  • Sports & Gaming Moderators: ghostfreak

the official 10-11 NBA thread ver. LIKE A BOSH

That's great and all, but your 4th best player wouldn't get on the floor if he was with Dallas. Don't get me wrong, that is going to end up being the most feared trio of all time. They are to be feared right now even. But Dallas has a team. From top to bottom Dallas won't have a scrub on the floor. Halsem is ok, same with Miller, but they haven't showed up except Halsem for two games recently. Miller might has well be a paper weight. Dallas bench is so much better that they can compensate for the Miami Thrice. Dirk is also playing better than anyone in the game right now, make no mistake about that. I'm not saying it will be easy, but Dallas will pull this out, hell or high water.

You underestimate the Haslem. Dude doesn't put up crazy statistics, but the combination of him and Joel Anthony on the pick-and-roll is deadly.

Also, I expect to see the return of James Jones (The Bulls had his number) and potentially Dampier. Heat can run the 10 deep on you effectively. Our bench has been underestimated all year, but they are a large part of what got us through Chicago.
Another funny Chris Bosh pic:


The Chris Boshtrich
I know all about Dampier. Good luck with that. He's good for one big screaming dunk a game and that's about it. He's a big body to take fouls. Joel Anthony is a good defensive center, but Dallas has two that are far better. On D and O. Dallas has the upper hand on the 5 and the 1, while Miami has an advantage at the two and three, and a push at the four depending if Lebron is playing power forward or small forward. Starting line ups are tilted to Miami, but not an extreme amount. The bench is were Dallas has a massive advantage. Barea, Haywood, and JET are all starters on other teams. Hell, Peja might even start on a couple of teams. Dallas always has good defense and great offense on the floor. When Miamis bench gets on the floor, there is a much larger drop off in talent and skill.
Dirk Nowitzki shot 39% against the Heat this season.

Jason Terry shot 33% against the Heat this season.

The last time the Heat beat the Mavs, Pluto was a planet.
So, since none of my teams made it to the finals and the Heat managed to win the east despite every fiber of my being wishing against it, I will be pulling for Dallas in the finals. As long as gravity is in effect and Dirk is allowed to fall backwards for every shot, they will have no problem winning it.

@3,4-Dihydro- My roommate and I always discuss Chris Bosch looking like a Raptor, though the Ostrich comparison still gave me lulz. There is some undeniable reptilian quality to his features.
@3,4-Dihydro- My roommate and I always discuss Chris Bosch looking like a Raptor, though the Ostrich comparison still gave me lulz. There is some undeniable reptilian quality to his features.

Well, technically there are more structural similarities between dinosaurs and birds than between dinosaurs and reptiles. But he does have that kind of face that is very easy to create memes out of.
I just heard the other day that courtside seats for the Miami home Finals games are going for about $43,000 a pop. Holy shit.
I just heard that Dwight Howard has a hard-on for big D and would like to come here. According to his agent, Lakers Nets Knocks or Dallas. And his agent is also Shawn Marion's and Jason Terry's agent. Do-Jo Roddy B, 2 1st rounders and possibly a Barea and or Haywood. That would be amazing to add him to an aging Dallas roster. Dirk, Kidd, Caron Butler, Marion and Howard. That's damn near Miami 2.0.
I think Howard ends up in Chicago. He has a whole season to demand a trade, and Noah and Boozer are not bad in exchange for a Howard who isn't going to be there anyways.

Boozer needs to get out of Chicago. He is not a great fit. Noah is an outstanding fit, but a D-Rose + D-Howard combo along with Deng and a solid bench would be every bit as scary as The Heat, if not more so. I really hope it doesn't happen, but I don't see Dwight joining an aging team with The Heat to contend with until Wade gets too old to play.
If Howard comes to Dallas, he knows Cuban will do whatever is necessary to get more stars around him. Cuban is as good an owner, and as big a spender, as any in the league and Howard knows that. That's why Dirk stayed here. He knew Cuban and Nelson would do everything possible to make sure Dallas stayed a true contender.
If Howard comes to Dallas, he knows Cuban will do whatever is necessary to get more stars around him. Cuban is as good an owner, and as big a spender, as any in the league and Howard knows that. That's why Dirk stayed here. He knew Cuban and Nelson would do everything possible to make sure Dallas stayed a true contender.

