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The MDxx Discussion Thread Number 2

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Yes Auyuhasca is mixed with a natural MAIO inhibitor witch stops the liver from breaking down the DMT making it last for hours depending on dosage.If u want a good watch,watch metamorphosis its a doco about 5-8 people who have bad problems in there life anxity ect ect they go into the amazon jungle and dose Auyuhasca for like a week solid with this sharmin and they all come out of it with there problems cured its a fucking amzing doco 1 bloke has really fucked up xma and comes out of it perfectly fine........sorry for off topic post mods :)

Yeah this is correct, if you look up Ayahuasca on Erowid you'll probably be able to find a list of plants used as sources for the DMT and the MAOI. DMT is inactive when taken orally unless it's combined with an MAOI, either naturally as in Ayahuasca or with a synthetic MAOI in what some call 'pharmahuasca'.
I've had DMT trips last a good 15-20 mins before man,My mate took a fucking huuuge dose of DMT on a sunflower tab recently n was out for a good 20-25 mins started to scare me

Dont forget that if he was on acid and the DMT trip will always be more powerful and longer lasting that way.
i have to disagree there mate.I've droped alot of aussie stuff n it just dosnt compair to the dutch quality stuff.Ment to be gettiin some amsterdam molly next week CAN NOT WAIT! no way am i dropping more than 100mg my first try of it :p

^This. I really don't know what it is that makes it so different and so much better. I wish i did though....some people describe it as "almost a completely different drug"
^This. I really don't know what it is that makes it so different and so much better. I wish i did though....some people describe it as "almost a completely different drug"

I would definitely call dutch MDMA another substance compaired to aussie MDMA.I think what makes it so much different is the synthisis.....
MDMA is MDMA, the dutch stuff is prob a lot purer than the shit Aussie one. Seen some white crystals doing the rounds atm in Sydney. Very very faint scent and phaaat chunky longish white crystals. No scatterish comedown either from what I have heard.
shouldnt mdma never have a comedown/scatter? I always feel fine the next day, perhaps abit more tired or hazey but no 'depressed' type comedown or scatter like i would of Speed. Don't you only comedown hard or scatter if you abuse it?
You say MDMA is MDMA but what sets the dutch stuff apart from the AUS? cause there is clearly a differance. I also said purity but kroniic seems to think that 100mg of 75% pure is basically just 75mg of mdma. I thought this to be wrong but can anyone else back this up? I thought 100mg of 80% pure would just feel alot better and stronger then 100mg of say 50-60%. both still being the same dose though. hence why i think guessing the mg in pills is a bit in accurate.Can TS14, Psilo, Mr Blonde? or someone who has been around a bit longer give any input?
^ Do you understand what purity means...? Of course if you have 100mg of 75% purity it's 75mg mdma, that's just simple mathematics. Hence why 100mg of 80% pure stuff (80mg of mdma) feels better than 100mg 50-60% pure stuff (50-60mg mdma). It's the same weight, not the same dose.

Mdma is mdma as I and others have said before. The molecule doesn't change its effectiveness depending where it's from. The only difference comes from different purities, diff drugs used in combination or diff set and setting.
You say MDMA is MDMA but what sets the dutch stuff apart from the AUS? cause there is clearly a differance. I also said purity but kroniic seems to think that 100mg of 75% pure is basically just 75mg of mdma. I thought this to be wrong but can anyone else back this up? I thought 100mg of 80% pure would just feel alot better and stronger then 100mg of say 50-60%. both still being the same dose though. hence why i think guessing the mg in pills is a bit in accurate.Can TS14, Psilo, Mr Blonde? or someone who has been around a bit longer give any input?

I'm not psilo or Mr Blonde, but I would make an educated guess that the difference with dutch MDMA is it is just purer, I'm not schooled in making MDMA, but I just assume the better stuff would be just better made purer stuff...and stufff......ohhh goood....

Just thought I'd add that the max purity possible of MDMA crystal is 84% for those who don't already know.

There is quite a bit of nice crystal from across the pond if you know where to look ;)
^ Do you understand what purity means...? Of course if you have 100mg of 75% purity it's 75mg mdma, that's just simple mathematics. Hence why 100mg of 80% pure stuff (80mg of mdma) feels better than 100mg 50-60% pure stuff (50-60mg mdma). It's the same weight, not the same dose.

Mdma is mdma as I and others have said before. The molecule doesn't change its effectiveness depending where it's from. The only difference comes from different purities, diff drugs used in combination or diff set and setting.

Hit the nail on the head. Differences would come down to the actual MDMA dosage vs. the amount of cutter or inactive substances in the pill/powder. in other words, the purity. Also, maybe Australian 'MDMA' (note the commas) is more likely to also contain MDA or MDEA?

