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The Big and Dandy Ketamine Thread (Archived start - 11-20-07)

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^Can never be too careful with radiation. That's why everyone should wear a tinfoil pyramid hat if they're going to inject microwaved k.
Lots of people seem to be struggling with the addictive qualities of ketamine in this thread. I don't use it often (no more than once a month now), but I remember being drawn to it more when I had powder instead of ampoules.

Not only is insufflation more fun and euphoric than IM for me, it's a hell of a lot easier to do without giving it a second thought (no prep work, and no weirdness of injection). You can easily take powder with you wherever you go, you don't have to be concerned about the social stigma of needles, and you don't have to worry as much about sterility issues. The insufflated high is much more opiate-like, and can be used far more effectively as an escape from boredom, or whatever, than IM, which is more of a commitment both qualitatively (due to its more psychedelic nature) and logistically. It seems strange to recommend that people go from insufflation to strictly IM injection to reduce addiction potential. But for me, the behavioral and environmental constraints of IM use have resulted in just that.

If I get pure powder ever again, I'll be putting it in solution and storing it in the refrigerator. If I really want to insufflate some, I'll take the half hour or so it takes to evaporate an amount I decided on while sober. After all, we responsible psychedelic users are using k predominately to explore consciousness and not to escape our troubles, right?
Iv been doing ketamine alot lately, someone want to explain to me how to properly intergrate the effects? it seems to me that when I K-hole my entire reality/pardigm is put into a stack of cards and is "shuffled". The effects are very weird to say the least. everything just... changes to something different,. different emotions towards the same things. its realy realy realy weird. I will say I do love wondering around the city on a good dose of ketamine, every now and then just walking in circles in a stuck pattern of movement not quite undertsanding wher the hell Im going. One good combo Iv found is 200mg mdma rectal followed by 5 grams cubensis and then 70-120mg K nasal or 50-70mg IM in to my arm or theight throughout the night. this past weekend I came back from a show and was IMing ketamine on this trampaline and I swear I was on a space ship, I kept asking when would we be going to the mother ship and then someone said something about police, well I had 2.5lbs of cubensis is a bible bag with me so I ran into a cellar/basement in which I did a 100mg line and truely believed I had been living in that basement for the entirety of my life, "things" started to come out of the walls and stretch and skew in weird way causing these real life hallusinations.

Ketamine is fun, actualy its REALY fun, but I dont know how to intergrate t like I can DMT. I enver was big into dissosiatives. But I got the good K hook up and it has all just fel into my lap.

small 20-40mg bumps are most enjoyable, feels like your ehad is in the clouds!
Oh good, you're okay... you hadn't posted in a while and then someone posted an ominous message in the DMT thread.

On second thought, that prediction rings true after reading your entire post! 8o
Youkai said:
this past weekend I came back from a show and was IMing ketamine on this trampaline and I swear I was on a space ship, I kept asking when would we be going to the mother ship and then someone said something about police, well I had 2.5lbs of cubensis is a bible bag with me so I ran into a cellar/basement in which I did a 100mg line...
I like how my post about using ketamine for escape is immediately followed by an anecdote of Youkai running from the police, ensconcing himself in a basement, and deciding then is a good time for a 100mg line.

As dangerous as it might be, trampolines and k does sound fun. I remember at a rave years ago being on k and LSD and playing in one of those inflatable "moon walk" castles; it really enhanced the jello walk effects. That was a great time.

Speaking of dangerous, I wouldn't recommend running around with 2.5lbs of mushrooms obliterated on k.
I tried ketamine again yesterday (previous time was 8 days prior).

Everything was going great. One particular highlight was listening to the song 'Across The Universe' (naked version), wow, what a perfect tripping song! The experience was fantastic, I felt so amazing in the last stage of the trip, so mentally clean, clam renewed etc. Then I learned a lesson...

I had a pre-weighed ~20mg line sitting there that I decided I didn't need during the trip, but as I was sitting there basking in the afterglow, somehow I thought it easier to take the line than to put it back in the bag. A split second before I did it, I voice in my head screamed no! But it was too late.

There was nothing particularly bad about it, but it seemed to completely destroy the positive benefit I had received from the higher dose experience. A bit later in the day, rather than feeling extremely elated, I actually felt a bit shitty. From now on, I feel that once the trip enters that distinct final stage, anymore is counterproductive.

Previously, the week before the positive after effects were quite noticeable for about 4 days and slowly tapered off after that.

Prior to the experience I set my intention to be open for whatever I needed to learn, regardless of whether it was positive or negative and I certainly did. ;)
Does anyone else ever think that they are going to bite their tongue off when they are doing K? Almost every time i do a bunch of K I start to get all worried that I am chewing my tongue and I always have to feel it to make sure I am not.. its fucking weird lol
fastandbulbous said:
Eh, microwaving ketamine solution doesn't decrease it's potency - where did that one come from?

