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The EADD I'm Fucked Thread V. Post Lost in the 5th Dimension

So what the hell do you guys do when u leave the drug scene lol? It's getting sort of absurd now 29 mates for the most part doing other things one or two mates do things but Meh do we ever get them ole days back.. heh I still hoping I guess :) the days of 2cb are long gone for me :(
Just about everyone i know still indulges but the frequency and in some cases the substances have changed. But i know quite a few people in their 70's who still take acid. In fact they have the best acid. I guess its who you know. None of us go to nightclubs. Private parties well set up in places we cant bother anyone with the music.
I think the substances and frequency have changed. It's tough to find a 12 hour or even 6 hour period of time where you can get wasted without needing to respond to real life situations. Stims are not easy to find on this side of the pond unless you go the meth route. Heroin is for younger people in terms of chipping. Anyone I know who's done it in the last 10 years has a nasty habit. So pills for the older folks. I really wish I could find mushrooms!
I think the substances and frequency have changed. It's tough to find a 12 hour or even 6 hour period of time where you can get wasted without needing to respond to real life situations. Stims are not easy to find on this side of the pond unless you go the meth route. Heroin is for younger people in terms of chipping. Anyone I know who's done it in the last 10 years has a nasty habit. So pills for the older folks. I really wish I could find mushrooms!

Grow them, you've certainly the climate for them.
Really weird. Been looking back at my substance use and its very much true that though my favs are psychedelics, its been quite a while since i had any, mainly due to not finding the time set and setting for them... instead, ive switched to weird stims and the odd dissasociative, which can be masked easier imho.

And growing mushrooms is glorious
Bare-head, I play videogames, I hike in the forests and woodlands, anywhere nature-ey basically thats away from the beaten track if possible. I like the quiet, peacefulness of being able to go out alone, and just lose myself (possibly with the aid of a trippy little something to spice things up a bit) in the quiet and calm of hiking away from the city, grubbing around in the bushes, grass and amongst the trees for something scrummy to bring home for my supper after I'm done with my woodland-mooching

And I bury myself in other scientific pursuits of the non-drug-related variety, to keep tinkering with the various projects I have on the go whenever possible. I like to keep available (if thats the right word for having as many chem/biotech projects as practically doable on the go, in order to always have something that I can go and tinker with to keep my mind occupied) because I've got that typical trait of the autie cranial firmware, a mind that just refuses to stop spinning (and rocking back and forth=D)

The thought of running out of possibilities is absolutely horrific, as I love nothing better than to bury myself in the lab, beavering away and not coming out other than either to drop one, take a piss, occasionally eat/drink or ventilate the place.

Growing mushies, done that a few times, various kinds, including some edibles too. I'm currently trying to get Langermannia gigantea (giant puffball) to grow on the lawn by seeding pieces of the ripened gleba all over the lawn, both in shaded and sunlit regions, plus parts of the garden in partial shade, and watering regularly. No sign as of yet but its really too late for them to pop up currently, if they are going to. Going to see if I get any fruitbodies the coming year. Found two giant puffballs whilst traipsing around lymm dam, hopped a fence, scrabbled down a steep muddy fuck of a slope leading to the water, grabbing on to trees to break my more or less controlled (or guided, is more like it) fall, and slow myself down to reach the mushrooms. Somehow managed to get them both back up in one trip and hand them over to my father who was walking round the dam with me, and who, having shared in some of my previous finds of the species, knows how absolutely deeee--licious they are when mbattered in eggy breadcrumb batter and fried into fritters, or just simply tossed in a pan full of melted, sizzling butter with a bit of black pepper and a drop or two of worcestershire sauce and fried until lightly golden brown and oh so tender. Damned if I know how I managed to actually get up that slope again, let alone carrying those two whopping great tasty treats, one tucked between my shoulder and my neck, and one under the other arm, doing the slip-slide-scramble all over again only in reverse . Still got them back home in one piece, cooked them and had us a feast.

