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The Cannabis Discussion Thread

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SA (South Australia) - SA has had the most relaxed of all decriminalised states for the longest of all as they were the first to institute them in 1987. The lowdown is possession of up to 100 grams of marijuana, 20 grams of hash (the resin from the cannabis plant), one non-hydroponic plant or cannabis smoking equipment leads to a fine from $50 to $150 with 60 days to pay it.
I realise that it is too early to plant cannabis outdoors, I am talking about planting whatever plants I use to cover up the area I grow cannabis in now or soon, since I figure cannabis grows quicker than they will it can't hurt to give them a headstart.

I am very familiar with training techniques, however, the issue isn't just visibility from neighbours but I also need the plants to not be visible from most of the garden of the house they will be planted at as the home owner would liek plausible deniability. Since the area is currently completely open I need ideas for plants that I can use to conceal this area so I have a space in which to grow cannabis.

Sorry about that, I just read your post wrong.
Wow, it's been a great week weed wise. I'm stoked, since e last couple of months has been shitty.

On Monday I picked up an ounce of some outdoor sativa that was grown with TLC and quality seeds and an ounce of white widow from the same grower. Today I picked up an ounce of unkown genetics that has been grown beautifully and is the best smoke I've had in a very long time. What's more, it has been dried and cured properly. The weed I have been getting has been so wet that today I got at least TWICE the amount for the same money. I think I'll pick up another tomorrow.

I got a new vape a couple of weeks ago, the SSV. It's amazing. It looks awesome and delivers huge, tasty hits. It tastes better than the volcano and I use a lot less weed with it. Now the SSV did take some getting used to before I could use it reliably but I have to say that it is BETTER THAN THE VOLCANO!
Wow, it's been a great week weed wise. I'm stoked, since e last couple of months has been shitty.

On Monday I picked up an ounce of some outdoor sativa that was grown with TLC and quality seeds and an ounce of white widow from the same grower. Today I picked up an ounce of unkown genetics that has been grown beautifully and is the best smoke I've had in a very long time. What's more, it has been dried and cured properly. The weed I have been getting has been so wet that today I got at least TWICE the amount for the same money. I think I'll pick up another tomorrow.

I got a new vape a couple of weeks ago, the SSV. It's amazing. It looks awesome and delivers huge, tasty hits. It tastes better than the volcano and I use a lot less weed with it. Now the SSV did take some getting used to before I could use it reliably but I have to say that it is BETTER THAN THE VOLCANO!

Never buy Cannabis that is wet, it is a bad idea. Try drying a gram of what you buy wet and see how much you end up with. Let us know your results.

Post some pics of what you have been scoring as well.

I checked out that Youtube vid. It looks like another cheap vape to me. There is nothing better than a digital Volcano IMO.
Yeah those SSV's sound pretty good. I was just watching this guys review on it -


He reviews all the vapes, but this one was also interesting I thought, Vaporizer Comparison: Volcano vs. Extreme-Q -


Yeah I was tossing up between the Extreme Q and SSV. The Q looks pretty cool, gotta love having both whips and bags. I chose the SSV because it has a 3 year warranty, is made of aluminium and hand blown glass parts which you can get custom made. The SSV comes in loads of colours and that is customisable too.

VB, in I have literally around a dozen sources and all the hydro was wet I guess it's a common thing. It's not condensing in the bag or anything, the weed has been rushed to sale is all. It still vapes and smokes well. I can afford it and if that's all there is, I'll buy it.

The SSV might be cheap but its rated as the best whip vape on the market over at fuckcombustion. The hits on most whip vapes have a much higher vapor to air ratio than bag vapes like the volcano making them creamier and tastier. Bag vapes are awesome for having friends over though. Whip vapes can take a bit of practice and they can't be passed around the room like a bag vape. And of course, you can take the bed anywhere you want.

Don't get me wrong, I love my volcano and until now it has been the favourite of my 9 Vaporizers.(I'm a collector, and I have nothing else to spend my money on) I have the pax on your recommendation VB so I gotta thank you for that mate.

