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The Big & Dandy 6-APB Thread (Part 1)

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ive never took mdma but 1 thing i will say is this is 10 times as good as the best pill ive ever had

Well that makes sense to me. First time ever doing some good mdma (200mg) I felt like I was basically in heaven.

I know its still early on, but does anyone know/think that 6-apb builds tolerance just like, or along with MDMA? As in hitting that same "first time" buzz seems tough?
Wouldnt say i'm experiences with psychs by any means, im much too wary of them to use frequently, the headspace is more or less identical from what i remember of decent pills (has been over 2 years though! :(), maybe a little more visual, visuals are stil on a par with 17mg 2ci only maybe a little bit less intense, fucking beautiful though. None of the anxiety i would asscoiate with coming up off something psychadelic (but then i'm scarred from a bad acid trip years back) Off to a dub night in a bit, should be a good'un!
Visuals arn't overwhelming by any means, just a nice addition. Still feel more than able to go out soon =D
I'm wondering the same thing.

as said for me this isnt the case but i took less. it must be a steapish curve tho as i dont see any visuals at all my vision is clear. i think i could have a lot of fun in the club at this level without feeling on top in any way. think its a case of each finding there comfort zone as with anything
Maybe its cause my heads taken such a battering recently but its missing the md feeling

though while typing that i can feel the rushes getting stronger & stronger

yeah fuck it i take it back!
imo its very good but not in a class of its own. my experience of pills and mdma have easily been as good so lets try not to over hype it. also it does feel slighty diff to mdma for me
afctu post one more reggae classic before i'm on my way offskis =D
edit to keep it worth keeping:
Yeah definately a class of its own, not as euphoric as md for me but the visuals are beautiful, definitely its own drug haha
Okay, a bit earlier i snorted ~50mg (2 x 25mg lines) ,, its a really nice buzz, not too overpowering (bearing in mind i only did little hits) and feels a bit more euphoric than meph but not as speedy at all, overall id say its more fun than mephedrone because of the relatively intense euphoria/visuals you get from such a small dose.

My question though is ,, will i be okay to take 2 or 3 ibuprofen now to reduce the sweeling of my coldsores.?? it wont react badly to the benzo willl it?
Okay, a bit earlier i snorted ~50mg (2 x 25mg lines) ,, its a really nice buzz, not too overpowering (bearing in mind i only did little hits) and feels a bit more euphoric than meph but not as speedy at all, overall id say its more fun than mephedrone because of the relatively intense euphoria/visuals you get from such a small dose.

My question though is ,, will i be okay to take 2 or 3 ibuprofen now to reduce the sweeling of my coldsores.?? it wont react badly to the benzo willl it?

intresting a positive snorting report
This is the fastest moving thread in PD history I think.

I'm getting a headache just thinking about trying to sort through this for info to keep...

Ain't that the truth - I don't think modding it is even an option till this initial onslaught of posting frenzy is over :D

me and my good ol' mate decided that '4D' is the best name ;)

as in 4-desoxy-MDA and a 4th dimension :D

Was corrected on this earlier - it's not 4-Desoxy-MDA cos that's 6-APDB. Not sure what the alternative chemical name for this stuff is but I suspect it's maybe some other MDA analogue? Chemistry bods will know though :)

My question though is ,, will i be okay to take 2 or 3 ibuprofen now to reduce the sweeling of my coldsores.?? it wont react badly to the benzo willl it?

It's not a benzo it's a stimulant/entactogen/psychedelic. That name is ridiculous and need to be obliterated from history :|

Ibuprofen should be okay but maybe just take one at first to make sure of that just in case. Suspect you'll be fine but nobody can say for sure so maybe skip them tonight to be on the safe side.

Dose has been nommed so time for some more acid while I wait for it to kick in %)
So you've taken it? This thread will truly go crazy now. :!

Around 20-30 minutes ago. Just getting the first alerts from it - warm fuzzies, relaxation and a slight tightening of the chest that suggests some stimulation will be coming along soonest. Good, good :)

As we're getting in the loved-up and swirling vibe like the daze of my yoof and oldskool raving, some proper oldskool raver tunez %)

Afctu: Around 100mg give or take a few mg - dosed orally.

