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☛ Official ☚ The Big & Dandy 25I-NBOMe Thread - 4th Instance

My advice is don't feed your cat drugs. It's animal cruelty. Or if you're talking about yourself, talk about yourself.
ok ze cat was me

My advice is don't feed your cat drugs. It's animal cruelty. Or if you're talking about yourself, talk about yourself.

as he said. but still. i want to know if anyone else has done 1.8ug and experience discomfort?
1.8ug? What? If you mean mg then yeah it's not uncommon at all, the coldness comes from vasoconstriction probably. With this chem I feel safe up to 1.2-1.5mg, now that doesn't translate to what's safe for you, but at least don't take 1.8mg doses again. Maybe if you supplement with magnesium then you can go higher with your doses, but please only up your dose in ~200ug increments from the highest dose you felt was safe.
yeah! thanks and i agree that from now on i'll only be redosing in 200ug... going from 1.2 - 1.8ug was.. OMG THIS IS KILLING ME...i was so anxious, ate a benzo.. and probably all my food for the week
Tried this at a festival on the weekend, this has to be mw new favourite drug, incredible euphoria, stimulation and visuals, I dosed 1mg for my first experience and it felt groovy, no nausea that im accustomed to with 2c-b, 2c-e, 2c-i etc.
This was in no way comparable to 2C-I in fact for me it felt alot more like acid and the visuals were more acid like as well.
Cant wait to try 25B + C now! :p
Ive IVd 25i and 25g mainly for the reason I believe it to be the most accurate way to dose and possibly the safest. I get to do my own prep, my own maths and when done properly is very accuratly measured by a syringe. This way I get an exact dose and there is no waiting time potentially saving me from an uncssicarly re-dose. Ive bought blotters of 25b and 25c and there is so much 'unknown' factors of someone preparing my dose for me. Also must say doses were always titrated and with proper injection techniques I believe to be a safe and accurate roa although I don not recommend people do it.
I cannot believe the amount of haters on this website for 25i. I joined this website after months of reading just so I could let off some steam about this drug. I am gonna educate those who do not know what they are talking about, or are just prejudiced because its an RC.

1. (ITS NOT SAFE) everyone who has died on it either had an allergic reaction to it or died because they fell off a cliff or ran into a telephone pole repeatedly. Either way they were too stupid to go through a reputable dealer and do a threshold dose their first time. There is an alcohol related fatality like every 6 minutes or something. Give me a break. Anyone who does drugs and doesn't take precautions is doomed anyway.

2. (IT TASTES TERRIBLE AND MAKES ME NAUTIOUS) Boo-freakin-who. There is not a single serotonin receptor agonist that tastes like gum drops. If you like that kind of drug then you gotta man up. If you absolutely need to tuck it to do a drug then boof it, slam it, insufflate, parachute it, whatever. Ever snort MDMA? No one complains about the acrid shoots of lemon and salt that drip down the back of your throat, that make everyone vomit, but a cheaper drug that does more with less body load and everyone wants to cry about it.

3. (LAW ENFORCEMENT) I have two buddies went to a dead show and got 20 years for 2 sugar cubes with acid in them. NBO is only illegal if tried as an analog and to date there is only 2 people who went to jail because they gave it to someone and they died. That means you can buy it, possess it, do it, you just cant sell enough to piss off the fed. That's a no brainer. All hallucinogenic drugs are schedule 1 in the US. NBO is not.

4. (THE TRIP) Is super clean, and most people only get sick if they haven't eaten that day. Great OEV and CEV, powerful auditory, the mdma euphoria... The list goes on. But you haters wanna knock it.



strong open and closed eye visuals, including trails, color shifts, brightening, etc.
mood lift
mental and physical stimulation
increase in associative & creative thinking
increased awareness & appreciation of music
life-changing spiritual experiences
erotic, sexual thoughts and sensations
feelings of love and empathy


general change in consciousness
pupil dilation
difficulty focusing
unusual body sensations (facial flushing, chills, goosebumps, body energy)
change in perception of time, time dilation
slight increase in heart rate
yawning, especially when coming up
does not suppress appetite