Worst thing about the volcano is the bag noise hey?

Oh and apparently the O I got today was strawberry cough but my dude doesn't know the grower too well so who knows if its true. I can't taste strawberries,
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Wow, it's been a great week weed wise. I'm stoked, since e last couple of months has been shitty.

On Monday I picked up an ounce of some outdoor sativa that was grown with TLC and quality seeds and an ounce of white widow from the same grower. Today I picked up an ounce of unkown genetics that has been grown beautifully and is the best smoke I've had in a very long time. What's more, it has been dried and cured properly. The weed I have been getting has been so wet that today I got at least TWICE the amount for the same money. I think I'll pick up another tomorrow.

I got a new vape a couple of weeks ago, the SSV. It's amazing. It looks awesome and delivers huge, tasty hits. It tastes better than the volcano and I use a lot less weed with it. Now the SSV did take some getting used to before I could use it reliably but I have to say that it is BETTER THAN THE VOLCANO!

I have to say the last few months I have been pretty fucking lucky as well quality wise, I have 4 different sources and have been rotating to keep a good variety. I actually just got an ounce of some really nice sativa dom shit last week, which is a nice change from all the indica that tends to be floating around although it is a bit less convenient for sleeping. No named strains been floating around for me though, unfortunately. Still though, my last 6 or 7 ounces I have all been very happy with potency wise.

It is total bullshit that you are buying weed that wet dude, drugs aren't fucking cheap and it is a joke to be paying so much for product that a significant percent is fucking water. I can understand the mentality why you would rather pay for that than do without anything but maybe this season you should get some beans and grow your own to stop supporting shitty/lazy growers who put out a sub par product. It is pretty much unavoidable to get weed that is a little damp every now and then when buying ounces or greater from commercial sources, but for me personally the wettest shit I have picked up only lost a few grams or so (out of an ounce) after a good dry out. It is worth noting though that moisture isn't the only thing that affects the size of your bag, I reckon some dodgy cunts use weird nutrients/chemicals/whatever to bulk out certain buds because sometimes you get shit and even when it is bone dry it just doesn't chop out like it should at all.

I don't think any commercial sources in this country cure their weed for any significant amount of time, if at all. When you think about it there is no real commercial incentive to bother. When you have smoked and tasted nicely cured homegrown you realise how fucking average the vast majority of hydro doing the rounds really does taste. I have always assumed the fact that we mix tobacco with our weed so commonly in this country has lead to growers skimping on the cure, figuring most of us spoil the taste with baccy anyway, but then I went to London where everyone smokes spliffs and all the weed I got there from different sources pretty much every time was killer and well cured.

I really don't understand how there isn't a larger connoisseur cannabis market in this country, I know they do exist but in my experience they tend to be a network of small to medium scale growers who all grow different varieties and share them around amongst each other, it seems a lot of them are in the business of selling cannabis but purchase the commercial crap for selling on and keep the homegrown mostly for their circles. Sometimes named strains do pop up but mostly the supplier is only willing to part with a prohibitively small quantity at a time. It is quite perplexing because myself and a good number of smokers I know would happily pay 25-40% more for cannabis of a bit more potency, a proper cure and a bit of variety in the choice of genetics.

For the most part I really do get good quality cannabis, but it could certainly be better and from time to time the quality is considerably less than I would like, which as a daily smoker presents problems where sometimes you have to buy overpriced garbage or do without something that you rely on to some degree. I am really envious of all those people in California, Colorado, and to a lesser extent the Netherlands, who seem to have an endless supply of absolute A+ well cured chronic buds available in a great variety of genetics.

Really pumped to get some girls of my own in the ground this year, even if they don't turn out as insane as some of the stuff you see being sold at US dispensaries and the like, atleast you know what went into it and are not financially supporting immoral assholes who produce sub par cannabis for the sake of making even more money in a highly profitable industry. It makes me kind of sick to think how many tens of thousands I have put directly into the pockets of these fucking assholes over the years.
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I have to say the last few months I have been pretty fucking lucky as well quality wise, I have 4 different sources and have been rotating to keep a good variety. I actually just got an ounce of some really nice sativa dom shit last week, which is a nice change from all the indica that tends to be floating around although it is a bit less convenient for sleeping. No named strains been floating around for me though, unfortunately. Still though, my last 6 or 7 ounces I have all been very happy with potency wise.

