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The Big & Dandy N-Ethyl-Norketamine Thread

Right, I received 1g today but have only just tested it.

I've gone through the first few pages of this thread and the last few, and the difference in comments struck me clueless :?
But while reading I noticed something...

NENK's full title is ofcourse 2-(2-Chlorophenyl)-2-(ethylamino)cyclohexan-1-one, and the supplier I got it from noted three things:
1. That the purity may vary between batches...
2. Of the confusion of names - N-Ethyl-Ketamine & N-Ethyl-Norketamine. And... 3...

N-Ethyl-Ketamine will also be possible to exist, but would be a tertiary amine and therefore is probably inactive since basically all the known Arylcyclohexylamines are sec-amines.
So all N-Ethyl-Ketamine on the market is actually N-Ethyl-Norketamine and we just want to point this out here to avoid any confusion.
So this may be the reason to all the differences of opinion, but also I noticed another thing while I look at my bag:
My sample is a Racemic sample! ... (RS)2-(2-Chlorophenyl)-2-(ethylamino)cyclohexan-1-one

I went above and beyond to create a line a little earlier (it really is crystally) and have snorted it in bits n pieces. It was larger than I thought it would be to create the effects but not by loads.
Aaaaand it's nice :) Might do a trip report at some point (first one in years n years) as I've had Ketamine (pure racemic liquid evaporated), Methoxetamine (worked a fucking treat - Especially on one occasion after swallowing a huge dose by accident... that was mental 8o ) and 2-MeO-Ketamine (not as powerful as either by far but it was calming and waaaay less disorienting than both MXE & K's dissociative powers) in the past, so I should be able to give a good one :)

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It's coming on stronger now.... Nomnomnom %)
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So here's what I got out of this thread:

This compound seems to disappoint members who have tried ketamine, but ket-naive users seem to enjoy it.

NENK on it's own appears impossible to "hole" on. It is widely described as mild overall in effects, but still clearly dissociative in its own right.

Comparisons to MXE seem to be that NENK is clearer and less intoxicating but still wobbly. Using NENK in combination with MXE seems to bring out the best of both compounds.

ROA: Insufflation results in painful congested sinuses and nosebleeds for the majority of those who tried that route (I'd say about 75% ). Sub-lingual -> rectal -> oral seems to be the most efficacious (in order); a combination of thereof seems to work even better.

Duration seems short no matter the ROA. Insufflation seems to last approximately an hour, and sublingual/ oral seems to last up to three (from "hey, I feel something" to "yup, I'm sober"). It's not entirely clear to me whether redosing does much of anything at all, and most members seem to agree that less may be more dosage wise (there are mentions of higher doses not feeling much stronger than lower ones) - there may very well be a ceiling effect with this compound.

It seems to me that those going into experimenting with this compound who bring a "beginner's mind" so to speak (as in, no expectations of the compound, just an objective, observant frame of mind) get much more out of the experience than those attempting to draw comparisons between it and their other beloved dissociatives. Members of the latter group always seem disappointed.
Right, I received 1g today but have only just tested it.

I've gone through the first few pages of this thread and the last few, and the difference in comments struck me clueless :?
But while reading I noticed something...

NENK's full title is ofcourse 2-(2-Chlorophenyl)-2-(ethylamino)cyclohexan-1-one, and the supplier I got it from noted three things:
1. That the purity may vary between batches...
2. Of the confusion of names - N-Ethyl-Ketamine & N-Ethyl-Norketamine. And... 3...

