The cycle log thread

Trest is great. A lot more calm than tren, great strength gains, good size so far. This is at 25mg/day mind you for a week.
Thought I'd check in, strength and sex drive is amazing, been on 20 days

Have only gained a few pounds because I've had a few days where I was sick and I was literally forcing food down, and training went out the window for about 3 days and even when I did get back to the gym I felt terrible still

Back on track now and training hard and getting my calories

Exactly the same here, gained a good few lbz but been struggling to eat on this anadrol...

Trest is great. A lot more calm than tren, great strength gains, good size so far. This is at 25mg/day mind you for a week.

how's treat supposed to work then? Bulkier? Cutter? Recomp? Purely strength?
Weight is up to 196lbs from 180 exactly 10 days ago. Strength considerably higher
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Trest seems like a wet tren without many sides if estrogen is kept in check. Definitely more mass building than tren but if dieting I don't see it as a good cutter as I am starving all the time.

Edit: I'm impatient some more so I'm putting 50mg tren ace in the pin tonight :p I'll just order more tren over the winter if needed. Should be getting bloods done tomorrow or day after to make sure estrogen is good then bloods again around Christmas for liver check after sdrol.
Ugh going in for bloods. I can stick myself all day for aas, stick veins as an IV drug addict. But having blood drawn makes me a nervous wreck...
Bastarding site is messing me about won't let me use the quote button...
Always makes me nauseous and I pass out getting blood drawn. Luckily I had the same phlebotomist as last time (sexy milf) who talked me through the whole ordeal.
Results came in: e2 is a lot higher than it should be. Conclusion : evolution peptides adex is underdosed. Will be upping it tonight.
I gotta ask you this GF. I'm not experiencing e2 sides. Should I still knock it down to a lower level or let it be? I know estrogen in itself aids in muscle growth so I figure why not keep it at this level if it's not causing problems?
Always makes me nauseous and I pass out getting blood drawn. Luckily I had the same phlebotomist as last time (sexy milf) who talked me through the whole ordeal.
Results came in: e2 is a lot higher than it should be. Conclusion : evolution peptides adex is underdosed. Will be upping it tonight.
I gotta ask you this GF. I'm not experiencing e2 sides. Should I still knock it down to a lower level or let it be? I know estrogen in itself aids in muscle growth so I figure why not keep it at this level if it's not causing problems?

What do you call a lot higher..?

Its more about androgen:estrogen ratio, rather than stating E2 is high should I knock it out..!! Exogenous test will be much higher than normal, so you might assume E2 might be appreciably high too and be OK.. At what point does high E2 become an issue enough to lower with anti-E's... I suppose when you experience side effect, everyone is different..!!

Like you say if its not causing problems, why bother at this point, just keep an eye on it..!!
It's in the mid 200s on 500 test c and 175 trest Ace. I've been taking 0.5 mg/day of evo adex when I developed slight gyno flare up. The flare up has gone down but I never hit low estrogen sides and it's been maintaining my estrogen sides. I'd think 3.5mg/week adex for this little test would keep my estrogen lower than mid 200s.
Debating buying a vial of prop or 100 Dbol...
Anadrol as much as I love the feeling of being on it is completely killing my appetite, I'm struggling to eat 3 meals a day with little to no snacks and it seems to be getting worse...
Also I'm constantly short of breath, I never realised drol caused this sort of issue, I'm struggling to do enough various exercises for each muscle group and am... I feel good mentally and physical strength is good but shitty otherwise.
Might just buy some prop...
Fuck it I noticed my back starting to break out cus of these anadrol I'm gonna completely rework my cycle to try and avoid acne.

Might drop the test to 250 and up the deca to 800...
Does test dosage directly correlate to acne likelyhood?? Gf any advice here?
How are you taking your drol? Maybe try spacing doses in accordance to its half life to keep blood levels more stable
Well it's a 12 hour half life and I've been taking it twice a day so should not be having any issues there. I have a history of acne induced by steroids.

I want somebody to chime in here and tell me if 250test and 800mg deca is a good idea or not, supposed to pin today but not sure what to pin...Might up the deca and keep the test the same for 2 weeks then drop it.

Anybody know anything about superdrols tendency to cause acne?? Got some laying about somewhere..
Fuck it I noticed my back starting to break out cus of these anadrol I'm gonna completely rework my cycle to try and avoid acne.

Might drop the test to 250 and up the deca to 800...
Does test dosage directly correlate to acne likelyhood?? Gf any advice here?

When you get down to brass tacks, it's sebum production which is influenced by both genetics and hormones.

Sebum is what acne bacteria feeds on and plenty of sebum leads to a spike in acne bacteria. A great deal of acne bacteria feeding on sebum pretty much results in waste product by the acne bacteria which clogs pores, causing inflammation and infection thus triggering an immune response that leads to white blood cells battling the infection and forming puss.

#1 cause of acne: Hormonal imbalance. Test to Estro levels are out of balance.

#2 cause of acne: Not showering enough or not showering after sweating.

#3 cause of acne: Genetic predisposition.

I am willing to bet that 9 times out of 10 it is #1 that is causing people problems. Yet another reason to get frequent blood tests.
So a hormonal imbalance is what can cause acne? I actually wasn't aware of this at all. I thought it was more to do with how androgenic a particular hormone was rather than a hormonal imbalance. I will get bloods done next week when I'm off work.
Should I maybe try aromasin or adex in the mean time? Is it due to high estrogen? Or exactly what imbalance causes this
So a hormonal imbalance is what can cause acne? I actually wasn't aware of this at all. I thought it was more to do with how androgenic a particular hormone was rather than a hormonal imbalance. I will get bloods done next week when I'm off work.
Should I maybe try aromasin or adex in the mean time? Is it due to high estrogen? Or exactly what imbalance causes this

#1 cause of acne: Hormonal imbalance. Test to Estro levels are out of balance

Even something as simple as not pinning frequently enough can cause plasma peaks and troughs sufficient to increase aromatization nolys..
Or some people are just prone to it... Sounds like there is too much estrogen, too soon, hence you bloating, and increasing weight so quickly..

With deca you won't stop E2 with an AI or a SERM, in fact you won't stop it..!! Maybe lower the dose to lower estrogenic response via AR from deca..!!
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I'm certain it's the anadrol causing the problem atm. It's too soon for deca to be causing any issue imo.
I'm not getting any itchy nips or noticeable water retention (it's there but I still look lean).

What would the exact balance be? Do you mean that my body wants a balance between test/estrogen in the same ratio as if it were at homeostasis/not on gear at all?
Shouldn't just jumping on an Ai prevent the anadrol from causing this issue until I can see how the deca is going to effect me. Never had issues with deca before, this tends to happen post cycle in my experiance.

I'm going to drop the drol regardless, I've taken 4 shits today and have ate about 2500-3k calories (the best food intake day I've had since I started drol)

I can't eat, sleeps are weird as fuck, constant shitting, nausea... Gonna go on Superdrol starting tomorow