Cap'n: Was talking about acid as in acid house not LSD... I do have those to 500ug tabs still sitting around though... World's first 6-APB candyflip perhaps? =D

PS: Definitely feeling it coming on now - got that dopaminergic sudden urgent need for a poo feeling :D
Any, ahem, horniness with this drug?

id say not really, seems to have a similar effect on the body as md an other drugs so think it would be hard work to achieve anything at mo. closeness would feel nice tho
id say not really, seems to have a similar effect on the body as md an other drugs so think it would be hard work to achieve anything at mo. closeness would feel nice tho

Yeah, I never really got much horniness off pills. I'd start talking to a girl then my mind would suddenly go off on another tangent. Meph (in the end) was a different story, though. Meph = porn. :eek:

I'd actually prefer something on which I can listen to music/go out for a late night walk round the block rather than have an all consuming urge to look at naked women.
i take it you have taken MDA in the past, Shambles. should the effects have developed further, could you compare the stimulation aspect of 6-APB in relation to MDA (and MDMA)?

sure is swarming in here
anxious to hear your thoughts.

Also, i bet it'll be futile to put up any other threads with any name of this compound in them for at least another week or so. Even the CAS # thread in ADD has been getting off-topic Darwin Award worthy posts...

Strongly suspect you make a valid point about the futility of moddery of these threads for a while :D

Initial impressions (still coming up but it's coming on strong now) are that we may be looking at a third Summer of Love off the back of this stuff. The hype - believe it just this once ;)

Euphoria and stimulation are building in a big way and just getting the first wave of visuals - gentle swirling surrounds. At the risk of resorting to cliché, it really does remind me of my first ever pill (was a legendarily ridiculously high dose MDMA/MDA combo - California Sunrise blanks from the early 90s for anyone fortunate enough to remember them). I sense much Goodness will ensue over the next few hours %)

Ooh Shambles look forward to seeing what you say

Sorry everyone else, there's just something about Senior Moderator that screams take my posts seriously aha :p

Ha! Thanks for the vote of confidence but my opinions are no more or less valid than anybody elses. Their probably is a lil more weight being put on my observations than others purely cos I have a bold title under my name. It is just a title though and everybody's views are equally as important :)

Also, WFL <3
Don't like to go back to negative stuff (and I know it's early days), but is there any sort of addiction/ compulsive feelings with this stuff. Do you think you could buy a stash, keep it in the house and just keep it to weekends?

It sure doesn't sound like the sort of substance where you can trick your mind into thinking you can just have a quick shot.

Doesn't have any compulsiveness or fiendy qualities yet. Would have maybe liked to have dosed just a tad higher perhaps (cos I'm a drugpig =D) but am quite content really. Will see how that pans out when it wears off but I'd say it seems very much along MDMA/MDA lines as far as urge to excess goes - could see people gorging on multiple pills once they get a feel for it but not something you'd feel an overwheliming need to dose daily or owt.

Hats off to the vendors - we don't like being used as a marketing tool on BL but you appear to have struck gold with this one and will sell by the bucketload before the inevitable ban. Stock up when you can, folks %)

Papua New Guinea <3
Doesn't have any compulsiveness or fiendy qualities yet. Would have maybe liked to have dosed just a tad higher perhaps (cos I'm a drugpig =D) but am quite content really. Will see how that pans out when it wears off but I'd say it seems very much along MDMA/MDA lines as far as urge to excess goes - could see people gorging on multiple pills once they get a feel for it but not something you'd feel an overwheliming need to dose daily or owt.

Hats off to the vendors - we don't like being used as a marketing tool on BL but you appear to have struck gold with this one and will sell by the bucketload before the inevitable ban. Stock up when you can, folks %)

Papua New Guinea <3

Class choon by FSOL. You do have some taste!;)
So it's the real deal then, no surprises there then, I just wish they hurry the fuck up so I stop spending my money on shitty drugs. So am I right in thinking this will only be available in 'pellet' form? What's that all about then?

Shambles did you bomb the 200mg in one then? Snorting would probably be a waste I'm guessing.
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