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The Big and Dandy Ketamine Thread (Archived start - 11-20-07)

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I understand that alcohol and K should never mix, I learned this first hand when my sensei almost died in the toilet while he puked for hours.

Yeah, because of the not being aware of things going it's easy to start vomiting and not being aware of it, which results in aspirating vomit (even possibly choking on it)
Earlier today, I had by far my best experience with ketamine yet and another attempt at "ketaprogramming" my human biocomputer. :)

The dose was ~40mg (insufflated) followed by two supplementary doses of ~15 each, approximately 15 minutes apart for a total of ~70mg.

Initially, there wasn't much difference from previous trials, but I did find that I was more able to function normally if I wished to. I listened to pleasant music (instrumental) and enjoyed that for a while.

Then I listened to the affirmation/programming script I had prepared earlier by editing an existing program I had that was designed for sleep programming. This program was for learning acceleration. I don't want to get into anything too metaphysical just yet...

While I listened to the audio while meditating with eyes closed, I found my altered state deepened significantly. With eyes closed I felt as though I was in my own mental world. I was still vaguely aware of my body and could snap out of the state at will, but it was an extremely pleasant state. There was a distinct entheogenic quality that had previously escaped me. I felt as though these substances don't "generate" the divine within, they merely clear the path for whats already present to emerge and ketamine can 'ketalyse' these states with the best of them.

I feel as though ketamine could be an extremely potent meditation aid for me, especially as I'm easily distracted by body sensations and mental chatter. This was the deepest state of mental clarity I have ever experienced while meditating. Whenever I try to meditate on a classic psychedelic, I'm always fearful for some reason, but not with ketamine.

The most interesting part, was that all of the other physical effects had worn off but this mental state remained, and it seemed like it could be maintained well after the k wore off, if I wished it too. This supports the idea that this state was facilitated by the material, not caused by it. There was a brief moment of alarm, as somatically I was almost back to baseline, but mentally still quite pleasantly "altered".

The AD effects were also extremely noticeable. Its as if so much mental baggage was burned away. My mind and thoughts are so much clearer and positively oriented after taking ketamine and this effect persists for some time. I've had a long history of pessimism and negativity in my life and have tried countless remedies and nothing has been remotely as effective.

For some people, I don't think that 'depression' is caused by a lack of serotonin as the common thinking goes, but more an overabundance of glutamate. There could be many reasons for this. Glutamate levels are directly tied to stress, which modern life is full of. This could be a primary factor but there could also be some secondary dietary links due to the increasing use of MSG and I was shocked to find out that common fruit/vegetable growth enhancers often contain large amounts of glutamic acid. A stressful life and a diet full of 'stress chemical' precursors is a recipe for :(

As for the programming scripts, this is something I'm going to continue. It really feels like its working, which is half the battle. The worst case, its a placebo, which can have positive effects in itself.

If I were take a wild guess, based on what I've read, it's like ketamine selectively shuts down the "mammalian brain"while leaving the "reptile brain" (controlling autonomic functions) and the neo-cortex (controlling higher brain function) active.


By selectively shutting down the "mammalian brain" (green area), the programming script bypasses that part of the brain and goes straight from the R-complex to the neo-cortex, the most advanced and under-utilized portion of our brains. This then allows the "higher" brain to process these suggestions without being blocked by "too much thinking" or ego defenses. The frontal lobes are where the action is at but the constant barrage of stress and fear keeps our brain locked into surviving mode, rather than thriving mode.

For those aware of the work of T.D.A Lingo and the Dormant Brain Research and Development Laboratory, much of this will sound familiar.

Also while in the state I got the idea, that the first thing I should 'program' is how I relate to ketamine itself. For example: "Ketamine is a powerful and effective medicine and a tool for consciousness/spiritual exploration that I am very grateful for. It is not a "recreational drug" and I can use it for positive purposes responsibly without any dependence or other negative issues arising etc."

It's bit of a double-bind for myself, because if I notice the issues developing that I have programmed myself to avoid, then that calls into question the entire "metaprogramming" concept and my entire reason for using it in the first place. ;)

I'm also starting to sense a slight case of pronoia, which is a welcome change from the conspiranoid meme I had fallen into...

Wonderful post, 11:11 :). I am glad to see you're realizing your way out of conspiratorial thought - I was a bit concerned there but had faith you'll make it through eventually. How delightful to see that my favourite medicine has been helpful to you, as well.

Pronoia, eh? Look a few pages back. I mentioned epinoia. Looks like we're both on a similar page :)

I also fully accept the idea that glutamate probably plays a larger role in melancholia than serotonin or any of the monoamines. A while back, I posted an idea that glutamate-induced hypertoxicity in the amygdala may be one reason why people like myself have an immense fear of life itself (and therefore depression and anxiety).

This is in fact why Ketamine has always been the best medicine for me. Although I haven't tried metaprogramming yet (as such), I have used Ketamine as a "Ketalyst" (hehe) for adapting to new environements, and have found such adaptions to be permanent long after I stop using K.
^I think you're getting a little dependant?? Physically perhaps??
no worries I'm pretty anti-social myself, recently moving to a completely new area of this country. First thing I did when I got here was a bump, didnt really get me high, rather it gave me that wierd k-vision. Also (somewhere on this site) I wrote a trip report of when I did K and walked through my house with my eyes closed. k as a medicine, I somewheat follow.

I like to use ket in small doses to help me relax and strech when Im doing yoga, helps me connect the thinking part of my brain to my body and give motions memories which I can later recall. Overall peacefullness

K definatley has to do with memory. It seems that remembering the trip is impossible. but (forgot what i was gonna say edit in later) And the mamillian part of the brain, from what I remember is the frontal lobe, the thinking part of the brain. but either way each bump changes me, even if its a social occasion.