As for pills I have always found it funny when people on pill reports give estimated dosages of pills. it is made all the more ironic considering the vast majority of posters wouldn't have encountered real MDMA until recently. Kind of like how everyone is raving about the hearts. I had them recently. it was nice to have MDMA again, but I would have considered them a weak pill compared to what I was consuming between 2003 and 2008.

Nothing like those beige As, green mitsubishis, red russians, pink rolexs. sorry couldn't resist haha.
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You say MDMA is MDMA but what sets the dutch stuff apart from the AUS? cause there is clearly a differance. I also said purity but kroniic seems to think that 100mg of 75% pure is basically just 75mg of mdma. I thought this to be wrong but can anyone else back this up? I thought 100mg of 80% pure would just feel alot better and stronger then 100mg of say 50-60%. both still being the same dose though. hence why i think guessing the mg in pills is a bit in accurate.Can TS14, Psilo, Mr Blonde? or someone who has been around a bit longer give any input?

Well I believe I'm qualified to answer this as I'm a Mr Blonde. ;)

Footscrazy is right about the purity, there should be no difference in effects regardless of purity unless the other % that is not MDMA is some other psychoactive substance. Perhaps if they are adding a significant quantity of caffeine or amphetamine this may adversely affect your experience. Otherwise, if you had 200mg of 75% 'Australian made MDMA' and 150mg of 100% 'Dutch made MDMA', and the other 25% of the Australian product is inert, there should be no difference in effects.

Remember though that your mind can be a powerful tool; the placebo effect extends to people thinking that a substance from one country is 'superior' to the identical substance made in another. I don't doubt there is product going around though that is cut with other substances that will seem less 'clean' then better quality product.
Yeah i do understand...i just don't get why people rave on about dutch pills so much if you can achieve the exact same high with the locally made stuff.

thanks for the response mr blonde:)
Yeah i do understand...i just don't get why people rave on about dutch pills so much if you can achieve the exact same high with the locally made stuff.

thanks for the response mr blonde:)

Yep thanks Mr. Blonde. You were the only one qualified to answer that question....
Yep thanks Mr. Blonde. You were the only one qualified to answer that question....

Ha, well for the record then, candyflip420, psytaco and many others on here are more then qualified to answer questions like this. :)

candyflip420 said:
Yeah i do understand...i just don't get why people rave on about dutch pills so much if you can achieve the exact same high with the locally made stuff.

Because the Dutch have a reputation for their MDMA being of a better purity when in powder or having more MDMA in their pills/less adulterated pills. Whereas in Australia we have just started seeing some relief from a serious MDMA drought that lasted for several years, and there were adulterated pills galore. Also, in terms of Molly, the less pure it is the more gross weight powder has to be consumed and therefore the desired effect will be more expensive to obtain.
shouldnt mdma never have a comedown/scatter? I always feel fine the next day, perhaps abit more tired or hazey but no 'depressed' type comedown or scatter like i would of Speed. Don't you only comedown hard or scatter if you abuse it?

Yea clean MDMA has no scatterness or comedown, its smooth. If you end up taking a dirty batch that isnt cleaned up you will 100% get a dirty comedown. This is not from the MDMA itself but from the byproducts still left over from the synthesis.
Yeah i do understand...i just don't get why people rave on about dutch pills so much if you can achieve the exact same high with the locally made stuff.

thanks for the response mr blonde:)

Im quite fortunate to have lived in a place where all we ever had were dutch pills and molly. Most were very high grade, clean and pure. Few were bad, only took 1-2 pills a night and if we were unlucky to get uncleaned molly the comedown was hell. Felt liked we were mugged in a dark alley pretty much lol the good stuff we took half a pill and I rolled very hard I kid you not. This was also during my weekly 2-3 time usage. It still kicked my ass. Took me by surprise most of the time when we just taste tested it after school on a weekday arvo so we know if the weekend will be a good one, and we rolled hard all night LOL Ahhh fun times.
Yea clean MDMA has no scatterness or comedown, its smooth. If you end up taking a dirty batch that isnt cleaned up you will 100% get a dirty comedown. This is not from the MDMA itself but from the byproducts still left over from the synthesis.

I'm not disputing that adulterants probably increase a comedown but I can't say I agree with MDMA having no comedown. when you think about the effect it has on serotonin, and causes reduced serotonin levels in the synapses for the next few days, one would expect a comedown. You expect some amount of depression in the least.

that said I don't have any experience with 100% pure MDMA. but theoretically speaking, gotta disagree.
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