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The Big & Dandy 6-APB Thread (Part 1)

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What's the stimulation like? More overbearing the empathy?

I prefer empathic substances over speedy ones, much preferred the laid back approach Methylone gave in comparison to the annoying twat you'd become on Mephedrone.

Stimulation is evident but far from In Yer Face. Suspect 150-200mg would be full-on party territory but at this level it's striking a near perfect balance of chilledness and push. Very much along MDMA lines rather than MDA lines. Definitely a proper entactogen rather than a straight stim. Fuckin' mephedrone will thankfully be consigned to the shitty drug bin of history and forgotten rapidly once this stuff becomes more widespread.

I Wanna Be Adored <3
Class choon by FSOL. You do have some taste!;)
So it's the real deal then, no surprises there then, I just wish they hurry the fuck up so I stop spending my money on shitty drugs. So am I right in thinking this will only be available in 'pellet' form? What's that all about then?

Shambles did you bomb the 200mg in one then? Snorting would probably be a waste I'm guessing.

This one seems to justify the ridiculous hype. You guys are gonna love it =D

Will be sold as 100mg pills, I believe. Don't know where this "pellet" stuff is coming from. I bombed 100mg (I fuckin' wish I had another 100mg :D) and it seems a good dose.

Hey all, long time BL lurker here - had to register for this, been following the thread and reports since last night.

Seems there is alot of confusion around this Benzo Fury - just now i'm reading a vendors website which states "The chemical formula is 6-(2-AMINOPROPYL)-2, 3-DIHYDROBENZOFURAN" which, according to Wikipedia, is 5-APDB or 3-Desoxy-MDA ...NOT 6-APDB or 4-Desoxy-MDA as is being claimed ... so, which is it / which will it be? Are both floating around? Maybe this vendor has just made a mistake?

5-APDB is a different substance that has been tested previously - F&B posted a trip report on it a while back. All the info from those that know of which they speak is that this stuff is 6-APB - the 6-APDB thing was just a mix up but is also likely to appear in the not-too-distant, I suspect.

Properly good legals appear to be just over the horizon - Hallelujah!!! =D
Stimulation is evident but far from In Yer Face. Suspect 150-200mg would be full-on party territory but at this level it's striking a near perfect balance of chilledness and push. Very much along MDMA lines rather than MDA lines. Definitely a proper entactogen rather than a straight stim. Fuckin' mephedrone will thankfully be consigned to the shitty drug bin of history and forgotten rapidly once this stuff becomes more widespread.

I Wanna Be Adored <3
So you'd say it's roughly like MDMA, with the visual aspect of MDA, without compromising on the entactogen quality like MDA does vs. MDMA? I think we have a winner.
You know, I wonder what the 6-APB analogue of MDMA would be like.
I´m a bit confused.... the fantastic trip reports on this thread, come from 6-APB or 6-APDB? Is the same sustance?
^ 6-APB. 6-APDB was just a mistaken mix up of confusion when it was first being discussed. There is a good chance that will also appear though and is supposedly more of a full-on psyche-stim than this stuff. Sounds good %)

Smoking Man: It's very much like damn fine MDMA but not as trippy as MDA - at this level anyway but get the impression that would change at higher doses. We definitely have a winner on our hands =D

Afro Left <3
Vendors are claiming 6-APB is a "variant" of 6-APDB, which sounds pretty safe, but is this variant just as safe? There is not so much info about this variant. Also, another vendor claims Benzo Fury is 5-APDB, yet another substance. Seems Benzo Fury could mean any of these.

