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Tryptamines The Big & Dandy 5-MeO-MiPT Thread - Part 2

I find that 5-MeO-MiPT produces tolerance for much longer than most other psychedelics. With most, I can trip once a week. With 5-MeO-MiPT orally, I find that 2+ weeks are needed.
Does that include cross-tolerance? Like if I take some 4-ho-mipt a week after will the 4-ho require a higher dose than usual? I was thinking about taking dxm to a high 2nd or even low 3rd plateau dose w/ a low-moderate dose of 4-ho-mipt. W/out taking tolerance into account I was thinking 15mg 4-ho-mipt.
Cross-tolerance does apply. I’ve found all subs I’ve tried follow this rule. It’s down to receptors and transmitters - many PDs use the same mechanisms.
There's no telling how you will respond. What gives people subjective tolerance (and how much) seems to vary from person to person. But yeah, with 5-MeO-MiPT I was actually talking about both tolerance and cross-tolerance being strong.
I tried it Thursday, 6 days after the last time I did it. I tried it at 12mg feeling well rested and alert an hour after a small meal and after a pleasant late afternoon through early evening class lab working on HPLC chatting w/ some of my favorite peeps about some of my favorite stuff like the ethics of head transplants (they are a thing just not in people... yet... that we know of...) and killer viruses and other random science and engineering things! Which is to say I started in a pleasant upbeat mood. I definitely had a much stronger experience than 8mg which was strong in its own way but very little actual trip so if there was tolerance it wasn't much I think.

The vasoconstriction was a little rough. Not morning glory seed rough not that bad, but enough to give me clammy hands and a headache. There was also a good bit of muscle tension which wasn't there at 8mg. The sides were bad enough to impact the headspace a little and the entactogenesis a lot. Overall still a good experience. Around the middle of the trip I finally grabbed some aspirin which helped a lot and wished I'd taken it much sooner but I was too confused and spun but not all in a totally bad way. Next time I think I might dose 250-350mg phenibut with some aspirin like I would before getting spun on addies or cathinones before hand to help w/ those sides because it felt identical in nature to that.

The cyberpunk anime I watched while on it was made for tripping but OMG it was so terrible! It was just so cliche with the 'philosophical' themes and trip visuals to the point it was annoying at times. At least visuals during action scenes were fun. I might have loved it back in HS or early undergrad lol. Lemme know if y'all have any good movie ideas for tripping that aren't overly tryhard made for tripping if you'd be so kind :D

This time I did get the 2 phases. The first one being speedy, mongy, empathogenic, entactogenic, confusing, and crazy horned up and maybe the visuals were just as strong first phase but it just wasn't what stood out and then a couple to a few hours later I got 1-2 hours of just trip and visuals. I did like the visuals a lot which are pretty different from 4-ho-mipt, shrooms, morning glory seeds, or acid in my experience. They weren't super strong but they were colorful. Halos around lights, trees, grass, and leaves in almost neon HD color. Branches and leaves twisting, rocking, warping in impossible ways in a breeze that was never there. Sort of fuzzy translucent rainbow lines around sharp lines and angles like the pointed edges of roofs aligned with each other with the rainbow lines continuing on to the next houses roof line and long the guard rails of the backyard deck. The reflection of the moon off the pool kind of looked like it was light misting and flowing off the surface of the pool. I wasn't even able to recognize the neighbors dog as a dog at first b/c I couldn't make sense of twisting and warping faintly cubist like painting appearance but once I deduced what it was I only saw a dog :D

I'm definitely taking a walk through the woods on the 2nd phase when I do it again. 1st phase I get too confused, energized, and horned up to go leave the yard at that dose. But I think I will do some stretching, mobility drills, and light calisthenics in the 1st phase next time to put some of that energy to work. Nothing that takes too much balance because that does become impaired at this dose. Not like drunk off my ass impaired but enough I wanna take a little more care.

