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The Cannabis Discussion Thread

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I smoke cannabis every day myself, well more like every night these days as I try and abstain from smoking throughout the day. I was doing really well for a good 6 months or so smoking joints pretty much exclusively, with the odd pipe thrown in. Last few months however I have found myself back on the bongs, and I reckon have probably only skinned up one or two in that time. :( I feel like bongs do the most damage to my lungs and are also the least enjoyable way of smoking cannabis, perplexingly they are also easily the most addictive one too though...

Been getting consistently nice bud for a good 6 months now but I felt prior to that the quality was a lot more variable than it was when I was smoking a couple of years ago.
Can't wait till everyone crops out in a couple months.. there will be some fucking primo back again. Seems everyone is sorta low on the goods.. plenty of Asian around as per but.
I have noticed if not a more steady supply coming in. loose 1 source...find 2 others its great!
I find smoking to regular keep your head in that 'cloudy set.' I was previously an everyday smoker of cannabis. Then I was forced to quit for 2 1/2 years. For the past 4 years I enjoy a joint or two every couple of weeks. I find this so much more enjoyable than daily smoking. Joints are all I smoke. I previously used a bong. Like someone said before I got over using vaporiser very quickly. I think I still have it in the shed somewhere.
Those glass pipes Spacejunk was talking about are fucking awesome. On par with smoking bongs :) and I was a massive bong head, :)
Bongs are good when I wanna get fucking ripped as and just mong out on a sunday or something.. but I find myself rolling more and more joints these days. . Even if i get a little nugget or something I will put enough aside for a little joint.. usually always kingys.

This was unheard of before unless I was buying multiple ounces on a good pay week or something.. small amounts were always "bong only" - Now I appreciate joints more and more - used to be just if i wanted to smoke pot going out or wahtever.

Usually always take a couple j's with me if I go out to somewhere for an event or whatever.
Or just anywhere I go haha.. always good to pull a doobie out on some unsuspecting stoner and offer a toke. ;-)
^ i too delight in pulling out a nice reefer at the right time in appreciative company.
i really enjoy the social side of marijuana, but i feel a bit sorry for friends who can't have a toke in company without getting the fear.
i know what it's like- i got that reaction when i was younger, but i've become pretty relaxed about smoking and being stoned in public.
it's gotten to the point that i think we ought to be more open about it, to say "yes i'm smoking a joint, and no i don't care that it's illegal because i'm not hurting anyone or doing anything wrong."
maybe if more of us politely and respectfully did this (in appropriate contexts) we'd demystify some of the misunderstandings people have about cannabis. anything that gets the attention of the authorities is obviously counterproductive, but if you're having a picnic in the park, or you're listening to an outdoor concert or you're meeting some friends for lunch, why not?

when i'm at an event or something and i get a whiff of someone else's joint, it makes me feel at home. and not because i smoke all day in my house; i don't do that so much any more. it's just like "hey - my kinda people"
i think if you like a smoke, you should be proud of it. not necessarily flaunt it, but not hide or do it in the toilet like it's shameful.
fuck that! smoking a joint is about as criminal an act as drinking a can of beer, we got nothing to be ashamed of.
The North American's in CD have called us out saying that the well reported figure of 100 cones a day + being smoked by some Aussies is not realistic. I have been trying to tell them for years now that this practice definitely goes on in some parts of Australia but they just don't believe me.

Does anyone else know any stoner's who have been up at those levels? I have heard it from Tripman and phase on here so far.
^^ alot of the yanks on BL (not all of them, but as I said, alot) seem to get off on arguing over pointless bullshit even though they have no idea what the fact of the matter actually is...

100 cones is a bit over the top but... although it is plausible it would mean with 7 hours of sleep, you would be smashin down a bit under 6 cones on the hour, every hour... actually me n my mates have probably come close to that once or twice in foggy haze that is our lives

either way, healthy lungs and tolerance would be a must... how did the whole arguement start up anyway? might have to pop over n stir some ruckus :p
Well back when I was in my heaviest usage, I would get up before work and have around 15 cones.

On my days off I'm sure I would have been pushing close to 100 as it was chop, bongs, ciggie, bongs, ciggie repeat. All day
at my heaviest i remember at one point realising i had absolutely no idea how many cones a day i smoked. not even a rough guess.
all i knew was it was more than twenty, probably closer to fifty.
no consciousness of it though, just smoked all day. 100 cones doesn't sound that unreasonable.
i gotta say though, at those amounts, i was barely ever stoned. more like a pack-a-day cigarette smoker or something. my tolerance was that high and i was so perpetually wasted that i couldn't really tell the difference, not until maybe five cones in a row.

