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The Big & Dandy Methoxetamine Thread - Part 13: Don't you know? MXE comes from MXE-co

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Both low or high doses have some extreme potential for euphoria, however. I do find music to be the key in unlocking these experiences though, without it the trip is much more bland.

Music is KEY!
What I do it for though is the Miraculous. The utterely mindboggling experiences, in the hole but also on low doses, having your reality come more and more apart and giving way to something deep and mysterious.

To me, MXE is what psychedelics promised to be, but never made good on.

Can't a miraculous experience cause legitimate euphoria downstream? It has for me. Just as the classical psychedelics can induce a euphoric feeling, but those drugs don't just give you the euphoria so easily in the way that MDMA can, you have to play with it. You have to be a part of the engineering of the experience, and you have to let go, submit fully to the wonder of being a conscious being with the capacity for love, and I think only then can MXE induce euphoria.
The euphoria is more like a comfortable blanket, but much more gaugable than opiates. I think the word seductive is a good word for it.

I quit taking it after I got almost nothing from my low doses. I got back on it and I am feeling a permanent tolerance. Its not bad, but its not as good as it once was. Its very subtle.

I used it to replace my Adderall addiciton. Now I am back on Adderall. i think I'll get off Adderall and try this again. That also has no more magic. What a pity all the drugs I like such as amphetamines, opiates, dissositives, and psychdeleics are mostly non euphoric. :(

MXE makes me feel like I just need a little bit more to break through. Its a psudo trip. Its not really a trip, but I feel smarter and walk a bit drunk. Its better than drinking and just fun to do. I still have a lot of a sand coloured batch that is very good.
Can't a miraculous experience cause legitimate euphoria downstream?

It does. bucketloads of euphoria, but the euphoria is thenb psychologic in origin, the drug is not a direct cause.

As I see it dissociatives tend to make you dull, bland and blank, but in a way that invites you to excite yourself, be it with joy, enthusiasm, anger or sadness.

If anything stands out particularly from my years of experimenting is the many times that dissociatives gave me no emotions at all, a complete blank, that was bliss. Thats one of the strengths of Dissociatives, realizing that during the past hour you didnt have a single thought, a single emotion, but that you have been a ripple-less pond of peace reflecting the outer and inner world. A kind of highly meditative and spiritual catatonia.
Asante I agree with everything you said, and you said especially well the 'blank canvas' feeling of still and meditative peace.
I feel like a 'clear receptor' on discos until I am filled with a signal by which I can be colored and filled in. I can perceive the world without preconceived judgment and can consider different sides which to me is a very valuable state of mind. I like to use the word 'demodulation' to describe the way that consciousness can break down what can normally feel like tangled mess of signal and make it feel like a coherent unified signal. And in that moment of experience I am purely nothing but that signal, no other thoughts about how my day is going or where I will be in an hour etc. You get the idea. Demodulation, another valuable technique of the dissociated headspace.
So much similarities with meditation... Clear reception is the right word and if you like this effect I really recommend practicing meditating for 10 minutes a day or something. It basically teaches you to receive sensory input without putting a tag on it, messing with it or resisting/grasping. Pure unadulterated sensory input is quite different then what you experience on a day to day basis if your mind is crowded. It's really quite interesting because during meditation I get CEV quite similar to the MXE headspace while totally sober.
Speaking of CEV..

A common thing I see in darkness under MXE is that the darkness is permeated with a pattern of darker darkness, not unlike the roots of a plant.

Thing is, I'm clean of MXE almost 90 days now and I STILL see this at night, in bed,. in darkness.