(likelihood of negative side effects increases with higher doses)
scrambled communication
looping, recursive, out of control thinking
paranoia, fear, and panic
unwanted and overwhelming feelings
unwanted life-changing spiritual experiences
Vasoconstriction, peripheral numbness, swelling of feet, hands, face

the list is half as long as most other party drugs. Plus because the schedule debate is up right now there is a lot of new data suggesting that this drug is a permanent cure for chronic depression, non physical erectile dysfunction, arthritis, rheumatism, schizophrenia, and more findings emerge every day.[citation needed] How much testing do you think was done on acid before people accepted it as a festival drug and not an RC? MDMA was a mood stabilizer prescribed by doctors for 10 years before it became schedule 1. It had seen a lot of use since the 80's and we just in the last decade figured out it was super bad for you. If you think drugs are bad and they will mess you up then don't do them, but if you are smart and do your do diligence you will realize that the only effect this chemical has on your body chemistry-wise is acting as a powerful agonist on the most important receptor in your brain for human wellness. This stuff makes you a happier person plain an simple, that's a fact. It is not going to give you tumors or tear apart your DNA, or give you cancer.

In summation:

I absolutely love this drug. There is nothing else like it out there if you dig hallucinogens. It is ridiculously cheap (no price discussion), last the right amount of time, you can eat, sleep, and screw on it. It is non-addictive, not illegal, widely available in all forms, and has more health benefits than negatives.[citation needed] Plus because it is a Phenethylamine it is absolutely perfect for candy-flipping. This is the perfect party hallucinogen. I don't get down really with the religious experiences with it, that's not what I use it for. That is reserved for mushrooms, but it is a good drug to party on. If you haven't tried it, do, at least once. If you have and you didn't like it, don't be objective, relate the whole experience.

I will give you the perfect recipe for awesomeness:
No drug suggestions, especially if your tolerance makes you suggest unreasonably high dosages.

Also, for all of you who said you got it at a festival, its advertised as doses, not acid, plus there is soo much bunk at shows, just be greatfull you got to trip face and listen to music with friends and family. All Praise Cowboy and Gypsy.
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I cannot believe the amount of haters on this website for 25i. I joined this website after months of reading just so I could let off some steam about this drug. I am gonna educate those who do not know what they are talking about, or are just prejudiced because its an RC.
1. (ITS NOT SAFE) everyone who has died on it either had an allergic reaction to it or died because they fell off a cliff or ran into a telephone pole repeatedly. Either way they were too stupid to go through a reputable dealer and do a threshold dose their first time. There is an alcohol related fatality like every 6 minutes or something. Give me a break. Anyone who does drugs and doesn't take precautions is doomed anyway.

2. (IT TASTES TERRIBLE AND MAKES ME NAUTIOUS) Boo-freakin-who. There is not a single serotonin receptor agonist that tastes like gum drops. If you like that kind of drug then you gotta man up. If you absolutely need to tuck it to do a drug then boof it, slam it, insufflate, parachute it, whatever. Ever snort MDMA? No one complains about the acrid shoots of lemon and salt that drip down the back of your throat, that make everyone vomit, but a cheaper drug that does more with less body load and everyone wants to cry about it.

3. (LAW ENFORCEMENT) I have two buddies went to a dead show and got 20 years for 2 sugar cubes with acid in them. NBO is only illegal if tried as an analog and to date there is only 2 people who went to jail because they gave it to someone and they died. That means you can buy it, possess it, do it, you just cant sell enough to piss off the fed. That's a no brainer. All hallucinogenic drugs are schedule 1 in the US. NBO is not.

4. (THE TRIP) Is super clean, and most people only get sick if they haven't eaten that day. Great OEV and CEV, powerful auditory, the mdma euphoria... The list goes on. But you haters wanna knock it.



strong open and closed eye visuals, including trails, color shifts, brightening, etc.
mood lift
mental and physical stimulation
increase in associative & creative thinking
increased awareness & appreciation of music
life-changing spiritual experiences
erotic, sexual thoughts and sensations
feelings of love and empathy


general change in consciousness
pupil dilation
difficulty focusing
unusual body sensations (facial flushing, chills, goosebumps, body energy)
change in perception of time, time dilation
slight increase in heart rate
yawning, especially when coming up
does not suppress appetite


