the official debate thread: no holds barred-> which genre sux/rules?

Amem......deep dark and dirty DnB.
- J Flip -
"If it ain't bout some JUNGLE, then it ain't bout me!"
Nimby, just because you you refuse to refer to it as Happy Hardcore (I've also heard the term Happycore) doesn't mean that the rest of the world has to follow your example. People use the term Happy Hardcore to describe the stuff - sorry, the fucking horrible shit - that Anabolic Frolic, Hixxy, Dougal, etc. spin...They use the term to make a distinction between what these DJs play now and what the likes of Slipmatt, Fabio or Mickey Finn played back in '92 (which, as you pointed out, was then known just as rave or hardcore music (or 'ardcore if you were from Essex)).
Anyway, there is a type of Music out there that everyone (but you) calls Happy Hardcore. And it's very, very bad music indeed.
ahh yes while being an advocate of trance myself, i honestly think the future will be the sasha and digweed type trance, that nice 128 to 130 bpm, sets that go for like 7 to 8 hours and buildups that last like 4 minutes, its fanbase grows every day and with people like timo maas and danny teneglia and others putting out incredible mixes its going to be the wave of the future.
Vinyl = GOOD!!!
A good way to threaten somebody is to light a stick of dynamite. Then you call the guy and hold the burning fuse up to the phone. "Hear that?" you say.
"That's dynamite, baby."
Too bad you can't buy a voodoo globe so that you could make the earth spin real fast and freak everybody out.
QUOTE: PvD on the T-word
"I'm not happy about that [association],especiallybecause there are a hell of a lot of cheesy trance records. There are so many cheesy trance records and i don't want to be related to them. I'd never play something like ATB. I don't want to be the leader of the trance nation if this is their music. Fuck it! There's good and bad records. the music I play when I DJ is mainly electronic music, and I think it's important to listen to other types of music, too. I don't want to have this kind of limitation to trance."
Trance is so versatile, as my man puts it, there should be no limitation, but there is a lot of garbage out there. This applies to any type of music, not just electronica. (so to say that ATB sucks is o.k., because they do, to PvD anyways.)
dj petty
Wow, talk about organizing a stone throwing competition in your glass mansion...
so what if ATB is cheesy, or in some people's opinons they suck. to other's (such as myself) it's good music. don't get me wrong, PvD is a superior artist...and i highly repect his music....and he is right when he says there is alot of garbage trance, as well as garbage electronic music in general.....but to pinpoint one artist's work and call that garbage is as low and shallow in my opinion as armand van heldon (yet another incredible artist) putting down an entire genre. these artists that are making it big are getting these big heads and egos making it out to be like they are untouchable....they think they have the right to diss other artists or genres when in all reality they should be taking the time to recognize that it exists because SOMEONE LIKES IT! i swear a big head and ego-trips will be the downfall of these major artists.
BTW ABFU123: did you get that out of the mixer article?
basic its only called happy hardcore because its a nick name. its really hardcore. you think oldschool was called oldschool when it was new? nope
yeah people call it happy hardcore to distinguish between the current and old sound of hardcore..and actually the 'happy' phaze is kinda running dry. people call the new style of hardcore freeform but its still hardcore. anyway someone try to find the mp3 of d-cypols 'our crew' mix. youll see that hardcore 'happy' or whatever you wanna call it isnt all cheesy. true there is alot of cheese out there that i wouldnt even touch and im the cheese god. and true its not all good and some does downright blow but come on no music is so unbearable that you have to get your knickers all in a bunch over. (even rap (^_^)...the key to remember is that hardcore has just as much kick ass songs as the cheese just dont hear them a lot because mainly the only hardcore cds easy to get here are the happy 2b hardcore. they are straight fruity. still somewhat tolerable but go out and get one of the 'world of//' cds. there are several. get the sy & unkniwn or scott brown disk and youll see what i mean
luv yall
remember..hardcore is the only true rave sound left
Hey, I loved (what is now old-school) hardcore when it was around (and I was 17), but I've moved on since then, and so have producers and DJs. Music evolves, and electronic music evolves particularly quickly. You could hear good hardcore in '92, because people with taste and talent were still making and playing it then. These days, the people with taste and talent are making and playing techno, house, garage and d+b. Maybe there are a few good producers being deliberately retro and making good hardcore, but I don't know their stuff. All I hear of are the likes of Anabolic Frolic, Hixxy, Dougal - and I stand by may statement that the shit they play is fucking terrible (particularly Anabolic Frolic).
true they do throw down more crummy stuff than the others. either way i dont want you to feel like im trying to tear ya down or anhthing. you like what you like, i like what i like and we will be buddies that way
but ill always love the hardcore

