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Lysergamides The Big & Dandy ETH-LAD Thread

Yes, I'm sure 100 ug will be just perfect for your first time. I mean, it might be slightly underwhelming or it might just be perfect - But you can relax, that you'll certainly won't be overwhelmed at that dose.

I've only tried doese around the 100 ug mark, and at that those doses, I reckon it's a very "soft" and freindly lysergamide.
Incunabula, perpetualdawn; thanks....I was more concerned about the potential for cardiovascular stimulation which is important for me to avoid. I've not encountered it yet on anything actually other than chills, shakes and (in the case of 4-HO-DiPT) tremoring.

By about 90 minutes in on 1P-LSD everything smoothed out for the rest of the trip.


The effects of ETH-LAD feel fake. One-dimensional. It's weird. It's like a fraction of the visual effects of LSD, very little headspace, and an overly stimulating body high.

You don't think this may be manifestation of your expectations? ie going into the trip knowing that eth-lad is not as well-established and is associated with the dodgy world of RCs may colour the experience like any other 'set' variable. I don't know cos i haven't done this but i've had perfect feeling allad and 1p trips and artifical feeling lsd trips in the past due to vagaries of mind set.
well i can say that based on the effects of multiple micro and low doses it was totally consistent. i hate the stuff. it felt clean, though. but very dry and (like i said) one dimensional. and i want to emphasize that it felt so shitty that i just can't believe that it's gotten the positive reviews it's gotten (shrug). But this is a message i got from another, very experienced LSD user on another message board, so apparently this stuff isn't as golden as some say it is. My own experiences with ETH-LAD can be added to the relatively small collection of negative reviews. i guess i should also mention that my most frequently used method of administering it was IV injection too.

Posts like that are what sparked my interest in the chemical, but the reports I've seen here on the shroomery contradict that. Folks I know have a lot of experience with LSD saying that it wasn't that great, shitty body load, etc. maybe it is real nice though. I've never tried it, and doubt I ever will. I did AL-LAD & LSZ though. Enjoyed both, but find LSD to be far superior.
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I dunno Red, I am over 40 years old, have plenty expierence with LSD, and I love Eth-lad, might even like it more then LSD. Al-lad and 1p never really did it for me...so maybe it's a body chemistry thing. Guess we should just be pleased that in this day and age, we have choices.
Hawk you gonna try eth lad and ald 52 combo anytime soon? You enjoyed ETH along with 1pp Sao I figure that would be even better.
Hawk you gonna try eth lad and ald 52 combo anytime soon? You enjoyed ETH along with 1pp Sao I figure that would be even better.
As a matter of fact, I just placed another orange sunshine order today for that very reason. Really in my eyes these are the two lysergics that really shine for me. Excited to try this combo out.
For those of you with a lot of experience with these novel lysergamides - how would you compare the bodyloads of ETH-LAD and 1P-LSD at comparable doses (ie, doses that, taking into account the difference in potency, produce roughly the same level of subjective intensity)? Is one more prone to produce GI issues or overstimulation than the other?

Thanks in advance for any knowledge you guys have to offer. :)
Has anybody toyed with cross-tolerance between this and LSD? There was an occasion when some friends and I wanted to trip 2 days in a row, and we ate AL (150 mics) on the first day and LSD on the second. Naturally, I expected cross-tolerance and started with 2 hits the second night, and my mind was blown to find literally no cross-tolerance at all. It was like eating 200 mics on a totally clear head! I was so intrigued by this, I repeated the experiment a few months later with the same results! Whatever LSD does to create massive tolerance to itself, AL-LAD does not do. Curious if the same is true for ETH-LAD?....
I've tried Eth-Lad @ 100 ug for the first time tonight and was pleased at how strong it was considering I've used !P-LSD at 100, 200, 200 and 50 ug in the weeks immediately preceding this. This felt like 200 maybe 250 ug of !P-LSD to me.

Unlike 1P-LSD which had a smooth come up in an almost linear fashion from 20+ minutes, this was completely asymptomatic until 60-65 minutes after dropping. At that point it was like a switch had been flipped from complete sobriety to total psychedelia. I was smart enough to take care of most of the food cooking well in advance and other than I left one plate of home made fries 2 hours longer in the oven than they should have been, no house fire :)

There was somewhat of a jarring discontinuity reminiscent of Salvia which I didn't like; but once tripping a nice familiar headspace was evident and things smoothed out.

Absolutely zero body load. No shakes, chills, tremoring, jitteriness or gippy stomach. Perhaps the cleanest trip I've ever had on anything.


[edit 1] I was able to eat easily without any issues about 90ish minutes after dropping, although the overly spiced oven fries (Jicama) smelt a lot better than they tasted. The stoned wheat thins and soda crackers both tasted pretty good, but they're already favourites of mine. I engaged in my favourite pursuit which is to watch scifi and horror; although The Walking Dead seemed unnaturally funny. I ended up listening to some EDM and ELP before settling in to watch 'Locked Up'. At 9 hours in I ended up calling my cable company to dispute an invoicing error. Sleep was effortless and I never felt jittery or stimulated. Morning coffee tastes unusually good paired with a tuna sandwich, odd though that may sound.

