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Lysergamides The Big & Dandy ETH-LAD Thread

Anyone tried ETH on paxil treatment? Some psychedelics are dulled by the action of ssri's, Is ETH-LAD one of them? I only take a very tiny dose, 10 mg of paxil, half paroxetine pill.
I don't have a straight answer to this, but if it's true for LSD it's almost certainly going to be true for ETH-LAD. The mechanism of action is so near identical it shouldn't make a difference for cross-effects with medication.
^i was going to say pretty much the same thing. Same thing goes basically for the rest of the 5ht2a PDs - so lysergemides, tryptamines, phenethylamines and their neighbours.
Is anyone else with me on the page that they don't really enjoy standard LSD or 1P compared to eth and al-lad? I feel that replacement of the methyl group really does good justice for my body.

I never really enjoyed standard lsd or 1p because of that rush that is always accompanied with that methyl group; the racy thoughts, the energy, the inability to sleep after the experience, when I first tried L after coming from many mushroom trips it just did not feel right in my body, it didn't feel natural and attempts after did not as well. I could never just accept it in my body as the rush of the experience always gave me a little nerves, honestly it just feels like meth and I have never tried meth. 150ug of 1p had me awake for 17 hours, the main feeling of all my L trips have been accompanied by an overwhelming energy and inability to sleep or be calm and relaxed, similar to like 10-20 cups of coffee or uppers. I don't enjoy this feeling at all and will probably never take 1p or normal L by itself ever again. ETH and Allyl work so well with my body, a lot more natural feeling giving me confidence to dive into the experience!

I mean don't get me wrong I am grateful for the invention of LSD, but I think these new lysergamides are just evolution of the molecule, ever since many mushroom trips I was always interested in L, found out it wasn't what it was all cracked up to be, it wasn't for me. I'm glad these have been created because it's what I've been looking for my entire life!
Is anyone else with me on the page that they don't really enjoy standard LSD or 1P compared to eth and al-lad? I feel that replacement of the methyl group really does good justice for my body.

I never really enjoyed standard lsd or 1p because of that rush that is always accompanied with that methyl group; the racy thoughts, the energy, the inability to sleep after the experience, when I first tried L after coming from many mushroom trips it just did not feel right in my body, it didn't feel natural and attempts after did not as well. I could never just accept it in my body as the rush of the experience always gave me a little nerves, honestly it just feels like meth and I have never tried meth. 150ug of 1p had me awake for 17 hours, the main feeling of all my L trips have been accompanied by an overwhelming energy and inability to sleep or be calm and relaxed, similar to like 10-20 cups of coffee or uppers. I don't enjoy this feeling at all and will probably never take 1p or normal L by itself ever again. ETH and Allyl work so well with my body, a lot more natural feeling giving me confidence to dive into the experience!

I mean don't get me wrong I am grateful for the invention of LSD, but I think these new lysergamides are just evolution of the molecule, ever since many mushroom trips I was always interested in L, found out it wasn't what it was all cracked up to be, it wasn't for me. I'm glad these have been created because it's what I've been looking for my entire life!

totally agreed in al-lad case (not tried eth yet). Plain lsd is just too overwhelming for me, too side physical side effects, overstimulation, hot persperitacion, confusion, etc. I hope eth shine in the same manner. 1P is a little more tolerable for me than plain lsd. I disagree with the statement that lsd is exactly the same thing that 1p-lsd, 1p is a lillte less racing and complex for me.
I agree lsd-25 is definitely more speedy, and that general feeling is more accompanied in the trip. 1p has an altered come up and cleaner come down for me, still pretty intense in a way that's hard to handle for me though. I have yet to try a larger dose of ETH but from 40 mics I have confidence, allyl on the other hand is wonderful. If I had to describe them, this is just personal opinion I know some people prefer the speediness of LSD. LSD is the hyper child, who can't sit still, who has a big imagination, AL-LAD is the mother, she's nice, easy going and you can always sit down and have a chat without worrying of things going bad. ETH is the Father, he's older, more matured of an experience, full of wisdom, deep and meaningful in his use of words and speaks from the heart.
I agree LSD is more speedy also, however I may still prefer it over ETH-LAD and I definitely prefer it over AL-LAD. I love all 3, and the jury is still out of ETH-LAD because I've only tried it once (albeit at a very solid dose of 300ug). LSD just has this certain magic, where the trip infuses everything and almost seems to be present in the world around me. The level of insight into myself is unparalleled in lysergamides I've tried so far. I find ETH-LAD to be more like a really, really visual mescaline, that feels lysergic, if that makes sense. It's a more serene, mentally stable headspace that is less overt in its psychedelia. Sometimes that's just what I want, but sometimes I want something that's going to throw me off balance and drastically alter my reality. Of course, LSD feels 100% natural in my body, I find nothing objectionable about how it feels at all.
Lucky ducks! The first time I tried L was a weak dose of like 80 mics, man I could never get comfortable besides the middle of the peak! Tried it one time after that and same experience: Too much rush, too much energy almost forcing me to move around, racy thoughts, the electric body high and vasoconstriction with that rush really does not do well on my anxiety. The trip wore off pretty quickly because of the dose and I was left WIDE awake for the remainder, from 80 mics I had no "good" feelings the main feeling of the trip was being so awake and stimulated that I could never get comfortable. I couldn't sleep for 12 hours. I said eh must have some unpure LSD, not sure I like it too much so I went 1P route,