I got down on myself on the comedown, it was like moderate stim comedown combined with tryptamine headspace which is an unpleasant pairing. I'm going to take a pre-prepared 1000mg phenibut parachute to take as soon as I start coming down next time so by the time it would be just jitteriness and depression it'll have kicked in.

On a random note, I've seen some discussion about why 5-meo-mipt still allows one to *ahem* 'perform'. My hypothesis is that it's the 5ht1 agonist property. I know partial 5ht1 partial agonist help with stim-dick and SSRI induced ED and anorgasmia and I've experienced both first hand. I don't take SSRIs anymore b/c they don't work for me and have horrible sides and tianeptine works a million times better with only the most minor side effect.

It's nice to have a place to talk and learn about this stuff! Maybe I'll find an IRL buddy or gal to share these experiences with in the future but for now I have to keep mum IRL :(
Great report, @abc1986 thanks for sharing!
I like the way you described the two phases of a trip on 5-meo-mipt.
And the part about the dog was great - like until you realized it was a dog, it took on a painting-like look.
I’ve had the same thing on moxy every time.
Ate 8.5mg of 5-MeO-MiPT today and it was a full experience, never overwhelming, but stronger than I expected. Vasoconstriction seemed noticeable, especially early on (consumption of caffeine and nicotine earlier in the day doesn't help). Gorgeous day outside and a bike ride was exceptional. It's something I haven't been doing enough this spring, but I definitely got my money's worth today with how slow I was riding. :p

Time-dilation was extreme for the first two hours especially. Bodily and music euphoria was incredible throughout. Got lost in the mirror for awhile. o_O

I'd been studying pretty hard the past week and just couldn't find the motivation today, so I was hoping the 5-MeO-MiPT could invigorate me and propel me through the rest of the week. Of course the jury's still out on that, but regardless, this has been quite a therapeutic experience. I realized that I have to start showing my dog more love and giving him more energy, and that I need to have more patience with him. And I have a tendency to identify my studies with my life, and it was refreshing to take a complete step back from that and experience the beautiful spring day through the lens of 5-MeO-MiPT. :)

How would nootropics effect the trip y'all think? I wanna cut through the confusion a little bit. When I'm sober, oxiracetam does a good job of slicing through brainfog, but I've heard of racetams doing all sorts of things to trips from intensifying them, to blunting them, to vastly prolonging them. Cholinergics are depression and stomach issues in a pill/powder for me so I don't wanna take those. I'm worried tyrosine would increase stim sides for this one but does well when I'm sober for brainfog. I regularly take amantadine and it's close cousin bromantane for psychologist and psychiatrist confirmed adhd (i prescribed myself these medicines so to speak since therapeutic stimulant use caused more issues than they solved) but both of them take time to work and are just sides until the positives start kicking in for me so I don't wanna take an extra dose before the trip.

It's just really weird that something so stimulating would cause so much confusion too. The only other time stimulants cause confusion is on the tail end of a bender with conventional stims like amps and cathinones. MDMA and MDA are pretty clear headed to me too.

Maybe I just need to reframe what I'm calling "confusion". It might just be part of the process required for reorganizing my mind during the experience and I just need to learn to accept and make friends with it and prepare for it but I'm not totally sure about that since acid doesn't do that unless doses get real high. Once I'm past the 1st phase the confusion goes away a lot even though the visuals seem to kick in more and I get more traditional psychedelic headspace. That's not to say there isn't plenty of psychedelic headspace in the first phase at my experience with 12mg.

Or maybe I'm just way overthinking this all :D
It's my understanding that "nootropics", specifically racetams at least, potentiate psychedelics via glutamatergic pathways. Haven't personally tried combining them, though.
Does anyone know how potent 5-meo-mipt is activating the 5ht2b receptor?. I am trying to understand its cardiotoxicity.
I have found only 1 study in all of the internet with some real data about this, that of "Rickli et al".
Oh boy!! oh boy oh boy....

