Social The Dark Side Social Thread v. Darksiders Forever

Uhh I drove drunk twice yesterday, the second time for no reason because I got to the store and had no money. Also called someone a cunt about 400 times last night (they deserves it and that was off site obviously)

What kind of loser alcoholic would wake up to this? These are not the hoofprints of your average God-fearing junky... It's too savage... Bestial wail...

Most drunk I've been in a long time tbh... Fragments of memories out of the time fog. It makes no sense.

I need to fuck off with the alcohol. Now I drink coffee and repent
You're not a loser at all Snaf. We've all been there (FUCK!!! In 18 years of hardcore daily binge drinking, I have way too many stories like this, and I have done wayyyyy too many things that could've/would've/should've gotten me killed or even worse gotten someone else injured or killed.). So please don't be hard on yourself. Just take it easy and be grateful that you didn't get hurt :)
What kind of loser alcoholic would wake up to this? These are not the hoofprints of your average God-fearing junky... It's too savage... Bestial wail...

Lol... " Were responsible people "

I'm going to like the next 10 things I see of yours for quoting this movie in your hangover story.
One of my favorites. Read all his books too.

Prolly part of the reason I am so fucked up today... 🙃

There he goes one of God's very own prototypes.... A high powered mutant of some wierd to live ti rare to die.
man ended up doing 6 shots back to back didnt feel much cause of the microdose so i lit up my last nug i had curing for a weeks 5 day tolerance break very so happy idk i should ever fully give up ganja it gives me alot of peace

though this was super cool reminded me of when i did 3 tabs my first ever acid trip lol
man ended up doing 6 shots back to back didnt feel much cause of the microdose so i lit up my last nug i had curing for a weeks 5 day tolerance break very so happy idk i should ever fully give up ganja it gives me alot of peace

though this was super cool reminded me of when i did 3 tabs my first ever acid trip lol

Glad you're feeling a bit better dude but please try to not glorify drug use toooo much in The Dark Side, yeah? :)

Fort Lee New Jersey, East Coast.
Oh cool! You'd have an awesome NJ accent then!!!!
Am feeling good today.

Meh, this guy who isn't anything but some internet random person abused the fucking shit out of me with some ordinary bullshit.

I probably deserved it, life is really tough and all and its probably okay to get blacked out drunk, lose control, drink drive , go on crime sprees, be that shit junkie that gives others their reputation.

I dont have much time for people who won't take responsibility for themselves anymore, probably makes me an asshole, but I'm fine with that

Glad you're feeling a bit better dude but please try to not glorify drug use toooo much in The Dark Side, yeah? :)

Oh cool! You'd have an awesome NJ accent then!!!!
We don't have accents like New Yorkers do, especially Brooklyn, my God you ever hear them speak?
if i could just stop these PTSD dreams that would be great. Tryna stay in the present moment but thinking about the future haunts me. Just two more weeks and ill have some free time to chill out. Trying to dig deep. I think caffeine is making me feel so burnt but i need the energy to get shit done. just feels like my mind is spiraling out of control maybe god is testing me and i will grow stronger from this look back at these times when im older.

if i was weak i would of given up already and moved back with my folks but im still trying my best.
if i could just stop these PTSD dreams that would be great. Tryna stay in the present moment but thinking about the future haunts me. Just two more weeks and ill have some free time to chill out. Trying to dig deep. I think caffeine is making me feel so burnt but i need the energy to get shit done. just feels like my mind is spiraling out of control maybe god is testing me and i will grow stronger from this look back at these times when im older.

if i was weak i would of given up already and moved back with my folks but im still trying my best.
Oh mate.....I suffer really badly with C-PTSD nightmares, so I feel ya. It's the fucking worst. Keep trying to stay in the present moment though, it truly does get easier the more and more you practice it.