Saved a goodly portion of the gleba, after letting it ripen, in order to plant it out, torn into fragments, a piece from each plonked in each hole dug into the lawn in the hope of puffballs next year. Would be a delight if I get some to offer to the drop-dead-sexy, wire-thin blonde woman who lives next door (with her BF, damnation in a shitbox), lovely lass, and triggers my spesh-dar off, dial set to ('aspie or if not then definitely aspie-ish tendencies'). Fucking DAMN fine girl, had a great bbq with her in the summer, brought my special personal steak and meat fly agaric, peppery boletus, cubeb, pink peppercorns, szechuan pepper and other spices besides, mix over. All went down well. Her bf was there, although he's a decent guy generally speaking, I don't wish him ill, but I did get a big warm ''squeeee'' inside from getting to place a smile on that beautiful face and see some of the light in her eyes.
Bare-head, I play videogames, I hike in the forests and woodlands, anywhere nature-ey basically thats away from the beaten track if possible. I like the quiet, peacefulness of being able to go out alone, and just lose myself (possibly with the aid of a trippy little something to spice things up a bit) in the quiet and calm of hiking away from the city, grubbing around in the bushes, grass and amongst the trees for something scrummy to bring home for my supper after I'm done with my woodland-mooching

And I bury myself in other scientific pursuits of the non-drug-related variety, to keep tinkering with the various projects I have on the go whenever possible. I like to keep available (if thats the right word for having as many chem/biotech projects as practically doable on the go, in order to always have something that I can go and tinker with to keep my mind occupied) because I've got that typical trait of the autie cranial firmware, a mind that just refuses to stop spinning (and rocking back and forth=D)

The thought of running out of possibilities is absolutely horrific, as I love nothing better than to bury myself in the lab, beavering away and not coming out other than either to drop one, take a piss, occasionally eat/drink or ventilate the place.

Growing mushies, done that a few times, various kinds, including some edibles too. I'm currently trying to get Langermannia gigantea (giant puffball) to grow on the lawn by seeding pieces of the ripened gleba all over the lawn, both in shaded and sunlit regions, plus parts of the garden in partial shade, and watering regularly. No sign as of yet but its really too late for them to pop up currently, if they are going to. Going to see if I get any fruitbodies the coming year. Found two giant puffballs whilst traipsing around lymm dam, hopped a fence, scrabbled down a steep muddy fuck of a slope leading to the water, grabbing on to trees to break my more or less controlled (or guided, is more like it) fall, and slow myself down to reach the mushrooms. Somehow managed to get them both back up in one trip and hand them over to my father who was walking round the dam with me, and who, having shared in some of my previous finds of the species, knows how absolutely deeee--licious they are when mbattered in eggy breadcrumb batter and fried into fritters, or just simply tossed in a pan full of melted, sizzling butter with a bit of black pepper and a drop or two of worcestershire sauce and fried until lightly golden brown and oh so tender. Damned if I know how I managed to actually get up that slope again, let alone carrying those two whopping great tasty treats, one tucked between my shoulder and my neck, and one under the other arm, doing the slip-slide-scramble all over again only in reverse . Still got them back home in one piece, cooked them and had us a feast.

Saved a goodly portion of the gleba, after letting it ripen, in order to plant it out, torn into fragments, a piece from each plonked in each hole dug into the lawn in the hope of puffballs next year. Would be a delight if I get some to offer to the drop-dead-sexy, wire-thin blonde woman who lives next door (with her BF, damnation in a shitbox), lovely lass, and triggers my spesh-dar off, dial set to ('aspie or if not then definitely aspie-ish tendencies'). Fucking DAMN fine girl, had a great bbq with her in the summer, brought my special personal steak and meat fly agaric, peppery boletus, cubeb, pink peppercorns, szechuan pepper and other spices besides, mix over. All went down well. Her bf was there, although he's a decent guy generally speaking, I don't wish him ill, but I did get a big warm ''squeeee'' inside from getting to place a smile on that beautiful face and see some of the light in her eyes.

Did someone say videogames....

What are your favourites.
Currently playing the first two game in the X-com series. X-com UFO defense (the first by that title, the one also known as UFO-enemy unknown, and its 1995-1996 sequel (UFO came out in '94 I think), like all the series that I've played so far, although from UFO defense-2012 I haven't yet played those onwards. Haven't played the email one, it looks like hammered shit, and X-com-enforcer was a festering travesty, a feculent, puketastic offense to the series and generally speaking, that which should not have been born. Played it once, completed it in hours, got rid of it, sorry I wasted the download time.

The original ones are available as freeware, plus crack to bypass needing the manual to input specific passages on startup along with it, google and both it, and the sequels, the still-turn based X-com terror from the deep, which is primarily, at least the tactical missions, sub-aquatic, with combat diver teams plus various aquatic tanks. The two games are played in two halves, one being a world management/base management section, along with research into better technology than you start with that actually gives you a fighting chance against the alien threats present in either game (two different, although related overall threats, the second game is MUCH more difficult) plus manufacturing the updated and captured tech, that is only useable after research on each item and captured live specimens/recovered corpses of killed aliens. Many races, different strengths and weak points.)