It is total bullshit that you are buying weed that wet dude, drugs aren't fucking cheap and it is a joke to be paying so much for product that a significant percent is fucking water. I can understand the mentality why you would rather pay for that than do without anything but maybe this season you should get some beans and grow your own to stop supporting shitty/lazy growers who put out a sub par product. It is pretty much unavoidable to get weed that is a little damp every now and then when buying ounces or greater from commercial sources, but for me personally the wettest shit I have picked up only lost a few grams or so (out of an ounce) after a good dry out. It is worth noting though that moisture isn't the only thing that affects the size of your bag, I reckon some dodgy cunts use weird nutrients/chemicals/whatever to bulk out certain buds because sometimes you get shit and even when it is bone dry it just doesn't chop out like it should at all.

I don't think any commercial sources in this country cure their weed for any significant amount of time, if at all. When you think about it there is no real commercial incentive to bother. When you have smoked and tasted nicely cured homegrown you realise how fucking average the vast majority of hydro doing the rounds really does taste. I have always assumed the fact that we mix tobacco with our weed so commonly in this country has lead to growers skimping on the cure, figuring most of us spoil the taste with baccy anyway, but then I went to London where everyone smokes spliffs and all the weed I got there from different sources pretty much every time was killer and well cured.

I really don't understand how there isn't a larger connoisseur cannabis market in this country, I know they do exist but in my experience they tend to be a network of small to medium scale growers who all grow different varieties and share them around amongst each other, it seems a lot of them are in the business of selling cannabis but purchase the commercial crap for selling on and keep the homegrown mostly for their circles. Sometimes named strains do pop up but mostly the supplier is only willing to part with a prohibitively small quantity at a time. It is quite perplexing because myself and a good number of smokers I know would happily pay 25-40% more for cannabis of a bit more potency, a proper cure and a bit of variety in the choice of genetics.

For the most part I really do get good quality cannabis, but it could certainly be better and from time to time the quality is considerably less than I would like, which as a daily smoker presents problems where sometimes you have to buy overpriced garbage or do without something that you rely on to some degree. I am really envious of all those people in California, Colorado, and to a lesser extent the Netherlands, who seem to have an endless supply of absolute A+ well cured chronic buds available in a great variety of genetics.

Really pumped to get some girls of my own in the ground this year, even if they don't turn out as insane as some of the stuff you see being sold at US dispensaries and the like, atleast you know what went into it and are not financially supporting immoral assholes who produce sub par cannabis for the sake of making even more money in a highly profitable industry. It makes me kind of sick to think how many tens of thousands I have put directly into the pockets of these fucking assholes over the years.

excellent post mate, you hit the nail on the head.. (especially with the curing part)

I've been lucky enough to always have quality hydro buds available to me for free most my smoking life, through friends n family (I've been off the buds for a month now n lost most contacts), but I noticed around 12-18 months ago (over here) most 'commercial' buds was damp n stayed that way through-out the 'drought'.. things have slowly improved, commercial wise, but it seems to be happening too often.. and these are with well-known strains such as white widow, great white shark n G13....

cannabis causes too much anxiety/depression for me these days, so I dont bother too much with it.. but even givin the current circumstances with the commercial scene, I wouldnt even hook a mate up with an oz due to the dampness and price...
Yeah I was tossing up between the Extreme Q and SSV. The Q looks pretty cool, gotta love having both whips and bags. I chose the SSV because it has a 3 year warranty, is made of aluminium and hand blown glass parts which you can get custom made. The SSV comes in loads of colours and that is customisable too.

VB, in I have literally around a dozen sources and all the hydro was wet I guess it's a common thing. It's not condensing in the bag or anything, the weed has been rushed to sale is all. It still vapes and smokes well. I can afford it and if that's all there is, I'll buy it.

