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The Big & Dandy Diphenhydramine Thread

i merged this with the big and dandy thread.

glad you came out alright. :)

Thank you =)
Yea, it was one hell of a expriance, that is for sure. It won't keep me away from it, Though I will never mess around with a dose like that.
dude to tell you the truth I didnt think you were gonna make it!!! i was like wtf this was this guys last post ever! I was prayin for you though. congrats man

i wish i had scropian shoes...
dude to tell you the truth I didnt think you were gonna make it!!! i was like wtf this was this guys last post ever! I was prayin for you though. congrats man
I don't think diphenhydramine is that dangerous physically. In German drug forums you'll find many trip reports with doses >1000mg. One guy did 1g several times, even combined with alcohol. Though, I don't get the idea of these "trips". You won't remember very much and do stupid things you might regret later. A reasonable dose is probably 200-500mg diphenhydramine (roughly equals to 400-1000mg dimenhydrinate).

And DPH can really enhance a DXM trip. Even 100mg add nice visuals and hallucinations.
Diphen is most definitely dangerous at high doses. It can - and is - fatal on occasion. Of course there are people who are fine. But potential death and all but guaranteed delerium is a pretty high risk to take for what is a pretty vile experience for most. I've only done it once and that was accidental cos I had no idea that diphen did anything other than send you to sleep at the time. It was horrific for me and that seems to be far and away the most common experience of the stuff. No idea about low dose though - just made me drowsy.
would u get any sort of minor hallucinations from a dose like 200mg maybe 250mg? i wouldnt want to put myself through hell of a higher dose, but although it sounds terrifying, im also very interested by it all, and would like to exp light 'real' hallucinations, would 250mg cause any delerium or just make me tired as fuck and fall asleep?

done high doses of real psychs like acid, 2c's etc but i know this is COMPLETELY different.

Any advice appriciated :)
From 250mg I have experienced delerium. I would take it and lay in my bed, drifting in and out of delerium.

I usually dosed around 400mg and this produced significant delerium which I found fascinating. I found it actually prevented sleep, but created the illusion of sleep once I went over 150mg. My last, and highest dose was 800mg and I wish I'd never gone that high. I was very worried for my life and I was getting shocks in my brain and had to concentrate very hard to breathe. However, due to the delerium I would forget about this and periodically snapped out of the delerium gasping for air.

Most of the 'real' hallucinations I experienced were mainly of an auditory nature. The visual hallucinations were of spiders and other such things. It becomes very hard to distinguish between the episodes of delerium and reality. Diphenhydramine also feels utterly horrible on the body. If you're going to explore it then don't go too high. Take 250-300mg and lay down in the dark. You will be able to explore the effects and snap out of them periodically. It's better to dip your toes with this than take the risk and dive fully in.
ah ok thanks, so theres a possibilty i could hallucinate from 200-250mg? i know its a bad idea and im still thinking i probably wont do it, but at that dose i cant imagine realy blacking out much as i think its 400mg+ where it starts to get crazy and black out am i right?

ive had 150mg, just to get a feel for it, then may top up with another 100mg depending on how i feel, wont go any higher than that for first time :)

Feel Some Slight Sedation already, would it be ok to have a glass of wine or 2 with this? as it would ease me up a little. thanks
ok so i ended up having 300mg in total but im sobering up already? been like 5-6 hours, everything looked alot different, saw little spiders but they were like seethrough and making webs, heard my voice and saw my friends lying down in my cupboard talking for a bit. now im left with just shit restless legs, would it be ok to drink a bit of alcohol to try and actually sedate me, i didnt even feel tired one bit ff.
For a while I was working on a doxylamine FAQ with somebody but we abandoned the project once we realized this is not really a drug but an illness.

In any case I would like to see more extensive documentation on anticholinergic syndrome and its (very few) positive effects.
ive tripped on DPH twice... i think i took 400mg both times... maybe 450 the second time.
the first time was kinda fun, i was with my friend and we were just buggin out and laughing the whole time, then i went home and kept thinking my phone was floating away while i was trying to sleep, then i'd reach out to grab it and i would see it sitting on the table next to my bed. and that just kept happening over and over.
and i saw all kinds of spiderwebs all over the ceiling.
and at one point i looked towards the wall in my room and it turned into a window and i could see the street outside my house.

that was interesting, it wasnt uncomfortable, just sort of strange. but not a bad experience

i tried again, and this time i was at my friend's house, it was absolutely horrific. i dont remember much, i just know that we tried to play mario party and watching the tv made me sick and i kept seeing spider webs and it was creeping me out so i shut my eyes and curled up on his floor for a couple hours. then i went home and just felt really sick and freaked out for the rest of the day... not fun at all.

never messing with that shit again, not worth it at all.

although i have heard that DPH and DXM can be a nice combo.. never tried it.
^DPH + DXM would probably be about as fun as CCC (chlorpheniramine + DXM)

by that i mean you should seriously reconsider 'nice combo' and think of it as 'quick route to liver failure and possible overdose' due to potentiation and disabling of crucial enzymes that the body uses to clear these drugs out of your system.
I've done DPH more than I have ever needed to, and there's many things i've found/picked up through all this...

1. General consensus from another forum that i frequent is that smoking weed with it actually counteracts the effects of both. personally, I've found it to take the edge off quite a bit (aka ruin the point of delirium) so I guess this is up to you.
2. Most of the doses in this thread are considered really low, the other forum i've been on says that around 700mgs is about where the sweet spot is for a good trip. I've seen spiders and cats and stuff with doses from 400-500, but generally the 200-600mg zone is just a really shitty body load with little-to-no hallucinations.
3. this drug is NOT FUN, it really just makes you feel like shit. seriously.
4. If you have a weak heart, SERIOUSLY DO NOT FUCK WITH DPH. as you have seen from the 900mg girl, she fucked her shit right up.

The attached picture has quite a bit of information regarding this drug. I would say enjoy but... no.


source: 420chan /del/ board

oh yeah, at one point i've taken at least 250mg through 400mg a night for a month. Just... don't. I can't really attribute any negative effects this has had on me directly but I'm pretty sure it has done at least something negative to my mind/body. Best bet is to just stay the fuck away, really...

I've done a decent amount of psychedelics and experienced pretty much as intense of trips as you can (not to sound arrogant, I've just had some insanely bad trips), but judging by the trip reports of DPH, it sounds pretty damn interesting imo. So I was gonna try it sometime soon and I was wondering people's opinions on the dosage and what mixing ambien might do?

People seem to do around 500 mgs for a strong trip and that matches with Erowid, but people also seem to make comments about how dangerous it is so I'm kind of asking out of desire to avoid the hospital. I'm healthy with low blood pressure and heart rate, everything is pretty good. In an average healthy person is 500 mgs relatively safe when compared to other street drugs and such and would you recommend doing this dose, less, or even more? I know most people say they wouldn't want to do it again, but it just sounds too interesting for me to not experience at least once.

Oh another thing, what does it feel like while tripping? Is there usually nausea or some sort of discomfort?
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It feels like swimming.

I was frustrated I couldn't break the surface, but every time I got too frustrated something would come and push me back down.

Wait, so you're saying you felt like you were drowning? o_O