No doubt, but considering I think it will likely be done by trade, what does Dallas have to offer Orlando? Nobody wants to be the Cavs or Raptors and get nothing. If a team so much as thinks their star player is leaving, they will probably trade, and Chicago has the most to offer both parties right now. If Cuban really wants Dwight in Dallas, he better get Dirk to get into Dwight's ears right now. Cause Chicago is way greener pastures.

As a Heat fan, I would rather Howard go to Dallas than to Chicago as well. It seems like less of a long term threat to us. What do you do with your guard positions with the best center and maybe the best power forward in the league on the same team? It leaves a lot of vulnerabilities. It might be the anti-Heat, with that kind of ability to clog the lanes, but some outside shooting team would probably take them out before they really got a chance at us again.
Outside shooting would be an issue for any team not named the Mavericks. If Dallas gives up it's two young prospects, plus Barea and Haywood and two 1s, they still have Peja and Jet off the bench with Stevenson for that perimeter shooting. Along with Chandler if they can resign him off the bench. Barea will be a hot commodity in the offseason. Roddy B might be the quickest player in the NBA with a huge amount of unharnessed talent. Dominic Jones is a player many thought would be a lottery pick if not for his injury late last year. Dallas has young potential to offer. And of course, money. Dallas will eat a huge contract in return as well, and for a small market team, you can't ever underestimate that. Dirk for three more years, atleast, of his prime with Howard. Marion can still ball for a couple years, and Jason Kidd is a freak of nature. They can both play two more years at a high level.

Chicago would be a great fit for Howard as well, but Howard doesn't want to go there. He only wants the Lakers, Nets, Knicks, or Dallas. Nets would be a great fit too. Deron Williams with Howard would be an incredible 1-2 punch. And the Knicks. Man.. If the Knicks get Howard... Watch out Miami. You aren't winning 7 rings if they can manage to get Howard. That would be the true big three. The best trio ever assembled if that happened. Well, maybe not the best, but the most talented and dangerous.
finals are about to start. really looking foreword to this series.
Miami wins game three. I don't think they will get game two. I believe Dallas takes game 2,4,5 and I hope game six.
funny stat: Miami has not shot 38% and won this year, until last night.

Miami will not shoot 38% again this series. Nor will the Mavs shoot 37%

also: Wade and Lebron made 4 free throws, combined!
The worst thing possible happened to Dallas. The big three played as a team. No one tried to take over. 23, 22, 20. That is bad news if Miami keeps doing that. JET won't score 0 in the second half again, even with Lebron on him like white on rice. Stink on shit. Cheese on macaroni. White trash on Jerry Springer. Flys on trash. An Ethiopian on a cheeseburger. Lebron is good. Wade better. That team is sick.
Since I'm probably not going to be able to post til tomorrow night after it is too late, I want to state here and now that even though I believe the Heat kill it in this series, if any team truly deserves to win it would be the Mavs. I feel bad for old folks like Kidd and Dirk who will probably retire without a ring, even though they deserve the fuck out of it.

On the other hand, in the name of being a sports fan, I politely ask you Mavs fans to go fuck yourselves ;)

But seriously, if we do lose, at least it isn't to a bunch of assholes like the Celtics (motherfuck them classless ass motherfuckers) or a younger team like the Bulls, which would have ruined any chance of a dynasty. Boozer and Noah are douches, but the rest of that team had some class, especially Rose. Even Noah showed some in the end. He hugged the Heat players while Boozer left the court like a bitch. Even so, a guy as humble as Rose deserves it. His attitude reminds me of a young D-Wade, a guy who didn't let all this superstar bullshit get to his head and turn him into an asshole.
im really tired of watching games that have 43 fouls called in them. shits lame

Thats the one thing I really dislike about watching basketball. Too many fouls that stop the game for like 2 minutes each time.

That and my team is awful.