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The Big & Dandy 3-MeO-PCP Thread (Part 1)

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Hehe this sounds a bit contradictory here. I love these somewhat random posts that get tossed into the psychedelic threads about stuff like this.

Well I think I get the point, you are not the creator, but a creator or maybe better put an extension of the creator that is connected to it all. I think I had some of the god delusions a few weeks ago from MXE and tryptamines... thinking I was the central point of the universe and somehow my actions were essential to the continuation of existence. Restated, that if I stopped (died) it would all stop.

Perhaps this and what you describe is just the confusion of death from blocking the NMDA system? The tripper is clearly alive but their mind beginning to mimic the perception of death, without totally pushing the button? Sounds similar to what people report for K sometimes with "near death" experiences where they see their self die.

Anyways 3-MeO-PCP sounds pretty interesting, I'll have to try it soon!

I had 100 mg's of this compound but it never got me anywhere. I would snort approx. 10 mg just to feel disappointed and bump with another 10. Nothing more than a speedy stimulant. I also tried smoking it on cigarettes (basically just sprinkle the powder on the tobacco). Still nothing. What can I really expect from 3-MeO-PCP? I'm experienced with K and MXE, and I absolutely love them, and would like to at least see what PCP has to offer.
I had 100 mg's of this compound but it never got me anywhere. I would snort approx. 10 mg just to feel disappointed and bump with another 10. Nothing more than a speedy stimulant. I also tried smoking it on cigarettes (basically just sprinkle the powder on the tobacco). Still nothing. What can I really expect from 3-MeO-PCP? I'm experienced with K and MXE, and I absolutely love them, and would like to at least see what PCP has to offer.

As alluded to in my earlier post 156, I find the psychedelic properties are revealed when your mind is still. Take your 3-meo-pcp, enjoy the stimulation (which I think is lovely and euphoric) for a few hours. Go to bed, close your eyes, still your mind and then you'll see and hear shit.

I'm surprised 100mgs didn't have you in a right state though, I've not gone above 40mg.
As alluded to in my earlier post 156, I find the psychedelic properties are revealed when your mind is still. Take your 3-meo-pcp, enjoy the stimulation (which I think is lovely and euphoric) for a few hours. Go to bed, close your eyes, still your mind and then you'll see and hear shit.

I'm surprised 100mgs didn't have you in a right state though, I've not gone above 40mg.
The 100 mg lasted about a week, so I didn't use it up all at once. The highest doses I've reached is 20 - 25 mg. Still only the (indeed, lovely) stimulation. Worth mentioning is, I'm not the kind off guy that will "see and hear shit" (or even want to), barely on tryptamines and definitely not on dissociatives. What I was hoping for was a classical dissociative mindfuck, 3-MeO-PCP style, instead I got all coked up. 8)
The 100 mg lasted about a week, so I didn't use it up all at once. The highest doses I've reached is 20 - 25 mg. Still only the (indeed, lovely) stimulation. Worth mentioning is, I'm not the kind off guy that will "see and hear shit" (or even want to), barely on tryptamines and definitely not on dissociatives. What I was hoping for was a classical dissociative mindfuck, 3-MeO-PCP style, instead I got all coked up. 8)

Hmm, I see and hear shit on dissociatives so I'm not sure what the mindfuck is like on it's own! But yeah, I've not experienced a ketamine-like dissociative state with any of the 3-MeO-PCXs. MXE, yes. I've been too concerned about the potential for disaster to push the 3-MeO-PCX dose in that way.
Took 30mg tonight. Definitely made me manic. Started off trying to perform a marxist analysis of Christmas which didn't go too well. I blamed my failure on my posture at my computer and analysing my swivel chair, I spent about an hour trying to get the various settings right, it's an IKEA Markus chair and it's got a big knob at the front which can be twisted between two extremes with a fair amount of effort, neither of which extreme seems to have any effect on the topology of the chair.