"Benzo Fury" means absolutely nothing which is why we prefer to stick to actual chemical names to avoid confusion as much as possible. The stuff many folks here are playing with tonight is 6-APB. 6-APDB and 5-APDB are completely different - but related - substances. If vendors don't even know the name of it then they are most likely scammers. 6-APB is all coming from one lab and is only being stocked by a handful of vendors - there are many less reputable vendors who are clearly hoping to coin it in selling fuck knows what under the ridiculous "Benzo Fury" moniker. Sadly, even the legit vendors who do have the real stuff are calling it Benzo Fury - please take note and sort it out vendor types :)
"Benzo Fury" means absolutely nothing which is why we prefer to stick to actual chemical names to avoid confusion as much as possible. The stuff many folks here are playing with tonight is 6-APB. 6-APDB and 5-APDB are completely different - but related - substances. If vendors don't even know the name of it then they are most likely scammers. 6-APB is all coming from one lab and is only being stocked by a handful of vendors - there are many less reputable vendors who are clearly hoping to coin it in selling fuck knows what under the ridiculous "Benzo Fury" moniker. Sadly, even the legit vendors who do have the real stuff are calling it Benzo Fury - please take note and sort it out vendor types :)

yeah, thats the problem here, alot of vendors are saying shit like "also known as 6-APB, 6-APDB" etc, even though those are different substances!

so does anyone know if there is any info about this 6-APB anywhere? was it also developed by David E. Nichols, like 6-APDB?
so does anyone know if there is any info about this 6-APB anywhere? was it also developed by David E. Nichols, like 6-APDB?
It's mentioned in a patent called "Aminoalkylbenzofurans as serotonin (5-HT(2c)) agonists" (Patent US7045545(B1)). I don't think Nichols had anything to do with 6-APB.
Must say, this one has pretty decent legs - 5 hours since I dosed and still fairly well up on it. This is a good thing - decent duration keeps avoids the horrid fiending of the likes of mephedrone, methylone et al. Not something you would stay up for days hoofing gram after gram of chasing your own tail and trying to avoid the nasty crash at all. Bodes well for more responsible use than is often the case with shitty cathinones.

Still Tripping on Sunshine here <3
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Speaking of crash, will 6-APB have the same nastiness of an MD(M)A crash? I remember someone saying that it can't be metabolized into alpha-methyl-dopamine like MDA can, though I don't remember the specifics behind that... but if so, that could mean less nasty aftereffects.
Initial trip reports have suggested a gentle comedown with little or no nasty after effects. Users have described the drug leaving them with a warm afterglow.
I have never had a crash from MDMA (certainly had a few from MDA though) but will find out tomorrow, I guess. I'd have to say that if it's similar to MDMA it's probably worth it even if you are one of those unfortunate enough to be less fortunate at avoiding any comedown from it as I seem to be.
Being an outrageous drugpig I felt the need to experiment a lil further so a small quantity of 2C-B has joined the party. Couldn't resist :eek:

May not be good for getting a clear idea of the effects of 6-APB itself but as I'd already got through a gram of naphyrone and a metric fuckton of GBL since yesterday anyway it was hardly a completely solo test run as it was. And it's already shaping up to being a wise move as far as sheer hedonism goes if nothing else =D

Tis A Beautiful Day <3
^^ ha ha

Have a good one shambles, can't wait to try this. Is the peak as intense as MDA's ?
Not quite - at least at this level. Could see how that would likely change if the dose was upped just a tad though.
I'm having pretty intense visuals still, just got in. Ended up redosing ~40mg at around 12 but it didnt seem to do much. Euphoria was fairly short lived for me, with a sense of well being for an hour or 2 then feeling not that great (hence the redose), visuals are really pronounced though.

Will write up a TR tomorrow, wish i had some diaz for now haha
Got a bit of decent k also, will probably (definitely) end up seeing how they go together in the next.. 10 minutes =D
Yup. Has been supplemented with 15mg of 2C-B now though. It's just as good as that sounds %)

What dose(s) did you take, Link? Must admit I'd kill for some ket right now but not been any round here for ages - enjoy you lucky swine =D
100mg or so at 8, ~40mg (whatever was left in the bag put in a pint & downed) at about 12
Feeeeeling the k now, making it all go a wee bit slower & it seem more trippy

God bet its beautiful when combined with 2cb, the place i was at had like 2 projection screens showing.. trippy stuff, literally couldnt take my eyes off them! & even now with the k the visuals are inteeeense
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