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The EADD I'm Fucked Thread V. Post Lost in the 5th Dimension

I've just woken up from a nod that started about 14.00 yesterday pm and morphed into sleep after I finished all my bits and bobs off about 6 this morning


Who ever said that a weekend wasted was never a wasted weekend didn't consider the variety of contexts that could include.

Still, with a lot of chapter restarts and wotnot I managed to get through an excellent talky book - 'The Hunt for Vulcan: And How Albert Einstein Destroyed a Planet' by Thomas Levenson
not particularly fucked at tje moment; just comfortably numb :)

I like this post keepiing, espeically the spellsz.. :D

Enjoying some ket.

Nothing else.

No booze, just me, music, feather bedding n' ket ;)

I <3 dissociatives, but after MXE nothing will ever be the same gain :\
How insensitive!

When are you going to allow me to move on? :(

You you cunt i have a huge fresh cream trifle to smash onto your head %) after that i get asll not anutie likeand just wish you smothers pf cistard and betterfylds/ :eek:

Ineed some sleep,threw ethyl,apvt,apbt,4clpvp,4mpd,thpvp togheterbut still bored.
cant afford any dxm for tolerance!
Ineed some sleep,threw ethyl,apvt,apbt,4clpvp,4mpd,thpvp togheterbut still bored.
cant afford any dxm for tolerance!

Fuckin hell man, I always feel a bit nervous if someone suggests we mix even 2 potent stims - I'm probably being a bit over cautious there (I was flagged up as a potential risk when I was born for heart issues), but even still I'm guessing you have mad stim tolerance!

I'm powering through programming homework I'd normally dread doing with probably a bit too much amps in my system (plus beer, a wee toke of pollen and 20mg diaz thrown in over the day). I seem to look normal - no gurning, profuse sweating (too much anyhoo) or 'wide eye' syndrome, but my parents get back within an hour or so and I went out to buy shit for a home cooked meal for their return on their request. I'm not normally one for appetite suppression - I love stuffing my face on high dose dissociatives or psychedelics. But I'm slightly apprehensive nonetheless.

TBF plain old phet is fairly forgiving for me, which is why I like it despite not being a big stim person. Generally speaking, stims fuck me up royally even on modest doses. a single 10mg bump of meth is enough to make me look (and, to an extent, feel) like I've been binging hard on meph for a couple of days for a good 20 hours or so. Is it normal for tiny doses of meth to fuck you up so much, or am I just sensitive to it.
Im known for m crazy combos and excessive doses like massive doses of desoxy with mdpv, with benzos fine, during benzo wothdrawal problem lol.

Im quite rheckless but i got advanced lknowledge about rugs so i can kinda get awa with it, def dont tr at home, but because of that i can provide insights on harm reduction like cardiovascular effects.

I usuall thres treshold psychedelic, tons of stims opiate, cannabinoid, pheniut, benzo togheter, enhances all aspects olf reward, stims in abuse doses the rest in therapeutic enhancements lol
my damn ecig broke so tried to vape it on tinfoil ut ive been smoking aluminium instead of nicotine, im rubbish with all that tinfoil garnage or smoking crack and shit, too difficould, give me vaping and snorting stims
the scariest heartissues i had was when my pulse in m chest was completel differened from my chest, but that was with that 4 fluoro ethyl crap, the only stim i reall couldnt tolerate
Fair enough man. I've been known to be pretty reckless with comboing shit too, I've just never really been enough of a stim person to consider mixing them in close proximity. I have no real issue with mixing a stim in with a bunch of other classes, which I guess is potentially just as bad for the heart (apart from downers ofc).

I seem to have got away with greeting the parents and getting through dinner (which is great as I'd likely have failed to eat if left to my own devices). Not too sure how the phet is helping me motivation wise, but I can't tell if thats because of the nature of the task (not really knowing how/where to start) or because I've been insufflating doses since the first. I think the fact that insufflation hits with a great initial effect which quickly subsides tricks the brain into thinking it is coming down, while in reality you're just slightly less stimmed than after taking the dose. This leads to compulsive redosing, and *boom* I've just had a rather large redose much later in the day than I had intended (I had been planning on using this shit in adderall type doses to deal with early start and help with focus in my studies).

I have more to say, but I know better than to think it might be constructive to someone rather than stim-waffle.....
I allways loved combining stims with desoxpipradol, you fall back on a stim and practically removes the issue.

As an example im also a big proponent of combining ghb with phenibut and alcohol with a benzo if your addicted, a long acting baseline maintenance drug is allwas helpfull IMO.

Like methadone for heroin.
Thats a new one on me, but I've been heavily addicted to benzos and can relate to what you're saying with the alcohol combo - in fact I actively disliked drinking pre benzos as from my late teens onwards to being a student I was always in social circles where heavy binge drinking was the norm, and there was a lot of peer pressure to get on board with that. So when I found continuous benzo use really reduced the negative feeling from alcohol (both during and after), I learned to enjoy it.

So am I right in understanding that the desoxpipradol acts as a long acting background stim that negates the subjective up and downs of recreational and likely shorter acting stims? Sorry if I've misunderstood, I've never heard of desoxpipradol.
Desoxypipradol led to many an EADD'er staying up for days and going psychotic. Do not recommend re-dosing if you do it...
Desoxypipradol led to many an EADD'er staying up for days and going psychotic. Do not recommend re-dosing if you do it...

That problem goes awa entirely with benzos, i redosed it all the time.

Yeah theres benzo addiction, but you gotta look at the personal downsides and benefits, i can be addited to stims psychosis or other tweak things free if i acept the addition, which is not a big deal as 2 weeks of GBL for me will revers eit, or a slow taper, the problem is the health effects of benzos