The SSV might be cheap but its rated as the best whip vape on the market over at fuckcombustion. The hits on most whip vapes have a much higher vapor to air ratio than bag vapes like the volcano making them creamier and tastier. Bag vapes are awesome for having friends over though. Whip vapes can take a bit of practice and they can't be passed around the room like a bag vape. And of course, you can take the bed anywhere you want.

Don't get me wrong, I love my volcano and until now it has been the favourite of my 9 Vaporizers.(I'm a collector, and I have nothing else to spend my money on) I have the pax on your recommendation VB so I gotta thank you for that mate.

Worst thing about the volcano is the bag noise hey?

Oh and apparently the O I got today was strawberry cough but my dude doesn't know the grower too well so who knows if its true. I can't taste strawberries,

Is it actually wet or is it being misted before sale to add weight? Misting can also be used to revitalise some crunchy old bud that is years old.

Post some pics up for us when you get the chance. I am sure everyone wants to see what you are getting.
Had hash for the first time last night, shit was amazing. Have any of you guys had OG Kush or Sour Diesel, got a hook up but the price is ridiculous, is it worth it?
Had hash for the first time last night, shit was amazing. Have any of you guys had OG Kush or Sour Diesel, got a hook up but the price is ridiculous, is it worth it?

I had both the strains in Amsterdam last November. The Sour Diesel was nothing special. I had been looking forward to trying the fuel strains for years and was disappointed.

The OG Kush from Baba I found to be exactly the same as high grade commercial Cannabis that is sold here in Australia. It was great and was probably the 5th best strain I tried over there.
How the hell do you know it is actually that strain? I mean, even if you get sent (or have) seeds that are whatever strain, how do you know it really is that? By certain characteristics? Isn't there a chance with all the different strains that it may be something else totally?

I can imagine many money makers pushing their product and calling it 'insert popular strain name here'....

Yrs ago when OG and MJOZ was around and I used to grow a little bit I got some seeds of various names, one was new york city diesel, skunk (something, skunk 1 maybe? cant recall) and a few others, and yeah they were all good, in their various ways, but I dunno, I am always skeptical. Like when I goto byron and Mullumbimby and choof with some old timers and they crap on about this being part mullumbimby madness from the 7th generation or some shit I'm always thinking to myself, yeah whatever.
How the hell do you know it is actually that strain? I mean, even if you get sent (or have) seeds that are whatever strain, how do you know it really is that? By certain characteristics? Isn't there a chance with all the different strains that it may be something else totally?

I can imagine many money makers pushing their product and calling it 'insert popular strain name here'....

I was always of the opinion that in Australia, we don't actually have the strain choice (aside from small circles). Anything widely sold as 'Kush'/'Sour D' is most likely dealer bullshit.

I'm also interested in how you'd tell the difference in bud characteristics.
I was always of the opinion that in Australia, we don't actually have the strain choice (aside from small circles). Anything widely sold as 'Kush'/'Sour D' is most likely dealer bullshit.

I'm also interested in how you'd tell the difference in bud characteristics.
rule of thumb generally, don't listen to what dealers say the 'strain' is..99% of the time it's just a selling gimmick. Your right though, unless you grow seeds yourself or have a close friend whose growing a strain they bought online then I don't bother listening too..."got this chronic white widow, it's from Adelaide apparently" yeh right dickhead..

There is no way you can tell the difference between strains by looking at buds. It's impossible. Say you grow white widow outdoors and indoors, end result..they will look different, smell different, taste different and the highs are probably not going to be exactly the same either tbph. There are far too many variables involved to be Albe to identify strains when it comes to growing.

Seems like for the past year a mate has been getting wet commercial buds, it's a fucking joke. Last night I got some decent fresh hydro that wasn't full of pgr's and my god the difference in quality..
I was always of the opinion that in Australia, we don't actually have the strain choice (aside from small circles). Anything widely sold as 'Kush'/'Sour D' is most likely dealer bullshit.

I'm also interested in how you'd tell the difference in bud characteristics.

