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☛ Official ☚ The Big & Dandy 4-AcO-MiPT Thread

I sampled some last night and was wondering what different people find is the most effective way to take it?
i know that snorting alot of rc's is rather effective,
but i thought it would be best to inquire before putting something new up mah nose.
this is the only hallucinogen I've ever taken that left me feeling loose and relaxed the next day. It was almost better than the drug itself, I felt like a fucking tiger that just had a $300 massage. (40mg)
what do you guys think of a rave as a setting for 4-aco-mipt, assuming the person taking it is a somewhat experienced researcher? just curious.
If you believe eating mushrooms and going to a rave would be enjoyable, than go for it. As benign as it is on the body, you should be comfortable.

Tryptamines do wonders for my dancing in the right mindset. Especially dmt/mushrooms.
I've had great luck with recrystalization. Just dissolve it in a small amount of hot water, and let the water evaporate off. Crystals are lots easier to work with than powder.
feelgoodhit said:
what do you guys think of a rave as a setting for 4-aco-mipt, assuming the person taking it is a somewhat experienced researcher? just curious.
I think this is a personal thing. If you can't answer it for youself right now, then that probably means you haven't done enough 'research' with the chemical to know if that one would be a good one to take in public. Try it in private first.

They effect everyone different (I have friends that are floored with the 4-substituted-Ts and would NOT like to be in public on them).

Be careful lest you end up in a situation not healthy for yourself.
BreakingSet said:
I am sorry to hear that. ApproXimotly 11mg (5-MeO-MiPT) produced an energized cocaine like high that last near 4 hours, which happened to be first exposure to Shpongle. That was fun. After the 4 to 5 one began slipping into light trance states in which there were intense hallucinations but no psychedelica.
OT I know but I agree with this assessment of 5-meo-mipt at this dosage level completely. The visuals at T+7-8 for me on 5meomipt are very very weird and unlike any visuals I've ever had (minus any real headfuck).
I am curious about rectal administration. should i apply that 50% of the dose is needed for rectal administration vs. oral dose?
I tried 25mg of 4-AcO-MiPT fumarate for the first time yesterday. Although I am quite experienced with phenethylamines, it was my first tryptamine experience. I found it intensely confusing. We were all very confused. Phenethylamines make me feel smarter, but this made me feel dumber! We constantly found ourselves asking very basic questions, like "What's going on?" "What did he go to do?" "Why did I come here again?" "Where did I leave xxx?" I noticed that the visuals had a very unique quality. There was a lot of rotation, which I've never seen before. Posters on the wall were turning around in circles. The pattern was nowhere near as intricate as a phenethylamine, but it was moving and scrunching around like none other. Also, it was very difficult to tell the chronology of the experience. With a phenethylamine, I'm able to take a look at myself and determine exactly where I am in the trip and how much longer I've got to go, but with this it was impossible to tell anything. I know I felt it fifteen minutes after eating it, and I know that six hours afterwards it was almost entirely gone, but that's all. If this whole experience is characteristic of tryptamines, I'm not sure why people like them so much! The only thing I found potentially useful is the fact that, in asking myself "why?" all the time, I looked really far back. When I was eating corn, I kept thinking about my ancestors before me growing their corn and eating it, and weird stuff like that. Otherwise, it was far to confusing to get anything of value out of the experience.

Am I unique in my response to tryptamines? I'm working on acquiring some more to see if perhaps others are more useful, and I sure hope that they are, but this was not at all what I was expecting!
no, i'd say that's not generally my experience. i had it at a lower dose, click for a summary & my thoughts (second post).
butane said:
Am I unique in my response to tryptamines? I'm working on acquiring some more to see if perhaps others are more useful, and I sure hope that they are, but this was not at all what I was expecting!

I wouldn't expect you to be able to get a good feel for tryptamines on the first time. They tend to be much more mentally hectic. But through that hecticity can come great insight. And yes, I realize I invented a new word there.
my thoughts

bought 1g of this about a yr ago and have really enjoyed it, and so have the friends with whom i've shared it. for me this is a social, sensual drug. it's not for exploring the outer reaches, like i find 2c-e to be.

14-16mg (imo) is the sweet spot for this chem; a great social, hang out dose. i've given that dose to about 6 people of different genders, ages and weights and they've all had a blast. manageable visuals @ the 14-16mg level, giddy humor, quick conversation. doesn't make you dumb. driving 4 hours after popping a capsule is possible (ymmv). comes on in 15 minutes.

8mg is also a good, social, "i don't want people to know i'm on anything" dose. mood lift, sharp mind, great for a low key party. driving not a problem after a couple of hours (ymmv).

sex @ any relatively lowish dose, duo or solo, is fucking great with this stuff too (subjective, maybe). i recall 1 occasion when the 1st alert of a 14mg dose was a violent, animal rush of erotic energy (as opposed to nausea or something). and i was in a non-sexual setting w/my attention focused on a menial task prepping for the trip.

finally, you can even snort it w/out a problem. the drip doesn't tast too sweet, but no pain @ all. i think bumping salt would be more painful.

even sleeping isn't tough, there's no long, lingering edgy trail. baseline comes pretty soon after comedown, ime.

i don't think 4-aco-mipt is perfect. tolerance develops quickly. an hour after taking the initial dose i would not redose; not much will happen. noticed cross tolerance w/2-ce. 4-aco-mipt does make my friend vomit - but only at 20+mgs. i don't find it useful in higher doses. i don't find it useful for reaching deep psychedelic states. and of course no one knows the long term impact of ingesting this substance.
^^^ yes!!! thank you for posting that!!

This is about EXACTLY what I am looking for with mipracetyl...I hope it works out the same for me and company as it does for you and company.

I have it from good sources (ximot) that this drug is very euphoric and much like you describe. I can't wait to try it...I've tried a few 4-substituted-Tryptamines now, but have yet to try the mipt versions.

peace and thanks for posting! (now I want to try it EVEN more!),
Yep, tolerance develops quickly for all psychedelics... especially tryptamines.

I hope you get the chance to try it soon, S_S. :)
definitely agree with alot of phillo's points, i got the same "violent, animal rush of erotic energy" you described in the same way at the same point in my 24mg mipracetin (mipracetyl?) trip. this also happened once with LSD, but that was a long time ago.

this substance is so physically benign, i probably could have slept ON the peak if i wanted (at least at 16mg).

i just wish i knew what a FULL +++ was like. i only got to experiment up to 24mg, & it left me wanting to go deeper. *sigh* no more 4-aco-mipt for me.
I think the next time I take a tryptamine it will be 4-AcO-MiPT... I only tried it once or twice and it was during a lot of tryptamine tolerance. Either that or it'll be IM DPT.
Indeed. A few months anyway. Spring and summer approach!
I wonder if people have combined this with AMT? I'm thinking about doing that when I try it...I want to IM about 10mg of AMT (this should be equal to about 25-30mg oral but last a much shorter time) and then eat around 20mg of 4-AcO-MiPT once the AMT has kicked in.

Should be just as good a combo as AMT + psilacetin, no?

Personal experiences?