Social The Dark Side Social Thread v. Darksiders Forever

^^ Interesting, how so??

Hallucinations are nothing. Im used To way worse. Speed seems To bring them out, so gonna be real careful
Any drug that acts on dopamine will induce the positive symptoms of schizophrenia e.g. hallucinations, delusions. Amphetamines work in the exact same part of the brain where those symptoms are created.
I have to agree with (as always our vet genius) n3ophy73 how does a benzo stop schizophrenia.

it may not be you have schizophrenia but serious anxiety.

schizophrenia with something like benzos just makes you forget the voices made you do shit.

poor schizophrenics I once went to a psych after getting out of prison and on parole.

they wanted to know why I was so crazy to take drugs. (more like there crazy not too you only live once.)

they were trying to help me and I was like sweety your dumb.

shall we get smart :)

and I used a script I wrote to dump the entire american journal of psychiatry and the entire journal of

european psychiatry out of sciencedirect and we went through it together.

the things they have done to poor schizophrenics to prove how the brain works.

mangele would be proud.
schizophrenia is a lot more complex than people think and there are many kinds

if it were easy, APs would fix all of us schizos, like benzos to anxiety

but it doesn't work like that >_<, APs never helped me at all other than to keep me calm and dumb
Benzos help And I can actually laugh And so on. I had actually taken antipsychotics prior to my hallucinations 3 days ago but I had Also stayed up that night. My shaman friend says im paranoid schizophrenic And since I mostly have positive symptoms I have to agree with him. Im moving in with my grandma next month cause I cant stop bupre here + I do alot better when im living with someone else. We were always really close too And shes fine with casual drug use lol.
^^ Interesting, how so??

Any drug that acts on dopamine will induce the positive symptoms of schizophrenia e.g. hallucinations, delusions. Amphetamines work in the exact same part of the brain where those symptoms are created.
But also sertotonergic drugs that activate the 5HTP2C receptor because it regulates dompaminergic action.

It has been demonstrated in medical research studies that pre-loading on 5HTP will attenuate the psychotic symptoms caused by amphetamine specifically in schizophrenic patients.

However 5HTP taken just as a supplement without a neuroleptic had also been shown to make schizophrenic systems worse. Which is curious because an acute dose of 5HTP will alleviate psychosis caused by LSD (showing again that schizophrenia psychosis and LSD effects are caused by different actions).
What really sucks about being constantly paranoid / The misconception of proportionality is that there are times when you shouldnt defend yourself but you do And vice versa which is really bad for relationships with regular/semi regular People. Thats why I love my schizophrenic Homies. 🖤
I'm tired of looking at random ass other people my age with houses, wives, kids, cars, friends....... normal ass people and I have so much anger that I'm not more normal like them. I don't like such thoughts, I don't entertain such thoughts, but seemingly can't prevent them.
I'm tired of looking at random ass other people my age with houses, wives, kids, cars, friends....... normal ass people and I have so much anger that I'm not more normal like them. I don't like such thoughts, I don't entertain such thoughts, but seemingly can't prevent them.
This song cheers me up when I'm having those thoughts
I'm tired of looking at random ass other people my age with houses, wives, kids, cars, friends....... normal ass people and I have so much anger that I'm not more normal like them. I don't like such thoughts, I don't entertain such thoughts, but seemingly can't prevent them.
I'm jelly when I should be peanut better
Sydney Australia has gone in to a total 2 week lockdown :( Grrrrrrr
Have you guys ever woke up and felt so skinny? I could feel my heart beating through my stomach.

Not skinny in a literal sense.... In an existential sense.

Like that line from The Machinist:

"If you were any skinnier you wouldn't exist..."


I need to fatten myself
Does anyone think it’s possible to find a guy who will allow you to kick their ass while you’re on your period?

It would make me feel so much better.

I'm sure they're out there.

Are you talking like.... black eye bruised ribs?

but domestic violence isn't cool :'(