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The Big & Dandy Combo Thread

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It's plausible I know of the odd person who genuinely sometimes doses in that kind of region - uncommon tho.
^ It's not the dosage that I find implausible... it's that 10 hits of LSD + 10g of fungus sounds like an absolutely terrible combination to me... but hey, different strokes and all...

Also the idea of going into berzerker mode and killing random animals while on a psych is for me distasteful in the extreme, and indicative of a flawed approach.
I like extremely high doses of anything propyl. read my reports. I dont know what it is about shrooms either but when I take medium to high doses usually on the come down I revert into a primal state. I feel the urge to go outside running around in the woods like an animal. The only thoughts in my head are usually whats for breakfast.
Like it or not we are animals. We are all just refined predators in the end. Even normally I have vivid dreams of killing animals and eating them.

I did better than a buddy of mine he blacked out on an ounce of shrooms and woke up 9 miles away from where he started covered in something elses blood.

I wasnt meant to live like this if you ask me. If I had it my way even normally id be out in the woods killing my breakfast.
A+ Combos for me:

2ci + LSD (more fun visuals)
2cb + 2ci (parties!)
2cb + mdma (gives e a more psychedelic edge while staying really warm)
2ci + mdma (more psychedelic and less retarded than e alone)

Most not-fun combo for me was 2ci + 2cb + 2ce + mdma (all in lowish doses) -- nothing blended together, felt like they were fighting each other for dominance, but that might have been because I was tired and my intervals were off.
If I had it my way even normally id be out in the woods killing my breakfast.

Well, I use psychs to manifest my Higher Self, which being composed of Light does not require gross material sustenance. My corporal bubble is going to be popped soon enough, so I don't feel the need to preoccupy myself with preying for lives anymore than necessary.

But carry on with the killing and feeding if that's what fulfills you :)
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i did a hit of this spider blotter shit, 300 mcg and did 2 20 bags of k during the peak (estimated 220-300 mg) and it was like nothing ive ever experienced in my life.
Favorite R.C combo/winning combo s

I have found 1''ketone'' combo to be<3,with plenty of safe research conducted:)
Age-33/150pds/20 years personal expierence- By no means am I suggesting anyone try this,I am just reporting some+++reseach findings.
1- 150mg-b1
3-250-/ mph
4-thc-fair amount-followed by 50mg mph rails every 1-2 hrs-
In the matter of harms reduction I am curious in hearing anyone else s thoughts-%)---------I m not sure if a thread exist s yet? ,But I figured this would be a good forum to post since-There are some very nice combos out there that have been proven to be good and safe and tested by expiernced people????????
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Well there is the 'psychedelic combo thread' where all involved compounds (I'll interpret that as at least 2 of them) are psychedelics.

There doesn't seem to be an aspecific combo thread on stimulants & euphoriants. There's a combo thread on: methylone, butylone and MDPV mixes, I may want to merge that one with this one and maybe others into a stimulant / euphoriant combo thread.

Quite reluctantly though since the purpose of posting for harm reduction can easily be abused to show off dicksizing combo's of a class of drugs that is basically known to be pretty unhealthy to combine!!!

Also I'm not too sure about ADD's feelings on this since we are pretty removed from psychedelic drugs.
Let me discuss this before anyone proceeds.
Excellent idea! I defintley would agree to merge euphoriants/psycheldelics combos-into a thread as they also synerguze incredibley well, And I m sure there are ALOT of ideas. Will stay tuned-
1- 150mg-b1
3-250-/ mph
4-thc-fair amount-followed by 50mg mph rails every 1-2 hrs-

150 milligrams of butylone and 150 milligrams of methylone sounds great while going 250 miles per hour! Only to be followed by THC and 50 mile per hour rails sounds like quite the ride! =D
MDMA & Weed.
MDE & 2c-b.
Pregabalin & aMT

Those are probably my favourite. :)
4-AcO-DMT (or simply DMT) + ketamine is a new favorite. In the very least they're quite synergetic together, producing something greater than the sum of its parts, and at best the whole experience feels like a completely new and different drug. A good friend of mine who also enjoys this combo once mentioned to me that for him, the (4-AcO-)DMT rounds out the ketamine, giving it a more human feel, and I tend to agree. Also, stacking kratom on top of these is simply blissful and adds an unparalleled warmth to the trip.

I've been reading the B&D 2C-B + MDMA thread and that's one that I'm really looking forward to trying whenever I have the time to do so. My one experience with MDMA in the form of pressed pills (conveniently packaged with amphetamine 8() left me not wanting to try it again, but I think adding 2C-B (which I really enjoy on its own) to the mix once the molly is past its peak could very well change my mind about that chemical. Plus ketamine if it feels appropriate, and I imagine it would. ;)
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^ It's not the dosage that I find implausible... it's that 10 hits of LSD + 10g of fungus sounds like an absolutely terrible combination to me... but hey, different strokes and all...

Also the idea of going into berzerker mode and killing random animals while on a psych is for me distasteful in the extreme, and indicative of a flawed approach.

He's not specific if the Shrooms are dry or wet weight.

Any how
That was a favorite of mine years back cept i would take a large dose of LSD, 2hr's before taking my preferred dose of shrooms witch was 4 grams (dry).

I always loved that combo
A nice synergistic combo(new) that works great-
250-4-mmc/200-m1 then follow with 15mg 2c-c-insullfated=)
Naturallly thc used throughout- Would then redose mph/m1/2c-c as needed and if needed;P
This is truely an amazing time we are in right now with these, Please be smart,safe and always start low and slow b4 fullspeed:) Love this one---
Has anyone experienced the DOI + alcohol combo? Is it safe or no?

Not really planning on doing it, but wondering if I can drink a little at the end of a DOI-filled day.
I haven't... but I can see no reason why alcohol would cause any particular problems. After a DOI-filled day I suspect it would be a necessity. And probably some benzos too :D
I have a few beers at the end of every one of my DOI trips. Never been outright drunk afterwards though. However, once I was outright drunk at the BEGINNING of a DOC/2C-I combo trip, and (aside from how absolutely strange it is to come into ego loss as you fade out of being blacked out) things went okay.
Thanks guys! So there's no nasty chemical interaction or anything? Awesome.

How about DOI and MDMA? I have heard that may be problematic.
Thanks guys! So there's no nasty chemical interaction or anything? Awesome.

How about DOI and MDMA? I have heard that may be problematic.

MDMA with DOx is something that nobody understand now,there was no research.I heard only VERY BAD things from people that tried it.DOB/DOC/DOM are very euforic,DOB even feels like astral rolling of some sort :D no need to drop mdma on top of it,never had DOI
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