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☛ Official ☚ The Big & Dandy DOC Thread - Third opinion

Hey! I've heard good things from plugging smaller amounts...has anyone done this recently? I read here it decreases duration and the residual "amped" feeling.
Just noticed that my solution has a lot of little whitey flakes. I made it one month ago and when I just prepared it I am sure it was clear.

Did that happen because I stored solution in the fridge at the section which was nearest to the ice section? I mean temperature there is relatively low but not lower than 0°C (I bet it more likely >5°C). Ah, need to add that solution has ratio 1:2 ml/mg. I used 50/50 boiled water and medical 70% EtOH - I decided to use it because I had only such alcohol at home and I thought using alcohol only wouldn't be best idea because it would evaporate more intensively than ~35% EtOH solution.

So... is it too dense and I should add liquid to make 1:1 ml/mg? If yes, should I stick to this ~35% EtOH or it would be better to add water only?
Or there are other more plausible explanation?
I believe DOC is very, very soluble in both alcohol and water, far higher than 2mg/mL. I always make my solution 1mg/mL but just for easy correspondence. Do they look like ice shards? That seems odd. Do they dissolve if you shake it up?
Yeah, like shards or snowflakes. Not like dust or sand. I mean not like solid objects but rather like some structures. They were at the top, at the middle of vial, everywhere, but mostly at the bottom. After shaking they probably dissolved, hard to say because 'amberness' of vial don't let me take a good look.

I thought about other probability: can it be just salts and minerals from water (it was boiled filtered tap water, not distilled/for injections from drugstore like I usually take. I was a bit impatient, desire for tripping was too spontaneous and strong). I read that it is more or less common thing when ethanol is mixed with, for example, mineral water (=not distilled) it can get cloudy and there can be some suspension which can't be fully dissolved. Or something like that. Can it be my case?

Anyway, since I plan to use DOC only per oral, even if there are some salts I hope there are no reasons to concern about? I just will need to shake vial every time before I measure a dose, right?
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I really want to use DOC once before I receive my Al-LAD but can't find the time. Today would be perfect except that I have to celebrate valentine's day with a woman that I am not sure I will still be with by the end of the week.
"redose will be less and less effective and will mostly serve to increase duration"

I find this not as true with longer acting psychedeics. Redosing DOC and 2c-p seems to be quite successful for me up to 3 hours in. Although it's often not very tempting due to the already long duration of these drugs. This is just my subjective opinion.
DOC is fucking powerful lol

I'm finishing my trip report from the last page of the thread

I got in the car to go to the concert pretty much just accepting that I was the person that took wayy too much drugs. I didn't wanna bring everyone else down though so I just sucked up my craziness and went. My buddy E was on painkillers because he had just broken his arm and we were all crammed into the back of my buddy C's car with a few other people. E had a girl on his lap and for some reason my tripping mind thought he was going to like damage his legs from being crammed into a car on painkillers and I kept asking if he was okay, and he was like, 'ya dood I have a hot girl on my lap like wtf.'

I was clearly monged lol but the sugary glycerine taste of the etizolam solution was assuring me that everything was going to be quite alright.

I got out of the car and immediately saw someone I lived with a few years prior and hadn't seen in many months, but I was so spun I like barely said hi to him. Getting in there was weird and it was venue I'd never been to so I was super out of my element just tripping FACE and on mxe dabs and etizolam. The sound of all the people inside the venue talking sounded like a strange sea of sonic data unless you made eye contact while you were talking to me I pretty much didn't hear you. I took four more drops of etizolam so at this point I was on 2.5 mg etizolam, ~7 mg of DOC, and probably like 35mg of mxe or so.

I was verrry intoxicated. I don't remember all that much besides seeing a bunch of people I hadn't seen in a very long time and feeling like the ground was about five feet further away than usual and covered in patterns. I remember just being generally a jackass about how high I was to half the people I talked to. There was something about the venue I didn't like and I was basically just following around the people who were taking care of me in my near catatonic state.

Eventually everyones ready for the big show to begin and my friends are all asking about the MXE i brought. The security was pretty tight at this show and it was pretty well lit so I was paranoid as hell trying to find a spot to do my mxe safely, and I end up wandering around until I found a safe spot to do it, and like a benzo'd out idiot I did like most of what was in the bag like almost 100mg, right before the main act came on and that's where I black out completely.

I went into a totally anesthetic state and my friends had to pretty much carry me out of the concert I have absolutely no memory of this, and obviously they weren't very happy with me considering if I'd just given them some in stead of doing it all we all would have had a better time.

I woke up sitting on my friend alex's bed but everything in the room looked very foreign to how i've normally seen it. The first thing I said was "when did you get this mattress?" even though I literally helped him put that exact mattress there when he moved in years prior. It was like somehow, everything seemed renewed.

