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The Most Addictive Psychedelic


Jan 17, 2006
Most addictive psy i've encountered is undoubtedly Ketamine, people can get in a right mess with that stuff! Any other ones to be cafeful of?
I've found AMT to be potentially psychologically addictive. Also, nitrous.
I wouldn't really consider k to be psychedellic, it's far more of a dissasociative.
k is hella addictive lol i would know, wow that was a big habit.

i didnt think psychs could really be addictive? even psychologically...altho i hear 2cb is pretty euphoric, maybe that could lead to execessive use? but i have no idea really
Psychedelic addiction is not based on pharmacological issues (as far as I can tell), but on willpower. If you get to a point (usually with frequent tripping) where tripping is really fun with no downsides, and they start to be come your favorite recreational drug experiences, then it can lead to a strong desire to use them, depending on the type of person you are (addictive personality).
Seems like the duration and nature of trytamines makes them pretty low for addictive potential. Disscosiatives on the other hand...
Well ket isn't physically addictive (if it was I'd be in deep shit after my recent excesses that have had to be reined in... 20g+ in a month isn't big or clever), but in terms of psychological addiction, it's like no other drug I've ever experienced. The compulsion to redose is like I've heard other people talk about fiending for coke
I have never actually had a full blown "k-hole" experience (I've only snorted it in lower dosages than needed for a k-hole)

I would say for me the most addictive psychedelic is LSD. It's so fun I always want to do it again.

If MDMA and Cannabis also count, those two would be the most addicting for me.
OP, are you talking about physical or psychological addiction? as far as i know by nature, none are physically addictive. or am i wrong??
yeah when I had lots of easy access to LSD I tripped every three days whether I really needed to or not.Anything fun can be addictive
most addictive would be MDMA/MDA IMO, or other similer compounds. I wouldnt say they are realy physicaly addictive but they do cause physical dependantcy.

Or DXM, Iv seen alot of people become dependant apon that. N20 IMO is to short lived to become addicted to, though Iv seen it when tanks are involved...
Although I don't think any of the classic psychedelics are physically addicting, some have a greater potential for psychological "addiction" that others.

I would probably say, K, MDA/MDMA, aMT, methylone, 2C-B could be included in that list (2C-B and aMT being the only classic psychedelics).

I've never tried K, methylone or aMT though, so just basing my opinion on what others have said.

I remember D.M. Turner saying something to the effect of "DMT told me that Ketamine was a frankenstein molecule that doesn't obey the rules of the regular psychedelics, if you keep using it, it will kill you..." Then on new years eve when he took it in the bathtub (dissociatives in the bath tub, bad idea) it did kill him.
just looked over in erowid, and in the ketamine discussion they call it one of the few addictive psychedelics...still looking for others that cause a physical dependency
I would say the 2c class for me, they just seemed great because they didn't last for 8+ hours, so I could dose without worrying about work the next day. Also I always seemed to feel great after doing them, minus the 2c-t-7. That sorta made me depressed for a bit.
I would have to agree with some of the comments on the 2C-x class. With 2C-B especially, we had a rather large amount of it, and used it daily, multiple times a day in fact (almost exclusively insufflation), taking a day break here and there... That lasted for 3-4 weeks. I'm really ashamed of those times, but I must say it was a blast while it was happening.. Then I had pretty bad 2C-B like hallucinations for a few weeks after, mainly LONG tracers and colors were off or brighter for awhile. Now because of that I would never touch 2C-B again, just kind of feel gross thinking about it..

I also did 2C-E about 5 times in a week the first week I got it, then I haven't really used but once or twice since then.

K, while a dissociative many still consider it psychedelic 'enough' to just kind of lump it all together in a general term (GENERAL). By that I simply mean I can say, I prefer psychedelics and don't really use any other drugs, while lumping K and N2O into there as well).. Anyway, I've never found K to be addictive, but I can see the potential.

I can agree with AMT as well, the first time I used it I re-dosed on the comedown, made for a shitty second comedown. This experience also tainted AMT much in the same way last summer did for 2C-B. However, I'm willing to give AMT another shot, just the nausea at first, and feeling 'toxic' at the end kind of turns me off. -Note- I've used AMT more than a few times, and most every time I get that toxic feeling at the end.

Now I wouldn't really consider any true psychedelic addictive (to me at least), and by true I mean skip the K and N2O for this. I don't like to trip as often anymore, so that kind of prevents me from doing anything too often. In fact I have a decent amount of stuff that I need to try because I've had it for too long and haven't yet, lol.