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The Big and Dandy HBWR/MGS/LSA Thread (Archive start - 4-14-2008)

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Aeon what do you mean by "pure LSA"? Are you referring to Ergine (which is also called LSA)? If you are you should know when Hoffman and others tested Ergine on themselves they reported all it did was sedate them. The psychedelic effects of HBW/MG/Rivea come from the synergy of all the Lysergic Acid Amides (LSA's) in the seeds.

Isolating one alkaloid isn't going to make you trip. And in my opinion doing any sort of extraction of the seeds is pointless and I'd expect a milder trip. Just grind your seeds up and fine a tolerable way to swallow them (such as in large capsules).

Oh, by the way, guys, make sure you are storing your HBW/MG/Rivea in an airtight container in the fridge or freezer. LSA's are sensitive to being destroyed by light, air, heat and moisture.
The Wizard said:
Aeon what do you mean by "pure LSA"? Are you referring to Ergine (which is also called LSA)? If you are you should know when Hoffman and others tested Ergine on themselves they reported all it did was sedate them. The psychedelic effects of HBW/MG/Rivea come from the synergy of all the Lysergic Acid Amides (LSA's) in the seeds.

Isolating one alkaloid isn't going to make you trip. And in my opinion doing any sort of extraction of the seeds is pointless and I'd expect a milder trip. Just grind your seeds up and fine a tolerable way to swallow them (such as in large capsules).

Oh, by the way, guys, make sure you are storing your HBW/MG/Rivea in an airtight container in the fridge or freezer. LSA's are sensitive to being destroyed by light, air, heat and moisture.

So pure lsa is not what would give one a normal lsa trip? It's because of the various alkaloids in them? I've heard of extraction techniques for lsa seeds that would work well. perhaps if i could refine it further I could get pure lsa.
any more information would be appreciated :)
^i think what he means is that the term LSA is a bit misleading.. in that, in terms of the chemical make-up of the seeds - LSA is not a singular word, it should really be read as LSA's because of the multiple lysergic acid AMIDES that make up this entire HBW/MG experience..

in theory you could isolate each of these single amides (though i'm in no way familiar with the actual list of known chemicals within the seeds) and combine them all to create a "pure" version of the various LSA chemicals, that is.. leaving out any unwanted "toxic" (if there are any) chemicals found in the seeds.. the extraction you speak of has been said to induce a 'it's-not-all-there' type of experience when you compare it to actually ingesting whole seeds
LSA = Lysergic acid amides

The effects from mg/hbw are not from one particular chemical, rather a range of them. I'd imagine if you were to ingest an isolated amide the effects would not be like the effects you get from seeds
Has anyone combined HBWR with LSD? I really love the mental side of HBWR but it cant at least for me compare with the visuals and overall intensity of an LSD trip. The only thing that worries me is LSD is very physically stimulating and I don't know how well that would go with the vasoconstriction properties of LSA's.

The nausea wouldn't help the trip either, maybe a dosing regime of HBWR followed by LSD two hours later?
I've tried the combo together a few times and no it didn't feel dirty at all. Usually I wait a good few hours into my HBW trip when there's no nausea left and then I put some paper squares on my tongue. The resulting trip is visually quite fun though, strangely, mentally I find the combination less enjoyable than if I were to use HBW or L alone. On the bright side the L does cancel out the heavy/sleepy feeling of HBW and make the trip much more energetic. Could they be competing for the same receptor sites? The reason the combo isn't as insightful as I'd hope it to be could just be a case of me having far too high a tolerance right now to Tryptamines :(

I'm in need of a new hobby like Amanita or DMT or Salvia divinorum.
Aeon Psyche said:
Then what class does amanitas fall in? I have a to high tolernance too.

mycologically its in the agaricomycetes class
chemically its a selective gaba agonist
im very curious how a psychedelic that makes one more aware of their relationship to the universe and society like hbw/mg/rivea would mix with amanita which i hear is dissociative like and dissociatives tend to be a very introspective journey that detach one from their connection to the outside world and how it thinks. i gotta say i fucking love how dxm on the comedown from hbw/mg feels man. 3-500 mg is fucking fantastic to take when coming down from the peak of a good seed trip. i wouldnt recommend one try high doses of dxm with hbw/mg though. clouds and confuses the trip. by the way how do dmt or salvia combine with hbw/mg?

