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The EADD I'm Fucked Thread V. Post Lost in the 5th Dimension


Member the time I walked home steaming, past my best shroom spot, went to pick some, and the bastards have cut the grass!?



Probably a good thing anyway..just pissed off for making the detour and getting nothing.

EDIT: 38 minutes later, half a joint smoked, and I'm crashing out. I am so glad they cut the grass :)
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So if I gotta hold of enough speed....could I catch up to EADD time zone fun?

shout out to my old friends.
So if I gotta hold of enough speed....could I catch up to EADD time zone fun?

shout out to my old friends.

I'm sure we could all help with that :D

It's strange - there's been a distinct lack of stimulant ramblings in EADD since the NPS ban.

As EADD posters, we should be expected to fulfil our duties. For next week I want every one of you to submit a rant, born of stimulants, and containing no less than 2,750 words (no paragraphs allowed).

For posterity.
As EADD posters, we should be expected to fulfil our duties. For next week I want every one of you to submit a rant, born of stimulants, and containing no less than 2,750 words (no paragraphs allowed).

For posterity.

Not quite stimulants, but I'll give it a shot. I'd first like to ask if we have a Mario that goes around with you, or is that your alt? But on point I love that this site provides a safe place for folks out of their gourds. They can find music recommendations, a friend to chat with, or discussion threads where they can fully embarrass themselves in hindsight. That's the basic makeup of the site, just as atoms are the masic bake-up of our beings and yet we're so much more than the sum of those parts. I'll tell ya what parts hurt, though, was watching my team win in ugly fashion and teams I hate pulled miracles out of their asses. Fuck Butch Jones, btw, in case I hadn't stated that as a starting point. That's American Football for you EA'ers. Which, I suppose I shouldn't talk about in YOUR forum, but whatever, you know how a rivalry or good competition can get the juices flowing. And by juices, I'm talking about a mish mash of bottled beer over the course of 10+ hrs. Now, being fueled by a stimulant, I suppose you can call this MDMA as fitting that category, as it has been fighting the sleepiness of beer quite well, however at some point a body does have to rest, doesn't it? How many words is that so far? I can't count that high. OK, so you are sitting at 4th down and 3yds to go, and do you go for it or kick the FG? Depends, but in this case you gotta get some points and try to build a buffer. Don't you hate it when watching a video online and it stalls out with a buffer message? F'ing annoying. That's why I hate watching videos on the PC. Right now, I'm watching BL and listening to choons, but tbh, they are kinda week. Lemme change it up. Does that sound better? Yeah, for me to. So sound is good but BL is slow when it's the wee hours like this, so I'm wondering about one of those star gazer lazer do-hickeys. I forget what their called, but people bring them to BL meetups in the US, at least they used to, and a bunch of folks would fall into k holes, very popular I might add, and you'd have people stacked up all over - on the bed, the floor, the chairs, the window sill, on top of other people, but it didn't matter as long as you could see the constellations, they were seen across the room's ceiling, but better if you...dammit...my comma gun jammed. One sec. Anyway, where were we?
Problem: some of us can't get or take stimulants. I'm happy to rant while dead sober, but I don't think Adderall Will add anything to the occasion.

Since I'm on the extreme end of the time zone follies, I'd love to see how the occultists around here would do it. I didn't want to use the term "wizards", too Harry Potter.
Does your adderall bring you calm and focus or more scatter brain-ness? If it focuses you, there are likely better uses of your time. If is scatters you, share :D
My last couple of rants have been booze fueled and not in EADD. I think i will remain rant free for a while. But if i do have an impulsive speed binge i will see what i can do.
Has been another roller coaster ride of all sorts of shit this weekend. #worth....
Wow impressive rant lovebandit. You sound like a Brit with your talk of football. You take mdma like Brits too get pissed then neck some.
ok so know im fucked, but sadly my posts seem to still be here rathet than in the 5th dimension or, more appropriately, the bin
ok so know im fucked, but sadly my posts seem to still be here rathet than in the 5th dimension or, more appropriately, the bin

Could it not be argued that your posts are in the 5th dimension, given that it is a dimension encompassing our own? (Genuinely asking, I don't know my sciences too good).
Im not a physicist, but I read more physics than any other nn fiction material. As far as I can tell, welive in in a 4 dimensional universe made up of a fabric of space time, the 5th being the province of string theorists or folk who overdo psychedelics.

My posts, while I feel EDIT: currently... are fith dimensional coz of the shrooms, are definately 4 (3 spacial co - ordinates + the timeof the event which is specified by bluelight|).
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Im not a physicist, but I read more physics than any other nn fiction material. As far as I can tell, welive in in a 4 dimensional universe made up of a fabric of space time, the 5th being the province of string theorists or folk who overdo psychedelics.

My (quite possibly incorrect) understanding was that while the 4th dimension itself encompasses all time in the 3d universe that we spacially perceive, the 5th dimension also encompasses all time in the spaces we don't perceive - in a kind of fork in the road of time sense, where all possible physical manifestations occur at once. Seems like a probable load of bollocks to me, but I believe that's the theory anyway!
Thats basicaly the gist of it OM but as we cannot currently observe any extra dimensions then were stuck with the arrow of time as is and as such cannot perceive it from a higher dimensional perspective.
My posts, while I feel EDIT: currently... are fith dimensional coz of the shrooms, are definately 4 (3 spacial co - ordinates + the timeof the event which is specified by bluelight|).

Heh, I've definitely had experiences with DMT and dissociatives where I firmly believed I was experiencing "higher dimensions" (I also probably fitted quite neatly into your "overdoing psychedelics" category at the time). On reflection, I think tripping can expose the flawed and subjective nature of the mind really well, which is fascinating and more than enough to make it worthwhile. Tuning into other realities in a literal sense is a bit of a stretch for me tho.

Hope you're enjoying your trip buddy! I've got 300ug LSD and a bunch of ket lined up for the weekend, have been looking forward to a proper mind melter :)
this is just a tikle dude to check out the local mould. I have tons of penny acids left for doing it proper, and my main field for more libs is about 45 miles away. But for an impulse move midweek its doing the jobjust nice dude xx

If i was doing it proper i wouldnlt be on here as I wouldnt be able to read or type or even objectify the above