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The Big & Dandy 3-MeO-PCP Thread (Part 1)

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this shit needs to be left alone

all the problems in the literature with pcp use will come to light with this. i'm out. feeling weird and like i have been addicted to it for a while. its deceptively seductive and can make you feel like your in a cartoon. bad news long term.

worse than crack in my minds eye
well i have been eyeballing small doses but it began with tiny amounts used but i get the feeling this shit builds up in your system in a big way.

i just want a clear head and i'm going to avoid it for the future. it creeps me out how much i began to like this stuff, very dangerous given its probably quite neurotoxic. i had a holiday and was away from it and it was all i could think of to get back to, bad bad bad... very psychologically addictive.

it began very conservatively with 5mg here and there but slowly it began creeping up and you can feel it in your system for days
sounds like it maybe went from "i'm not even sure what this drug is doing" to "i gotta have itttttttt" =p

i still wanna try this stuff. i find compulsive dissociative dosing has more to do with boredom rather than anything actually physical going on in the brain.

when you're in the middle of an activity and you get that boredom pang... the "i wanna do something else" itch just force yourself to do something other than dose. read a book or take a walk or somethin.

would you guys say this is more or less compulsive than MXE? i can keep it to once a week or less on MXE... though probably once a month i'll go dose two or three days in a row...
its way more euphoric than MXE and to be honest my recent problems i think come from switching suppliers with the realisation that the latest batch i had was far more potent than the last. it does build up in your body and it makes you feel really good (think the crack of the dissociative world), but i think this addiction needs a break and i will leave it alone. binned the last of my stash as i don't trust myself and i need a fresh head and clean piss this month. god its really moreish stuff

it has a caused a few bouts of paranoia and i have felt like for the last month i have been under its influence and that i need my head to be fresh

with this drug the compulsion comes from the almost instant improvement in mood sorta like cocaine and the happy loved up motivated feeling that is more like a cocaine/methylone (in tiny doses) undertone flavour. very serotonin/dopamine/norepinephrine good feeling

the problem is you can be really high and its not that noticeable i.e. no obvious bruxism, lip licking or random complusive obsessive behaviours, and very little anxiety unless you have a bit too much while something is worrying you. feels hard on the heart

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heres one thing to keep in mind while you're fighting the urge to redose.... i haven't used this stuff, but with my MXE & DXM habituation in the past i noticed that part of why i would want to dose is because i knew the drug would take away my little aches and pains.... its very subliminal though...

dissociatives are anesthetics, and if you're numb for too long you can end up doing some funny things to your muscle groups and posture and etc.

asprin helped. mighta been placebo, but taking a few aspirin a day is probably way better than taking MXE every day.

i read somewhere that if you take an aspirin with a glass of milk once a day it reduces your risks of some diseases, including heart disease. i never noticed DXM feeling hard on the heart, but MXE sure does... i often ended up drinking a glass of milk with my aspirin. seemed to help, but might've just been the aspirin, or placebo, or.............. :)
Don't forget that Aspirin blocks your COX enzymes irreversibly. This is linked to increased risk of e.g. ulcers and gastrointestinal bleedings. Are you sure you're at immediate risk of "heart disease" (it is used in case of MCI/ischaemic stroke and the like) and need prophylactic medication for that? Otherwise consider this: daily usage of drugs (pharmaceutical or recreational) is always risky and must be carefully weighed against its benefits.
Can anyone shed some light on this for me I tryied my 3 meo with 3 friends and Iv never felt so happy like I can feel rain indoors its insane but they was laughing there heads off and I went home with my 1 mate and he was fine with me and now there texting me stuff like they want to kill me and cut me up I'm like you can't handle a little pcp you fools there like you think your soo great but I was like I did get 3 meo pcp it is the cure for everything I said if you all hate me that bad tell me to hurt damaged myself I'll do happyily and proberly enjoy to much I think I'm going to throw all my anti phycotics my olanazapine its useless to me I think 3 meo pcp makes you feel just insane happy for every xD
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^Facepalm. Another dissociative-fuelled trainwreck involving of a bunch of kids who are clearly not prepared for the intensity of such heavily mind-altering substances. EDIT: Sorry for my previously reply. What I meant to say was: if your friends are the sort of people to turn homicidally minded because they can't handle the ego-inflating power of dissociatives, they definitely should not be using them.

asprin helped. mighta been placebo, but taking a few aspirin a day is probably way better than taking MXE every day.

i read somewhere that if you take an aspirin with a glass of milk once a day it reduces your risks of some diseases, including heart disease. i never noticed DXM feeling hard on the heart, but MXE sure does... i often ended up drinking a glass of milk with my aspirin. seemed to help, but might've just been the aspirin, or placebo, or.............. :)

Although The Daily Mail tells us it's healthy to take aspirin everyday, I don't think it is. Not at all. There's always some new discovery about a drug or 'superfood' which scientists' PRs and tabloid press tell us we should all start eating everyday. At the moment, aspirin is the 'in thing'. People should do their research before blindly following the herd.