(likelihood of negative side effects increases with higher doses)
scrambled communication
looping, recursive, out of control thinking
paranoia, fear, and panic
unwanted and overwhelming feelings
unwanted life-changing spiritual experiences
Vasoconstriction, peripheral numbness, swelling of feet, hands, face

the list is half as long as most other party drugs. Plus because the schedule debate is up right now there is a lot of new data suggesting that this drug is a permanent cure for chronic depression, non physical erectile dysfunction, arthritis, rheumatism, schizophrenia, and more findings emerge every day. How much testing do you think was done on acid before people accepted it as a festival drug and not an RC? MDMA was a mood stabilizer prescribed by doctors for 10 years before it became schedule 1. It had seen a lot of use since the 80's and we just in the last decade figured out it was super bad for you. If you think drugs are bad and they will mess you up then don't do them, but if you are smart and do your do diligence you will realize that the only effect this chemical has on your body chemistry-wise is acting as a powerful agonist on the most important receptor in your brain for human wellness. This stuff makes you a happier person plain an simple, that's a fact. It is not going to give you tumors or tear apart your DNA, or give you cancer.

In summation:

I absolutely love this drug. There is nothing else like it out there if you dig hallucinogens. It is ridiculously cheap ($0.33 a hit), last the right amount of time, you can eat, sleep, and screw on it. It is non-addictive, not illegal, widely available in all forms, and has more health benefits than negatives. Plus because it is a Phenethylamine it is absolutely perfect for candy-flipping. This is the perfect party hallucinogen. I don't get down really with the religious experiences with it, that's not what I use it for. That is reserved for mushrooms, but it is a good drug to party on. If you haven't tried it, do, at least once. If you have and you didn't like it, don't be objective, relate the whole experience.

I will give you the perfect recipe for awesomeness

5MG of 25I-NBOme
300MG of MDMA
40MG of methamphetamine
10MG of heroine

Due diligence! Doing a tiny bit of heroine and meth a few times a year with a hallucinogen will not turn you into a junky or a crank head. But it amplifies euphoria to the 50th power. It will blow your doors off!

Also, for all of you who said you got it at a festival, its advertised as doses, not acid, plus there is soo much bunk at shows, just be greatfull you got to trip face and listen to music with friends and family. All Praise Cowboy and Gypsy.

I don't like it cuz it feels like I'm frying my brain when I do it. Especially with that stupid combo you said. No way am I combining 25I with meth, they already feel too similar.
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^ Same. Way brain fry and stimulation and agree that combo is just nonsense and dangerous. Omg I'm imagining 5mg of 25I right now.

Littlebear13"but if you are smart and do your do diligence you will realize that the only effect this chemical has on your body chemistry-wise is acting as a powerful agonist on the most important receptor in your brain for human wellness. This stuff makes you a happier person plain an simple, that's a fact. It is not going to give you tumors or tear apart your DNA, or give you cancer."

littlebear13, is it really that smart??? To affect your body with powerful agonists of as you say the most important receptor for human wellness that you also said of "NBO is only illegal if tried as an analog and to date there is only 2 people who went to jail because they gave it to someone and they died." Just because it's not illegal yet doesn't make it safe. Especially at doses you suggested.

Thanks for the education. I dont hate Rc's, in fact I love a lot of them.
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getting some of this stuff soon, only experience was some blotters that were supposed to be lsd a year ago. its powder form and ive seen people talk about diluting it with vodka or taking it orally/sub. any rec's for a starting dose and easiest way to not OD haha
Dissolve your weighed substance in a known quantity of vodka, figure out how much you have per ml and then dose accordingly (start with 500ug, work your way up in increments of 200ug) As for the ROA, you can either dose sublingually or nasally, just eating a bunch doesn't work. Sublingual is better because there's a smaller chance of side-effects, but it's just a very annoying ROA as you don't want your NBOMe to end up in your stomach and you can't be sure how much you actually absorbed. Nasal is better in that respect, as you just squirt a bit of the solution in your nose. If you go for that latter, the concentration of your solution can't be too high (I have 2.5mg/ml, so that each 0.1ml has 250ug in it) because if you have too much, most of it will drip down in to your stomach. For all of this you need something that can accurately measure small volumes of water, like an oral syringe or something.

If you need any help, there's the thread I've linked to. If not, then we're here :)
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I have a liquid solution of this that is 10mg/ml. I have a spray that releases 0.10ml per spray. (its a medical nasal spray applicator so pretty reliable). While the nasal spray is very quick an efficient, it just irritates my nose too much. I have ended up just praying it under my tongue an holding it for around 20 minutes. While this takes longer and is more inconvenient, this has been the better option than ending up with red eyes and a runny nose for the next few hours.

