The Official Ketamine (K) Thread

^ doesn't everyone? i know i do. i wish i could find the ~175mg that i misplaced. maybe i should clean my room :\
New England packs have been coming out of the jar into a poland spring bottle. And I mean as far as the last time I've purchased its always been liquid in some type of water bottle only a few times have I got the vile. ketamina was probably the last
alot of K in LA. its fucking really dank. its human K and it comes in pwder form precooked. one line had me sooooo gone. lol =D
eye kant spehll said:
alot of K in LA. its fucking really dank. its human K and it comes in pwder form precooked. one line had me sooooo gone. lol =D

damn...I guess I'm gonna have to start asking around then.
My experience with human K aka Ketalar was a 50ml bottle that cooked down to the same amount as a 10ml of Ketaset and that is because the amount of Ketamine within, which was 10ml. Be sure to read the bottle for Ketamine content if you get the chance to buy one.
Cooked a bot last night cuz I might eat some beans at event name removed. Did a line to gauge it. WHOA! I now remember that I only like K while on E.

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iunno what other ppl in the GTA have been seeing but K has really changed in the past couple of years. i remember back in 2005/2006 all the K i seen was small sliver-like clear shards/crystals. but recently, its been looking like coke.

white powder. but even when it looks crystally, once you break it up, its white powder. still tastes like K, but now takes larger amounts to get high...i remember doing tiny ass bumps and getting fucked, now its like massive lines...and my tolerance aint high at all...i dont do K a lot. seems to be cut with a lot of crap right now.
I think alot of the K we see in the US now is imported from over seas, illegally, by the drum load. Where as before it was alot more common to run into veterinary vials and have to cook it down yourself.

IME street K does tend to be weaker and require more than pharmaceutical K.
But strangely enough the pharm K i had was a fine powder than stung real sharply when snorted where as the street K i get is crystal and doesnt burn as bad.

i love pharmaceutical K as much as the next guy, but i'll settle for what i can get :\
The stuff is no where and I mean no where in the cincinnati area. I know alot of people and in the wide spectrum of drugs this is the only one I can't find. when I am offered DMT and still can't find K its a problem.
tripkeeper said:
The stuff is no where and I mean no where in the cincinnati area. I know alot of people and in the wide spectrum of drugs this is the only one I can't find. when I am offered DMT and still can't find K its a problem.

QFT same here man.
Tiesto said:
iunno what other ppl in the GTA have been seeing but K has really changed in the past couple of years. i remember back in 2005/2006 all the K i seen was small sliver-like clear shards/crystals. but recently, its been looking like coke.

white powder. but even when it looks crystally, once you break it up, its white powder. still tastes like K, but now takes larger amounts to get high...i remember doing tiny ass bumps and getting fucked, now its like massive lines...and my tolerance aint high at all...i dont do K a lot. seems to be cut with a lot of crap right now.

Agreed. Shittiest of the shit K in the Toronto area
anyone know of any K in the Northwest? specifically washington? i did some in canada recently and really wanna find some now! i'm giong to a festival in a month though, so it might be floating around there.
crazydiamond79 said:
last lick i had was that japanese shit, and it sucked compsred to ketaset, haven't seen it since

ketaset ftw
kzorro said:
How much K is in one of those $100 vials? I have the opportunity to get a vial from so cal, and I have the choice of either a $100 vial or a $45 vial, but no one will tell me exactly how much K is in either one.

Most of the "10 ml" bottles SWIM comes across actually dry out averaging 1.2. When they're syphoned from legit vendors. So that might be why they're a little more.