same thing but a lot more intense in a more manageable way because of the 99% purity but still the majority of the trip was anxiety and being uncomfortable, my body just doesn't want to accept that methyl group, I was awake for 17 hours from 150ug of 1P.. after the Peak which lasted about 3 and a half hours I'm left with this very apparent awake feeling and unable to sleep for the next 10 hours. I dosed at 9 in the morning and couldn't sleep til 3 AM. It's just not my type of psychedelic. To each their own tho!

Maybe I just need to take a much higher dose to make me trip hard enough to not notice the rush of it, but until then I don't plan on wanting to deal with any of the come up anxiety that it produces, where eth and allyl I have none. Idk. I must be extremely sensitive to that methyl group because it accompanies the entire experience as the main feeling.
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Eth-lad is dfinately the bees knees. It's my favorite, followed by a close 2nd Ald-52. Two top notch lysergics. Al-lad never really treated me well. Got confusing and I did not find the visuals better then LSD. 1p is alright, it's like LSD lite for me, and it takes quite a few hits to get me t where I need to be. Only gave LSZ a ride once, but I do see it available again from one or two venders maybe I will give that a go again.

But really with Eth-lad and orange sunshine available, I really don't see the point. Ether way it's different strokes for different folks...it's truly an amazing time to be alive.
Have you even tried pro lad sir ron? As far as i know this hasnt made anyrounds on the clearnet at least. Kinda got a feeling ill see it this year.
No - it seems to be at the extremely difficult end of production; I hope it does come up, think it would be a really good one
Well.. Just had my first encounter with 100ug of ETH-LAD, Ethyl is about 40% stronger than LSD so this was equivalent to 150ug of 1P-LSD in intensity, just the intensity was in a much deeper, introspective way. Was quite an intense journey through deep end of the mind to say the least.

Didn't feel much until about an 1hr 30 min in started getting some first alerts, once you first notice it, it comes on fast, it starts with giddyness, 3D like visuals, and has you thinking everything is going to be easy going. Everything was bordered and blurred, blue shaded hues, and visuals lasted throughout the experience including the come down.

Approaching the peak you merge into the head-space at some point around 2 hours in for me after it starts coming up, you are greeted with the intensity of the dose you are gonna be working with, its gentle and mild at first but soon, and quickly within a matter of minutes I was flipped inside out and was sent on a journey deep into my mind. The most intense, deep, analytical and powerful introspection I have experienced considering it was only 100ug. There isn't too much time dilation/ time warping, or sense of eternity but at the same time it warps time in a different sense as you are sent on a powerful journey of introspection in your mind, there is no idea to check time. I was bolted into the peak of the experience and came out of it sometime 30 minutes later and was in what I called the "safe zone". I was riding on a plateau of some sorts, for a duration of time and then followed, more defined, deeper intense waves of introspection for another short duration of time. Music would sound dimensional and intensely distorted in a good way at times. Felt like I heard it on a deeper level, a dimensional level.

After that final wave of intense introspection you had some breathing room, visuals become more prominent and the experience tends to begin the reflection phase of what just happened already at least for me I was guided down comfortably and socializing is easy going, analytically analyzing what was introspected by myself. Easy fade into come down and easy sleep.

Not a material I would recommend anyone take particularly looking to have a good time, this is a powerful tool of deep introspection and should be used as such!

