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The Big and Dandy NBOMe-2C-C (25C-NBOMe) Thread

Ok so I tried combining this with 5-APB and it was pretty amazing. One and a half blotters (525 ug) of the 25C were taken sublingually and 100mg of 5-APB were taken at pretty much the same time.

The come up was intense! Felt quite nauseous and did struggle a little to keep stomach contents down. This was probably more down to the 5-APB though. After about an hour or so it all really kicked in, definitely tripping quite a lot. Visuals were great, morphing, colours changing etc. Could just sit and stare at things and the depth of everything was stunning. It felt akin to a single dose acid trip with additional waves of euphoria and buzzing sensations. Very nice.

I mixed in a fair bit of nitrous as well later which was absolutely tremendous!
Oh! I also combined it with mushrooms and nitrous once. 350 ug / 2g shrooms and two balloons, was fun but not a great experience 'cuz I was missing this girl...
If you wanna go on psy-party i recommend 25c-nbome mixed with 2c-i. I tried 750ug 25c-nbome with 25mg 2c-i and this is one of my favourites combo%)
Oh! I also combined it with mushrooms and nitrous once. 350 ug / 2g shrooms and two balloons, was fun but not a great experience 'cuz I was missing this girl...

If you wanna go on psy-party i recommend 25c-nbome mixed with 2c-i. I tried 750ug 25c-nbome with 25mg 2c-i and this is one of my favourites combo%)

could you tell much of a difference from that amount of 25C alone? i'd assume the high affinity at 5HT2a would negate most of the effects of other serotonergic psychedelics.

Ok so I tried combining this with 5-APB and it was pretty amazing. One and a half blotters (525 ug) of the 25C were taken sublingually and 100mg of 5-APB were taken at pretty much the same time.

The come up was intense! Felt quite nauseous and did struggle a little to keep stomach contents down. This was probably more down to the 5-APB though. After about an hour or so it all really kicked in, definitely tripping quite a lot. Visuals were great, morphing, colours changing etc. Could just sit and stare at things and the depth of everything was stunning. It felt akin to a single dose acid trip with additional waves of euphoria and buzzing sensations. Very nice.

I mixed in a fair bit of nitrous as well later which was absolutely tremendous!

Did your heartbeat ever get noticeably high? Did you have any headaches or other untoward physical symptoms?
Finally got to dose this last weekend via insuffilation or placement I guess of it in a half h20 half ethanol solution into the nasal cavity.

The high I found was very much like acid in feel however it was almost as if unless you were focusing on the high you did not realize how high you were, very lucid but at the same time many color enhancement or visual enhancements. Not to many of the standard acid visuals but def some morphing of larger areas of objects such as the grass in a park and clouds. Will have to up the dose and see where it goes.
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could you tell much of a difference from that amount of 25C alone? i'd assume the high affinity at 5HT2a would negate most of the effects of other serotonergic psychedelics
25c-nbome alone is light psychedelic, light visual, much euphoric compound.
Mixed with 2c-i is also light psychedelic, but great for parties. Strong dose of stimulation, beautifull visuals (in dose 750ug 25c-nbome and 25mg 2c-i), great music enhance, more euphoria. Just to dance and have fun. Personally I can't imagine the possibility of catching any bad trip in the mix.
I am disapointed that, despite placing an order many weeks ago, I have not recieved anything. A UK supplier who shall remain unamed, has failed me. They took weeks to confirm reciept of payment, ingored most of my emails (once I'd payed of course & have STILL failed to deliver. I've been very patient but I think I've been done!

That's great or terrible or whatever but doesn't really have much to do with the use of NBOMe 2C-C does it?

Better suited for a vendor board......
That's great or terrible or whatever but doesn't really have much to do with the use of NBOMe 2C-C does it?

Better suited for a vendor board......

anyone else planning a UK based purchase might think twice, does that not relate to it's use?

Still, thanks for your kind words.
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I just read the thread and Solipsis' idea with a carrier sounds pretty good.