So this may be the reason to all the differences of opinion, but also I noticed another thing while I look at my bag:
My sample is a Racemic sample! ... (RS)2-(2-Chlorophenyl)-2-(ethylamino)cyclohexan-1-one

I went above and beyond to create a line a little earlier (it really is crystally) and have snorted it in bits n pieces. It was larger than I thought it would be to create the effects but not by loads.
Aaaaand it's nice :) Might do a trip report at some point (first one in years n years) as I've had Ketamine (pure racemic liquid evaporated), Methoxetamine (worked a fucking treat - Especially on one occasion after swallowing a huge dose by accident... that was mental 8o ) and 2-MeO-Ketamine (not as powerful as either by far but it was calming and waaaay less disorienting than both MXE & K's dissociative powers) in the past, so I should be able to give a good one :)

--- Edit ---

It's coming on stronger now.... Nomnomnom %)

Racemic is normal, it's what you can expect to get with pretty much all drugs except things like dextro-amphetamine, LSZ and maybe a few others. Why wouldn't your sample be racemic? ;)

There shouldn't be so much confusion about the name. Yes "N-ethylketamine" might be a relatively popular name for one that is technically incorrect or incomplete, but it's not like there are other ketamine analogues that have an extra ethyl (which would make for a quaternary amine) so it doesn't seem likely to confuse the compound with another, that situation would be relevant and significant.

I hope you have fun and maybe this compound doesn't deserve to be called utter crap but until a lower price compensates for the lower potency I don't really see the point. I would try it if I didn't have monster dissociative tolerance tho.
I hope you have fun and maybe this compound doesn't deserve to be called utter crap but until a lower price compensates for the lower potency I don't really see the point. I would try it if I didn't have monster dissociative tolerance tho.

Speaking as one who has a monster dissociative tolerance and has tried many of them, I'll put in a good word for NENK/NEK whatever-the-fuck it is. The above quote is right on the money, IMO.

It's simply way too pricey.

I found in large amounts (and for me, large means large, so I'm not going to name doses as it would be irresponsible) this is a really pleasant substance. It's calming, smooth, removes physical pain (as you'd expect), and is just overall a nice experience without any hard edges. It feels like you couldn't have a bad experience, it's so soft and silky.

BUT... it does NOT last long, requires heaps (orally), and COSTS WAY TOO MUCH.

I'd be willing to bet that there would be a lot more love for it if it were about an eighth of the current common price.
Most boring drug since 5-meo-dalt. I don't have massive tolerance, either - I play with dissociatives maybe once a week on average (MXE & 3-meo-PCP mostly, never had the opportunity to try ket or PCP). Oral doses were effective and I'm sure what's left of my sample will get used up eventually, but this wouldn't be my first choice for anything except maybe to treat pain (which is how I got into dissociatives to begin with - to treat chronic tooth pain). Even then, the duration is so short it might not be worth trying to use for pain, though I did notice that certain body parts (tongue, teeth, fingers) seemed to stay a bit numb for a day or two after ingestion. Maybe people with a phantom limb or similar sorts of pain might get something out of it. Biggest dose attempted yet was 200mg and I fell asleep on it. :/ IMO this stuff is rather corrosive and you couldn't convince me to stick it up my nose for nothing. If a dissociative-naive friend asked, I'd definitely recommend this material to start with over others in its class because it's so gentle and mild. Otherwise I'd tell people to save their money; it's nice but not terribly special.
i found effects to be pleasant... but didn't get far with half a gram (which wasn't cheap)... I was on AL-LAD when i trialed "NENK" probably made the experience more pleasant...

Agreed that if it cost 1/8th of the current price it would be very interesting...
I already had the opportunity to test a 200 mg sample. for safety reasons, I slowly worked my dosage up over several hours, that's why I didn't reach a hole (I'm also quite a hard-head when it comes to dissociatives, unfortunately). the effects very similar to ketamine in quality. it is more potent per weight than racemic ketamine, I would estimate by a factor of 1.5, comparable to s-ketamine, but surprisingly, the duration was not increased. all in all, this compound seems very promising to me and I'm looking forward to try it again in higher doses, I assume that 150mg consumed at once will give me a nice hole experience. people with less tolerance than me should start much lower, obviously.
that sounds pretty neat and useful.. but would u suggest iv , im ornasal/oral ways ?? i feel that i always got the very best results doing ketamine iv but yeah i havent tried this yet . but on its way :)
wtf is ach sar?

by all logic, this should be every bit as good as k but slightly more potent, right?

fuck, trying to predict good new dissos seems quite the task... and yet, weren't both ketamine AND methoxetamine mindfully designed?