The effects of aspirin have nothing to do with heart disease, they just thin the blood and inhibit COX. There are many reasons for so-called "heart disease", and inflammation and platelet aggregation is but one small element of the whole picture. If you want to tame inflammation, you should better your diet so that you are getting a better profile of Omega fats (more Omega 3s in particular). I would much rather recommend the tried and true Gingko Biloba for general circulatory health than a modern synthetic drug like aspirin.

As is always the case, a good diet and a healthy lifestyle are the most important ways of increasing longevity and wellness. Certainly, long-term use of any pharmaceutical is bad, and though it may prevent certain undesirable things from taking place, it will upset other systems in a much worse fashion.
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Aspirin isn't good for your heart. It was just something they (the doctors) thought for short while because it's a blood thinner, so if you have blood clots it is actually good.

it's all there in wiki about aspirin.
I think I'm going to throw all my anti phycotics my olanazapine its useless to me I think 3 meo pcp makes you feel just insane happy for every xD

This really isn't a good idea, please do NOT do this, stick to the prescribed medication and don't take the 3-MeO-PCP regularly.
Can anyone shed some light on this for me I tryied my 3 meo with 3 friends and Iv never felt so happy like I can feel rain indoors its insane but they was laughing there heads off and I went home with my 1 mate and he was fine with me and now there texting me stuff like they want to kill me and cut me up I'm like you can't handle a little pcp you fools there like you think your soo great but I was like I did get 3 meo pcp it is the cure for everything I said if you all hate me that bad tell me to hurt damaged myself I'll do happyily and proberly enjoy to much I think I'm going to throw all my anti phycotics my olanazapine its useless to me I think 3 meo pcp makes you feel just insane happy for every xD

yeah it makes you very happy but also it can make you paranoid and delusional- happened to me last week, so watch it...
I'm unsure about this one. Advisable doses were around 8-10mg if I'm not mistaking? What doses are you talking about which give such euphoric effects? At 10mg insufflated I experience a pronounced form of clarity, free from anxiety or real worry. More of a state of being at ease or accepting of whatever might happen and just roll with it then real euphoria at this dose.

I'm very experienced with mxe and ketamine, both of which seem to have (far) stronger dissociative effects. This, on the other hand, leaves me fully functional and undertaking.
I had a dream I IM'd this drug last night. Never really thought too much about ordering some, and I was thinking I'd like 3-MeO-PCE more, though I really haven't done any research on either.
Hmmmmm lol
I thought it might be worth putting this here. Below is the account of a user who is notoriously somewhat reckless with RCs and decided to (deliberately) take 95mg of 3-MeO-PCP.

The person in question suffers from schizophrenia and takes antipsychotics for this. He used LSD excessively when he was younger and has experience with a large number of drugs.

What can we take out of this? I'm not sure, probably not a lot more than 3-MeO has a surprising therapeutic index. Good to know though.

Male. Early 30s Overweight - I'd guess a BMI of 28 from photos. 85kg, 170cm perhaps.
in my life i have done many bad thngs but when i did 95mg of 3meo-pcp i never want to to do a drug like this again for a long long time again.

it was like livinging my enitire lifetime time and finding that everything you realised and imagined is is true. you got to the most infinitesimal part of your brain. the very core of your life fromwhere it begang, you an see how you structured it how you created it it to what it is now and just when you think its over and you'e tortutred yourself enough, your mind is completely and utterrly unturned, untwisted and it repells all the darkness and dimnesss that you may gave felt and it took me to the the brink of my mind, of my sanity, of the dge of existence when ntohing else coudl exist jut thoguhts and pattenrs. even then they were being accumulated anot being processed. jus tideas being thrown around. i thought I had everythign figured out in my head, thought that you guys had everything figured out in your heads. it burns you inside and out.

it's like seeing the blueprint of your existence and where you've come so far, and how far you;ve beeen, and then having these thoguhts seared into your brain through the use of a hot iron rod burned intot be brain like they do cattle branding. i feeel i have melted and frazzled my brain and turned it into jelly then remoulded it, and reconstructed it so alll the crap has been taken out with the garbage

jave ver taeket drg tjt as swarpedand bendidedd mh mind the the way 3meo jas necase iy is tje esssece of lfeiin s ntttltttleemy mindit ihas frazzzled adn droken me ne it has the bunt em ub unsudne iand iut siside side and my bdu is o fire fire the inteintityt eryt aboutiti ahsa tit melted my brain it javenvereder had druvgdo that to dthat to me before before.i think it i amdon with all tej drugs tjri hjave eiveever doem necaussthis os inethie he fmos fconcsfjsinffhunfnfnjn876677788899000093:05

ok guys i', trying tring write this as honestly asnd and openly as possibble. my brain ha sbeenfried beyond belief, but no tiwhout success. i have relived, and reinvigigorated amy memories from when i was a child. you have no understanding of how valuable these memories are to me especialy since i re lived them. i reacquainted with my dead friends, my old friends, my forgottten friends.. my brain still feeels frazzled. all nihgt i went on a 3-meo-pcp bender and must have cried half the night thinking i was some kinda failure, and thne spent the other half of the night laughing and cheering like i was a kid again. i have never laughed so much in my life, and never like when i was a child again. it's such a beautiful morning and that's not something i say often. i often look at the world with "another day survivvied". i twas the mos tmazing and intoxicating exeriencing of my life. nothing, nothing in my life has ever been like this. no teven with lsd.