so wasteful! i get way higher now, and i smoke a couple of times a week. only a couple of cones in a session too, but i get way more stoned!
Yeah I don't remember ever getting high in that peroid. There was very little difference between 1 cone and 15. Just the feeling of relief. Especially coming home after work. I would get a shiver down my spine with the first cone.
^ i too delight in pulling out a nice reefer at the right time in appreciative company.
i really enjoy the social side of marijuana, but i feel a bit sorry for friends who can't have a toke in company without getting the fear.
i know what it's like- i got that reaction when i was younger, but i've become pretty relaxed about smoking and being stoned in public.
it's gotten to the point that i think we ought to be more open about it, to say "yes i'm smoking a joint, and no i don't care that it's illegal because i'm not hurting anyone or doing anything wrong."
maybe if more of us politely and respectfully did this (in appropriate contexts) we'd demystify some of the misunderstandings people have about cannabis. anything that gets the attention of the authorities is obviously counterproductive, but if you're having a picnic in the park, or you're listening to an outdoor concert or you're meeting some friends for lunch, why not?

when i'm at an event or something and i get a whiff of someone else's joint, it makes me feel at home. and not because i smoke all day in my house; i don't do that so much any more. it's just like "hey - my kinda people"
i think if you like a smoke, you should be proud of it. not necessarily flaunt it, but not hide or do it in the toilet like it's shameful.
fuck that! smoking a joint is about as criminal an act as drinking a can of beer, we got nothing to be ashamed of.

Just to follow on from this... I don't use cannabis but lately I have been being a lot more social and ending up at parties where a lot of people are smoking pot. And the other night I was hanging out with a couple of friends and they said they felt bad that I couldn't smoke cones because they wanted to offer some, especially since I'm very generous when I have MXE and I'm at a party.

Anyway, I told them not to worry because even though I hate the feeling cannabis gives me, I don't care about being around others who smoke it and I actually like the smell of it being smoked up.

It just got me thinking; do many of you find that when you are at a party and you pull out your pot, there are people who are opposed to it? When people decline to take part, do you think that they either don't approve or just don't like to participate? Because I used to worry that people would think I didn't approve, but my sharing around of my other drugs makes it obvious I am not disapproving of that kind of behavior. ;)
i think most of my friends are like you - if they don't join in, it's because they know themselves well enough to know that it'll ruin their night if they have a toke and become all introverted. it's very common.
i can only guess what they're thinking, but the majority of my friends don't give a fuck if i smoke around them. they don't say anything, but if they do it's usually light-hearted and completely nonjudgemental.
i can't think of a party i've smoked at (ie every party i've been to since i was 13) where anyone has so much as batted an eyelid. nobody in my direct or wider social circle would even think twice and someone lighting up in front of them.

knowing who to smoke in front of and who not to is usually very easy to judge...however i did seriously misjudge that in a crowd at a festival waiting for bob dylan to come onstage earlier this year.
boy did i misjudge that artist's audience...strange mutters coming from all around me. i was tripping very hard but the friend i shared the joint with experienced it too, a most uncomfortable experience. old people in every imaginable direction muttering about the terrible druggies smoking an illegal bad person cigarette, jesus.

i can only remember two occasions ever where people have complained about my pot smoking in a social/public situation, and both were squashed into big crowds waiting for bands to play.
i guess that as hard as you try not to, you are blowing it into surrounding people's faces, and they have no way to get away from it - ha ha.
^ That is unfortunate about the festival experience, I can imagine there would have been some conservative older people there to see Bob Dylan... though he himself probably would have approved of your choice of smoking material. He might still indulge himself. :)

I wish I'd been able to go see Bob Dylan there, I managed to see him in concert at the Brisbane Entertainment Center a couple of years ago though. I love him, was the first musician I was really into, started listening to him when I was 13 and haven't stopped since. So hard to pick a favorite song or album because there are so many great ones... Positively 4th St is one of the songs that I'm really attached to though and Blood On The Tracks... fantastic album. :D

I've had people in crowds at festivals mutter things about me smoking a tobacco cigarette in the crowd, but luckily not often. I don't go to festivals anymore, don't enjoy them like I used to but I understand how for non-smokers it is annoying to have smoke so close to you.

spacejunk said:
i can't think of a party i've smoked at (ie every party i've been to since i was 13) where anyone has so much as batted an eyelid. nobody in my direct or wider social circle would even think twice and someone lighting up in front of them.

Yeah I imagine that if you are in the right social circles you would rarely encounter people who make a big deal about it. To be honest I've never really had many friends and it's only recently I've started making some and going to parties, and I still don't go to many but the one went to the other night was very drug friendly, and it just made me wonder if it's common for pot smokers to come across people who have hang ups about them smoking around them at a party.
My mrs brought a co-worker over one day for a bevy or whatever and she brought her boyfriend with her.

This dude was on a high horse BIG time over my smoking weed haha. I offered him a cone and he sorta laughed and turned up his nose in a "Your joking right?" kinda way hahahaha... This was the first sign.

After that he started asking me questions to try to determine how smart I was hahahahaha OH MAN ! THEN the guy asks me how much money I make, states he makes $5 an hour more then me and that if i laid of the weed maybe I could be like him!

I am not fucking kidding, I tell this story and peoples jaws hit the floor ahahaha!

THEN - He tells me that I am foolish and I shouldn't smoke weed and this and that and the other IN MY FUCKING HOUSE! - Needless to say I booted him after that as i could no longer believe nor stand it! ha.

They are out there... kids that believe ALL the bullshit their "I had a bad trip so everyone will forever" parents told them.,.
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