After trying all 3 of the recent lysergamides they are all night and day differences like most people say. In my opinion AL-LAD is the easiest going of the bunch and should be taken for a fun psychedelic time. While ETH should be taken for times of need to look deeply inside yourself, it works perfect for this.

Edit forgot to mention I did smoke at the 1 hour 30 min mark 2 bowls, i didn't notice any vaso-constriction problems it seemed to just intensify the experience worked with it flawlessly. I did notice a small duration of thigh tremors which was very mild and short lived on the peak.
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Is a quarter (25 micrograms) of blotter enough to feel something? Only for test the waters
You should feel it but it will be threshold. Probably not a full trip, but more of a sparkle to your day.

Nice report eclipse, very descriptive and I pretty much agree with your summary.
Am I the only one who feels this stuff feels like a cheap knock off of LSD?
Well, I wouldn't go that far, but since LSD is readily available, I'll take it 9 times out of 10. Time commitment is the same, and for me, less bodyload with the L. I was not all that impressed with ETH-LAD, though I didn't hate it. I actually prefer AL-LAD in high doses (600-900ug). It is at high doses, I feel, that AL really shines and can get WAY more head-fucky than people give it credit for. I've had some of those "I was gone for an unknown quantity of time", had all kinds of strange theatrics being realized in my mind, then was jolted back to reality when it wore off quite suddenly, when it dies. I like the short duration of it, and again, the wicked psychedelia that comes with it at high doses.
Am I the only one who feels this stuff feels like a cheap knock off of LSD?

Maybe not the only one, but I find it to be a great drug in its own right. I still prefer LSD though. Granted I've only taken ETH-LAD once, at 300ug.
Am I the only one who feels this stuff feels like a cheap knock off of LSD?

Not me. I think ETH-LAD is an incredible thing.

LSD sets a really high bar, and it must be the most revered psychedelic. I really think LSD has had a huge impact on the world, and it's hard to imagine ETH-LAD could ever compete with that. In that sense, and because ETH-LAD is essentially and LSD variant, I can see how it could be perceived as a second rate version of LSD. I love LSD, and it's role in my life will probably never be revoked. It's the One, the King.

I believe ETH-LAD is Acid II. Not the sequel, but the 2.0 version, THE future acid. Not superior to LSD, because LSD will always be the Great Ancestor to ETH-LAD. It's different from LSD, and has different things to show us. For that past many decades LSD has shown us so much, and it will continue to do so. But there is a next chapter now. I'm really excited to get to know it.

In terms of production it certainly ain't a cheap knock off. From what I gather this is really challenging to produce, moreso than LSD. It's certainly amazing that we have access to this molecule right now.
The effects of ETH-LAD feel fake. One-dimensional. It's weird. It's like a fraction of the visual effects of LSD, very little headspace, and an overly stimulating body high.
The effects of ETH-LAD feel fake. One-dimensional. It's weird. It's like a fraction of the visual effects of LSD, very little headspace, and an overly stimulating body high.

Interesting, that's exactly how Al-lad makes me feel.
Wow that's so much different than it was for me. For me, ETH-LAD was substantially stronger visually than LSD, to the point that I could barely tell what I was looking at during the peak. The body high was extraordinarily comfortable, I don't find LSD stimulating per se, but it does give me energy, and ETH-LAD gave me less energy, but it still gave me some. The headspace definitely seems less deep, or less crazy anyway, it treminded me of mescaline's headspace a lot, where I felt very calm and serene and connected to myself and others and nature. Really a wonderful thing, I think I still prefer LSD but ETH-LAD is also top-notch.
I've managed to acquire some Eth-Lad from a trusted source and have a few questions because, as always, I have a wee bit of nervous apprehension when I'm taking something for the first time. I've scoured this thread, and the 1P-LSD, mushrooms, LSZ and 4-AcO-DMT threads. Those are the compounds that I'm familiar with; nothing else.

Question I've got re: Eth-Lad is this.....what kind of body load is there, and has anyone found that it increases blood pressure significantly? I've found LSZ underwhelming at 225 ug, 4-AcO-DMT beautiful up to 27 mg, mushrooms likewise up to ~7g (they become problematic after that) and 1P-LSD interesting, but not overwhelming up to 200 ug. Is a 100 ug Eth-Lad trip reasonable for my first time (I hate to ask because to me this sounds kinda like how much should I take). I don't have any benzo's handy to 'back out' because I don't intend on ever taking that class of drugs again.

Nervous jitters I guess, because I don't want to underestimate this drug.

thanks for any advice.