i was remembering old foootball matches that i would watch as child on tv on my uncles 80s phillips colour television. even the matches that i saw in black and white were in colour thank to to some re-enactment from diferent peple i have met in my life playing as actors in my real life as important people. i had coloured them in thanks to phoptoshop techniques in my brain. my pooor,wonderful, nbeautiful brain that has been abusd soo so so smuch and i will nevere vere abusit like this again. but for once all tghe "dead" receptors were reawakened that had been numbed by antipsychotic medication and SSRIs. what was once in dull, maude colour, i s now in bright white and elecgtryfying colour.


i feel reborn, reawakened, reenglightened, renewed and refreshed. it's like a i had blank slate all my life, and there was no colour in my brain, na nowthat slate has been written with scribbles, and dooodles, and notes and memoeoriesand references that seem from time ago, thingsi never considered, optiononed or remembered. but i have a life, i hve hada life, an exicting a collourfulone and one that has been dulll ed by htese fucking antispychs and SSRIs. I have been reawakeneed almost you could say..

my body is still tinglinging with electrcitity the likes and pains i've never felt before like m whole body has bs been retuned to rebooot me, and make me capture my life better. to make best of what few years i have left. to feel sympathy,empathy, remorse, and regret. it's fucking beautiful and wonderful. i thought i had died so many times. bu ti was just the journey. i thought the trip had ended when i sat on the shittter and couldnt squeeze one out with any effort, but realised it was simply a phase of the trip i had to make. a journey, a mountain i had to climb to get to where i am right now. i feeel like jesuss and i shold be giving a sermon on what is light and the power of god or whatever, but i wont,because i dont need to. i still dont believe in god, bu thtere is somthing outhere that loves me so much that its willlling to let me fry my brain and hope i reorder and retore my life the way i want it it to be.

i slept like a fuckingbaby, bu ti tripped for like 9 hours of my life. i haventgcvered everythign i havent mentionedverythign but i hope you see that 3-meo-pcpis fuckign magical, ownderful and specialand should not be abused. i'll try and right mor eclear thoughts later when i've rested, sleeeping is one thing but my brain needs rest right now. seriously. it's like the second coming of me.
^hmmmm.... its a complex thing posting such positive reports of extremely reckless drug use. Not that I don't think people should be able to have access to such information, but he definitely could have died. Although I can relate to extreme dissociation providing the mind with a blank slate, but it can also leave one quite scrambled. I ODed on DXM at 3500mg once, felt so amazing and reborn for a week afterwards, similar to what is described here. But then it wore off and I got the rebound depression, felt like total hell for a very long time.

This chemical seems to be more and more widely available and getting into the hands of many uninformed, irresponsible and very young people. I consider myself well informed and I can still get myself into trouble with chemicals like this! Methoxetamine can be somewhat dangerous but this is on a whole new level. Not that I don't think people should be able to explore it, but I would be pretty concerned if I were a vendor distributing large amounts of this stuff.
I would like it if there were strict regulations restricting access and ensuring that nothing needed to be done by the user save taking the drug.

Sadly we're a little way from a regulated market for recreational drugs and in lieu of that I think the best we can do is educate.

If the inexperienced are going to mess with this, they will probably do it regardless of whether there are such reports, and I think this information being out there can be useful, if only to reassure people who've made mistakes that they're probably not going to die.
This is a funny old thing isn't it. I've had a few days huffing up a few mg at a time. I was very cautious to start but then felt that I wasn't getting any of the WILD stuff that I associate (dissociate) with MXE and am still not sure quite what you DO get. Most recently I orally mixed about 10mg of meo-pcp with about 100mg of 6-apb (followed by a few small lines of meo-pcp). I certainly felt full of juice, but hardly any dissociative stuff though later I noticed when I lay down and listened to a radio play I could immerse myself quite fully so I wonder if its a substance that rewards a bit of introspection...

It's not MXE though is it!
Okey, a few days ago i dissolved 200 mgs of 3-meo-pcp in 10ml saline water with benzyl alcohol as a preservative. now, two days later, crystals are forming at the bottom. i'm interpeting this as a sign that a) the solution is to saturated, b) its precipitated due to the solution being colder over a long time. Does anyone have any clues as to why this is happening? btw, its hydrobromide.
Did you apply heat to get it into solution? Don't know its solubility but you could try adding more of your saline water/BzOH mix to redissolve, as 20 mg/ml is perhaps already over the saturation mark (3-MeO-PCP has lots of hydrophobic surface around the charged nitrogen).

Your interpretations are both very reasonable and subsume to the fact that solubility varies with temperature, oftentimes saturation concentration rises with increasing temperature.
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