MXE altered the way I perceive darkness. It has become darker. Its like theres less visual "noise" when sober, with eyes closed, in darkness.
I know these exact hallucinations very well from higher doses of MXE and have yet to describe them here because I always thought it would be too ineffable, but since you've set the tone I will do my best.
When I am laying in the darkness I see another layer of darkness (eyes open so I can't call them CEVs)-A whole palette of dark-yet-luminous greens, browns, oranges and even purple. these colors all bleed and morph in patterns like vines and leaves, sometimes with dripping orbs that contain entire scenes of moving visuals. Sometimes the patterns have bilateral symmetry, not unlike many visuals I have digitally made in my day as a VJ, but these visuals are very organic and smooth in the way they move. I can fixate on them without a disruption in the pattern, and they are lucid as day yet so dark! I wish I could see them without the aid of MXE for they are very inspiring and mysterious.
Scientifically, it can most simply be explained as phosphenes glitching out. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phosphene

Edit - I should add as an interesting note, I experience these effects after a day of using MXE, even 4 to 8 hours after last dosing
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So much similarities with meditation...

Very true and on the topic of visuals, besides the beautiful hole landscapes, i get OEV, walls fading into rainbows and as well as the melting/breathing aspects other visual chems have.

think i have done some muscular damage with so much I.M. usage... very weak muscle legs, and loss of feeling/blood flow in arms.. not sure if related to time frame of experience..
taking a week break well i wait on another 10g..

cue mxe addict thread..
Yes, the most insane visuals I got was lying down in my room in complete darkness, with ambient music on. I had taken about 50-70 mg's I think but what I saw was unreal. The bed I was on became a boat and it was going through a river which went right through a city in a jungle of some sort. It looked very asian or something. I remember seeing the walls and tree's passing by as I looked to the side of the bed and this was all OEV, clear as day as if I could reach out and touch the things I saw. Never had something even close to that again but damn it was quite insane.
Dezz, you were in the Hole, thats what the Hole state does with some people, including me. When the room is dark enough, what you see with eyes open or closed is the same and it can be incredibly vivid and detailed. I am with some regularity, while lying on my back in bed, being paddled by tribesmen in a canoe, through a damp cave, lying on my back. At times its so vivid I hear the splashing of the water of the paddling, I smell the damp air of the cave, see busy ants crawl over the cave ceiling two foot overhead. So your boat journey is very familiar, it happened several times to me. I often end up in damp caves, in this stage of what MXE shows me, thats where its at mostly but its starting to give way to far more unfathomable stuff.

Thats the Hole and you can go back there. The redoses you take are cumulative if within several hours of each other and at some point the hole will open up again for you.

It happens when you lie in bed in darkness.
preferably silence.
the eyes closed until the visuals can be carried by open eyes.
The mind opened wide in expectation of the unexpected.

Don't get addicted to the Hole.
Must we be lying? Can your experience just not be different from mine?

Point taken, the "euphoria" feels like, in my opinion, a warm conforming blanket and makes everything very interesting. MXE is my favorite drug besides MDMA because I rarely feel like "This wasn't worth it" that you often get the day after various stimulants or some psychedelic drugs.
Don't get addicted to the Hole.

oh boy chasing the hole.

surely it has been stated the dxm plateaus are relative to most all dissociates i have tried?
can we congregate some type of platform for mxe? even hole-esque plateaus exist before you reach full anesthetic state.

i can hole on 5-20mg. but i can also hole on 200mg, i can also hole on half a gram, where i might not longer have choice.
i can hole on 5-20mg. but i can also hole on 200mg, i can also hole on half a gram, where i might not longer have choice.

Those doses range over several orders of magnitude.....not good for harm reduction.
Point taken, the "euphoria" feels like, in my opinion, a warm conforming blanket and makes everything very interesting. MXE is my favorite drug besides MDMA because I rarely feel like "This wasn't worth it" that you often get the day after various stimulants or some psychedelic drugs.

