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Benzos The Big Phenazepam Throw Together Pt. I

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lol tastes like calopl to me. grim but not too bad

to y'all else dont even think about eyeballing it, just buy some propylene glycol and dissolve. Simples

Doesn't it feel like your tongue gets numb or something?
Kinda, like sweetened kiddies cough medicaction & i think calpol. I just mix in a drink and neck, still got gag reflex from GBL though :(
Oh yeah said id post my experiences with phenaz here when it arrived. Very high quality stuff from a reputable place, first day the propylene glycol hadnt arrived so dipped a in in and licked it. Felt nothing. Next day propylene glycol arrived, after it had dissolved i gave a friend 3ml which made him really relaxed and benzo'd (big guy). Also took 3ml myself in the afternoon and although it fet quite benzoesqe it was missing the psychological component, and i could easily have done more.

Actually i was meant to leave the bottle with a mate but hed gone to work, and i went out that night to a mates for a bit of a smoke and a few drinks, added another 2ml to the end of a pint as the grade was starting to fuck with my head (occasionally does that). Conked 20 minutes later, based on his sofa for the night, no memory loss, i didnt do anything particularly stupid apart from mix beer and benzos, but i have a huge tolerance.

Anywho its now safely under lock and key for comedowns only.. now just waiting for the xanax powder to arrive ;)
Oh yeah said id post my experiences with phenaz here when it arrived. Very high quality stuff from a reputable place, first day the propylene glycol hadnt arrived so dipped a in in and licked it. Felt nothing.i didnt do anything particularly stupid apart from mix beer and benzos, but i have a huge tolerance.
Anywho its now safely under lock and key for comedowns only.. now just waiting for the xanax powder to arrive ;)

i think to be honest to those of us with a very high benzo tolerance we're not gonna get a great deal positive from phenazepam etc

im gonna lock mine away now until the one day comes when my tolerance is a lot lower......

Havnt had it under lock or key or owt yet, my mates in harrogate!

Dosed 3mg last night which did the trick to help me sleep and had some during the day, still really.. 'woozy' this morning though and definitely not having anymore. Under lock&key when he gets back tonight fo' shaaw!

No blackouts or owt but iv had a fair bit last few days and been pretty wobbly as a result
using phen to withdraw from short acting benzos

Hey..searched the thread and didn't really see much info about this

Has anyone had any experience using phenazepam to taper off of a minor alprazolam addiction?
I am considering buying 500mg of Phenazepam which would be dissolved in solution.

Having read through this thread I am thinking otherwise however. i usually use benzos to ease comedowns and i've (probably far too) often used Diaz to end a meph sesh to sleep in time for work, i try to be really careful not to use any benzo's regularly cos I'm an addictive kind of guy. Do you guys think this suitable for this type of use or am I just going to be smacked out for a couple of days. Does anybody use it like this?

I am very sensible in terms of dosing and as I said above I intend to dissolve in solution

20mg of Diazepam usually sorts me out and I usually get a nice afterglow from it, but I don't fancy being a zombie at work the next day.

Unfortunately my supply of pharm grade diaz is about to dry up and I do tend to be a bit irresponsible with stims ;-)
I think this quote says it all. (it's from a phenazepam trip report). You can definatly dose responsibly, but you have to take your precautions.

The really low active dosages can confuse people with this substance. This, combined with the long half life is what makes this a substance that needs caution.

Dosing 1mg on day one with minimal effects, then deciding to try and see how 2 mg feels the next day can get people in trouble. 1mg to 2mg is actually a dose increase of 100percent, plus considering the large amount of the first dose still lingering around (almost 100%), the second day dose is now effectively 3mg, and therefore triple the strength of the first.


If you tried six beers and they don't get you quite drunk enough, should the next attempt to get drunk be at 18 beers? No, it should be around maybe 8 beers to see more effects than the last sitting. That was a dosing increase of 33%

If you were an experimenting semi-tolerant Heroin user, you might try out an initial dose of 0.100g to see if that is a good amount for you. If that one doesn't quite get you going, you wouldn't decide to try 0.300g the next day would you? If you did you would most likely exit the world fairly promptly.

