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The EADD a trifle annoyed thread v. I bet that smarts a bit

i just mixed up who i was talking to and she will not be happy and thats good coming from you evey overdramatic jj :) lol she aint going to to pleased as i just fucked up months of trying to get me a shrink
Just phone them back n tell them you thought they were someone else.

Since when do mental health services call on a Sunday????

I honestly think you're worrying too much. This will be sorted by giving them a ring or having your surhery do it.

since always why wouldn't they ring on a sunday its a hospital bootham park i am going to leave it till wednesday let them talk to who i told them to
Have you got anyone who can talk them for you FG ? I find those kind of things very difficult to deal with and for quite a while Mrs A would come with me to doctors appointments, she still deals with the GP reception for me, they arent even human ..are they ?
no not really ive no family as such so its a matter of letting the doctors and that lot just sort things and me saying yes or no

its simple enough i hope to sort out just when you got so many different people ring you up all the time it gets confusing as to which ones i want and which i don't thankfully they are going to contact the people i saw wednesday so if i have just screwed up then it will get sorted out on monday/wednesday

my doctors receptionist is quite good she still young so not yet dismayed by the job
That's a shame, I know how lucky I am in that respect although these days I deal with most stuff myself but the GPs receptionists are awful at my surgery, luckily my GP is a decent bloke.

Getting anything medical / health related does seem to be a complicated ongoing struggle, they don't seem to want to make easy.

I wouldnt worry too much about making mistakes, if anyone says anything about it just simply explain that you find these things difficult, don't like the phone much etc, it they can't take that on board....fuck them ;)
thats one thing i have told them i do not like using the phone plus its in the city and i have problems being out in public so i can say i panicked and thats why i made the mistake

just really got them mixed up though

bet if i had been high i wouldn't of made this cock which is typical lol
GPs receptionists are awful at my surgery, luckily my GP is a decent bloke.

Damn right. I swear the receptionists at my surgery are either automated, or rude, depending on who you get. I hope they are reading this...

Getting anything medical / health related does seem to be a complicated ongoing struggle, they don't seem to want to make easy.

Certainly my experience, getting 'into the system' or getting your GP to take you seriously, can take quite a while but usually after that point things start to be a lot more fluid.

I wouldnt worry too much about making mistakes, if anyone says anything about it just simply explain that you find these things difficult, don't like the phone much etc, it they can't take that on board....fuck them ;)

Agreed. Just do what you are comfortable with, but don't be afraid to call them if you feel up to it.
if i am right i think i have the number from a call on wednesday but i could of sworn that was to do with housing this is what i mean i have so many different people ring and that i just get lost in who's who at the moment

just hoping it wasn't to do with the dual diagnostic lot because thats what i am after really
she still deals with the GP reception for me, they arent even human ..are they ?

I went to the same Drs surgery for about 15 years without ever even getting so much as one of those fake but polite formal smiles from any of the receptionists, so that when one day a new member of staff gave me such a warm and friendly greeting that i was so completely unprepared for it and taken aback by it that i was totally incapable of responding appropriately. :\ I really hate it when that happens, when someone you expect to miserable and unfriendly as fuck (as people generally are in anonymous big city type settings where you're probaly never going to see that person again)turns out be to be really friendly. I feel temporaily quite shitty about not have been able to reciprocate, but i soon enough rationalise things like that away. :sus: That cheerful soul didnt last lomg at that job. unsurprisingly, i guess her sunny disposition soon got the wind taken out of its sails as no one expects the GPs receptionsists to be friendly at that place, she must have thought why the fuck was everyone so miserable, probably not realising all the dragons that had precedded her in the role.

Quite Apart from the obvious fact fact that people dont generallly go to the Drs when they are feeling all tip top and tickety boo, but there has been quite a signifacnt improvement in the way the receptionsists deal with people there now. They have got rid of the Security guard for one thing, but the thick glass barriers seperteting patiensts from staff have remained fimrly in place. I guess there must have been one too many scary patient not taking some news very well. The last few times ive been there people have been as happy as Larry, singing merry songs to themsleves, preumably they must have been on their way to get their desired top-ups of whatever it is they needed.
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Have you got anyone who can talk them for you FG ? I find those kind of things very difficult to deal with and for quite a while Mrs A would come with me to doctors appointments, she still deals with the GP reception for me, they arent even human ..are they ?

Good point. FG look into mental health advocates. They are volunteers who are trained n can help vouch for you on your behalf. You could also look into finding out about mentors. Again volunteers who are either addicts / have MH issues themselves and can work with you on a wide range of things like form filling, looking for work (voluntary or paid) etc.

There's help out there for you. Shame I didn't live close or I'd try n help.

Try looking on Google or your local MH they should have info. I'd also try n apply for PIP so you've more money coming in n PDSA for Charlie. A MH advocate / mentor could help you with all this.

If your doctor were to bollock you then he's not being professional, in my opinion. Would he bollock someone who broke their leg n thus couldn't walk proper with it?

I despise my Doctors pactice that much i have to be on deaths door or completely out of options for me to even consider calling for an appointment.

Im sure they use their rottweiler receptionists as a first line of defence against people who arent so desperate to see a Dr.

Theyre all round unpleasant to pretty much anyone from what i can make out, like we're all a big inconvenience, however they really do seem to step up the snotty-ness for us substance abusers, we're subhuman and should be blessed that they are even letting us have an appointment.
^^^^agreed, Scotchy. But that did give me a chuckle, did that. Having a right old rant there now, eh ;)

it is worth mentioning though that sometimes it is easy to forget just how many people (and how varied and/or fucked up they are) doctors and receptionists have to tackle every day...
not making excuses, but at least in my nook of the world, it seems they do a pretty good job considering the amount of shit they put up with and the modicum of pay they get for it.
My phone battery was dead, so I had to use my regular alarm this morning, but I forgot I turn that one off in my sleep.
annoyed at youtube adverts.
anyone know a way to avoid them???
Yea they are annoying n you have to listen to them to arrrggg.

When were they introduced????

I remember listening to yt videos for ages n just being able to repeat a tune over n over, if I liked it
Now there's these stupids ads that you can 't fast forward that I just don't use yt anymore.

Five weeks (or more?) on from falling off my bike and I'm still sporting a second kneecap.


Pretty sure I ust have fractured the top of my shin or summat.
nah, looks more like a second kneecap :p if it is bothering you, the docs can fix that (surgically)... if not..
@ evey - yt adverts were put in a few months back, and they slowly crept up on us. first it was just a small banner in the lower part of the video, and now it is this annoying as hell full on video that you can only sometimes skip.. dailymotion also has them.
looks like it s back to downloading mp3 or whatnot at least for a while
Ughhhhh blah.

I used to have a channel n everything "cries in evematic fashion* :D
Seriously what a pain. Back to iTunes I guess. Hah.
