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Lysergamides The Big & Dandy ETH-LAD Thread

So it has been a year and a half since my SO has tripped and she is a little bit nervous about re-entering the psychedelic world. Do you guys think this would be too intense at 150, or should I just give here a hit of some liquid LSD I have dosed at 100? I just don't know if this would be a little overwhelming or not.
@ BlacklightHorizon
I think Eth-Lad @ 150ug is so much more of a ride, then 100ug of LSD...
150ug of Eth-Lad, to me is like 250ug of LSD... Eth-Lad will make you think... :)

I took about 350ug WOW LSD last week and.... well, i now think that LSD cant be matched... that was one of the best trips i experience / wittiness ego dissolution once again..

I will try 150ug Eth-Lad and 100ug 1p-LSD to see where that goes... too..
I did love the combo of 1p an Al-Lad too... I don't care for AL-Lad by itself, it was not right for me...

Now that LSD is back and as clean as before.. i'm staying closes to home.... once again...
I'm also an old school Hippe live in the woods and have a perfect set and setting...
Nameste to all of you
Toltec, I would be very interested in your thoughts after you try the 1p Eth-lad combo! I will be trying it again, hopefully Friday. Great combo in my last expirence.
I will... I may do this on or about the second week of Nov... I had surgery last week..... so..... I should be healed up and have no tolerance what so ever by then... I did like the combo of One 1p-Lsd & 1 Al-Lad.. I experience multi layers of visuals on that combo.. Loved it.. Namaste
I'll tell you...I recently acquired some REALLY pure LSD that mic's out at 150ug per dose (it was sent in for testing by a group that does so). It came from one of the DNM most trusted vendors, who sells LSD that is so good I cannot even put it into words. I've done a lot of it in my life, and have had some super HQ LSD, but I have to say...the three different samples I've gotten recently are, to say the least, about as fine a quality LSD as you can get. After having toyed around with AL-LAD, ETH-LAD, LSZ, 4-ACO-DMT for quite some time, doing 300ug of LSD last week made me realize that, for me, the others are just lesser substitutes for LSD. No bodyload from this LSD, smooth come up, ridiculously euphoric, as clean as a whistle, and again...it made me realize what I had been missing out on for so long. Yeah, it lasts longer, but shit...the quality and intensity even at 300ug was incredible. And what I've determined, for me, is that the other compounds don't seem to scale up well, in other words, you seem to hit a wall with them as you climb the ug ladder, often adding nasty body load, or just not having as clean of an experience. LSD, on the other hand, you can go as high as you can handle and you just amp up the experience. Yeah bodyload increases a bit with increasing dose, but with some of the ultra-clean LSD around these days, I can't help but think that I'd simply much rather do IT as opposed to the others, though I do like the brevity of the AL-LAD trip, that you can sneak in on an evening because of its duration. But yeah...there is some SICK LSD to be gotten in you look in the right places, and I am super glad I did. Based on the 3 different samples I've gotten recently, they were all among the best, cleanest acid I've ever had. Literally. I have a whole bunch of ETH-LAD that I'll likely trade for something, and keep a little for analysis later on down the line. But if I am going to devote 8, 10 or 12 hours to a psychedelic, it's going to be LSD from here on out.
I'll tell you...I recently acquired some REALLY pure LSD that mic's out at 150ug per dose (it was sent in for testing by a group that does so). It came from one of the DNM most trusted vendors, who sells LSD that is so good I cannot even put it into words. I've done a lot of it in my life, and have had some super HQ LSD, but I have to say...the three different samples I've gotten recently are, to say the least, about as fine a quality LSD as you can get. After having toyed around with AL-LAD, ETH-LAD, LSZ, 4-ACO-DMT for quite some time, doing 300ug of LSD last week made me realize that, for me, the others are just lesser substitutes for LSD. No bodyload from this LSD, smooth come up, ridiculously euphoric, as clean as a whistle, and again...it made me realize what I had been missing out on for so long. Yeah, it lasts longer, but shit...the quality and intensity even at 300ug was incredible. And what I've determined, for me, is that the other compounds don't seem to scale up well, in other words, you seem to hit a wall with them as you climb the ug ladder, often adding nasty body load, or just not having as clean of an experience. LSD, on the other hand, you can go as high as you can handle and you just amp up the experience. Yeah bodyload increases a bit with increasing dose, but with some of the ultra-clean LSD around these days, I can't help but think that I'd simply much rather do IT as opposed to the others, though I do like the brevity of the AL-LAD trip, that you can sneak in on an evening because of its duration. But yeah...there is some SICK LSD to be gotten in you look in the right places, and I am super glad I did. Based on the 3 different samples I've gotten recently, they were all among the best, cleanest acid I've ever had. Literally. I have a whole bunch of ETH-LAD that I'll likely trade for something, and keep a little for analysis later on down the line. But if I am going to devote 8, 10 or 12 hours to a psychedelic, it's going to be LSD from here on out.