I know that the above comments were directed at Codeine Cowboy but this is how I learnt:

I learned quickly in Amsterdam what a majority of the strains I had been smoking over the last 20 years in Australia were by the taste, looks and smell. For example I always knew how to pick haze before I left due to the smell and growth pattern of the buds but in Amsterdam I learned how to really distinguished it by the taste alone as it is a very common makeup of a majority of high quality hybrids. I then learned how to pick Haze crosses by the way it tears at your throat and by the end of my trip could taste the haze element in most crosses I tried.

The one I was searching for was the good commercial Indica that comes around once or twice a year that most people sit on. I already had my suspicions that it was a Kush strain but was floored when I found the exact same product, that could have have come from the same grower it was that close, being sold as OG Kush. That was always one of my personal favourites and although I know connoisseur growers with better product that one had always been my first choice for chilling on the couch.

Judging by looks alone I worked out what a lot of strains in Australia were that I had been using and which ones I had always thought were specific strains. I was way off on a fair few though

There were strains in Amsterdam that I could pick a mile away as a mate had smuggled the seeds back in 1995. I had grown quite accustomed to these strains over the years. The second I saw a good White Widow from the Bulldog I knew what is was from the looks alone. The smell confirmed that what we had been using for years here in Australia was definitely the White Widow. The same went for the White Russian although IMO we grow it better here.

One thing I found in Amsterdam was that there was nothing even close to the rock hard commercial Orange bud/Red Devil that we get here in terms of density. Everything was grown to perfection and when I told people about the Red Devil they were amazed that we paid money for Cannabis that had bud hardener added that would break a mullamatic. They give away free grinders at every coffee shop which are next to useless when trying to grind product that has been treated with bud hardener.

In total I bought around 50 different strains of Cannabis alone and had the credit card debt to prove it - I extended my trip as I had way to much weed and wanted to consume the majority of it. I was getting anxiety by the end thinking I wouldn't be able to use it all but ended up rolling a joint so big with all the leftovers for the owners of my hotel that we set the fire alarm off.

The moral of my story is that if you are a stoner you really need to get to Amsterdam or a clinic in the US or Colorado or Washington. You will learn a lot in a very short space of time. You will find that you will already have a lot of knowledge and it is kind of like connecting the dots to fill in all the blanks we have as Aussie stoners.
I checked out that Youtube vid. It looks like another cheap vape to me. There is nothing better than a digital Volcano IMO.

Not everyone can/is stupid enough, to spend over $500 (closer to $700) on a vape. If he's happy with what he had, sweet :)

Personally, I've used the volcano, whilst good, it's nothing like a nicely rolled joint with primo bud.

Oh VB, why do all your posts pertain to where you have been and what you have... Some helpful info would be awesome. I'm sure shit loads of blue lighters have been to Amsterdam. TBH, Northern California weed would be the best in the world. Colorado second, and Amsterdam somewhere near the bottom of my list. It's all about getting $$ from dumb tourists :)
Hey guys,

Yeah I don't rely on strain names from most people. My normal guy has been mates with a couple of his growers for years so we get strain names from them. When he sources from other people though its just wet hydro lately. I fucking hate those tiny ass buds covered in orange hairs. Give me those bright green popcorn buds anyday. I'm really loving sativa lately, I used to be an indica fan but that was when I had anxiety issues. If I take an Oxy with a sativa I can still sleep easily enough lol.

VB, I can't post photos... All I have is an ipad.

D_M that is a great post. I'm gong to be doing the same thing has well, looking at a grow tent that comes ready for light mounting. I'm not sure if ill grow in soil or go the hydro route. It will definitely be an indoor grow though. Have you chosen any strains yet? I'm thinking about getting some autoflowering seeds... Can anyone offer their opinion of them?

Someone needs to setup a commercial grow that produces good quality weed. Is it that hard or is it a matter of money?

Overgrow the World!
Another month and I'm putting my beans in for the next growing season. Can't wait to get some ladies going again.

Anyone else doing anything outdoors this year?
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