If you use an insulin syringe and inject into the top of the thigh or your arse, you'll never get anywhere near an artery (if you did, there'd be lots of sead diabetics! =D)

It's more fun to have vile tasting snot running down the back of your throat? You'll never get me to a dinner party! =D =D

I was worried that the microwaves might break down the ketamine due to the heat if left too long.
I found this great article on Ketamine, while doing some digging around. I had no idea that ketamine has affinity for opiate receptors. If so, that could certainly help explain its reinforcing qualities.

Ketamine: an update on the first twenty-five years of clinical experience

I was also wondering if others notice a diuretic effect with ketamine? I really do. I was thinking that perahps ketamine could reduce levels of vasopressin, and that could be could partly be why the state is so 'fleeting' and hard to remember.

I have some desmopressin and I thought it could aid in imprinting the experience, specifically in the context of "keta-programming". I know some people take stimulants with ketamine to help with alertness, but thats not really my thing.
I think my NMDA receptors are fucked permanently. I took 908mg (ran back to the store for more) DXM, and only felt a slight mood enhancement and more interest in things (I've lost interest in all my hobbies lately).

Me and K had a good run, but I guess all good things must come to an end.
delta_9 said:
3.5g isn't all that much in 1 night. Although it depends on the person doing it, his/her tolerance, and how many hours are in that night.
I personally wouldn't do it all in 1 night because an 1/8 isn't cheap and it just seems a little excesive.

I think the thing is that ketamine is a lot cheaper in Europe than it is in the US, so it's easier to be an utter pig over here. 3.5g can be only £35 (~$70), which I understand is much cheaper than US prices
it's very hard to gauge
a question like that.

Purity varyin' & all that....

Price = Quality = No....

I hope
reliable source
consistent quality.

fastandbulbous said:
I think the thing is that ketamine is a lot cheaper in Europe than it is in the US, so it's easier to be an utter pig over here. 3.5g can be only £35 (~$70), which I understand is much cheaper than US prices

Yup. In the US, the street price is $60-120 a gram, in Canada it's around $120/3.5g. If I'm using it daily without tolerance I'll go through about 300-400mg a day, I'm a lightweight.
Is there much difference between the "emergence" phenomenon when ketamine is used medically and the effects of ketamine used re-creation-allay?

As I understand it, 'emergence' is when one is coming out of the ketamine anesthetic state, whereas most exploratory use seems to be in sub-anesthetic doses going towards the state but not quite getting there..

Also I recently tried using the Mind-Fold (invented by Alex Grey) with Ketamine, and its f-ing fantastic! I hadn't really used it since I got it, but now I realize how cool it is! I'll start a new thread for it though...
All this talk has gotten me wishing I still had some ketamine 8(

No doubt. ;) I realized lately that I was focusing to much on the addiction potential and that rationing my use like a communist accountant during war-time is counter productive. =D

Lots of free-time + ketamine probably isn't a good combination in the long term, but in the short term, I don't see anything wrong with a little ketaphysical exploration.

I've used just under 800mg (racemic) in the month since I got it, and once it's gone, I'll take a break and a step back to reevaluate how I feel about it. At the moment, I'm finding it extremely rewarding and useful.

I'd also be willing to bet in about 5-10 years NMDA antagonists will become a standard and accepted class of anti-depressants. When I think of all the SSRI assisted suicides (including a close family member) and people who's lives it could change for the better it makes me sad that serotonin model of depression dominated for so long.
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Quick Question..

_Xorkoth_ side effects

Having some tooth work done tommorow at the dentists (In the UK).. A fair tolerance to ketamine won't interfere with any local anaesthetic surely? I'm assuming not as K is centrally acting and they're only likely to use lidocaine or something, but I'm worried about it not working and having to endure intense pain.
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^Don't worry. The drugs dentists usually use work differently. There won't be any cross tolerance.
e1evene1even said:
Is there much difference between the "emergence" phenomenon when ketamine is used medically and the effects of ketamine used re-creation-allay?

As I understand it, 'emergence' is when one is coming out of the ketamine anesthetic state, whereas most exploratory use seems to be in sub-anesthetic doses going towards the state but not quite getting there..

Also I recently tried using the Mind-Fold (invented by Alex Grey) with Ketamine, and its f-ing fantastic! I hadn't really used it since I got it, but now I realize how cool it is! I'll start a new thread for it though...
Interesting question. My intuition tells me that you're more likely to remember sub-anesthetic visionary experiences than you are emergence visionary experiences. The closest analogy I can think of is to hypnogogic (between waking and sleep) and hypnopomic (between sleep and waking) hallucinations (both of which have a similar feel to ketamine and sensory deprivation hallucinations.) I haven't heard of qualitative differences between the two, but people report hypnogogic hallucinations more. That's probably just because it's easier to remember them when you don't have a night's worth of grogginess built up. A head full of anesthetic levels of k is probably pretty groggy.
so the s-isomer i have tried, but havn't tried the racemic .. whats the difference, apart from the potency difference?

Like qualative differences?
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