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⫸STICKY⫷ The Delphic Oracle- Know Thyself: P&S Social Ampitheatre of Doom

music always calms me down. feels like it gives overactive parts of the brain something to fully focus on
but it rather evokes a positive emotion that we don't have a word for. I don't really listen to lyrics either.

Lyrics are like icing on the cake IMO and the cake is fine without icing. %) But both are enjoyable.

I think this "positive emotion" that we don't have a word for isn't something everyone have experienced. I don't know how to expand past that though.
my dad just watched an hour of david wilcocke and thought it was pretty cool

time to do damage control 8)
some people talk about how big corporation are taking over the government..

isnt that the future tho, government becoming a thing of the past and big international corp becoming the new world government, and isnt that a good thing

(sorry to not explain much of what i mean)
I don't even really understand what "thinking linguistically" means.

That knowing how to communicate a concept verbally is a precondition for even understanding the concept? No, that can't be it. Everyone's had the experience of groping for words to match a concept that they've already got a solid nonverbal understanding of.

That all thoughts are automatically translated into words as they form? Most of the time this is probably accurate, but sometimes, as I just said, words to communicate a concept are not always immediately apparent...
ninjadanslarbretabar said:
government becoming a thing of the past and big international corp becoming the new world government, and isnt that a good thing
Corporate feudalism a good thing? I suppose it will always depend on if you are the corporate Lord or a close ally or a serf? Corporations as much more powerful governing bodies doesn't seem good to me but I can see the indicators that would cause someone to call them the future.
Are you sarcastic in "isnt that a good thing" ?
some people talk about how big corporation are taking over the government..

isnt that the future tho, government becoming a thing of the past and big international corp becoming the new world government, and isnt that a good thing

(sorry to not explain much of what i mean)
this does appear to be our current direction, and much sci fi goes in that direction

it would not be a good thing, because too many people would go without food/shelter/water/etc

i personally am hopinh that the internet's social power will increase more and more, and that our virtual world is what will direct our real future
I have a request. If you invent some new thought, please don't use a word that already exists to name it. We need some new isms. There are usually multiple meanings for each one, depending on the subject. For example: liberalism, functionalism, positivism, etc. They all have multiple meanings, and it can get really confusing.

Come on now. People can think these ideas up, but they can't arrange some random letters and give a new name to them? I find that hard to believe.
One of the main problems of government is over intellectualizing their topics of discussion in places like France where it is the opposite people talk without any inhibitions about the topic they want to discuss. A far cry from American politics.
However should all be well. :)
the introvert, in the last analysis, gobbles in; the extrovert, vomits forth.
some people talk about how big corporation are taking over the government..

isnt that the future tho, government becoming a thing of the past and big international corp becoming the new world government, and isnt that a good thing

(sorry to not explain much of what i mean)

where does this idea of corporate "manifest destiny" come from? seriously.......where did you learn of this notion?
many corporations now have a larger economy and capacity to "do stuff" than most world governments. i believe he is reffering to how multinational corporations are forming a global economic network that is superceding nations in importance. this process has been going on for quite some time

unfortunately, there are downsides to having our economy "public" and there are downsides to having our economy "private". some sort of middle ground must be found and maintained
some people talk about how big corporation are taking over the government..

isnt that the future tho, government becoming a thing of the past and big international corp becoming the new world government, and isnt that a good thing

(sorry to not explain much of what i mean)

Maybe I have a problem with trust but the answer to this question (and statement) is I sure hope not. I will explain my concern. Chances are unless these corporations are run by philanthropists there will always be people who fall through the cracks. There are already signs of corporations taking over the U.S and look at the class divide that currently exists there now. Someone once told me (and I'm sure many people feel this way) that the United States has already been bought by big business , lock stock and barrell. I am having a hard time envisioning international corp replacing govenment as a good thing for everyone. Except the big corporations at least.
Im just starting reading Food of the Gods, and Im already annoyed at the tone its taken...

There are some assumptions made about the nature of the relationship between a cohesive society and nature at large in addition to further assumptions about the relations between individuals in that society...

Granted its the intro, and the following chapters seem devoted to a recounting of historical and sociological happenings related to the place of altered states in culture rather than an espousing of utopian ideals with no discussion of the drastic changes which would have to occur for them to come about...

Should be a good read though, despite the fact that I don't really resonate with his writing style...