World management half of the games (the geoscape) is where after detecting a UFO, assuming your starting interceptor aircraft in the first game, UFO defense, or intercept/assault submarines capable of atmospheric flight in the second, can actually CATCH the enemy craft, which are from the start, capable of way outmatching the best interceptors available to the human race, and assuming you can blow the buggers out of the sky or send them to davy jones' locker by torpedoing them right in the ass. Then one switches to the other section of the game, the assaults, both on downed craft, on craft one catches landing to perform their own missions, take down detected alien bases and respond to what basically amount to alien-directed terrorism, craft landing in urban centers of population in order to turn attitudes against the X-com organization and get them shut down in order to harvest the planet for their own ends. Which are most unpleasant.

The terror site missions involve landing in built up city areas in troop transport aircraft/flying subs, on bug hunter-killer mission, kill or capture all alien threats.

tip-download xcomutil. Use it to patch the game ,smooth out some tech tree issues that can fubar a game if you research wrong things in wrong order in TFTD especially, and compensate for some general instabilities and weird shit than can raise hell, or just plain old limit the amount of isometric tiles coverable by the likes of dye and smoke grenade, as well as incidental smoke cover raised by the use of HE rounds, and tiles blanketed by white phosphorus incendiary rounds and rocket launcher incendiary missiles and in TFTD, incendiary torpedoes, launched from shoulder-launched man-portable torpedo launchers.
Day off because of some overtime. Checked the surf. It's good. Dropped around to a mates to get him keen for a surf. 3 fat lines on nice coke and I am flying and off to hit the waves. It's going to be a much better day than yesterday.
Funny ro see anyone else even hewring about the old xcom games, let alone be playing them! I remember at the time i was a bit too young and they seemed so complicated... still ahead of their times imho
Been playing ufo defense more or less since it came out, and since some early playable demo release where TFTD was concerned (cruiser mission, coelacanth-gauss for support, mostly gauss weapons plus gas cannon, HJC and a few harpoon guns, grenades etc)

Definitely ahead of their times. Obviously since they are still playable in 2016.

Just playing UFO defense now actually kingme, and got a lot of work on my hands, since I just caught the bastards in the act of trying to get a base built up, completely obliterated their scout craft, nothing left of it to send a ground work team to, not enough left of that craft to interest a scrap metal murchant, but two-three large ships downed, a mediumweight one, and tailed the very, very large battleship/supply cruiser the aliens use for base building and resupply until it landed on the ground and landed a troop transport right there the moment they set down, packing a plasma-outfitted hovertank, ten heavily armored soldiers, the best I have, many that have survived since inception in this game, and as a result grown from cannon-fodder into hulking great tanks themselves and armed with a big enough stash of heavy enough weapons to turn a pretty well equipped and trained second world arab shithole into a smoking wasteland. And turn all that sand they have into a nice polished, if somewhat cracked glass floor=D

No psi team yet, just building the labs for that at the moment, after coming back from the last fight, a base mission (ethereals, fuckers) during which I don't think they ever actually SAW the strike team let alone got a shot off. Not until they popped out from behind the enemy and shot them in the back from beneath heavy smoke cover. Or had the tank scout the place, mark targets and send in a really BIG yield guided missile. openXcom is great too, fixed a lot of issues like maximum smoke and incendiary coverage handlable by the game (impressive work too on it, since they essentially reverse engineered the software from its running in memory, and built something that whilst it needs the (now freely downloadable) game itself to run on, allows running of all kinds of add-ons (think getting the likes of sniper rifles, shotguns, grenade launchers, incendiary grenades, new missions, critters, aircraft etc plus lots of control previously unavailable in game over sound/music and graphics.

I have beaten the first game before, but never TFTD! that is one fucking HARD game.

Openapocalypse has been released too now, although I haven't yet played it. Been meaning to though. That was a top notch game too the original, especially things added like ammunition cooking off if dropped and caught in flames, and exploding, sending bullets flying everywhere. Creative. And the likes of if you piss off some of the city organisations they can become hostile and refuse to trade anymore, leaving it open season to declare outright war on them and just go steal their shit, level their buildings back to the stone age, engage in warfare with the criminal gangs within the city etc.
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Other favourite videogames are doom III, a neuromancer-esque hacker game called decker and manhunt/manhunt II. The latter two games were some seriously sick, twisted shit.
Yeah, its fucking creepy as a scatologically-obsessed necropaedophile drafting a resume for a nursery supervisor post.

