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The Big & Dandy Methoxetamine Thread - Part 13: Don't you know? MXE comes from MXE-co

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When I was a very frequent user of MXE (my magic dose was 60mg) I was in a hotel with a friend and we had a full conversation telepathically. It wasn't until I spoke out loud "are we ready to go then?" that snapped us both back to reality. We both stood there jaws dropped to the floor, both questioning if we had in fact spoken telepathically, we asked ourselves if we actually had been talking out loud, to which we concluded we hadn't, my friend knew exactly where I was talking about leaving to and all the details preceeding it.
I think the one thing that needs to be concluded by all researchers of Arylcyclohexylamines, whether Professional or otherwise....................This class of Compounds is quite possibly the most interesting and most Beneficial class of compounds that a researcher could be doing research on in my personal opinion. Other Psychedelics just do not have the versatility that Dissociatives do. I really feel that the fact you can take such a powerful Psychedelic on a daily basis, offers research possibilities that not many other compounds have. LSD is amazing, but way too limited to research. I feel like we are starting to explore a part of the brain via MXE, that is VERY important - I don't know in exactly what way yet - but people reporting Telepathy...............this has happened to me as well. What if this compound helped us teach ourselves to be telepathic......I know that's an out there thought...........but what if it did?? Just saying.........this shit is quite incredible.
And as for someone saying that BL research isn't comprehensive enough to be considered Scientific Research.............it depends on who you're talking to. If you saw the kind of research that me and my friend Vortech are recording, you would think again about that comment. Some form of true MXE head publication will be made one day in the not too distant future, for the reading pleasure of every Disco'D muh fucka on this planet. It will be amazing, I can feel it! Just you wait.............
I feel like we are starting to explore a part of the brain via MXE, that is VERY important - I don't know in exactly what way yet - but people reporting Telepathy...............this has happened to me as well. What if this compound helped us teach ourselves to be telepathic......I know that's an out there thought...........but what if it did?? Just saying.........this shit is quite incredible

It is exactly what many of us have been saying. The consistent experiences of telepathy are evidence of morphic resonance, and we are able to tune into the signals on MXE, maybe because it sensitizes us to the consciousness fields around us, so as we dissociate from our self we can associate with other consciousness.

Like I've said earlier, it's a a very old concept that has many names, and it is a shame how the notion is still considered fringe science, if only because we haven't been able to measure the exact mechanisms that can enable this type of connection between the consciousnesses of different people. However, despite the label of fringe science, the phenomenon can pretty easily be explained through the principles of quantum mechanics. Here is just one book I've read that isn't afraid to blow open the subject:

Sorry for going slightly off topic but IMO it is very relevant to the experience and effects of MXE.
If Shulgin had tried some MXE instead of ketamine/PCP.. do you guys think he wouldn't have considered them to have "no value"? I sure do.

Yes ? Examples ? Duration ?

Just basic memory impediment. It's hard to find certain words and my short term memory can be very spacey at times. I cannot blame this all on MXE, but it seems largely to present itself after a heavy binge.

While on MXE I find the spellings of some common words to be completely ludicrous.. it's like I can't comprehend language at all. It seems that has some lingering effect on cognition even months after use is discontinued. Although it's not severe it is very noticeable at times, I'm still dealing with it and I haven't used in well over a month.
Doubtful IMO. Its clear in his writings he hadnt tested or enjoyed everything. Psches and diss's can be very similar but one more so...."removes you from reality" while the other immerses you into. Kinda a hard thought line to follow with Sagan and such but I always understood his dislike of them. He probably was more the person to engage life rather than hole it away.

I also notice cognitive defects but nothing nearly as exterme as much more than finding language in and of itself a strange thing but not much bothers me as most cant type a compherendile sentence to save their lives after a drink or two so......who knows!
A question for you guys!

I've been using MXE with increasing regularity for several years now. For most of the year I've been using about a gram per month. During that time my hole amount went from 90mg to 150mg and I have been dosing every 1-2 weeks, sometimes multiple days.

But, I'm far into a 100 day hiatus which I will complete before christmas.

What will I find after 100 days of zero use of dissociatives?

Will the amount I need to hole have come down from 150? If so by how much do you think?
Do you think a clean period of 100 days will have any additional merit over a clean period of 30 days?
Do you expect it to be kinda like I left off or will the experience be like new?
Do you think my tendency to binge use will have decreased or will it rapidly return to old values?
A question for you guys!