Yes! I agree completely. LSD is the perfect molecule. None of the analogues come close, although AL-LAD is really cool. The quality of LSD out there varies HUGELY, and it varies a ton still comparing LSD that is amazing and LSD that is damn near perfect. Small changes in purity can bring big changes in the experience. Also, let's not forget, you've gotta know how much is on that tab in the first place!!

In regards to ETH-LAD: I'm really confused as to how this is now available. As I understood it, ETH-LAD degraded within an hour even if kept in a freezer. So how is it going on?

And I know sourcing is a no-no, but is it going around on the black market or as a legal RC?
As I understood it, ETH-LAD degraded within an hour even if kept in a freezer. So how is it going on?
Based on what evidence?

I have had ETH-LAD (blotters) stored at room temperature away from light and moisture for a few months now with no noted loss in potency.

It is speculated to be unstable in solution based on TiHKAL, however with a sample size of one this is hardly confirmed.
ETH-LAD is doing just fine stored properly on this end. It's been being sold on the CN for months now. LOTS of people writing trip reports, etc. As far as I can tell, the stories about these chemicals being so fragile is nothing more than a myth. I've stored AL-LAD for 2.5 years with no loss in potency, same with LSZ, and I've stored LSD for years. Like I said...these chems are far more robust, if cared for, than some of the urban legends portray.
Yeah, the only time I noticed a lysergic acid derivative to degrade was this summer when I went backpacking in Bolivia with a couple of tabs and they didn't resist well the huge temperature shifts of the altiplanic desert or the high humidity of the sub-amazonian sierra. But it was as expected, and I still tripped off 225 ug ... Just noticed a little drop in potency, it felt like I had just taken 150 ug, and I had carried them for two weeks in less than ideal conditions (Wrapped in tin foil inside a book in my backpack).
The Shadow Self said....
"I'll tell you...I recently acquired some REALLY pure LSD that mic's out at 150ug per dose (it was sent in for testing by a group that does so). It came from one of the DNM most trusted vendors, who sells LSD that is so good I cannot even put it into words. I've done a lot of it in my life, and have had some super HQ LSD, but I have to say...the three different samples I've gotten recently are, to say the least, about as fine a quality LSD as you can get. After having toyed around with AL-LAD, ETH-LAD, LSZ, 4-ACO-DMT for quite some time, doing 300ug of LSD last week made me realize that, for me, the others are just lesser substitutes for LSD. No bodyload from this LSD, smooth come up, ridiculously euphoric, as clean as a whistle, and again...it made me realize what I had been missing out on for so long. Yeah, it lasts longer, but shit...the quality and intensity even at 300ug was incredible. And what I've determined, for me, is that the other compounds don't seem to scale up well, in other words, you seem to hit a wall with them as you climb the ug ladder, often adding nasty body load, or just not having as clean of an experience. LSD, on the other hand, you can go as high as you can handle and you just amp up the experience. Yeah bodyload increases a bit with increasing dose, but with some of the ultra-clean LSD around these days, I can't help but think that I'd simply much rather do IT as opposed to the others, though I do like the brevity of the AL-LAD trip, that you can sneak in on an evening because of its duration. But yeah...there is some SICK LSD to be gotten in you look in the right places, and I am super glad I did. Based on the 3 different samples I've gotten recently, they were all among the best, cleanest acid I've ever had. Literally. I have a whole bunch of ETH-LAD that I'll likely trade for something, and keep a little for analysis later on down the line. But if I am going to devote 8, 10 or 12 hours to a psychedelic, it's going to be LSD from here on out.

