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The Cannabis Discussion Thread

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@ Tallica81 - I have tripped 3 times and took gravity bongs (resin) and herb. I can tell you if they are not timed right it has major potential...after my craziest open eye hallucination came 25 minutes after a 2nd gravity bong and was enough to make me stop and think omg did that just happen...i was seemingly skyrocketed somewhere far far above. If i didn't have my partner to ground me i would of be quite scary and very introspective....

I use to spin when i use to take pills back 4-5 years ago but now its just ole plain green. i dont like the dirty high when smoked with tobacco....
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i guess i just always figured it was the LSD giving me the visuals ;)
weed could have something to do with it i guess, but acid tends to twist my mind regardless of what i'm smoking...maybe just one of those things. about a year ago i smoked a joint in the peak, and very quickly flattened out the trip and seemed to stop the visuals and make me a bit preoccupied with over-thinking shit.

l've had great synergies with it too, but i wouldn't say it's reliably positive, which is why i hold off til later in the trip these days.
maybe we all have different reactions to it.
i've had visuals for weed on it's own though (especially taken orally) so it wouldn't surprise me if it enhanced visual effects for people tripping.

getting back to the point of the thread, who likes eating cannabis?

my favourite thing to do is get a couple of tablespoons of dry leaf and tip (or a bit less chopped-up bud) and simmer in in boiling milk. you can use soy milk too. or you can add cream for its higher fat content.
strain it out, add a little sugar (maybe some hot chocolate for a stoner treat) and sip away.
tastes amazing, comes on fast and it pretty easy to get the dose right once you've done it a few times, compared to other edibles, anyway.
truly the perfect use for leaf, if you ask me. if you can get ahold of it, that is. some people don't seem to know what to do with it, and i'm happy to help those people out by taking it off their hands.
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Wow, quick chocolate milk with a kick. Mind officially blown. Bring on the next winter doof.
^ Totally agree....i guess i will be trying that tonight with my partner....I love edibles......nothing beats being hammered for hours on end......
There's a Tobacco store on the corner street near me, just wondering what I'd ask to get a pipe, for tobacco *cough*
And would they judge me if I did buy one? I have a fair amount of social anxiety, and I dislike being judged.
Like, would the question me?
Or would they be used to selling pipes, as it's their job which they've been doing for years..

Hope this is a suitable thread for this question.
^ Walk in the door. Select the product you wish to purchase if they are on display, if not ask to see their selection of pipes. They won't judge you, you are there to give them money. Even if they do judge you, fuck them for being assholes.
jaurk, do u want a sweet puff? or a tobacco pipe? either way they want to to sell there prduct like mr blonde saids.

My response is a quiet mild 'how about u mind ur own fuckin business' with a smile and have never had a complaint. buying poppy seeds are the worsed for me.
jaurk, do u want a sweet puff? or a tobacco pipe? either way they want to to sell there prduct like mr blonde saids.

My response is a quiet mild 'how about u mind ur own fuckin business' with a smile and have never had a complaint. buying poppy seeds are the worsed for me.

Just looking for something to smoke various legal herbs, and cannabis in, so the tobacco pipe would do.
Thanks for the replies Mr B amd SpiritFolk, I hate my anxiety :|

Just going to march in, select my pipe, hand over the money and gtfo.
Whilst hoping I don't have a heart attack in the process.

I've been using apples/plastic bottles with metal cone peice for a while, and I really dislike it.
And my designs are terrible, I need something better that's less harmful that breathing in plastic.
I've been using apples/plastic bottles with metal cone peice for a while, and I really dislike it.
And my designs are terrible, I need something better that's less harmful that breathing in plastic.

dude i wouldnt recommend a pipe, i find they are waay more harsh on your throat. i find they burn more.
and if you dont want plastic buy a glassy. and if you wanna get that from the shop ask if they have any water pipes
^ i dunno, it depends on the type of pipe you get.
i haven't invested in a vapouriser yet, so when i'm not smoking joints i usually use a pipe.
i have two - a nice glass coloured pipe (whihch i find really nice and smooth, i use a mesh in the bowl which stops shit coming through) and a metal pipe which is also really good.
it has a stoker that screws into the stem which is really useful because a lot of the resin and hot ash sticks to it on the way through, so i rarely get a mouthful of ash or any harshness. some shitty pipes are really nasty, i agree, but after many years of trying different smoking paraphernalia, i've settled on pipes.
i never smoke bongs...there is something about sucking smoke through water that never fails to give me an absolutely brutal smoker's cough. might just be me, but i wouldn't recommend using them.

as for the social anxiety of purchasing weird shit, just don't forget that the people in the shop won't judge you for buying it - they sell them!
as for the social anxiety of purchasing weird shit, just don't forget that the people in the shop won't judge you for buying it - they sell them!

That actually helps me so much.

Reason I wanted a pipe is it's easy and portable, quick and simple, so not keen on a "water pipe".
I might look into a glass pipe, with mesh, if its hits are less harsh as you say
Depends on the price.

I wonder how the glass makes it smoother?
Does the glass absorb some of the heat?

Anyways, if glass doesn't cost too much I'll get that.
It looks more appealing to me.
yeah, the smoothness might have something to do with the glass cooling the smoke down...maybe it just feels nicer because you're holding a stylish piece of beautifully crafted workmanship.
they're not particularly popular in australia, these pipes seem to be more common in america and europe...

they're often referred to as 'colour changing pipes' because when you use them and they fill up with resin the coloured glass appears to change colour. i've had heaps of them, they're really nice to use.
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^ Sorry comrade, unless it's a link to purchasing harm reduction materials then we have to remove it. :\

It's a shame though because those were some beatiful looking pipes... you should PM the link to jaurk. :)

jaurk said:
Thanks for the replies Mr B amd SpiritFolk, I hate my anxiety

I understand brother, I used to have quite bad social anxiety myself. I hope one day you manage to fix it up like I did, therapy and challenging myself did wonders for it. :)
ah, my apologies. i guess vaporisers might be more in line with the 'harm minimisation' thing...i suppose the fact that (i think) they're safer than water pipes doesn't mean they're actually the healthiest option. will keep this in mind when considering sharing links.

anyway if you do a search for 'colour changing glass pipes' you'll find the kind of thing i'm referring to. they're often quite beautiful.
^ I'm not sure on vaporizers, I seem to remember links to them being allowed... I'm a bit out of it at the moment so maybe another staff members will know if those links are allowed or not. :)
^ I'm not sure on vaporizers, I seem to remember links to them being allowed... I'm a bit out of it at the moment so maybe another staff members will know if those links are allowed or not. :)

We had the owner of an Australian Vapouriser site as a member on here a year ago. He wasn't allowed to post his links because if there is anything else whatsoever that is not harm reduction related on the site linked to then the link is not allowed. Same with the links for ez-test.com.au
^ What's that about ez-test? I just had a quick look at the site, and it seems they only sell tests and don't have links to other sites but I could be wrong.
^ What's that about ez-test? I just had a quick look at the site, and it seems they only sell tests and don't have links to other sites but I could be wrong.

I just re-read that and it was a bit misleading. I meant that the ez-test.com.au link was allowed as it only sold reagents.

I forgot about the rule where if the site had a link to somewhere else then it wasn't allowed. That really limits things. That is the way it has always been though.
thanks for the clarification, i've always been a little confused by that. cheers :)
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