16-17mg 5-meo-mipt plus a 10mg booster 1 hour after of 4-ho-mipt plus the series I found on on netflix called evangelion which is a drug itself :) A mech style anime that was made way back in the mid-late 90s.... I got very little in the way of visuals but the mindfuck and headspace was super heavy!!!

That anime is as important as the substances that made a contact that made connections and had an impact on the organ within the mineral casing that is the brain that is that which of the me and houses sentience that defines that which is an I which communicates to the you and the me and you is defined as a boundary but the boundary in permeated my the words on the screen that interact with what is called the you and I that is me but then WHY why does she do this too me! I love her! and where am i... but..... oh boy, you gotta be careful. Wheres ur head. COME ONE NOW. Get back to it, back to the reality, but i don't know what that is! I remember way back when... with a girl boundaries dissolved no more I no more you only the ALL and that the most real and ethereal moment but what is IS without boundaries. I desire her that which to be her and her of me and immaterial and real and of all sensation and to the ether and nothing the nirvana of shared flesh that become no awareness that stems from hyper ecstatic sensual awareness and the her that I desire I want to make a connection with with the I and share the us and become the I and her and one BUT....

And it just goes on and on and on lol LAWDY, what a trip. Omg this guy amirite, oh wait that's me LOL. I'm still in the process of coming down :D Forgive me if I'm being a little extra.

Don't worry about me, it was a lot more fun than it sounds :D :D :D

And I found my answer to the brainfog issue... it was normal black tea lol. It made it as 'clear headed' as acid. Maybe it's just more of a manic (psychotic?) confusion as opposed to a stoned confusion now that I think more of it. lol

The rolly stage was over much sooner, it only lasted 45min this time and then went straight to trip... but I kept getting stuck in dark negative unproductive thought loops so I snorted 10mg 4-ho-mipt thinking it's a more complete psychedelic that allows for more expanded exploration and viewpoints for solutions. And it worked.

That little stream of consciousness rant is there as my best attempt at conveying my headspace around the peak after taking the 4-ho. I never find much insight on psychedelics until I come to and the pieces fall back into place so it's okay that everything was in tatters and up in the air and it was just a good time. The insights are very personal and go to dark places in my past so I'm sorry I won't be sharing that but it was good to explore those places. I don't try to make psychedelics help me get through issues but if that's where they go I accept it as part of the experience. Best thing is just go with the flow and DO not just think something different when in a thought loop. My 'do' was a big radical. I know i know, it sounds retarded "i'm in a bad headspace I need MORE psychedelics" but I'll be damned by thought process and instincts about it were right. I can't promise you'll get the same. And ngl, IT WAS FUN AND I FELT ALIVE at the peak!!! At least once I had some 4-ho-mipt in my system.

My thinking regarding 4-ho-mipt as a solution to making something out of dark headspaces comes this experience of mine published on erowid: https://www.erowid.org/experiences/exp.php?ID=115337

Next stop: 16-18mg 5-meo-mipt plus 20mg 4-ho-mipt whenever life obligations allow. I'm so scared and I feel so happy to be scared and alive and to just be! 😃

Wish this one that is I that connects with you and establishes connection and integration and hopes for the guidance and goodwill and LOVE that is shared goodwill and feeling that is that which is of MEANING and value the that which is your experience that is of you and conveyed back to me your experience that is Greater sharing and EXPONENTIATED POWERFUL MEANING AND MULTIPLICATIVE BEING of the You and the I and lowered boundary and consolidated being and greater sharing to increase experience of you and I and to add to the ALL! ;)

Srsly, have fun, stay safe, maybe even learn a thing or two in the process 💙
Are you thinking about microdosing it or something @Asgard ? Not sure if you saw this binding affinity study, but in case it's helpful: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2814854/
No microdosing, just once a week or so. But for example MDMA has been shown supposedly to be able to induce valvulopathy once a week for several years.