I set out to take a video recording of the chair while I manipulated the knob, so I could see the effect it had on the chair. I was trying to position my phone to take the video recording and decided the best option would be to use blue-tack to stick the phone to the wall. Certain that I had blue-tack in the house I hunted high and low for the stuff, emptying a large cupboard and actually binning half the contents to no avail, no blue tack in sight! I eventually gave up and managed to mount the phone on another chair and took the recording. Well I still have no fucking clue what this knob does...

I phoned my brother to discuss arrangements for Christmas and he told me his plans but they didn't seem simple at all and I interrogated him for some ten minutes (in retrospect he arrives on one day and leaves on another), I started out building a website where family members could define plans for travel, who is cooking, who is sleeping where etc. Befuddlement meant this led nowhere so I eventually gave up and spent another hour revising my BL avatar, as a response to Arnold's. Realising I was engaged in self-defeating behaviour I sniffed 3mg Etizolam and drank half a bottle of wine which has still to have a noticeable effect on my mood. Great fun, I must say, and I cleared out the cupboard!
I'm using a smidgen of poetic license here but the way I now feel about this compound is that it's not a drug at all.

OK it perks you up and in that way it's a drug like cocaine or speed. but in fact it's another life form which exists symbiotically with the human body. millions of years of evolution have taken place to perfect the human animal to the point where it not only provides a substrate for this odd, chemically simple, lifeform to exist, but indeed to animate it from the very elements from which it is borne.

When the 3-meo-pcp and human begin their mutually sustaining endeavour, the human is initiallly smitten by lust as a man lusts for a woman. The impulse is carnal. But lust withers, like autumn leaves. Like a woman, 3-meo-pcp may capture the lustful eye of a man but for a brief honeymoon and the foolish man would think it her failing that her captivating looks had faded with the passage of time. But the wise man knows the deepest attractions are more subtle and will grow as autumn turns to winter into spring and so on.

The rule then is that the man must be silent, for like a woman, 3-meo-pcp has the superior tongue. In man's silence this life form will not only speak but sing and not only draw but paint. If it would not kill me i should still the beating of my heart and the rushing of my breathe the better to hear this siren's song.

Or maybe it's just like crossing the road. Stop. Look! Listen!

Too much dissociatives man :/
Hehe this sounds a bit contradictory here. I love these somewhat random posts that get tossed into the psychedelic threads about stuff like this.
If you read that post again, you'll see this is the context:
For example, I dream about world leaders or climatological events and remember it while tripping, but all the while I'm feeling like I'm at the center of this nexus, and so instead of recognizing it's a nexus of dreams or long forgotten memories of my own, in my state of confusion I interpret them as the events themselves as they took place, or are taking place, or will take place, in physical reality external from my own past personal experience. Now, in my understanding, I become not a weaver of my dreams and memories, but of time and causality itself: a god
Again (I explained this same part of the post to another poster in post #127) this claim is merely a description of how I imagine I could reach the conclusion of self-godhood when I consider how the effects of dissociatives I have experienced in the past might translate to a different context. I have never thought myself God under the influence of dissociatives (not yet at least! working on it).
VeeELLKAY said:
I had 100 mg's of this compound but it never got me anywhere. I would snort approx. 10 mg just to feel disappointed and bump with another 10. Nothing more than a speedy stimulant. I also tried smoking it on cigarettes (basically just sprinkle the powder on the tobacco). Still nothing. What can I really expect from 3-MeO-PCP? I'm experienced with K and MXE, and I absolutely love them, and would like to at least see what PCP has to offer.
50 mg IM was enough to knock one of the first users of this substance on bluelight unconscious and get him institutionalized (though as I understand that was because of a letter he wrote years ago as part of a therapeutic excercise being found and interpreted as a suicide letter written under the influence of 3-MeO-PCP). He had a dissociative tolerance to begin with, so I assume you must be extremely tolerant to dissociatives? 11mg IM of this stuff is plenty for me with no tolerance. I've noticed little difference in potency between different ROAs (just an increase in the speed of onset), so I don't know why people are using so much of this unless they're k-tards starting out... In any case new users should ignore some of these later posts regarding dosing because they are not remotely representative of typical reactions.
11mg IM of this stuff is plenty for me with no tolerance. I've noticed little difference in potency between different ROAs (just an increase in the speed of onset), so I don't know why people are using so much of this unless they're k-tards starting out... In any case new users should ignore some of these later posts regarding dosing because they are not remotely representative of typical reactions.