No hangover or 'blah' feeling - just a pleasant, relaxed mood and about time to watch some curling
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Nice report! I've found that 100ug was equipotent to 150ug of 1p, I think there's a chart out there relating relative potency in humans comparing ETH to LSD and ETH is 140% potency to that of L. I definitely had some fast heart rate and minor tremors on the peak of 100ug.

Just a reminder I trialed 100ug of ETH about 14 days post my trial with AL-LAD, and waited another 9 days to try AL-LAD again but it seems AL-LAD has a tolerance of its own. I took 200ug which should of had some type of effect, I was left with nothing to show for. I think I've heard a few other people mention allyl has a 4 week tolerance. It also has a cross tolerance to 1P and ETH.
I've tried Eth-Lad @ 100 ug for the first time tonight and was pleased at how strong it was considering I've used !P-LSD at 100, 200, 200 and 50 ug in the weeks immediately preceding this. This felt like 200 maybe 250 ug of !P-LSD to me.

Unlike 1P-LSD which had a smooth come up in an almost linear fashion from 20+ minutes, this was completely asymptomatic until 60-65 minutes after dropping. At that point it was like a switch had been flipped from complete sobriety to total psychedelia. I was smart enough to take care of most of the food cooking well in advance and other than I left one plate of home made fries 2 hours longer in the oven than they should have been, no house fire :)

There was somewhat of a jarring discontinuity reminiscent of Salvia which I didn't like; but once tripping a nice familiar headspace was evident and things smoothed out.

Absolutely zero body load. No shakes, chills, tremoring, jitteriness or gippy stomach. Perhaps the cleanest trip I've ever had on anything.


[edit 1] I was able to eat easily without any issues about 90ish minutes after dropping, although the overly spiced oven fries (Jicama) smelt a lot better than they tasted. The stoned wheat thins and soda crackers both tasted pretty good, but they're already favourites of mine. I engaged in my favourite pursuit which is to watch scifi and horror; although The Walking Dead seemed unnaturally funny. I ended up listening to some EDM and ELP before settling in to watch 'Locked Up'. At 9 hours in I ended up calling my cable company to dispute an invoicing error. Sleep was effortless and I never felt jittery or stimulated. Morning coffee tastes unusually good paired with a tuna sandwich, odd though that may sound.

No hangover or 'blah' feeling - just a pleasant, relaxed mood and about time to watch some curling

Great report, I also LOVE to eat while on ETH...a complete 180 from LSD. Especially Indian food, and or eating with my hands.
@Hawk-o you just mentioned mu favourite food. When I've finished my morning coffee I'm actually out to go get some Naan :)

Xorkoth; I've only been into psychs for a little over 4 years and find that I can't eat or drink on mushrooms, but I can on Lysergamides.

One thing I'm not too hot on is that my sense of smell seems amped up for about 24 hours. I had to clean the cat litter about 20 hours after dropping and was gagging and choking; and this isn't something that normally bothers me. And I cleaned out some left over stew that had been forgotten at the back of the fridge in a tupperware container - that was hell on earth.

One thing I like about this class of compounds as opposed to mushrooms is the complete lack of lethargy that I have the next day; I actually end up doing things as opposed to napping, starting at the tv or just playing video games.

On mushrooms, sometimes I've gotten hungry and eaten like an animal, and sometimes I don't want to eat. Plenty of the synthetic tryptamines make eating wonderful, for example 5-MeO-MiPT. The "light" 2C-Xs such as 2C-B, 2C-C, and 2C-D all do not affect my appetite or desire to eat, while LSD and ETH-LAD make eating an even better experience than it is sober. Of note is that I have a really strong stomach, I only get nausea with a few substances, though when I hadn't done too many psychedelics, the 2C-X made me incredibly nauseous during the come-up and I would always puke. Nowadays, they don't even give me a hint of nausea.
If you got the right dose of mushrooms and had some type of breakthrough experience you should be feeling anything but lethargy the next day. When I take mushrooms my trips are so meaningful and powerful I can't take them again for at least a couple months, because my life outlook is so dramatically changed and I have to incorporate what I learned into my life, I usually get months worth of anti depressant effects.

I'm just glad these products are available ~ peace & love
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I had a really amazing experience with this chemical at ~130ug (took one 100ug blotter and cut about a third of another one off and took that in addition to the first one about 30 minutes after ingestion). It was surprisingly visual at such a low dose and music sounded fantastic. I experienced absolutely no come up nausea and had a great, warm body high - not QUITE as magical as the beautiful body high good ol' LSD provides, but I found it much more enjoyable than what I felt from 1P. Positive mood, with a great, long peak. I felt that the dose could be slightly higher, but not too much - next time i'll probably take around 170ug and see how that affects me (tempted to take 200ug, but I think that may be a bit intense!)

Basically, this may be the best, cleanest feeling RC psych I've ever dosed. I'd highly recommend it to anyone!
Can't wait to try it....1P is some of the cleanest stuff I've ever had (dropped the mother molecule over 100 times)

But 1P is just to weak for me....not enough bang for the buck....but so super clean
Can't wait to try it....1P is some of the cleanest stuff I've ever had (dropped the mother molecule over 100 times)

But 1P is just to weak for me....not enough bang for the buck....but so super clean

Well, I doubt you'll find that's the case with this chem; it's epically potent and I imagine the potential for craziness exists for just about everyone depending on the dose.