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Tryptamines The Big & Dandy DPT Thread - Part 3: So bright this light...

+1 at adding to TRs.

I really wouldn't be scared of it, Xorkoth. I didn't find the chemical / experience itself to be scary, the only "terror" instead coming from the infinitely intense disillusioning I experienced in regards to every aspect of my identity and how I perceive the world. 2C-E or the 4 subbed DMTs could be just as scary as DPT, albeit in a different way.
It's strange, I feel like the vast majority of early DPT reports on Erowid involve lots of fear and discomfort. But more recently the impressions I have received are not so much along those lines.
I've always found it to sound disconcerting (the kind of taunting sinister aspect which is often reported), but always found it intriguing that the very same people seemed somewhat attracted to it and always went back for more.
It does have a sinister vibe, but not in a taunting way, just the opposite - a welcoming seductive way. Or like a way of being completely within the vibe of sinister-ness. Not that it makes me be, or want to be sinister, or feel sinister but just that you can see the sinister nature of things, accept it, and it's really cool/real/beautiful.
The Geiger link is interesting - I've noticed a Geiger-esque quality to DPT, and talked about it here. I'm wondering if I got that idea from you, if you got it from me, if we both got it from somewhere else, or better yet if it's none of the above because there's something intrinsically Geiger-esque about DPT.

I think the nature of the DPT trip is inherently Giger-esque. I hadn't really thought about it, then a few days ago I was looking at a lot of his artwork and though "wow, has this guy taken DPT before?"

Great report, and it really makes me feel a little less nervous about doing DPT myself. I've got some waiting for me, I just have always been afraid to try it, probably mostly because I read like every report on it before I had tripped much and it sounded terrifying and was often reported as such. But it also truly seems like a special substance from everything I've read. Your description made me feel more excited and less nervous about it. :)

I can relate to your hesitancy to try DPT. I was intrigued by it for years, but some of the trip reports I read scared me away from it. The only reason I ended up trying it is because a vendor sent me some by mistake. I feel very lucky, because I don't know if I ever would have tried it otherwise, and now it's one of my favorite psychedelics.

If you don't feel ready to be completely obliterated, just smoke a small dose of the freebase. The nice thing about it is that the duration is just right so that you can smoke a little at a time until you reach the level you want to be at, and if it becomes unpleasant it won't take too long to wear off. I sometimes smoke a small amount just to get a mild psychedelic buzz for a few hours, although I've since discovered that MPT is preferable for that kind of thing.
I think the nature of the DPT trip is inherently Giger-esque.

Pretty neat, I had to look that art up and it is spot on for DPT. Much different than say DMT or psilocybin visuals. The black, white and gray feel, the way they bundle up and release almost taking you on a roller coaster ride with it.

I need to revisit. My last 35 mgs trip was intense. I have to say whenever I make it through the peak of a DPT experience I release a lot of fear and basically feel reborn. I swear my face looks younger having gone through that.
More DPT reports please. I agree the old reports are very dark and off putting, but I can't find and solid discussion of it anywhere else.
Had this one in my tool kit for ages now but always go for something more familiar instead. The fear aspect and physically uncomfortable aspects puts me off.
I've found that the physical discomfort can be mitigated with a small amount of ketamine, which also happens to combine famously with DPT. I'm super not into dissos, but even I can see how ketamine goes hand in hand with DPT.

I wrote up a report from my notes, it's a few years ago now:

Holy Ghost in the Machine

I've done it a few times since then, but not at that dosage, just little sniffs here and there. I'd like to go back, but it might be a while as I have a bit of a backlog of various substances that I also want to explore.
Very interesting to hear so much good things about that combo. Im a huge K fan but only indulge a few times per year because every time without fail it ends up me going on a binge going through about 7g personally in a few days.

Next time I have a good setting and some ket on hand I might try adding a small amount of DPT to see what all the fuzz is about.
I've found that the physical discomfort can be mitigated with a small amount of ketamine, which also happens to combine famously with DPT. I'm super not into dissos, but even I can see how ketamine goes hand in hand with DPT.

The only time I've tried DPT I did a little bit of MXE first. It definitely helped me feel less of that blast off anxiety.
It's strange, I feel like the vast majority of early DPT reports on Erowid involve lots of fear and discomfort. But more recently the impressions I have received are not so much along those lines.

No. It is just absence of human perception. IMHO DPT is the DMT of our most close parallel universe (one previous/next universe in spacetime). DPT is alien to us, but still feels familiar, because of the similarities it shares with DMT, which is the spirit molecule of our universe.

Sounds pathetic and oafish I guess, but when I took DPT it is the best explanation I could come up with.
Hey guys! It's been a while since I have been on here. I have a question about DPT. I am def not new to psychedelics. But DPT is one I have avoided because I have heard it can get dark.
My question is - has anyone ever had communication with the dead on this? Or is it just entity contact? Has anyone talked to a dead relative or whatever?
And if so was it positive communication?
I'm asking because my husband just died at a young age. And I really want to talk to him so badly
I've never communicated with the dead, or any kind of entity, on DPT. I can't say for sure whether it's possible to communicate with the dead, but if it is, I don't think it involves getting high on a drug.
If you have the capacity to do so in your being, you DNA, I don't see why DPT would specifically disallow it compared to other psychedelics. Do you have any other experiences in channeling or mediumship?
Hey guys! It's been a while since I have been on here. I have a question about DPT. I am def not new to psychedelics. But DPT is one I have avoided because I have heard it can get dark.
My question is - has anyone ever had communication with the dead on this? Or is it just entity contact? Has anyone talked to a dead relative or whatever?
And if so was it positive communication?
I'm asking because my husband just died at a young age. And I really want to talk to him so badly

I'm very sorry about your loss...

I'd recommend vaporized DMT as it gives you more direct and emotionally emancipating experience than DPT.
A friend of mine had experience of seeing his dead relatives on DMT but he said it took him a while to understand the meaning of it and he doesn't really want to talk about the experience either.

DMT and LSD were particularly helpful for me dealing with accepting my father's death.

If you do decide to use DMT or DPT, I strongly recommend meditating attentively beforehand, direct your attention to what you are trying to reconciliate with and have proper set and setting for the experience.

Best wishes to you, MocCozmiK!
Thanks guys for replying. I agree that I'm probably not in the best mind state at this point for DPT. I could really imagine things going south or getting "dark".
I don't have any experience with mediumship. But I have also never had anyone in my life die so suddenly that I was close too.
My heart goes out to you MocCozmik... <3

I think if ever there were a psychedelic that could be used to contact the dead, DPT might be it. I think in the old days shamans in mexico used mushrooms for this kind of thing. But I don't encourage you to use it for this at all, it seems too tricky and risky. I think it would be so hard to tell what's what, what's real, what's not. I mean for this kind of thing to work you have to let go a little bit of the hard concepts of reality, so there's the potential to get lost in it...
MocCozmik if I could impart one piece of wisdom onto thee it would be do not play with what you do not know. Go to someone else if you wish to have contact. You do not know what you are dealing with.

This is serious. Do not attempt contact with the dead for personal means without the proper procedure. Find another.