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Tryptamines The Big & Dandy DPT Thread - Part 3: So bright this light...

i'd say you either need more or less than that dose for a good time.... sounds like you were stuck in that uncomfortable inbetween state where you're definitely pretty altered, but not far enough to get immersed in the experience.
Didn't think of that but kind of makes sense. I'll give it a thought but I think I want to change ROA too. Insufflation sounded so convenient as I don't like immediate effects, but it is too long when you get where you don't want to be and too painful to ignore. I believe I should go up but I cannot take much more bodyload.

Curious thing is after the storm was gone I was thinking about redosing, and only stopped me the difficult logistics, it being already back in the freezer, and thoughts about tolerance.

I've been reading a bit of the thread now and some mix with a bit of dissociatives. Never mixed psyquedelics with dissociatives as I'm not much of a dissociative user but probably it helps with the tremors.
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I think pharmakos is right about the in between dose - for me it's been a really good as a drug for turning up in the 8-15mg range, and then it gets really bizarre and interesting at 50-60mg, but 25-30mg was kind of too functional to be immersive, yet too fucked up to be able to do anything.

Probably good you didn't bother re-dosing might not have done much.

I'm not into dissociatives at all, but DPT jives really well with ketamine, probably other dissociatives as well. I've had good results with a very tiny bump of K mixed in with 50-60mg DPT, sniff sniff. I bet MXE would go well too but I've never tried .

Some drugs really go hand in hand, and I think this is one of those cases.
I enjoy microdosed (10mg give or take) as much as higher doses. 40mg is a sweet spot for me, just enough to pierce the spacetime fabric but not too uncomfortable, but I assisted with a dissociative each time at that dose. Microdose is a nice body high and some thought alteration but not visual, combines well with other drugs and isn't immobilizing (but still will not want to move at the peak period which is less than an hour)
re: DPT + dissociatives... DPT is the only psychedelic i like mixing with dissociatives. let the dissociative kick in first, then once you get towards the peak snort the DPT. leads to incredibly immersive experiences.
pharmakos, which dissociatives have you tried DPT with if i may ask? i got a few various dissociatives. What would you "recommend" 2do or not 2do with DPT.

Thanks :)
i've combined it with DXM, MXE, and 3-MeO-PCP. all worked pretty wonderfully, tho i think i actually liked it best with DXM (assuming you can handle the double body load)

if bodyload is an issue for you, then i feel MXE would be the best companion with DPT.

3-MeO-PCP was a bit more hit-or-miss as a partner to DPT... the experience was a little too weird typically, even considering the fact that DPT and 3-MeO-PCP can be pretty weird on their own.
The one time I've done DPT so far, I did a bump of MXE right before to calm my pre-flight jitters.
It's interesting to see how many people agree that dissociatives + DPT go well.
Vortech, your current avatar reminds me of the feeling of DPT.
I'm soon going to finally acquire this compound and I'm... what you could describe as "excitedly apprehensive" about taking it. I've been waiting for a long time, but I'm also nervous about the intensity of the experience & its side effect profile.

Does anyone here have any positive experience plugging this chem? I'd like to avoid insufflation if I can, given what I've heard about the drip, but I don't want to prepare a freebase or inject. I will insufflate if plugging is not viable though. I am only getting 500mg so if the required dose is stupidly high I won't be wasting my time w/ this ROI.
DPT is wonderful.

I did 150mg insuflated with 6-10mg bumbed 3-meo-PCP. After 30-40 minutes. A cool and nice tryptamine feeling rushed up my spine, my whole room and all my plants started to breath and it was so sacred.

One time I got to a point where it was a little bit scary, nearly the feeling of "can this please stop now?" but my roomie was pleasent and talked with me, smoked some weed and listened to some calm music. Classic and some psyambient. Orange, green, red and blue symmetric and geometric visuals jumped around me and did whatever i thought about.
The peak effect of it all lasted about 1 and a half hour.

The day after was good, no headache or a kind of hangover. I took the bus and visited my granddad - took a walk and made some nice food together.

Very pleasent psychedelic journey in a very long time for me.
150mg was too much, especially since you had a dissociative launch pad. :) you passed a point, and reached the area where you're tripping so hard that you actually get overly focused on reality. the sweet spot is a bit lower than that, the place where you're not so anxious, the place where you can let yourself go into fantasy land. around half that dose done along with a dissociative is about perfect. you would have been able to enter the dreamtime. :)
Yes i also think now that 150mg was a little bit too much, as you mentioned. I dont wanna reach the anxious point. I wasnt really anxious, only a bit because im epileptic and dont wanna black out and have a hard seizure. I got nervous when i thought about that, when it really started to peak. Luckily i had my roomie with me to talk to, and the anxious drifted slowly and nice away. I did alot of drawing, and played some backgammon with my roomie.

I dont know what you mean with enter the dreamtime. Maybe i do, but not the slang way hehe :)
you'll know it when it happens ;) the level of reality just below our own, both more basic and more infinite.
I had a very powerful experience on DPT a few days ago and I can't stop thinking about it. I've used it plenty of times, but mostly at low doses. I had one intense trip a year ago that showed me its ego dissolving power. After my most recent experience I'm even more in love with it.

I wasn't planning on tripping, but I had been thinking about DPT recently. A few days previously, I was looking at H.R. Giger artwork and it reminded me very much of DPT. Its dark and a bit frightening, but also beautiful in a strange way, a blend of macabre and sexual themes. I decided to convert some DPT to freebase and put it in my freebase pipe so it would be ready to smoke later.

On the day of the trip I spent the whole day at home and I was feeling bored and apathetic. Suddenly I had the urge to have a beer or two to relax and take some DPT. I'll try not to go into graphic detail, but the sexual aspect of DPT is often a major part of the experience for me. I wouldn't use other psychedelics in this way but DPT is different. It seems like a paradox. It's powerful and produces religious feelings, but it's so kinky and hedonistic at the same time.