The safe way to proceed with the heroin dosages would be to maybe go from 0.100g and if that doesn't quite do the trick then next try something like 0.125g. This titration schedule has used a dose increase of 25%

We need to think in terms of how much the dose has increased as a percentage of the first dose. Just because you measure out 1mg doesn't mean you should just keep bumping your test doses by this whole amount. Although it is a tiny amount of the substance 1mg could represent a 100 percent increase to you last dose, and you might find that that ends up being way too much over what you had expected

When dosing in the region of 1-2mg, the same caution should be taken. The most responsible thing to do would be titrate your doses up at 0.25mg each day, and remember that the long half life will make dosing daily a cumulative process that can be very hard to accurately track.

If you just start on this substance please do not make daily dosing jumps of 1mg, or more. Just because 1mg is a tiny amount, doesn't mean that is a safe dosing amount. Take a think about how you dose with all your other drug endeavors and try to apply similar percentage increase to your phenazepam schedule.

Or, just take a good lick of you finger and shove it in a baggy... that is probably fine... who gives a shit, eh.
^dude...stop. What you're doing is highly irresponsible and just plain stupid. Have you not read this thread at all, let alone the post right above yours?
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I think this quote says it all. (it's from a phenazepam trip report). You can definatly dose responsibly, but you have to take your precautions.

Thanks mate

that's really valuable advice.

^^I think someone around here should think about taking it! 8o
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I'm beginning to have my doubts about phenaz, whether its the drug itself or the quality of some of the batches I've recieved.....well lets just say it isn't the wonderful legal & cheap benzo I was hoping for. Someone mentioned 'mean drunken-ness' as one of its effects and I've seen that behaviour from people on the stuff too. It's not a 'happy' benzo.

I doubt I'll be taking it again. It did help me get through a nasty pod habit withdrawal though, I'll give it that.
ive tried ordering twice and both times got totally bunk batches. just a warning
jw, could i be getting relief from w/d without feeling any benzo feeling?

jw, could i be getting relief from w/d without feeling any benzo feeling?

I wouldn't call it simply "relief from w/d", more like "relief from the initial "high" of 2-8hrs?..depending on which benny, but yes.

You are feeling it, you're just so used to it you don't reckognize the feeling, and the actual initial "high" itself is probably just about at feeling nothing, you probably feeling "something" that calms you down "a little"...when the same stuff used to make you go to the hottest clubs and breakdance to all DEVO on repeat.

Ya, I'm pretty sure you're saying what I was just starting to get into. The phenaz will keep your GABA sites at bay to a slightly to pretty damn nervous feeling, without real withdrawal. This isn't withdrawal. You just can't get high anymore, and a dose (on any benzo), to really feel it would need to be quite high; and when we're talking about phenaz powder (w/it's half-life [that exert physical and mental "I'm fucked up on drugs" image to others, because you are...)...;.. you simlpy have no more real GABA sites to fill with a slightly higher dose and get off "ok" imo.

Also since phenaz is notorious for people having to take more of a dose that physically fucks them up stupid to achieve wanted/need anxiolic effects. I'd use the phenaz at as low a dose you will put up with, then dont take it for a take, just get drunk, seriously, like all day. No benzos. Fucking go shoot heroin or smoke amps. I don't care, but give your GABAs a long deserved (probably temporary at best) break it needs. I'd then talk to your doctor about a kpin taper schedule and plan. Once you get down to ZERO milligrams of clonaz, a day...at all...for at least a month, shit even a week, but you dont really start to feel better till like 3-4weeks, for me it was like 5 weeks with a 6-8 week random WD's outlash all at and over me. But it was worth it. Either which way, I stayed off bennys for almost 6 months with help from no one (was a 4yr+ 16mg a day prescribed habit/dose). I found some extra brand name k-kuts lying around and thought, "why the hell not?". Took em, was like almost like my first time really getting rocked off bennies. My tolerance was at like nothing. You're gonna want to probably look into alprazolam, or at least valium or librium for starters on the initial taper.

This is of course you don't find something more effective and available first. I wouldn't venture that route.

From my own personal experience all that amount to is a longer and harder time to dig you up out of the ground. I don't take phenaz every day, but sometimes do, now (which is over by tomorro) temporarily because been trying out some amps I love (not street gabage, only extractions and various prep techniques from popular pharm amps.) Then I will easily taper off the phen in a short time, maybe get some bud and OCs/or nothing, just lots of cigs, good diet, sleep when I can, sleep inducers, etc, if even needed. And if I ever hopefully wind up at "YES!" at a true and for the rest of me life strong sense of clearness, focus, and control, that'll be the day and will take a combination of scenerios and right steppin' to get there --oh but it's surely possible! 8) Hell, to just walk into work (let alone wake-up and get pissed I'm alive again) and feel totally chill like when I was a kid, or even less but still, when I first started puburty.