I wonder if this irritates any one elses nose as much as mine. Its in a water complexed solution not alcohol.
How does the vasoconstriction compare on low and high doses? I took roughly 1/4 of a 1mg complexed blotter earlier today, not expecting anything (just a testing dose). It had much more effects than I'd expected, I even got slight visuals (which is even more impressive considering my huge dose of 2C-E 3 days ago). The vasoconstriction was noticeable too, though and while it wasn't all that bad, I'm a little worried how much it'll increase if I'd take a whole blotter. Will it get a lot worse, or just slightly?

Will be taking the other 3/4 blotter (so ~750mg), in about two and a half weeks, before I move on to the 1mg, but still I'd like to know a little better what to expect. Usually I like to jump into the deep end with a drug right away, but with 25i causing all theses deaths (or at least, that's how it seems to me) I'm proceeding carefully with this one. The main reason I'm giving it a chance is that it's so unbelievably cheap, although visuals without too much of a mindfuck sounds attractive too.
I have a liquid solution of this that is 10mg/ml. I have a spray that releases 0.10ml per spray. (its a medical nasal spray applicator so pretty reliable). While the nasal spray is very quick an efficient, it just irritates my nose too much. I have ended up just praying it under my tongue an holding it for around 20 minutes. While this takes longer and is more inconvenient, this has been the better option than ending up with red eyes and a runny nose for the next few hours.

I wonder if this irritates any one elses nose as much as mine. Its in a water complexed solution not alcohol.

what is in you water 'complexed' with that keeps it from being attacked by micro organisms? We tend to recommend alcohol because it not only dissolves it protects from airborn infection.

10mg of product to 1mg of liquid is quite dense, even for a good ethanol solution. If .10 ml of spray contains 1 mg of material, you should not be putting it up your nose.

just my advice.
How does the vasoconstriction compare on low and high doses? I took roughly 1/4 of a 1mg complexed blotter earlier today, not expecting anything (just a testing dose). It had much more effects than I'd expected, I even got slight visuals (which is even more impressive considering my huge dose of 2C-E 3 days ago). The vasoconstriction was noticeable too, though and while it wasn't all that bad, I'm a little worried how much it'll increase if I'd take a whole blotter. Will it get a lot worse, or just slightly?

Will be taking the other 3/4 blotter (so ~750mg), in about two and a half weeks, before I move on to the 1mg, but still I'd like to know a little better what to expect. Usually I like to jump into the deep end with a drug right away, but with 25i causing all theses deaths (or at least, that's how it seems to me) I'm proceeding carefully with this one. The main reason I'm giving it a chance is that it's so unbelievably cheap, although visuals without too much of a mindfuck sounds attractive too.

It shouldn't cause you any dangerous physical problems but I don't know how you react to it! The fact you had such strong effects off of 250 mcg is strange though.
10mg of product to 1mg of liquid is quite dense, even for a good ethanol solution. If .10 ml of spray contains 1 mg of material, you should not be putting it up your nose.

just my advice.

Why not? What difference does the concentration make? If anything the denser the better for putting up your nose as you don't have to worry about leakage, and for me personally .1ml was about the threshold at which my nose could retain the liquid.
I have mine dissolved in 0.5mg/0.1mL of ethanol. Works fantastically for nasal administration. Burns like a bitch for about a minute. I'm curious if I added lidocaine HCl to the solution if that would help. Problem is that I can only add about 10mg/0.1mL to the solution without worrying about either substance falling out of the solution. Would 10mg per dose be enough lidocaine to numb the burning?
In his paper about NBOMe's Casale is talking about 3 different types of for example 25B-NBOMe.

John F. Casale*, Patrick A. Hays - Characterization of Eleven 2,5-Dimethoxy-N-(2-methoxybenzyl)phenethylamine (NBOMe) Derivatives and Differentiation from their 3- and 4-Methoxybenzyl Analogues - Part I

He is talking about 25B-NB2OMe, 25B-NB3OMe, and 25B-NB4OMe. Does anybody have any idea if these have different effects? Which one is on the market? And how come nobody else is talking about the different types?
None of these analogues are on the market AFAIK. NB2OMe is what we have right now, where the others have that same bit which makes them an NBOMe at a different position (if you didn't guess it by now, my knowledge of chemistry is quite limited)