Agreed in that sense, as others say it's closer to "eudaimonia" than "euphoria". The latter is much more recognizable though. I get true euphoria from MXE as well, but it does take a bit of effort. It's unique from ketamine in that regard though, MXE warms me up and gets me dancing but ketamine just has that cold anesthesia to it
Those doses range over several orders of magnitude.....not good for harm reduction.

context.. batches.. time-frame... ROA.. tolerance..
when we are talking about 'canoes' and 'rollercoasters', i feel as a spirit being guided through spacial realms at 90mg+

but i can still have hole-esque meditative response, physically and visually at such small doses.. that don't compare to the same warped log-ride roller-coaster body-high at higher doses.

First time experiences,

Pushing 40mg was a full on hole dose.

this brings up a prior inquiry on receptor damage verse tolerance.
300mg-500mg makes me hole and usually transports to me another realm. I awake in my house confused, but soooooo happy. Last time I was in a basement trying to find my out. It wasn't scary, but I truly felt I went to another realm.

However one time I woke up looking beat up in my bathroom covered in blood. Black eye and all like I got into a fight.

Be safe kids
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I am of the opinion that great care must be taken not to throttle the cardiovascular system with this drug . It causes some sort of spasm to the blood system. Seems blood pressure and pulse go up , and the right side of the neck and body can undergo ... a crimpling from the extra blood flow and smaller diameter vessels. I don't know if it's damaging acutely, but over the course of time, is dangerous.

Stimulants and and arycylohexamines are asking for stroke/heart/vessel damage.

Does anyone relate ? Was reading an erowid experience report of some idiot smoking a big amount of 4-meo-pcp and stating "my head jerked to one side as I exhaled" , mirroring what I am discussing above. Increased arterial blood flow can be dangerous to play around with for long periods of time.

Experienced dangerous states like this after dosing MXE for too long, resulting in neck/back strain, causing me to dislocate my jaw I believe from tension.Extreme pain in back of neck and right side of jaw from overdoing it.Was twisted around like an owl. Extremely scary and dark experience. Certainly safer than the straight PCP cousins (3 and 4 meo)

I guess what i'm saying is, don't overwind yourself with this... Mixxy mixxy, but don't get stuck. :p

I hope that this becomes this generations LSD. It certainly has the capability to be. We certainly need the healing from this. The creator of this amazing compound is a very special person who I deeply respect and admire for this contribution to this world.

It is sickening seeing all the low quality dangerous BS being sold as MXE. Needs to be changed !

Stay safe !
300mg-500mg makes me hole and usually transports to me another realm. I awake in my house confused, but soooooo happy. Last time I was in a basement trying to find my out. It wasn't scary, but I truly felt I went to another realm.

However one time I woke up looking beat up in my bathroom covered in blood. Black eye and all like I got into a fight.

Be safe kids

What are you doing to yourself? take a huge tolerance break please, 300-500mg in one go for all normal nontolerant people is an acutely toxic dose. Blacked out, covered in blood, You're harming yourself.

Not only are you harming your body and mind but at this pace you are rapidly killing your ability to get anything positive out of MXE.
What are you doing to yourself? take a huge tolerance break please, 300-500mg in one go for all normal nontolerant people is an acutely toxic dose. Blacked out, covered in blood, You're harming yourself.

Not only are you harming your body and mind but at this pace you are rapidly killing your ability to get anything positive out of MXE.

I'm neither normal or nontolerant. I get quite a lot of positive from daily MXE use. I do take breaks, but I also enjoy taking it on a regular basis as well. We are all different and what I get out of it may not be what you get from it. I respect your opinion and you've said and offered a lot of great information. However I can't relate to all of your experiences and neither can you from mine.

I will say that I DO NOT recommend somebody follow my lead and live the life I do. But I am doing just fine right now.

The incident with the blood was when I took a long break and took too large of a dose. Currently my tolerance allows me to enjoy the amount of MXE I consume. Last night it was part of my workout routine and I had a blast, sweated out most of it, took a nice shower, calmed down and slept without interuption for the first time in over a year. I usually wake up a few times during the night. I got a solid 7 hours of sleep last night and felt great when I woke up.
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