I'm pretty cautious with drugs and usually pretty conservative with my dosages compared to most people I see on these forums. The idea of snorting a fat line of a reality shattering psychedelic scares me. When I take DPT, I start off smoking it since it's not a big commitment. I'll smoke a little bit at a time, then if I like where the trip is headed, I'll start snorting small bumps of it. I usually don't get much of a drip, and I think it's because I snort about 10mg at a time then wait a few minutes.

After I smoked an unknown amount, I weighed out 55mg and snorted it over the course of an hour. By the time I finished it, the trip was getting intense. I smoked a little more and laid down. I could feel my body fading in and out of existence and my senses were starting merge together. The music I was listening to sounded amazing. I heard so much that I had never noticed before.

I had porn playing throughout most of the trip. I wasn't focused on it the whole time, but it really set the mood. Most psychedelics can be very erotic, but not really in the same way as DPT. LSD for example makes me feel like an animal and amplifies sensorial stimulation. DPT on the other hand is sexual in a more abstract, spiritual way. It's puts more focus on the power and submission aspects of sex. If you have any interest in kinky shit, DPT will surely bring it out. I spent much of the trip slipping in and out of a state of ego death, writhing in ecstasy, feeling like I was having sex with the universe. I turned off my air condition because it felt so good to be hot and sweaty. I remember at one point when I wasn't fully disintegrated I thought I was an oozing, slithering mass of wormlike creatures. I know that might sound like a weird thing to experience, but it was remarkably pleasurable.

The body load is an important component of a DPT trip for me. Some people say it's uncomfortable, but I think it feels amazing. I would go as far as to say that DPT is one of the least uncomfortable psychedelics I've tried. Its a lot different from other body loads. It isn't just a side effect, it's inseparable from the mind trip. I love the way it completely overpowers you and all you can do is let yourself lose control. I can see how somebody who is afraid of completely letting go and losing themself in the trip could find it uncomfortable.

In the past, I haven't considered DPT to be very visual. During this trip, however, I saw the most amazing open eye visuals I've ever seen. It was like a moving, colorful Giger painting. At times. there seemed to be a bright glowing haze throughout my apartment, similar to a stereotypical depiction af heaven. The closest thing I can compare the trip to visually is ayahuasca. There is another thing that was happening that's difficult to describe. It was like I could see some of my thoughts. Like I would think something and see it as mental imagery, but there was no real line separating mental imagery from what I was actually seeing. I guess it's a form of synesthesia.

The effects came in waves. During the most intense points, I would lose all awareness of reality and all of existence would seem to collapse into a singularity, just a vibration that I could hear and feel with the entirety of my being. This happened many times, but I don't think it ever lasted very long. During the lulls in intensity there was still a lot of weirdness. At one point in the trip, reality would seem to change in a profound way that I can't even describe. It was like I kept traveling between alternate versions of reality. It was pretty disorienting when I tried to walk around. It was like my apartment would rearrange itself every few seconds. I can recall a brief moment when I was outside my body standing next to myself and I thought, "Okay, who all is here? It's me and this other guy, who is he again? Oh wait, thats just me". It's hard to remember some parts of the trip because what I was experiencing was so different from ordinary perception.

As much as I value my DPT trips, I wouldn't describe all of it as fun. When things get intense, it isn't "good" or "bad", it's everything, it's pure existence. To be honest, I can't disagree with people who say that DPT is frightening. It's scary in an exhilarating way. You just have to have faith in the fact that you'll be okay, let yourself go, and let the drug do what it does. It's pretty much what I imagine it would be like to go skydiving.

Compared to other psychedelics, the fear aspect of DPT seems without consequence. In my experience, it's more akin to the fear of imminent physical danger than to the deep existential despair and self doubt caused by something like LSD or mushrooms. I think DPT may be more likely to cause an unpleasant experience, but less prone to causing lasting psychological trauma. I can't speak for everybody of course. I guess how you react to it depends on what you are afraid of.

Immediately after the trip, I felt like I wouldn't want to have an experience like that for a very long time, but there's something very seductive about it that makes me want more. I'll probably give 4-HO-DPT another shot before I take DPT again. I haven't been impressed by it so far, but I feel like I should give it a chance. It does seem like it can be DPT-like at high doses, although the body load is pretty rough compared to DPT in my experience.
Curious you mention the kinky and sexual stuff. I had those kinds of thoughts and visions during my only DPT experience and I normally don't do, not to that point. It was quite upsetting to have them in the middle of a trip to be honest. It is kind of nice to hear it is a normal reaction.

All in all very interesting report.
I think it's a pretty common thing to experience and it seems to be a unique characteristic of DPT. I've seen other people in this thread describe DPT as kinky. When I get horny on other psychedelics, I feel like I'm very in touch with my animal instinct to mate and I see perfection in the female body. It feels so right and wholesome. DPT isn't like that at all. It isn't a bad thing though. Sometimes it's good to get weird.
The Geiger link is interesting - I've noticed a Geiger-esque quality to DPT, and talked about it here. I'm wondering if I got that idea from you, if you got it from me, if we both got it from somewhere else, or better yet if it's none of the above because there's something intrinsically Geiger-esque about DPT.
Great report, and it really makes me feel a little less nervous about doing DPT myself. I've got some waiting for me, I just have always been afraid to try it, probably mostly because I read like every report on it before I had tripped much and it sounded terrifying and was often reported as such. But it also truly seems like a special substance from everything I've read. Your description made me feel more excited and less nervous about it. :)

You should put this in the TR forum too, it's one of the more relatably descriptive ones I've read.