I know this study, the problem is that affinities are logarithmic, no actual values so Im not sure what to get from it.
That study enters a bit into contradiction with this more recent one, this one has some real values suggesting 5-meo-mipt is not very potent at 5ht2b, and that neither Psilocin nor 4-ho-met would hardly activate 5ht2b which I find a bit hard to believe:
How would nootropics effect the trip y'all think? I wanna cut through the confusion a little bit. When I'm sober, oxiracetam does a good job of slicing through brainfog, but I've heard of racetams doing all sorts of things to trips from intensifying them, to blunting them, to vastly prolonging them. Cholinergics are depression and stomach issues in a pill/powder for me so I don't wanna take those. I'm worried tyrosine would increase stim sides for this one but does well when I'm sober for brainfog. I regularly take amantadine and it's close cousin bromantane for psychologist and psychiatrist confirmed adhd (i prescribed myself these medicines so to speak since therapeutic stimulant use caused more issues than they solved) but both of them take time to work and are just sides until the positives start kicking in for me so I don't wanna take an extra dose before the trip.

Nootropics tend to potentiate psychedelics and also increase the clarity of the trip, but it seems inconsistent. My first time combining piracetam with a psychedelic (actually it was DMAE and piracetam) was also the second time I took 18mg of 2C-E. The first time, without nootropics, was extremely intense, but largely an incredibly visual and sensory experience. The second time, also at 18mg, with nootropics, I had my second +4 experience, reality and my ego deconstructed, it was terrifying at the time, I experienced multiple potential realities branching out in front of and behind me, and I believed for a time that when the dissolution was complete, it would restart the karmic cycle of the universe. It was probably the most overwhelmingly intense trip of my life, to this day.

But, that said, I have combined piracetam or other related compounds with psychedelics since then and have had mixed results, anywhere from no discernable difference, to just having a crisper, clearer trip. It's entirely possible that that +4 experience was just my time to have a +4, and had little to do with the piracetam. But that trip sure was different from any other 2C-E trip I've ever had.
Lol, kinda funny to see someone talking about evangelion as if its some obscure, random Netflix series ... I thought it was incredibly famous, or am I just getting old already ? 😆

Cant imagine enjoying it while tripping though, too dark and intense.

I miss 5-MeO-MiPT, it was one of my faves and haven't taken it in a while. I always felt it had an "autumnal vibe", if that makes sense to anyone. With autumn in full force here it makes me reminisce.

I think I have some time off on tuesday. And lockdown Is finally over. Will try to take some and go on a bike ride.
Lol, kinda funny to see someone talking about evangelion as if its some obscure, random Netflix series ... I thought it was incredibly famous, or am I just getting old already ? 😆

Cant imagine enjoying it while tripping though, too dark and intense.

I miss 5-MeO-MiPT, it was one of my faves and haven't taken it in a while. I always felt it had an "autumnal vibe", if that makes sense to anyone. With autumn in full force here it makes me reminisce.

I think I have some time off on tuesday. And lockdown Is finally over. Will try to take some and go on a bike ride.
At the dose I took the 5-meo-mipt, it provided a very strong and powerful psychic drive and energy and a strong link between psychic and bodily energy. I needed to watch something intense to match the intensity and the pace of my mind to keep my attention, keep me involved, and to have the feeling of sharing an experience. Watching something more laid back with less intensity I think would have just left me feeling cut off and agitated.