And I love the atmosphere, really has you on edge, knowing something hideous could well be ready to jump out from the nearest airvent in order to try to rip your face off and eat it=D

Still been up all day/night playing x-com UFO defense though. At least when the additional 3/4g morphine 3-4x daily on top of my original meds, once converted into dipropionylmorphine and the doubled script for oxy doesn't knock me out. Thinking I'll try openapocalypse soon too though. X-com apocalypse was/is great, I love the realtime combat, can get really fucking heavy, bullets, grenades flying, bugs with no heads hawking up digestive enzyme loogies from their neck-holes and those damn brainsuckers haha. Those were nasty little shits, like giant ticks that latch onto agent's heads in order to zombify them. No good against android fireteams though.
Yeah, its fucking creepy as a scatologically-obsessed necropaedophile drafting a resume for a nursery supervisor post.

And I love the atmosphere, really has you on edge, knowing something hideous could well be ready to jump out from the nearest airvent in order to try to rip your face off and eat it=D

Still been up all day/night playing x-com UFO defense though. At least when the additional 3/4g morphine 3-4x daily on top of my original meds, once converted into dipropionylmorphine and the doubled script for oxy doesn't knock me out. Thinking I'll try openapocalypse soon too though. X-com apocalypse was/is great, I love the realtime combat, can get really fucking heavy, bullets, grenades flying, bugs with no heads hawking up digestive enzyme loogies from their neck-holes and those damn brainsuckers haha. Those were nasty little shits, like giant ticks that latch onto agent's heads in order to zombify them. No good against android fireteams though.

I'm sure Doom III was the game that had that freaky fucking mirror in one of the bathrooms, that changed your reflection at only one point in the game. Absolutely shit me up that game.

Hey, you ever played a PC game called Freelancer Limpet?
I remember this one time in my younger years where I managed to pull this bird while off my tits like you do.
Got her back to me and tried to fuck her but on a comedown but as every self respecting bloke knows it can be hard, well you know to get hard.
No magic green grass about either and these weren't the day where you had the blue fucking magic pill either.
So that was the end of it that you'd have thought as in she'd leave pronto in the morning/midday.

Nada she just wanted to lay in bed and chat. As the disco biscuit afterglow started to go disappear man did this bird started to get fatter and fatter in my mind.
Not to be nasty but as you know when you're younger ,well in my case anyways, you have higher standards of the birds. Those standard tend to fly out of the window when off your nut just like they do when you get older. I ain't talking a beach fucking whale you know the type that makes the earth tremble when she approaches you, even of your nut you don't want to be having that stalking your place once you've kicked her out and the neighbours find out.

In short in my older days I'd fuck her right of the bat.
This bird ended up staying three fucking days at my place but in the end finally left asking me to phone her back.
I flushed that number straight down the bog.

Almost how times change eh ;)?
I remember this one time in my younger years where I managed to pull this bird while off my tits like you do.
Got her back to me and tried to fuck her but on a comedown but as every self respecting bloke knows it can be hard, well you know to get hard.
No magic green grass about either and these weren't the day where you had the blue fucking magic pill either.
So that was the end of it that you'd have thought as in she'd leave pronto in the morning/midday.

Nada she just wanted to lay in bed and chat. As the disco biscuit afterglow started to go disappear man did this bird started to get fatter and fatter in my mind.
Not to be nasty but as you know when you're younger ,well in my case anyways, you have higher standards of the birds. Those standard tend to fly out of the window when off your nut just like they do when you get older. I ain't talking a beach fucking whale you know the type that makes the earth tremble when she approaches you, even of your nut you don't want to be having that stalking your place once you've kicked her out and the neighbours find out.

In short in my older days I'd fuck her right of the bat.
This bird ended up staying three fucking days at my place but in the end finally left asking me to phone her back.
I flushed that number straight down the bog.

Almost how times change eh ;)?

Hahaha. Happened to me once. Met a girl at the end of a club night, my mate was trying to drag me away and warned me. I was having none of it, I even made sure to check her out in the cloakroom queue to be absolutely sure. We used to call them "Mandy goggles".

Cue to her bed and the sun rising. I was mortified. Pretended to go to the bathroom and jumped down three flights of stairs. Never looked back.