the official debate thread: no holds barred-> which genre sux/rules?

Another point:
While I don't particularly care for much of ATB's music myself, I don't think it's very professional of BT or Paul Van Dyk to publicly bash another producer. Not to mention the fact that most of the stuff these two have put out is happy sappy pappy fluff trance with about as much bite as a toothless 80 year old grandma with Parkinson's.
Those comments might have a little more meaning if they came from someone like Christopher Lawrence or "00" Flemming, but I think these guys have far too much class to be doing any of that sort of shit talking.
I think intelligent discussion is fine, as long as people can keep their sense of humour and it doesn't degrade into petty name calling.
You idiot!!!
hee hee
I checked out a Pleiadians track (called Meter - track 4 from that 'Family Of Light' thing you mentioned), and I have to say that I didn't care for it very much. I can't deny that it was fairly....uh....complex (in that it was mulitlayered and had a lot going on), but overall I found it to be rather boring. The sounds were all ones I had heard before a million times, the bassline was unimaginative, the drum-programming was pedestrian, and they don't seem to be doing anything production wise that Eat Static didn't do (better) in 1994. Just not my cup of tea. Sorry.
Well, I didn't think you'd be too much into the Pleiadians, but I do still suggest you check out X-Dream - "Radio". They tend to be more towards the "techno" end of the Goa spectrum.
Stan C - I'll keep an eye out for X Dream, believe it or not, I am pretty open to new stuff...
Yashu - below are a couple of links to some techno/tech-house tracks that I think are worth checking...they're RealAudio, so the sound quality won't be great (plus they're just two minute excerpts I got from the Satellite Records site) - but hopefully you won't find all of them to be plastic...
Technasia - 'Force'
Mr. C - 'Searching'
UK Gold - 'Materials'
Paul Kalkbrenner - 'DB+ EP'
Question - '5th Question' and '6th Question'
Surgeon - 'East Light EP'
002A (User) - '002a'
Cari Lekebusch - 'Free from Form'
Samuel L. Sessions - 'A Bastards work is never done'
DJ Shufflemaster - 'Weekender'
[This message has been edited by basic (edited 20 July 2000).]
Thanks, I'll check those tracks out....
I might post a few damn good trance songs not too many people have heard of (aren't we tired of system f - out of the blue yet?? hehe... )
and if I like any... I'll get the Mp3, cause RA sounds completely awfull...
There are a few HHC tracks that are funky. i have a few.
but i wasnt really talking about HHC being funky i meant like house n jungle bein funky. thats tha kind of funk i like in muzik...
"You mean we're smokin dog shit man??"
Stan C: thank you, somebody who knows what he's talking about. I have both Pleiadians' albums and I think they are pure genius.
You can never fully appreciate their songs in a few sittings. The more you listen, the more you pick up.
Basic: Listen to Pleiadians - Headspin
Meter sounded boring to me at first too, but I'm picking up more "minimal" elements in it and I am starting to like it. Kind of ironic how you can't appreciate the minimalism in it. Not all psytrance is super complex.
Oh and a quote from Pleiadians - Family of Light ..
"Unity towards complexity".
Armand Van Helden can suck my @!&%.
He's one of the worst producers ever IMO.
Funny how that shitty-ass Witchdoctor song from way back is better than his new stuff.
He's just pissed cause nobody is asking his "hiphop wannabee" ass to DJ anywhere, while all the trance djs are loaded on global gigs. Keep bitching Armand hahah.
Stan C, if you like shpongle, check out eclipse, its some more out there stuff by simon. and i agree that electronic music is not currently pushing any boundaries, but in my opinion it should. not like, "wow, ive seen god" boundaries, but like, heres a new beat structure, heres a new sound, heres a new machine, heres a new program. it has gotten pretty stagnant, but there is still some really cool new stuff coming out. im excited to hear the new anokha comp. (if it ever comes out), it should be good.
Maybe 'meter' does improve with repeated listening, but the bassline and drum programming would stick in my head too much for the other sounds to register properly (I really don't like trance basslines very much)...
I've heard a lot of stuff like that before and I'm just not into it any more - I used to pretty into hard acid- trance/techno (one-time HUGE Spiral Tribe fan; of both the sound system and production stuff). Of course, I got fucked up a lot more (and a lot more often) in those days as well...
I love dark drum and bass, the stuff that just gets into your head. I also like really tweaky sounding techno, acid, etc. (Josh Wink, Plastikman/Richie Hawtin...)
The thing with Goa is the melody is usually more prominent than the bass-line. In fact, in a good number of tracks, the bass-line is almost undiscernable (is that a word?!?) from all the other noises, which is one of the reasons why it's so @#%#$^ hard to mix! :p So, if all you're concentrating on is the beat in Goa, (or Trance) then you're missing the whole point!
I think that's the reason why a lot of people can't get into Goa or Trance, because they're more "beat oriented" people. I, myself am more of a melody oriented person, and Goa can be the most melodic form of electronic (or any type) of music, which is why I prefer to listen to it.
"Gimme a muthafuckin beat
Gimme a muthafuckin beat
Gimme a muthafuckin beat
Gimme a muthafuckin breakbeat" each there own
call me basic but I just love : Hard House from labels like Deeper and Xtreme and of course Hard trance. Basically anything hard with the listener in mind. I love intelligent, innovative force laden beats, guys like Mike Ski.
call me basic but I just love : Hard House from labels like Deeper and Xtreme and of course Hard trance. Basically anything hard with the listener in mind. I love intelligent, innovative force laden beats, guys like Mike Ski.
heheh i know i should stay away from this thread because me and jflip are gonna start ripping each other again but.....come on people hardcore is not bad...and stop calling it "happy" hardcore..thers no such thing..its either..hardcore, oldschool, freeform, speedcore or terrorcore ok?!?!? learn what you are talking about! ok??? please! and stop just going oh its sooo cheesy blah blah blah when youve probably only heard anabolics cds...which even i will say suck! and yes jungle came from hardcore (oldschool) so give some respect to your roots guys
its the most fun music to dance to because you move a lot and stuff
i was at a party a few weeks ago..well actually this applies to all parties ive been to that had hardcore djs..only one or two get booked and the rest are jungle and techno djs yet for some mysterious reason the dancefloors are pretty empty and boring looking until the hardcore starts then the whole place comes alive.
now i know im gonna get reamed for this post so let me set this straight......i do not hate other styles of music..i have the most respect for everyone and their tastes. difference is what makes it fun. but just dont go around ragging on something until youve heard more than maybe 3 or 4 cds worth. there is a TON more hardcore out there. its been around since the beginning of the rave scene back when it was just 'rave' music.
we need to have all different tyoes of music present at parties...just dont puch us hardcore kids in the back into a corner and make fun of us...(well you can do it to the candy kids...egh they are half the reason hardcore gets no luv)

anyway thats my 2 cents. please dont rag me. if you wanna debate fine...if you wanna name call then ok.. ill do it for a bit but that just gets old

ta ta
jared DJ nimby
HARDCORE: the last of the TRUE rave sound ;p
hey... us trance-heads are left out of parties too... like I said... I have never been to a party with a real trance room... (maybe one trance DJ spinning in the house room... but no more)
jungle I love... but house gets so tiring so fast... where the hell is all the trance at raves? (or atleast ones here down in texas)
No comment.
- J Flip -
"If it ain't bout some JUNGLE, then it ain't bout me!"
Big up d'all jungle raver in da place!!
Full ahead, deep, dark and dangerous drum and bass!
<You never know where your boundries are 'till you cross them!>