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Benzos The Big Phenazepam Throw Together Pt. I

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Could someone give me an idea of how long phenaz and simiar substances are stable in say, 'propylene glycol' solution? Is there a way to make them more stable? i.e. ensuring that they're totally air tight?
Phenazepam doseage?

*i have read the megathread and im a little confused....

i will be trying for the first time soon,and ive heard a lot of conflicting info with regards to taking it..

so the only way to take this is in liquid solution.

can you not ingest it in powder form?

what is recommended doseage of powder?

You can ingest the powder, but to be able to dose in 0.5 - 1mg increments you will need an incredibly expensive lab grade scale - which usually cost thousands. Needless to say the average drug user doesn't possess such technology so it is dissolved in a known volume of a solvent, commonly Propene Glycol. If 1 gram is dissolved in 1 litre of PG, then every 1 ml will contain 1mg of Phenazepam, if mixed correctly and homogeneously. Liquid dosing is much more accurate and with a substance like this accuracy can literally save lives.
The most commonly accepted equivalency is 0.5mg alprazolam / clonazepam = 10mg diazepam = 1mg phenazepam. Dose accordingly.

Regarding dosing the powder, a scale that is accurate enough to weigh out such a small dose will be very, very expensive and probably found only in a lab (regular mg scales won't cut it for measuring a single dose). The solution will allow very accurate dosing, and this is why it is recommended.
^Keeping the lid tightly closed and the container out of direct light, heat, and moisture importent for the stability of the solution.

Propylene glycol is anti-bacterial and anti-fungal in itself, so it will be stable for a decent amount of time without any additive like ethanol or benzyl alcohol. If you plan on making a large amount of solution to keep over a long period, I would recommend adding a bit of ethyl or benzyl alcohol.
Could someone give me an idea of how long phenaz and simiar substances are stable in say, 'propylene glycol' solution? Is there a way to make them more stable? i.e. ensuring that they're totally air tight?

High strength ethanol will do, just a few drops though or your dosing may become skewed - not for the best :p
add 1% benzyl alcohol to it, it will keep it good for quite sometime since PG is already antifungal i believe someone said, but i used to keep my water based solutions sterile for a month and a half with just 1% benzyl alcohol, thats 10units per 10ml, its a very little amount.

if you invest in a 50ml bottle it will last a LONG time.
i believe this link is allowed since its HR related.
Finally dissloved 100mg in 100ml and started with a 3mg dose, i have a high tolerance. Its quite good, definitely not having any more though, wish i couldv dropepd it off at a mates but hes at work haha.
The most commonly accepted equivalency is 0.5mg alprazolam / clonazepam = 10mg diazepam = 1mg phenazepam. Dose accordingly.

Regarding dosing the powder, a scale that is accurate enough to weigh out such a small dose will be very, very expensive and probably found only in a lab (regular mg scales won't cut it for measuring a single dose). The solution will allow very accurate dosing, and this is why it is recommended.

well when i take valium i usually start with a 100mg dose (10x10mg tabs) or alprazolam/clonazepam i start with 10mg of these also,so im guessing 0.01mg on my scales will roughly equate to that dose (10mg?)

so 0.01 phenazepam should do me ok (i will probably not even take the full 0.01 dose to begin with anyway just to be on the safe side)

on a .01 scale you cant weigh out .01 of phenazepam accurately, on alot of .001 scales you cant either.

please be careful
Propylene Glycol tastes yummy :) Anyone notice that? Maybe it's what I've got dissolved in it... (not phenaz). Thanks for the advice, btw.
well i tried weighing 0.01 and my scales were playing upso i eye balled and 1 hour later im feeling fine.

time to redose
how can you even atempt to eyeball 1mg??

most deffinately a dangerous thing to try and who knows next time you try to do it again it will be same as last time
how can you even atempt to eyeball 1mg??

most deffinately a dangerous thing to try and who knows next time you try to do it again it will be same as last time

you cant eyeball 1mg.

ive so far dosed4 times over the course of 4 hours and feel very little.

if i have a super high tolerance to benzos will the same apply for phenazepam?
Yea?? Dipping a needle into a pile of powder and licking whatever happens to stick....you "reckon its a reasonably safe and accurate measurement"?

Dude, honestly, that is about as far from "accurate" as you can get. I dont mean to be a dick but I dont think its a good idea to describe this insanely inaccurate method as "safe and accurate", on a forum dedicated to harm reduction.

This stuff is active at sub milligram levels. There is NO possible way to eyeball a dosage that small. It is true that you almost certainly won't die from dosing like this since benzos have such a broad dosage range, but what you are doing is an extremely reckless manner of measurement, and this sort of practice is exactly what is causing all the horror stories of "phenazepam blackouts", and all the trouble people get into when under its influence.

So Im going to stress this again- If you plan on experimenting with this stuff, you need to find an accurate way of measuring (create a uniform solution or purchase an EXTREMELY accurate scale). Otherwise you will almost certainly end up as one of the people who accidently take far more then they intended and end up hurting yourself or others.-DG

well ive eyeballed my last 4 doses roughly spread 1 hour apart.

i covered the end of my pinky with the last couple od doses yet im feeling very very little actual effect.

could my very high benzo tolerance have something to do with this?
i covered the end of my pinky with the last couple od doses yet im feeling very very little actual effect.

could my very high benzo tolerance have something to do with this?

If you have a high tolerance to other benzos naturally there will be cross tolerance with phenazepam, which is after all, a benzo itself. It could also be a result of a cut product or a combination of the two factors.
Propylene Glycol tastes yummy :) Anyone notice that? Maybe it's what I've got dissolved in it... (not phenaz). Thanks for the advice, btw.

lol tastes like calopl to me. grim but not too bad

to y'all else dont even think about eyeballing it, just buy some propylene glycol and dissolve. Simples
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