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The Big and Dandy LSD/Acid Questions Thread III- 'The Bicycle Trip'

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^Hmm, I used to get earth shattering, tear jerking euphoria from LSD- of an intensity completely overwhelming away anything MDMA ever offerred me, yet that feeling has largely left. Now I'm like some analytical robot/calculating device that can't stop seeing rather silly and probably completely delusional "connections" between everything if I drop acid. I feel incapable of communicating anything of worth, it all feels like the same stupid thing which means fuck all. The come-up on LSD at least can be tremendous, but more often then not I'm left wanting. That is just my experience howevear.
The first time I tried acid I was actually suprised abouth the huge euphoria kick I got. I guess I lost control of my giggling :D
The second time was actually not a very god setting, so that was not that fun...

I think maybe it's related to set and setting. If everything is right, good acid will probably make you a happy person!
Ptah said:
"The Magic goes away..."

True but a good long break restores it as well., IME. :)

Perhaps even a break of a few years.:(
Well, I bought a tab of acid today. My friend says it's two hits on one tab, but I have a feeling he just said that to jack up the price, and it's actually one hit.

And the tab I have is weird. It's a small rectangular white piece of paper (well, it's not quite paper, seems to have a different texture). Only about 1/2 long, and maybe 1/4in wide. Much smaller than I've seen acid in pictures.

And I've decided that I'm probably not going to take it by myself. In fact, I have no idea when I'll take it. Might not be for months. When stored correctly, lsd essentially last forever, right?
1/2 x 1/4in *is* probably 2 hits (1 hit of this kind of stuff is 1/4x1/4in), and it sounds like you are describing the good white on white that has been around (of course there are lookalikes that are not so good but chances are you have some good L there).

re storage - wrap first in saran wrap, then tinfoil, then saran wrap again, then place in a prescription container, then place the prescription container in your freezer.
B9 said:
True but a good long break restores it as well., IME. :)

Perhaps even a break of a few years.:(
So? It's not like it isn't worth it is it?

I haven't done LSD in a very very long time.
I'm looking forward to the day that will actually be THE day.
Don't know which day that will be though.
I think there is a very fine line that has to be walked between loss of magic and breaking through. If you do not trip very frequently you can easily be overwhelmed by the intensity of the experience and the difference from ordinary reality, and can't really process all that is going on. If you trip too frequently, not only can the experience potentially lose it's magic (not to mention you can get spun way the fuck out such as not to be able to function in ordinary life). Deriving the most benefit from psychedelics, I believe, necessitates logging enough hours under the influence, but not delving into strictly recreational ab/use or "fuck it, I'll dose this weekend just for shits 'n giggles."
Has anyone ever dropped any L that took 3 hours to take feel anything at all?
I don't think I've ever taken L and not started to feel the "strangeness" set in within 30-45 minutes and be truly tripping within 60-90. People's chemistry and people's gear vary, of course, but 3 hours is ridiculous. I'd be thinking RC.
SomeKindaLove said:
1/2 x 1/4in *is* probably 2 hits (1 hit of this kind of stuff is 1/4x1/4in), and it sounds like you are describing the good white on white that has been around (of course there are lookalikes that are not so good but chances are you have some good L there).

re storage - wrap first in saran wrap, then tinfoil, then saran wrap again, then place in a prescription container, then place the prescription container in your freezer.
I'm just guessing on the dimensions. I'll get a pic next to a ruler tomorrow.
Got it at a show at my friend and I both took it. We felt nothing the entire show and on the drive home were talking about how it was prbly fake.

Then while hanging out once getting home, we both starting tripping at the same time. Things breathing, trails, etc.

I went to sleep an hour after things started to get weird though because I was really drunk/stoned/tired so i dont know if things would have gotten intense after that.

I don't know what RC is :(

2nd edit. OH! research chem!
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^ definitely sounds like not LSD in terms of the long onset. But if it was a long-acting DOx you would've been tripping when you woke up. In the first place though what is particularly striking to me is that you were able to sleep! Strange. I know a few people who are able to sleep on psychs but I certainly am not one of them. Unless, I suppose, you were consuming a large amount of other drugs. I think the other drugs in the picture probably play a big role here.
sorry! I had the edit screen up a long time because I started playing with my dog.

see new post. :)
I added some links to each version of this thread so you can easily go back and forth between older archived threads.
Hooray for Hoffman's Finest

Here's to the Swiss studies on LSD assisted psychotherapy!



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^Sorry dude; if I can I'll drop a ten strip in your honour ;) Thanks for adding the links Xorkoth, I told you that place is like a minefield filled with snaked for me....
Prea said:
I'm just guessing on the dimensions. I'll get a pic next to a ruler tomorrow.
So guys, here's the pic. It's actually smaller than I guessed (I'm pretty bad at guessing dimensions)
Two questions: 1. Does this even look like a tab? I've never seen pictures of tabs like this.
2. Would you guys guess that this is most likely 1 hit, rather than 2? (The dude sold it to me saying it was 2, but I have a feeling he lied about that)
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