I was thinking if I could use a powder, which is slightly hygroscopic as long as I use a desiccant?
And could i use vodka (37% ) in this process, or is IPA/higher grade ethanol necessary?
quick question...

worrying about a carrier powder being hygroscopic would only matter if you plan on storing the dried out "hit" for some time right? if you just want to dry it out then ingest it quickly there shouldn't be a problem right?
Someguy: correct, but whether you put your 25C-NBOMe 'on' that hygroscopic carrier or just have to store that carrier in a dry way until the time that you want to apply it then quickly ingest is the same, right? In both cases you have to keep your carrier from becoming a gooey mess. So considering that I would personally prepare a few doses at once so that you don't have to do it every single time.
It does matter if you do let your carrier become wet and have to dry it out before applying your single dose. That is indeed also possible, you may dry some powders with heat if you don't have a dessicant though other powders are sensitive to heat. (FYI some dessicants can be 'recharged' with heat). Depending on the type of dessicant you might have, some dessicants are just too weakly hygroscopic themselves to pull out the water from another hydrated hygroscopic compound.

So Mitchi: if you use vodka I would not use a hygroscopic carrier because it might very well be a disaster to get it completely dry beyond a certain point. You don't wanna heat the shit out of 25C-NBOMe either and the dessicant you might have is possibly not powerful enough. If you have compounds on hand already that you plan on using it is simple: test it! See if you can get your carrier dry after it has been entirely wet with water or vodka. If not it is not suited because wet stuff cannot be weighed accurately if you don't know how much water is in it.

The best of course is to just get yourself a non-hygroscopic carrier, or one that is only mildly hygroscopic when exposed chronically but you should just store that properly like you would a 4-HO tryptamine for instance.
It's not very convenient that way, at least I would not put too much of my 25X-NBOMe compound on such a carrier at the risk that it will be irreversibly messed up.

Make sure you take the precautions against local concentrations of the NBOMe, you want to be certain it is all mixed well, make it homogeneous. Because using this 'tek' the wrong way is potentially dangerous and I demonstrated what I did myself but still have not tested. I feel confident about it the way I did it. But all of these things I really had to say to make it clear.

Not that I have to explain myself but I am in a pretty long period of not tripping right now and am also discontinuing other drug use, otherwise I would have been happy to try 25C in the blink of an eye already for sure. :D
Thanks for the input, it's much appreciated.
I'll find something non-hygroscopic. Maybe vanilla? such a great odor it has :)
I don't think it's hygroscopic, but my gut feeling makes me opposed to mixtures instead of pure compounds - must just be the chemist in me but it increases the chance that there at least one of them that disagrees with the way you might turn out to handle it.
What's more important: I'm not sure if vanilla powder completely dissolves in water. It should, to carry something through the mucous membrane into the bloodstream effectively.

Rather than the kitchen cabinets I would keep my eye on shops that carry pure supplements as powders and see if something is among the products there. Or body building websites, etc.
Often they have a number of sugars as well, such as dextrose. I'm not entirely sure at this moment about how suited dextrose is and you probably shouldn't snort normal sugar either by the way, but some similar carbohydrates might be suitable. Choose powder though, no granulate.
I have heard suggestion of creatine, again a body building compound. Haven't researched how okay snorting that is exactly.
I've used destrose, it works well and is not hygroscopic. Not at all unpleasant to insufflate.
Like I said avoid crystals or granulate and choose powder, but other than that I can't think of a reason why any normal sweetener / sugar / carbohydrate would be a problem. Unless you're a diabetic ;)

This doesn't include the truly artificial ones like aspartame, but glucose (I don't think you will find this too often as a powder?), saccharose, dextrose, mannose, fructose... I can't think of something bad they would do. Of course they affect your blood sugar levels and are not all equally healthy, but not corrosive or anything.

Polyoles don't seem ideal to me but still not dangerous. In fact I just read that they are among the types of things usually found as cuts in drugs like coke.

Things coke is also cut with are phenacetin (bad for kidneys!), levamisol, lactose (solubility not ideal I'd say?), benzocaine and lidocaine (actually technically these are laces and we do not want those as a carrier) - but these are all things NOT to use, as examples.

I think we can conclude that it's best just to go for the sugars and NOT try to make it too fancy, neither resort to the most dubious of things because they are lying around the house and you are lazy. :)
2c-c-nbome on blotter... Any other possible ROAs than sublingual?

550 mgc of 2c-c nbome on blotter.. is the any other routes one can use to
increase potency without effecting the amount on the blotter??