Want some metaprogramming? listen to "devil in the details", some wierd stuff there.
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diche said:
^I think you're getting a little dependant?? Physically perhaps??
I am sure the fact that I haven't had any for over a month has made you assume such. ;)
redeemer said:
I think the lack of fear (or just the lack of emotions in general) associated with ketamine experiences reduces its therapeutic potential quite a bit. After all, how can you eliminate the fear of death if you've never actually confronted it? I'd think that if you were to experience an actual NDE you'd be overwhelmed by this fear that has never been present in previous experiences.

I've had a real NDE and there was no fear during the whole thing, just this sense of inevitable calm that is incredibly close to what ketamine produces, although the ability to form memories & recall them is a hell of a lot more vivid.

It happened to me when I was 13 and that is what sparked my interest in drugs & altered states of conciousness

BTW, anybody currently taking truicyclic antidepressants & using ketamine might do well to read this (stupidity in action courtesy of yours truely):-

If, for any reason, you're taking any of the tricyclic antidepressants DO NOT just think it's OK to take ketamine on top of them. I didn't check for interactions and this morning paid a rather expensive price for not doing so, namely after IMing 150mg of ket I had a fuck-off seizure that's left me looking like I've gone three rounds with a veloceraptor and scared the shit out of mrs f&b who witnessed me thrashing around like a fish out of water that had just been hit with a tazer. I have no memory at all of it happening, just of coming around with blood all over the place and my other half ashen white like she'd seen a ghost

Luckily there's no serious damage (but fuck my knee is hurting and refusing to do much in the bending department - probably because of the 4cm gouge that's been taken out of it), but I feel that this needs to be made public in the interests of harm reduction (which after all is the raison d'etre of Bluelight). In this case I feel that any personal public humiliation arising from this is a small price to pay if it prevents even one person going through what I experienced this morning.

For once, I belive this is a valid case of 'do as I say, not as I do'

Off to the chemists for more dressings, Savlon & ibuprofen

Originally posted in EADD
k is one of the few drugs that didnt lose its honeymoon stage with me.

pills beer weed speed heroin fucking you name it it got old in about 2 months.

k, not so much :p
fastandbulbous said:
BTW, anybody currently taking truicyclic antidepressants & using ketamine might do well to read this (stupidity in action courtesy of yours truely):-

If, for any reason, you're taking any of the tricyclic antidepressants DO NOT just think it's OK to take ketamine on top of them. I didn't check for interactions and this morning paid a rather expensive price for not doing so, namely after IMing 150mg of ket I had a fuck-off seizure that's left me looking like I've gone three rounds with a veloceraptor and scared the shit out of mrs f&b who witnessed me thrashing around like a fish out of water that had just been hit with a tazer. I have no memory at all of it happening, just of coming around with blood all over the place and my other half ashen white like she'd seen a ghost

Luckily there's no serious damage (but fuck my knee is hurting and refusing to do much in the bending department - probably because of the 4cm gouge that's been taken out of it), but I feel that this needs to be made public in the interests of harm reduction (which after all is the raison d'etre of Bluelight). In this case I feel that any personal public humiliation arising from this is a small price to pay if it prevents even one person going through what I experienced this morning.

For once, I belive this is a valid case of 'do as I say, not as I do'

Off to the chemists for more dressings, Savlon & ibuprofen

Originally posted in EADD
List of Tricyclic Antidepressants
Thanks for your candor F&B.
these work by inhibiting the reuptake of norepinephrine and serotonin mainly right?

Is this the mechanism that is contradicted with ketamine (it can't, right, since MDMA also blocks the reuptake of both)?

2CC also weakly blocks the reuptake of norepinephrine and a number of other 'research chemicals'

if not this mechanism, what is contradicted that caused this seizure?

Very serious stuff, since I am planning on combining ketamine with a number of different chemicals (2CT7, 2CE, etc) and was under the impression that ketamine is very safe to combine with any number of chems-
Has anyone ever blacked out from K?
I did and I regained conciousness 2hours later with a terrible headache and stomach ache all day.
Millions of people have "blacked out" from K. Its an anesthetic, thats what it does. ;)

How much did you take? I believe thats what happens when you overshoot a k-hole. I wouldn't think there is anything to be concerned about as long as the proper considerations for setting have been made.
diche said:
Has anyone ever blacked out from K?
I did and I regained conciousness 2hours later with a terrible headache and stomach ache all day.
Yeah, I once made a friend with high tolerance prepare a shot (IV) for me. Bad idea. He made me one of HIS shots. It took me a couple of hours to get motor control back, and then I felt like gravity was 100X stronger, I could not lift any part of myself off the ground. Some nausea and vertigo too.

Moral: Never let your friend prepare a shot for you, no matter how responsible you know they are!
K Powder Storage

Wondering if it's a good idea to put powder K into a small Ziplock bag as soon as it is done boiling on a pyrex, or would it still retain its potency for a few days or weeks if it is just left on the aforementioned pyrex?
I wouldn't just leave it on the pyrex. Not really sure exactly what degrades k, but keep it at room temp, away from light and moisture and you should be good for a while.
K lasts forever and is really stable. It is good for longer than a week guaranteed (probably months) just sitting out on a plate. In a ziploc bag in the dark it will probably stay as potent as long as you want to save it.
I would just keep it on a plate in a dark area without too much dust, some of the K is going to stick to the sides of the ziplock bag and it is kind of hard to scrape it compared to a plate.
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