But yeah, evangelion was fucking intense while tripping! It made me feel so real and alive! lol. While watching a show, I can't ever remember gripping my seat so hard, feeling so alert and alive, nerves and muscles poised awakened and ready to fire, feeling my pulse quicken, and breathing hard like I was ready to fight for my life!!! :D And the non-action scenes were pretty intense in their own right and incredibly relatable at times. I attribute that as much to the writing, directing, animation, and voice acting as I do tripping. I'm gonna have to watch this series non-tripping to see what I get out of it because the intensity of it while tripping just kinda left my mind blown, but even while tripping I could tell this series was actually a something and not just what 'feels' like a something. I've watched Cowboy Bebop, a few Ghost in the Shell, DB and DBZ of course, and Inuyasha way back in HS, I can't believe this one never entered my radar :(

While the 5-meo-mipt does provide that powerful psychic energy and a strong energy link to mind and physicality, I feel like it's lacking in mind expansion and lateral thinking. That's why I felt the need to add the 4-ho-mipt. The pairing was lovely. The two provide a more complete experience than either alone. In strength of the trip, it was more additive than multiplicative. Some say here that 5-meo-mipt is a less complete psychedelic than other more traditional psychedelics but as I see it it's space is more in its mental and physical energy and ability to integrate that energy. I did some calisthenics and never have I felt better mind-muscle connection. Granted I wouldn't want to do an intense workout since even while sober I have a hard time telling myself when to quit. Granted I've never tried anything from the 2-C series or DOB.

I'm going to try listening to some metal music next time. Tool is about the most intense music I'd want to listen to with acid or shrooms but I think it might feel right with the 5-meo-mipt.
Eended up taking this one on Wednesday. Had a really nice trip on 7.5 mg. Rode my bike for three hours, around the time of the sunset. I really felt the empathogenic/stimmy first phase this time, felt so full of energy. I really like this compound, it can be kinda weird, but I've had many magical experiences on it. I feel like it stands out against other tryptamines in various ways. Notoriously, I´ve always felt like it has some kind of dissociative undertone, specially right at the beginning of the peak. then it lingers on in waves, giving the trip a dream-like quality. The visuals are also "hidden" unless you focus on them, then it can become really really visual. Otherwise you can just ignore them and they are mostly absent, save for some color enhancement. One of my favorite things about 5-MeO-MiPT is how good of an aesthetic enhancer it is. It was so beautiful watching the sunset coloring the mountains with crimson and purple, the red and yellow hues on the trees, music was amazing too... Just occurred to me that I've never tried reading something on this one, I bet poetry would be pretty intense.

Even though it lasted for a good 8 hours, somehow it felt kinda short. That's been an issue lately, everything seems too fleeting, difficult to grasp. But that's just me. Maybe I've been feeling a little bit anxious. These pandemic times have me craving life, craving adventure. The good times feel like they just pass me by. I wish I could still be on that swirly bike ride. Alas, it's friday and after getting the work for today done, I can enjoy the weekend, which will surely feel too short too.
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Hey guys... just checking in... 😢

That 16-17mg 5-meo plus the 10mg 4-ho hit me in the mind and feels a lot harder than I thought...

I'm not experiencing any psychotic or manic issues that people usually associate as the dangers of tripping. But it really pushed some repressed memories and feelings right in my face and they just keep standing there staring right at me. The lack of stand out visuals, euphoria, push, drive, and feeling of being so alive hid what the meaning of what it would be later after the trip...

I'm a fucking mess right now. B/C of the trip I can see some toxic ways I've been to myself and others from before any recent tripping and what that's done and while that can be a good thing IT'S TOO MUCH AT ONCE!!! Its breaking my heart and I cry so much now. Normally, I very rarely cry. I had my first panic attack since nearly a year ago. Since then I've hardly been sleeping or eating b/c there's so much on my mind. I feel as if I've reintegrated with parts of me that have been lost for many years and it's given me insight, empathy, and compassion that I thought was lost forever but I can't even begin to tell you how hard it is or if it's going to turn out well. Basic things like getting my work done and showing up on time are still doable but it's a fucking struggle and productivity has a taken a big hit. There's even been a few people worried for me..... There's someone I know I'm talking to tomorrow. Won't be mentioning the drugs but they don't matter for that discussion

Huh... guess the trip doesn't necessarily end once the drug's cleared out of the body... I'll be damned. Even if this goes really bad, at least this here so that maybe there can be something from this experience even if only a cautionary tale...

