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The Big & Dandy 6-APB Thread (Part 1)

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Haha, its like a 6-apb irc channel! =D
Got that weird thing i always get before coming up off pills, where my vision goes a bit kinda wonky before the euphoria hits! Cannae wait!

..could just be placebo though :p
Pupils are huge aswel, and different sizes which is normal for me. Didnt have this earlier after sniffing, at all :)
I don't get it...

How is it that it can be mostly inactive via nasal route compared to oral?

Doesn't it have to hit the bloodstream either way?

Not that I care as I hate nosing anything just seems weird...+ interested in the possible mechanics behind it.
i also recieved my sample. supposed to be 200mg but didnt weigh the total. i ingested a few small doeses over time as its a school night and i just wanted to see what it was about. did my first 20mg at 4 pm then at 5 another 20mg. it does come on slowly but very nicely and im surprrised how it lasts. took another 10 mg about 20 mins ago. i feel really nice. reminds me a lot of the fun i used to have back in day when pills where good (cliche alert) havent noticed much with colours but i feel happy, free to chat, stimulated but not over the top twitchy like speed etc. i have enjoyed the afternoon with my family with no edge or uneasy feeling. this is the first rc in a while that i feel delivers what i want so fully. dont feel wrecked feel good.

i would also like to say the vendor sent out a covering letter stating the difference from meph and that it is not to be treated the same way. stating different effects, different time to onset and duration and generally warming ppl of what to expect. i though that was a good move imo.
Harambulus, think about something like ketamine, where you can't really dose orally. Maybe the acidic environment in your stomach makes it better for absorbing or something? I know psilocin likes acidity.
i would say i took a good hour + to really feel anything i could deffinately attribute to the 6-apb
this stuff is actually amazing. so far this is better than anything i have ever took before
and gets better with time, its not the rush like with pills thats the best im enjoying leveling out and being happy
I don't get it...

How is it that it can be mostly inactive via nasal route compared to oral?

Doesn't it have to hit the bloodstream either way?

Not that I care as I hate nosing anything just seems weird...+ interested in the possible mechanics behind it.

There's a number of possibilities. Orally consumed drugs are more subject to first pass metabolism. For example, cannabis when consumed orally is metabolized into a cannabinoid about 20% stronger by weight than delta 9 THC. The opposite is true with morphine, when orally consumed about half of it is converted by the liver into a metabolite which has no activity. So even after accounting for absorption efficiency, oral morphine is only half as strong as parenteral morphine. Then there's the speed of onset and speed of elimination which I believe can cause profound differences in the effect of psychedelics, especially ones with what I (perhaps naively) consider to be a pharmacologically complex compound like MDMA. Like I stated before, insufflated MDA has never been fun to me, although insufflated mdma can be.
Visions gone wessst now, euphoria slowly building! Liking it! (&Liking that tune ;))


could all be placebo 8)
Snorted just made me feel on edge & a bit mindfucked

Oral its such a nicer drug, gurning, still feel like coming up off pills before that first real wave of euphoria. Also having full on visuals, patterns morphing & the likes. Its ace =D
as shambles rightly pointed out which i didnt think of methylone is pretty much useless snorted but i enjoyed it very much orally
I only ever sniffed m1, too much of a meph fiend haha
Getting visuals on a par with 2ci atm, trails colours back of hand morphing & the likes
really? visuals? I thought this was supposed to be very similar to MDMA? Do you get visuals on that too? Personally, ive never seen visuals on any e pill or molly... so im assuming 6-apd has traits similar to those of MDMA but produces even more effects possibly?

Think MDA
ive never took mdma but 1 thing i will say is this is 10 times as good as the best pill ive ever had
Hmm good to know JR. Guys would you say the visuals are such that it would make it a 'mission' to get to and form a club and perhaps 'spinny' to the point of discomfort? Or just visuals that if you stay in one spot things move a bit but if you concentrate you can keep it together?

Cos if it's the former that would diminish it's potential as a club/outdoor drug for me. If I go on the street where sketchy characters/situations might be I like a hard stim if anything (MDMA at most) so I know I can deal with whatever crops up.

Now this is a (hard) trance tune imo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrpuEJ6212E :)

I'm most fond of the mid 90's stuff tho tbh.
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