I've been using MXE with increasing regularity for several years now. For most of the year I've been using about a gram per month. During that time my hole amount went from 90mg to 150mg and I have been dosing every 1-2 weeks, sometimes multiple days.

But, I'm far into a 100 day hiatus which I will complete before christmas.

What will I find after 100 days of zero use of dissociatives?

Will the amount I need to hole have come down from 150? If so by how much do you think?
Do you think a clean period of 100 days will have any additional merit over a clean period of 30 days?
Do you expect it to be kinda like I left off or will the experience be like new?
Do you think my tendency to binge use will have decreased or will it rapidly return to old values?

I used to go thru a few grams a week. My daily dose went to 300mg. I recently took over a month off and when I did 150mg I blacked out and woke up like I'd be beaten up; cut up and a bloody bathroom. I recently took 50mg and holed. So if you're been off it for 100 days 25-50mg should be quite enjoyable. Just be smart and try to never build a huge tolerence again. It got to the point where MXE was boring. And even if the inventor "designed" it to prevent the bladder issues Ketamine causes; after a weekend I was so far gone I had to spend 2 hours in the bathroom trying to piss. So heavy use mos def has urinary issues. I know it's hard to not take it daily. I get anti-depressant like effects from it; but it's best if you learn some self control and not do it everyday.

That's my plan atleast. I just got some today and plan on having a fun night. I'm going to do my best to then leave the bag alone until the weekend. But I'll admit I have shitty self control.
^That's the biggest problem with this drug. It is often used by people with poor self control regarding 'feelsgoodman' type things like MXE. I will consider myself lucky for being poor. Financially I can only afford a few grams a month.

Regarding tolerance breaks, for me if I break for even 10 days I trip HARD on the first day of dosing again. However tolerance comes back quickly, so if on the first day 100mg makes me trip for 16 hours, on the 7th day I can use 200 mg and merely feel 'enhanced'. That's when I take a break again. I've been in a very consistent holding pattern of use, like a yin/yang thing, one week on then one week off, give or take a few days.
^ I usually buy in bulk to save money. Especially since MXE quality can be so hit or miss. When I find a good source I stockpile the shit.

I have other friends like me online and my advice is even if it will cost you more; just order 1-3 grams max. That will usually keep you outta trouble. It's when you start buying 100g orders or kilos shit turns...well to shit.

My other reason I buy so much is my fear or realization MXE isn't going to always be as easily available for the rest of my life and quite frankly; just like I always want to have weed on hand, I also want to have the security blanket that if I want to do some MXE I can. I have ZERO interest in that new shit the UK vendors are pushing since MXE was banned there. MXE provides so much for me. It helps me my chronic foot pain I have. My depression I get and the recreation I live for. I've even found 10mg in the morning makes my work day a lot easier and doesn't effect the way I walk. I once got picked up by the cops for the stagger in my walk MXE caused. I told them I had a few beers and I never drink and drive and I was walking home. I was 1min away from my doorstep. I got stopped. They "did me a favor" and took me home. 7 days laters I got a summons in the mail for $300 for disorderly conduct. They said I was a danger to myself and others. Some bullshit. I didn't fight it as A) It would have cost more to fight and B) the cops would put me on their shit list and I don't drive so I walk anywhere I want to go. I couldn't risk being a "bad element" in their area. So I learned from my mistake and never leave the house on MXE unless I got a driver.

Next to weed it's my DOC.
I've only tried MXE a few times, but to me it seems like a very interesting substance. I don't understand all the fuss about low doses though (it should be said that I have never tried opioid or stimulant drugs), to me it seems to make me feel bad about myself – I don't get any bad after-effects though. Higher doses seem very interesting, but not anywhere near as euphoric as a lot of you have told about, just very psychedelic in the dissociative way. I'm quite sure I got real mxe – the effect is very clean (I tried K a few times).

I was just wondering if any of you guys had a similar experience – I personally have this small fear inside of me that I should get addicted to the drug because I read so many stories on these forums – but my experience just tells me otherwise. Maybe it's something that comes over time, so I should try to stop now before it goes the wrong direction?

But as of now – VERY interesting substance with really big potential as the head of a new generation of entheogens!
Take care! :D
If you say "euphoria" I cant help but think of things like MDMA and 6-APB. MXE does nothing even close to that for me. The "euphoria" I feel is more an alleviation of woes and stresses, and a general tranquility. Its a feeling of sipping a cocktail from a chopped coconut in a hammock on a tropical beach =D which to me falls more into the "sense of wellbeing" than in the "euphoria" class.