"I agree with you , 100%... I mirror Exactly what you wrote..
Happy trials are back...once more...
The Shadow Self said....
what I've determined, for me, is that the other compounds don't seem to scale up well, in other words, you seem to hit a wall with them as you climb the ug ladder, often adding nasty body load, or just not having as clean of an experience. LSD, on the other hand, you can go as high as you can handle and you just amp up the experience. Yeah bodyload increases a bit with increasing dose, but with some of the ultra-clean LSD around these days...

Yeah what he said about how LSD scales vs. the other lysergamides really stuck with me, I think that's a pretty good point.

The way I see it is that LSD has a gently rolling off dose response curve, like a logarithmic curve that more-or-less caps out at around 1000ug, and response increases gently as you up the dose, so for example 200ug is less than twice as strong subjectively than 100ug. It seems to me from my really limited trials with ETH-LAD, and from reading on here, that ETH-LAD has a more aggressive curve going from 150ug to 300ug to 450ug, and not sure where it caps out at, but probably lower than LSD.

tldr; LSD scales really well.
Based on what evidence?

I have had ETH-LAD (blotters) stored at room temperature away from light and moisture for a few months now with no noted loss in potency.

It is speculated to be unstable in solution based on TiHKAL, however with a sample size of one this is hardly confirmed.

I seem to recall reading this somewhere a while ago, but upon doing some googling, nothing was to be found. That's odd though, because I know a few people who have said the same thing..

If it's doing as you say, then nevermind!
Hey guys, just want to report another fabulous expierecne right now on the 1p Eth-lad combo. It's beautiful. Very beautiful. Almost too smoothe.. Was going to take another 1p... Maybe next time I will increase it.
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I think I may take this this weekend, possibly for a hike. If so I'll report back. :)
I think I may take this this weekend, possibly for a hike. If so I'll report back. :)
I would be very interested to see your results!! Still having a great time here... Looking forward to eating. Food kicks ass on Eth-lad!!
Hey guys, just want to report another fabulous expierecne right now on the 1p Eth-lad combo. It's beautiful. Very beautiful. Almost too smoothe.. Was going to take another 1p... Maybe next time I will increase it.

My gut instincts tell me that for this kind of combo, ETH-LAD is something to add in smaller quantities to a larger quantity of LSD/1P-LSD. Keep us updated on your experiments!
I am really thinking I could crank up the 1p side of this mix. 300ug of Eth was spectacular, but the anxiety was a little rough. 1p gives me absolutely no anxiety, and just increases the incredible visuals of the Eth-lad. I also LOVE THE headspace of ETH LAD, ITS VERY loving, emotional and sensual. So, yeah it's not LSD... But it's BEAUTIFUL on its own merits.
My gut instincts tell me that for this kind of combo, ETH-LAD is something to add in smaller quantities to a larger quantity of LSD/1P-LSD. Keep us updated on your experiments!
Yeah Dawn, you know how it goes when you hit the 300ug level on Eth... It's great... But a rough ride... Trying to find a way to get up to that level, without the wear and tear. You know what I mean? And you know what I mean when I say Eth lad is a substance that comes from the heart?
And you know what I mean when I say Eth lad is a substance that comes from the heart?

Yeah 100%. Gave me goosebumps to think about that just now, all my arm hairs standing up on end.

I've said it before, but ETH-LAD is a powerhouse. Last time I tripped on it, it occurred to me that putting it behind a more standard lysergemide like 1P could be a way to go. Hard to explain how I conceptualize this idea, but it's like 1P would be the substrate, ETH-LAD the modulator.