I'm on Strattera now, 80mg daily. It suposively takes up to 8 week to reach full beneficial effects, but I'm not even at 30days yet and I am already starting to feel a new. I was seeking out ANOTHER (thx for nothing assholes) suboxone doc, he took me in and as a regular patient. After the first session and with the paper work questionaires I filled out and gave him, he said I definately have "adult add/adhd". So for years I thought I was bi-polar, was treated with the craziest shit, thought i was borderline personality disorder, all that crap. And after 12 years and 11 doctors (include my rehab docs, who would come up with a new disease I had and what glop to throw at it), I feel like for the first time in those 12 years that I have rewound the clock and been given a fresh start.

He said Strattera is being prescribed off lable, probably "under the lable-table-made-a-mable from some docs, of course I'd imagine that", being prescribed for GAD, anxiety, agoraphobia, and aid to help break a possible "snap" in the brain. All I know is what I already said, and that it's non-addictive yet at the same time sorta gives me a very constant streamlined amp feeling, without the negatives. I can even sleep each night if I dont go score some adderall. But seriously, this stuff rules. It's not that it speeds you up like amps or slows you down like a depressant, or does crucial systematic regulation of the brain (ergo SSRI's, etc) ....which I think for many people, they "simply" need to man up and stop being a bitch...of being scared of even the possibility of getting scared later on..and from something so lame as someone drops a stapler and it makes you jump, the blood rush, heart pound. For that you should look into a beta-blocker imo. There are numerous ones, and have been used for example to ease or "cure" stage-fright for performers.

The very clear focus. In knowing exactly where I'm stepping, moving, going...how I'm regulating my breathing while searching google maps and talking on the phone. Even the worst cases of anxiety/GAD I think could be of such great help and relief, you might as well almost call it a cure.

There's a catch though, as always. So far, it's only being prescribed officially for ADD/ADHD (possibly WITH a strong amp) even though it might be helping far more with your confidence, anxiety, generalize malaize, delusions of being skizo, etc. I'm not sure if it would even have close to a similar effect it does on me with people that don't have ADD/ADHD. Hmm. Ya, twick ta twack, it's good for you. Moderation, oh boy is that key to my future auto-biography, "Amps and Me: *sub-titled* or, Training Your Brain to Spin and Work."

I still dabble in many a certain things..DABBLE. I'm pretty set as "needing to get high" goes nowadays, but there's certainly nothing wrong with the proper kind of party now is there?

I could do this for...how long will this last? lol, reading timestamps, calculating last dose, plus that and the XRs and IRs, XR's kinda my fav now of addies, because you can choose yourself by action of how we do stuff here...I can make it an IR, it's already and XR/IR technically speaking. Well the one's that have the 2 halves; so, no matter what, you can have your cake and eat it too. And let's not forget about all the glorious things one could possibly do with "a little tweaker magic".

End speed run
phenazepam sucks shit. im tempted to try etaqualone though.

Same, but there isn't as much information about it. From what I've read it seems to be pretty safe and enjoyable at moderate doses so I don't mind being a guinea pig.

Haven't tried phenazepam but I'm very content with my order of etizolam.
phenazepam sucks shit. im tempted to try etaqualone though.

Oh, really? Sorry... I just hadn't taken into account that your actual aim is seeking some depressant high. But I did eventually.

Some months ago someone started this phenazepam discussion because ordered something from somewhere then everyone went 'wow! I don't have it here', then you all overdid it and it's shit. For me it's like any strong and long-acting benzodiazepine that can save my ass.
you are exactly right. i, like most people are used to taking drugs that make them feel good. this benzo does not do that and therefore sucks shit. if you are addicted to benzos and need a cheap caldron of something to hold you over for a year phen is good.

etaqualone is an analog of methaqualone aka qualude. i mean this is like the most euphoric gabanergic drug there is. right up there with ghb. all thanks to our friend in canada.
i think to be honest to those of us with a very high benzo tolerance we're not gonna get a great deal positive from phenazepam etc

im gonna lock mine away now until the one day comes when my tolerance is a lot lower......


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