nu skool breaks is my favorite...most of trance is boring to me (cept for hard) and is only good for going to sleep...ambient doesn't deserve to be called techno...jungle is is too close to disco...hhc is good ONLY when i'm rolling face, if i'm not then it's sacrine crap.
Thanks for not 'tearing me down' Nimby (I'd insert a smiley face at this point, but I once promised never to use them).
You're right though, Hardcore - provided it's done well - can be a lot of fun, that's why it's so annoying that the majority of the DJs/producers that get props are of such low quality. Check the Old School links I posted in the music FAQ, and you'll find a couple of classics.
Actually, don't bother - here's the links: Back to the old school (tunes are in the history archive) and Old Skool Flava...
And here's two of my all time favorite hardcore tracks:
Jonny L 'Hurt you so'
Darkman 'Strings of Darkness'
[This message has been edited by basic (edited 21 July 2000).]
heheh nice pic true

oh this youll like dj kaos (the guy responsible for 90% of the the hardcore rips of 80s songs)now has a new label out in th uk called 'hooligans'. this time he rips of oldschool hardcore tunes.. hahah this guy is a nut
but the rips sound pretty cool. i liked his 80s cheese he redid but it was getting real old. its cool hes riping oldschool now
go to and look in the hardcore audio section to hear them. this is also a good site for anyone who want to see how hardcore has and is evolving. there is the hardcopre section (ihappy i suppose :p) and oldschool and freeform.
i feel all should give them a listen
later gang
deep dark dnb!!!!!!!!!! Trance/House music just simply sucks. It's too damn slow to dance to! Anytime I have the misfortune to have to walk through a house room I feel like I'm in slow motion. And EVERYTHING sounds the same!!
At least jungle/dnb is constantly evolving. If you listen to a house/trance track from a few years ago, it sounds like a brand new one.
Just some of my thoughts =) Feel free to bash or support.
)( eCLYPSe )(
I'll take that statement on. First off, I love D&B, been listening to it for six years. To say that its the constantly evolving may not entirely correct, especially in regards to the "deep,dark" stuff. How many times have you heard the trace amen recycled, wobbly baselines are everwhere. To my ears, it doesnt seem like theres much progression going on these days. Everything sounds like cyber heavy metal to me, which is alright, but not much in the way of progression is going on.
[This message has been edited by PhysicalGraffiti (edited 22 July 2000).]
WELL I just got back from cyberest but i take back anything i mean anything bad i have ever said against trance muzik. i have never really heard any really good trance djs live until today. Chris Lawrence is tha shit. hes tha man right there hes is fuckin awesome. so every1 dont judge a dj by their album because yeah a lot of albums suck but they might be tha shit live. like i hated most trance djs but after tonight tha shit just blew me away.
but aphrodite blew me up like "whoa"
"You mean we're smokin dog shit man??"
[This message has been edited by LiQuid_Rollz (edited 23 July 2000).]
[This message has been edited by LiQuid_Rollz (edited 23 July 2000).]
Jungle/IDM/DnB/some hardcore... The harder and faster, the better. Also progressive trance... "Communicate" has literally perfect mixes.
N-Sync? Man, you don't have a clue....N-Sync totally rip off the Backstreet Boys...if you knew anything about music you'd know that. Backstreet Boys fuckin' RULE!!!!!!