Regardless of whether it is god trying to teach you something, one thing is for sure, you will grow stronger and wiser from whatever you're going through!!
if i could just stop these PTSD dreams that would be great. Tryna stay in the present moment but thinking about the future haunts me. Just two more weeks and ill have some free time to chill out. Trying to dig deep. I think caffeine is making me feel so burnt but i need the energy to get shit done. just feels like my mind is spiraling out of control maybe god is testing me and i will grow stronger from this look back at these times when im older.

if i was weak i would of given up already and moved back with my folks but im still trying my best.
Hope you get better TripSitterNZ, I cut back on my coffee intake because the caffeine was increasing my anxiety, and I love coffee use to drink coffee through out the day, now just one cup in the morning.
since I started drinking every other day I have become jekyll and hyde... hate myself one day and drunken insanity the other off and on, I'm a shitty useless flashlight that does the opposite thing you desire it to do... <3

I'm decent at making tacos so I have that going for me

What do you drink? When i wanna stay sober these days i just drink beer like Guinness or Murphy's Stout which doesent get me drunk. Either that or i drink Sapporo which cause it's a rice lager doesent wreck my diet. I don't get drunk off that either even though it's 5% and ill often drink 12 of them or more. I can literally drink all day and not get noticably drunk. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing cause my alcohol tolerance is pretty high. Also when i drink Rum ill try and pace myself and always have beer for after the rum is gone so i can kinda sober up that way.

We used to say beer before liquor never sicker but liquor before beer your in the clear. Turns out that saying was accurate.

TripSitterNZ said:
if i could just stop these PTSD dreams that would be great. Tryna stay in the present moment but thinking about the future haunts me. Just two more weeks and ill have some free time to chill out. Trying to dig deep. I think caffeine is making me feel so burnt but i need the energy to get shit done. just feels like my mind is spiraling out of control maybe god is testing me and i will grow stronger from this look back at these times when im older.

if i was weak i would of given up already and moved back with my folks but im still trying my best.

Oh man i sympathize. I got bad PTSD and the nightmares are the main symptom i get. I dream im back in the psych ward and when i wake up it takes me a minute or 2 to realize im not back in there. Right now i take Zopiclone for it which works great but can be addictive for some people. Ive never had a problem with it though and ive been on it for 2 years straight now. I still get PTSD symptoms like flashbacks though which are hard to fucking deal with and when i don't take the pills i get nightmares
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@paranoid android I typically just drink cheap generic American beer. I'm that type of guy that needs to drink a specific amount. I can't just buy lower abv beer because I would just end up going out drunk to buy more. I typically drink 14-18 5% beers.

My desire and accountability to quit is a lot higher than any real hard consequences it's producing in my life. I'm just so hard on myself.

I keep telling myself it's ok to drink because at least it's not heroin and I tell myself it helps me stay off the heroin but part of me thinks I'm lying to myself.
@paranoid android I typically just drink cheap generic American beer. I'm that type of guy that needs to drink a specific amount. I can't just buy lower abv beer because I would just end up going out drunk to buy more. I typically drink 14-18 5% beers.

My desire and accountability to quit is a lot higher than any real hard consequences it's producing in my life. I'm just so hard on myself.

I keep telling myself it's ok to drink because at least it's not heroin and I tell myself it helps me stay off the heroin but part of me thinks I'm lying to myself.

Oh god man i can't handle that shit. All American beer to me besides a few tastes fucking awful. I can drink a rolling rock if it's ice cold but that's about it. When im broke and wanna get drunk i will drink Faxe which is a 10% Danish extra strong beer that isnt drinkable unless you chill it to nearly frozen. 5 of those drank fairly quickly will get me drunk but the hangover ain't really worth it.

14-18 beers is alot for most people and it's usually around the 12-14 mark where i get to full and have to stop drinking. This is why when i wanna get drunk it's usually Vodka or lately Rum for me. I stopped drinking Vodka after i fell over the stairs earlier the spring on a combo of Russian standard Vodka and Zopiclone.

Dont beat yourself up though i know people in my area who drink more then you do every goddamn day. My uncle for instance drinks no less then 24 awful disgusting Molson Canadian every goddamn day. Lot's of other people i know average atleast 18-24 beers a day or a 750ml bottle of liquor everyday. Even a 40ozer of liquor a day isnt unheard of here.