What I do it for though is the Miraculous. The utterely mindboggling experiences, in the hole but also on low doses, having your reality come more and more apart and giving way to something deep and mysterious.

To me, MXE is what psychedelics promised to be, but never made good on.
I find the comeup very euphoric. It's such a pleasant feeling. I had fun last night with about 150mg or more. The thing I forgot is you need to remember to keep drinking water. It will help increase the the high and it will help with any urinary issues. I had to take a looooooooong hot shower last night just to get the piss outta me.

Also smoking weed or blends will make the experience sooooo much better. It's very euphoric IMO. But I guess everyone has their own idea of what euphoria is.

The other thing is MXE quality is so hit or miss. The china method is crap IMO compared to the way the EU method is.
It is exactly what many of us have been saying. The consistent experiences of telepathy are evidence of morphic resonance, and we are able to tune into the signals on MXE, maybe because it sensitizes us to the consciousness fields around us, so as we dissociate from our self we can associate with other consciousness.

Like I've said earlier, it's a a very old concept that has many names, and it is a shame how the notion is still considered fringe science, if only because we haven't been able to measure the exact mechanisms that can enable this type of connection between the consciousnesses of different people. However, despite the label of fringe science, the phenomenon can pretty easily be explained through the principles of quantum mechanics. Here is just one book I've read that isn't afraid to blow open the subject:

Sorry for going slightly off topic but IMO it is very relevant to the experience and effects of MXE.

This post made me laugh. No offense, but it is classic "too much dissociatives being used" babble. Go check out John Lily or Marcia Moore. Or me for years ha. Can't be measured....no data. Morphic resonance? Meh..

As a heavy user of various dissociatives for damn near two decades on/off, I can say tolerance becomes permanent with serious overindulgence. I've gone a few years with none, and 150 mg ketamine IM just blacks me out. Not a hole, just nothing,..sleep almost. 100 mg is minor effects....this amount would hole me at the beginning. If IM 60 mg 3- MeO PCP I go to sleep. 40 is just some wonky effects. For me, over use has made the hole virtually inaccessible with any compound...goes from minor effects to black out as the dose increases. Same with MXE. I enjoy it but by the time it came around I was already pretty burned out by ketamine. Shame.

Moral of the story? If you like, love even, the amazing space NMDAR antagonists take you to, don't overdue it like crazy. You will be denied entry to this magical headspace. Pity.
People in here exaggerate the euphoria imo, I agree wth that.

Must we be lying? Can your experience just not be different from mine?

The drug is extremely euphoric IMO, but not in the "OH MY FUCKING GOD I FEEL GOOD" way.... those experiences feel fake anyway, it's forced happiness. A good dose of MXE is like a lover who just makes you happy to be around. It should just come natural, although not every time is going to feel like a blow job from space. There are some extremely dysphoric experiences.. that's just the nature of the drug.

Both low or high doses have some extreme potential for euphoria, however. I do find music to be the key in unlocking these experiences though, without it the trip is much more bland.
The "euphoria" I feel is more an alleviation of woes and stresses, and a general tranquility. Its a feeling of sipping a cocktail from a chopped coconut in a hammock on a tropical beach =D which to me falls more into the "sense of wellbeing" than in the "euphoria" class.

To me, MXE is what psychedelics promised to be, but never made good on.

rave on Asante

that's exactly what i thought the first time i came out of an mxe hole
YES Music and MXE is the shit. I spent the entire night watching the Phish Halloween webcast dump dancing my ass off in my house all by myself (unless you count my 2 dogs). It was an EPIC night. I slept great and woke up ready for a good day at work.

I just took 50mg for pain in my feet. During the cold months the bottoms of my feet really hurt. I've been tested and my circulation is fine. I haven't been able to figure out if it's nerve damage or bone isssue. I over did it with the RC DOC a few years back and I think that caused it. Whenever I do true psychedelic's now I get that pain in my feet. It got to a point where I had to wear sneakers to work. I've since stopped taking DOC and stick with MXE and some opi's every now and then. I just took 250mg of Tramadol and 50mg of MXE and my feet feel a lot better.

Oh and if you haven't read the VICE interview about the MXE inventor you should. It's great read. I reread it often.

MXE has truly helped me as a medicine and for recreation. It's a very interesting substance.
Oh and if you haven't read the VICE interview about the MXE inventor you should. It's great read. I reread it often.

What you probably dont know, MXE's inventor is a Bluelight member and no doubt keeps tabs on this thread, documenting the further adventures of his brainchild.
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