about ? duncan says the ref wanted to fight him. anyways ima look out for that on sportscenter.
The next few days are very interesting given the playoff preview games - Mavs @ GS, Bulls @ Jersey, Nuggets @ Spurs, Rockets @ Jazz and even Toronto @ Detroit. Kobe is unbelievable, but he will have to have to shoot another ten 50+ games if the Lakers are to make the conference finals and it is hard to see them winning a series v Dallas or Phoenix at the moment. I have a soft spot for the Clippers and although they beat the top 2 seeds in the west this season, the Warriors will probably mount a more competitive challenge in the playoff's, so i'm kinda torn over who i'll be cheering for over the next few days even though the Clips chances are grim given they are a game behind with 2 left and go to Phoenix next. Suns v Warriors would be an awesome series though and they did sweep Dallas (albeit in 2 games).

My Rockets aren't looking like championship material, but i'm hoping that homecourt advantage will give us a confidence boosting win over Utah who are in a tailspin (sorry decee), and we could be a rough hope against Dallas if we fire. Denver averaged just 81 points against the Spurs in 2 this season and despite supposedly being the 'sleeper' team given a recent streak, Camby's awesome form, Melo pouring them in and Iverson starting to find his feet - they will have to dictate and shoot very well in order to win.

East positions aren't clinched, but I was really looking forward to the wizards going deep on the back of clutch-master Arenas; now they should be an easy kill even though they've played some ok basketball since losing him and Butler. The east is wide open and i'd expect to see Detroit against Bulls/Jersey in the conference finals. Would love to see the Raptors make a run though.
Diego Blunt said:
My Rockets aren't looking like championship material, but i'm hoping that homecourt advantage will give us a confidence boosting win over Utah who are in a tailspin (sorry decee)

See, what I don't get is, that Utah should be the fourth seed, cause they won a division title. Except all the articles I've read say the rockets have the homecourt.. But all the standings I've seen on various site's still state Utah as fourth.
its because of the complete dominance of the texas triangle.

the league set it up so that the division leaders would be in the top 4 spots simply for seeding/matchup issues

but it would be unfair to give them homecourt advantage if they didn't perform as well during the season

its just to create a more even distribution of power so that if one divison had all really shitty teams, they wouldn't have to face the likes of dallas, phoenix, SA for years, constantly being elminated in the first round
Fear Kobe.

Yes, he is *that* good.

He can win a championhip by himself.

Shame they play the best team in the NBA in Round One, but I for one, am intrigued.

Fear Kobe.
im sorry but kobe cant win a championship if he is triple teamed. no one person can ever win a championship