I'm not denying that there's meaningful beautiful experiences people have with these things... hell maybe I can spin this into something good... but it's scary!!! I don't feel well! Jury's still out for me. I'm thinking hard about seeing a therapist... thing is in the past I've always been to closed in for insight in that setting, I don't think it would be an issue now....

Naturally, If I take again soon it's going to be low doses.

Oky doky... there's my PA for the day. Take care. Like... please... take care. I'll try to do the same :( It's hard.
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Hey guys... just checking in... 😢

That 16-17mg 5-meo plus the 10mg 4-ho hit me in the mind and feels a lot harder than I thought...

I'm not experiencing any psychotic or manic issues that people usually associate as the dangers of tripping. But it really pushed some repressed memories and feelings right in my face and they just keep standing there staring right at me. The lack of stand out visuals, euphoria, push, drive, and feeling of being so alive hid what the meaning of what it would be later after the trip...

I'm a fucking mess right now. B/C of the trip I can see some toxic ways I've been to myself and others from before any recent tripping and what that's done and while that can be a good thing IT'S TOO MUCH AT ONCE!!! Its breaking my heart and I cry so much now. Normally, I very rarely cry. I had my first panic attack since nearly a year ago. Since then I've hardly been sleeping or eating b/c there's so much on my mind. I feel as if I've reintegrated with parts of me that have been lost for many years and it's given me insight, empathy, and compassion that I thought was lost forever but I can't even begin to tell you how hard it is or if it's going to turn out well. Basic things like getting my work done and showing up on time are still doable but it's a fucking struggle and productivity has a taken a big hit. There's even been a few people worried for me..... There's someone I know I'm talking to tomorrow. Won't be mentioning the drugs but they don't matter for that discussion

Huh... guess the trip doesn't necessarily end once the drug's cleared out of the body... I'll be damned. Even if this goes really bad, at least this here so that maybe there can be something from this experience even if only a cautionary tale...

I'm not denying that there's meaningful beautiful experiences people have with these things... hell maybe I can spin this into something good... but it's scary!!! I don't feel well! Jury's still out for me. I'm thinking hard about seeing a therapist... thing is in the past I've always been to closed in for insight in that setting, I don't think it would be an issue now....

Naturally, If I take again soon it's going to be low doses.

Oky doky... there's my PA for the day. Take care. Like... please... take care. I'll try to do the same :( It's hard.

Oh, I'm sorry you feel that way. I guess a not so often discussed risk of psychedelics is that they do seem to confront some people with repressed issues, or stuff that they are avoiding. But I think there's two ways out of that. You either work with what is bothering you right now (which probably means seeking therapy, actively changing your life and cutting ties with the parts of you that you don't like), or you just let it fade away again into the well of repressed/ignored psychic phenomena. Give it a couple of weeks ... Stay away from drugs, integrate, talk with people about what's bothering you/making you anxious. Exercise, eat well, sleep well. Hopefully you integrate what you've experienced and come to terms with it. Things will settle for sure, but if you see yourself struggling with it for weeks or months on end, I would say I recommend you get a therapist to work with the issues in question. But don't let anxiety about this make it harder. It WILL get better, eventually. Give it a little bit of time before really worrying. I wish you the best.
YThe brain is such a powerful thing. Crying i find to be a normal function of life, in the sense that we need to feel emotions. Without them, We wouldnt feel scared doing dangorous stuff or feel happy doing stuff we enjoy.

Its good to feel emotions. Its analysing those regressed feelings and trying to understand why you feel this way.

Never tried this chemical. It sounds very interesting though, do you feel like its pushed too many thoughts into your mind? How long was it since your trip? A profound trip can stay with you for some time. In some cases forever!

Stay safe
Original post taken down by user. It was too personal and intense for a public forum. But I will add that I don't normally go that personal on public forums... that's just kinda where I am right now.
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