Not in any way wanting to advocate jumping in at the deep end for anyone trying this first time... but I've tried this twice now at 10mg and 15mg snorted without anything else than a pleasant but very mild dissociative state as a result. Still perfectly functional, could probably go down the pub on it, in no way 'out of it' or anywhere near any kind of hole.

As good as zero tolerance. Haven't done any K for about a year and last did MXE two or three months back, and nothing else relevant.

Hopefully 20mg will prove more fruitful.
Mild effects with 10-15 mg? Only stimulation at 20-25 mg? ... sounds fishy to me.

I had some difficulty walking at 6 mg IM...even 2-3 mg intranasal provided an undeniable dissociative flavor. I'm skeptical about the identity/purity of "3-meo-pcp" that is "mild" at 10-15 mg... unless there is some serious NMDA-antagonist tolerance at work.
I have had four trials of 3-MeO-PCP now, all oral. Twice at 5 mg, once at 7.5 mg and once at 8 mg. I found 5 mgs to produce light stimulant effects (even if my stimulant experience is very limited) that were well-suited for social interaction. One beer on top of the one of the 5 mg sessions produced slight hints of motor coordination problems. The trials at 7.5 and 8 mg produced some more dissociation, including motor problems. These doses put me in a weird, but pleasant and quite unique headspace, even if it does not feel very much at all like being fucked up. I doubt I will go much higher than that. It is quite a scary chemical after all. I have no dissociative tolerance to speak of. I would be extremely cautious if mixing this with cannabis and alcohol.
I trust my source for this compound and I usually go for about 25mg intranasal which is very strong, delusions of grandeur, mania etc, great drug imo. Combined with cannabis the 'psychedelic' effects become a lot more apprant.
Had a pretty grand time on 3-MeO. I enjoyed it very much. I dosed 8mgs orally and redosed with two five mgs caps around two hours later each(took the first boost at T+2 and the second at T+4), as well as doing a tiny bump at the end of the night(estimate no more than 20). I found the level of stimulation perfect and gladly the level of dissociation was nice as well. I had began to fear with the seeming mixedness of the way people would comment about it. Almost like it was more of a stimulant than a dissociative but I found it to be in pretty equal proportions. I also noted that there was definitely an almost sedative like nature mixed in with the stimulation. It was like the slightest muscle heaviness but it felt pretty nice in combo with the stimulation. This effect seemed to fade away fairly quick so i'm unsure of whether it was just something and not really exactly from the 3-MeO. I could most certainly feel what others described, which was how you can start rushing around or get caught up in some activity and then when you stop you suddenly notice the dissociation. It actually happened a bit stronger than I had anticipated. The material was excellent thinking material. The mixture of stimulation versus dissociation mentally seemed superb. I definitely can say i'm pretty excited to try say, a 15 mg oral trial in a week or two. I wish I could comment more right now but I haven't slept in a fairly long time, just been enjoying the 3-MeO and its nice glow....
I dosed 8mgs orally and redosed with two five mgs caps around two hours later each(took the first boost at T+2 and the second at T+4), as well as doing a tiny bump at the end of the night(estimate no more than 20).

So you're saying that oral dosing is more effective than nasal?
So you're saying that oral dosing is more effective than nasal?
I do not see how you took that from the quote. I don't have any idea obviously. Only tried it once and never tried one oral trial versus insuff. trial yet so can't really help you out there.
Edit: Also the consensus from the thread was that mos ROA's were equipotent, I believe.
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I read your post as saying that the 'tiny bump' you did at the end was 20mg, implying that was not a significant dose compared to the 18mg oral dose.

However I believe you actually meant that it all added up to about 20mg in total?
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