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The GHB/GBL Addiction & Withdrawal Thread

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Alcohol is fine with propanalol, but if your having GABA withdrawals, just stear clear imo.

Hangover on GBL withdrawals ARE hell
I don't agree, at all. A modest amount of alcohol (not enough to cause a hangover, in normal cases) helps loads, during the withdrawals. I used to drink bottles of vodka, with my phenibut, and that stuff stops hangovers, anyway. YMMV, and all that.
I've been using ghb for the past week and a half. I am no stranger to it, but I'm wondering when do w/d symptoms show up?

I've only been doing 4-5grams around 7 pm all at once for the past 1.5weeks

Will I even get w/d symptoms using this amount daily?
^ What do you mean? For life? Or one week break and bam, re-binging on the 'ole geebee.
I don't agree, at all. A modest amount of alcohol (not enough to cause a hangover, in normal cases) helps loads, during the withdrawals. I used to drink bottles of vodka, with my phenibut, and that stuff stops hangovers, anyway. YMMV, and all that.

Treacle, I had a former problem with alcohol, adn basically think it messes up your central nervous system when abused over a long period, I became allergic and intolerant to lot of things. I started GBL as it had similar effects, however, i then used alcohol to come off it as I had read it on here and in fact it escalated my drinking, and even now I have done experiments with the w/d's with alcohol and without, and in my experience I think it depends on the individual concerned as to how good or bad it may or may not be.

Just wanted to warn people that I think it varies on that score according to the individual, as for myself like Flipping Top, my ithdrawals get horrifically worse as it's almost like I then double detox and it really makes the G w/'d harsher and more hellish than the buggers are already.

I am fed up as if I had any contacts I'd get MDMA which is much better, and even being used on script in some EU countries for PTSD treatment which I have.

As it is now the GBL has made it virtually impossible for me to even leave the house (I have had a few very significant tramas too recently).

My G use was well out of hand so it's just as well I don't get out of the house hardly ever now on it like I used to. I do have to take a small amount if i literally HAVE to go out as otherwise I am too panicky at all, but I also have a stimulant with me, just in case I go over a smidge.

Bloody stuff I hate it :X
I know what you mean, when i was in a full addiction i could barely leave the house as i would start withdrawing after an hour or two, was nasty.
Is there anyone on here who can control it? Seems a silly question as most are raving drug users. I'd a bottle once and the only rhing that made me flush it was that I couldn't fucking sleep. Bit like at the moment (fucking Valium comedown)
I can control it because much to my annoyance both GBL and GHB make me throw up at any kind of active level no mater how hard i try with dosing.

I could get away with taking enough to get a little bit of a hit off them GHB a little more so but the line between that and throwing up was way to thin.

I truth a lucky escape as i would have ended up where so many others have, dosing every 1-2 hours 24 / 7

others have reported similar effects, others seem to have something called "self control" not something I have much of I'm afraid
right, having never tried the stuff and been offered ghb powder to dilute myself im intrigued iv been ill recently and lost like 2 stone of weight and im looking good now so dont wanna go back to that :p i heard ghb is quite munchie inducing? :)
For me, I can control not taking it 24/7 but when I choose to take it, I usually end up taking to much even when using a ml measurer. I like to get on the verge of the rabbit hole
GBL withdrawal - A live account


Been taking GBL for about 2 weeks.. before that i was taking phenibut everyday for months while drinking in the evening..


Phenibut.. for months and months.. possibly half a year or more.. i was on between 1200mgs to 3000mgs.. no set pattern for dose fluctuations..

Alcohol (probably irrelevant information but information nonetheless).. was drinking about 8 - 12 units almost every day before getting the GBL..

GBL doses started at 1.5 - 2ml.. quickly became 2ml.. which was also enough to get me sleep during the night for 2 - 3 hours at a time.. so was basically taking 2ml every 2 - 3 hours 24 / 7.. Then in the second week my doses went up again to about 2.5ml with 4ml needed to get me sleep. Dunno if it was actually needed looking back on hindsight.. i got impatient waiting to fall asleep on a lower dose and ended up taking more.. Still don't know.. doesn't matter now.

Why do i think i'd be addicted to GBL at all in such a short time? A few nights ago i somehow managed to fall back asleep after i woke up from my 1st night time GBL dose (only 2 hours later).. i think had been drinking aswell.. Anyway 4.5 hours after my dose i woke up with terrible anxiety and paranoia with NO chance in hell of getting back to sleep.


I have, at my disposal, 5 x 1mg etizolam and 100+gs of phenibut (and still quite a lot of GBL).. I also plan on buying some diphenydramine before the chemist closes today.. although i did use it a few times before bed hoping to sleep through the night.. never worked.

I'm gonna switch the addiction from GBL to phenibut, then taper down to 1200mg in a short amount of time (i managed to go from 3000mgs to 1200mgs of phenibut with little to no problems in the past).. Then begin the slow taper off phenibut with the use of etizolam and alcohol after a week or so on 1200mgs..


I've taken 3000mg of phenibut about 2 hours ago.. last dose of GBL 4ml, 3 - 4 hours ago..

So far, i feel ok. A bit bored and obviously not as good as if i'd had my wake up dose of GBL but still.. not bad.
Hmmm.. just realised the terrible anxiety i felt could have been phenibut withdrawal which i have just been masking and prolonging with GBL use.. This thread might be pointless.. if it is ill delete ;)

Has anyone tried swapping between the 2, a couple of days on each at a time.. could that be an affective taper plan?

For example: 1.5ml every 2 or so hours (when needed) for 2 days, then 2500mg of phenibut for 2 days, then 1.4(/3?) ml for 2 days when needed, then 2100mg for 2 days, etc.. etc..
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Hello, good luck mate, you know it will be worth it in the long run! Sounds shit though with the whole sleeping situation
:) Thanks..

Update: Feeling a little more bored and anxious.. gonna go chemist and get some diphenhydramine and stock up on booze incase the anxiety gets too much i can't go outside :/
Feelings of boredom and anxiety have increased steadily over the course of the morning.. time for my first can of Union Black.. 4.2 units a can ;)

Oh and im feeling strangely tired.. keep yawning and feel generally drained..
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