Upon regaining consciousness I felt incredible! like one of the best MXE afterglows I've ever had combined with the relaxing self confidence that DOC seems to give me (at doses that aren't super high). I was still tripping pretty hard from the improperly weighed quantity of DOC and when I took some dabs it was like holy shit a whole new wave of visuals again. I had this delicious wax at the time and each dab I took just tasted so great and made my body stimulation feel slightly warmer and more manageable. C chilled with me until late late at night and I was still tripping to the point where my hands would grow to pretty much the size of basketballs if I held them in front of my face and waved them over eachother.

The next day I was such a happy go lucky manic motherfucker it was great.

I took an in class essay the next day that I was entirely unprepared for (didn't know I was taking it until I got to the class and everyone was studying and panicking) and got a C on it by writing the dumbest most nonsensical shit I've ever had to write in college. One of the prompts was about machiavellianism and I started it with a very sarcastic "Machiavelli would be a great president."

I kept that essay on my fridge because I loved being reminded of how everything turned out a-okay, despite everything going wrong from the very beginning lol (when I tried to accurately weigh 1mg on a very old and probably not calibrated gemini-20 scale). I'm assuming I did somewhere over 4mg, considering that when I took 4.5 mg a few years ago with a bit of a tolerance it was WAY less strong
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I'd like to mention a possible *side effect.
Much unlike other popular drugs (be it MDMA or alcohol etc..) that tend to leave a rather dirty, depressed state of mind for up to weeks; i find that with DOC i don't get depressed in the same way, but irrationally angry.
This isn't much of a problem until everyone is starting to rub on me the wrong way (even if it's just a friendly criticism), and i snap and basically lose all control of my temper for a few minutes.
Then after i calm down i immediately realize what I said or did as very harsh and really not at all a big deal.

This could be DOC tampering with my sertraline prescription. Then again i did use about two weeks ago (if not a little more) & I'm still having these random (and often pointless) boughts.
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Whoa, that's an unfortunate side effect. DOC progresses for me into an incredibly zen-like euphoric state of inspiration by the second half, and I am left with a reduced version of this feeling for sometimes days. If I have been tripping too much then I instead get tired, but still chilled out and content, the next day.
The thing is, I've always had an anger issue that has been very suppressed. .. perhaps this goes a lot deeper than just a side effect and my brain is giving me a message. And perhaps BEING angry is just a part of life I've been ignoring; And i need to get a handle on it.

Also: this always happened 2-3 days after. Perhaps missing my prescription had something to do with it too.
Don't get me wrong at all guys. I LOVE the cleanliness if Doc. Just thought it was worth mentioning.
And I'm assuming you don't take antidepressants , X?
I'm going to make a repost here of this thread, since I only got 1 reply. I'm hoping I can reach more people here.

Fellow BLers,

I come to you with a question regarding how (much) to eat before dropping DOC.

Normally, I eat a light meal (protein and vegetables) 3-4hours before a trip. Works like a charm everytime; a few hours into the trip I usually snack on nuts and fruit.

The thing is that I'm planning a 2.8mg DOC trip with a few friends on the day of the partial solar eclipse (20/03).

The eclipse will be at it's peak at 10u30 am local time. I was planning on dropping at 9am. Since I don't want to be getting up at 4am I would like to know, is it possible to eat something very light (I'm talking protein shake+banana+boiled egg) at 7am or so, without getting queasy when the DOC starts working (T+2-3h for me), so around 11.30am-noon.

Thanks for the input !
For some reason this chem gives me no nausea ; and I've taken it on :
- an empty stomach
- after a meal (supper)
- whilst drinking.

Seemed like none of these had changes. Just extension of comeup with more food.
One time i dosed and within two hours was eating like a madman.

I have a question actually I need to ask about this myself, and I may make another topic.
I rarely get nausea from DOC but I would say if it happens it's when I have a totally empty stomach. I find that DOC doesn't seem to work much differently whether you have food in your stomach or not, I have suspicions that it is absorbed largely before entering the stomach but I only have anecdotal evidence to back that up. Usually I eat a small to moderate amount of food an hour before I take it.

I actually just took 1mg, it's a beautiful day and I'm going to be jamming with my favorite ensemble in about 5 hours, seemed like the thing to do. :) A nice light trip that's mostly transparent but a great mental/emotional enhancer at that dose.
I didn't read all the posts on the 3 big threads. But I was wondering if low doses of 250 µg can give a positive mood boost throughout the day without being too trippy.
Yes that's what they do precisely. I usually take .5mg for that, it definitely feels like a drug but it's not trippy yet. I've never tried .25mg but I am quite sure it would be active.
I have 2 2mg sample blotters of DOC which I have yet to try, how is 2mg for a starter dose for both my gf and I? Fairly trippy or too little? I have lots of experience with different psychedelics and my gf has a fair amount of experience as well.