Tried this today, quick trip report:
T -0:30 - Insufflate ~1mg and place another ~1mg on my tongue as an allergy test.
T+0:00 - Insufflate 30mg, crushed the powder as fine as possible and it made a couple of quite hefty lines - it's considerably less dense than MXE.
T:0:05 - Already coming up, it hits alot faster than MXE, powder has blocked my nose badly and I've sneezed several times.
T:0.15 - Effects have peaked, mild dissociation but definitely euphoric. Feels a lot like 3-MeO-PCE and the exact opposite of 3-MeO-PCP (emotionless and zombie like imo).
T:0:45 - Effects starting to wear down.
T:0:60 - Pretty much baseline.
T:1:15 - Decide to plug 70mg. Dissolved in 2mg of water with some stirring.
T:1:20 - Feeling very little, could well be down to placebo. Plugging has always been my favourite RoA with MXE so it's a shame it doesn't work, but it's what I was expected.
T:1:30 - Insufflate 50mg. Struggle to get it all up my nose, sneeze a lot.
T:1:45 - Peaked again, feels stronger than the 30mg so short term tolerance isn't too much of an issue. Physically more messy than MXE, much more of a drunk body high considering the level of dissociation, but mentally felt more lucid. Eyes open no visuals at all, but with them closed all the standard sensations of moving, turning, tunnels etc are felt, albeit mildly.
T:2:45 - Back to baseline again.
I like N-Ethyl-Ketamine. Effects last roughly 45 minutes and are gone within an hour (at doses of 30mg and 50mg). Main issues are that it really blocks my nose, even 4 hours later it still doesn't feel clear. IM would be the way to go with this but needles are a line that I don't want to cross. Next time I'll probably try around 100mg at once as with the right dose I think a hole would be definitely achievable.
Tl;dr - Blocks nose, lasts 1 hour, plugging doesn't work. Will do it again.