godspeed my fellow BLers godspeed.
I find it peculiar just how obscure knowledge of the psychoactive effects of MGS is among the general population. I mean, almost everybody knows about DXM, but almost no one I've met [apart from those online] know about morning glory seeds. You'd think news would spread pretty fast that MGS make you trip. The seeds are cheap and extremely common. Furthermore, I think it's safe to say that most people have a more enjoyable experience with MGS than DXM. I wonder what gives.
I tried HBWR with MDMA last night. It was mostly a bad experience. One of the worst in my life. My sinuses became really clogged and irritated. I could not breath through my nose and mucus was going down the back of my throat. I felt a lot of pressure in my face. My eyelids also became puffy and swollen. That happened before I plugged the MDMA. I had little nausea and I did not think I was going to puke. The vomiting started shortly after I plugged the MDMA and it was the worst vomiting I have had from any drug except maybe alcohol. I started to have a panic attack. I checked my heartbeat and it was really fast. It slowed after a few minutes to a normal level but would rise again when the dry heaving got bad. I never felt so sure that I would die as I did last night. I started feeling as if part of my face had disappeared and I thought maybe it was because I had a stroke. I realized that was not the case once I felt my face and head down in my chest. It was just a really weird body distortion. Time was moving incredibly slowly. The trip eventually turned nice after my sinuses started to clear and the nausea subsided. I think it would have been really nice if I had waited a couple of hours more to dose the MDMA. Still, I don't think I'll try this combo again. The MDMA may have made the vomiting worse than it otherwise would have been.

I'm feeling really good today. It seems to have had its usual antidepressant effects.

I've also mixed HBWR with poppies, neurontin, and a low dose of HBWR with peruvian torch. I had similar sinus problems when I mixed with the PT, but I inhaled some of the powdered seeds when it was blown by the fan, or what ever caused part of the powder to blow into my face. I don't remember how it happened now.
I got some HBWR last night. bunk seeds, didn't work, i was soooo disappointed. :/
yeah, i didn't order them, a friend of mine did. he didn't tell me that he got me bad seeds, i'm pretty annoyed ;[
Well I'm proud of myself. My Morning Glory preparation idea of mixing the seed powder in a thick, sweet beverage like a malt worked GRRRRREAT! I bought a strawberry flavored ice cream malt at around 4 PM last Satuday and by 4:30 i had it mixed with 25 grams of MG seeds id just ground to a fine powder (using my new Mr. Coffee coffee grinder which is so bad ass that is has 3 grinding settings) a few minutes before.

The thick, sticky texture of the malt made the MG seeds stick to near the top of the cup of ice cream malt, rather than sinking to the bottom. in the past id tried mixing mg powder with water and other totally liquid beverages and the thickness of the malt was MUCH easier to handle than the taste and nasty texture of MG water. With MG water since the seeds kept sinking to the bottom of the cup and sticking there i had to keep refiling the cup of water as very gradually i was able to swallow all the seeds stuck to the bottom. the MG seeds yesterday so conveniently stuck to near the top of the malt. i was able to take big ass gulps of the malt and still not get a bad taste or nausea.

Another reason why I chose an ice cream malt as what to mix the mg powder in with was the fact ice cream has a lot of milk and i find milk soothes my stomach of nausea. I find milk particularly helps LSA nausea. LSA nausea can make my stomach feel very acidic and milk just so perfectly calms down that acidity.

I still got some nausea for a few hours on the 25 grams yesterday but the nausea never got horrible and unbearable and delibitating
It was more just a feeling that my stomach was funny and not used to how it felt with the seeds digesting in it.

The people who keep assuming that the more mg seeds u swallow the more nausea i dunno whats up with that man....ive had times over the yrs where sometimes low doses of seeds got me sick while sometimes high doses of mg's got me sick. ive never seen this clear relationship between the more mg's i eat the sicker i get. oh and i found the mg malt nausea REALLLY easy to handle compared hbw's seeds nausea.

Also the MG trip yesterday lacked any cramps at all and hbw gives me cramps sometimes. The mg effects were sooo much more visual and stimulating than hbw too which is more like morning glory's stoned, spaced out, heavily body buzzed, dreamy brother.

id say the visuals last night were agruably better than ANY of my hbw trips and thats prob over 40 hbw trips total. the visuals reminded me much more of extremely high doses of 2Cxx, Mushies or paper squares than the typical hbw visuals ive grown so used to.
bah. I got ripped off with the wrong HBWR seeds too. They're pale brown/tan, fairly round, but not fuzzy at all. Totally smooth. I ate 13 with no effect, and now I've eaten 50 with no effect, and am currently getting no effect by 37 sublingual.

Well, I have some muscles cramps and soreness starting. Fairly unusual for me, but I don't think it's related to the seeds.
Hey peoples.

Ok im finally getting around to finishing off my remaining hbwr seeds, theyve been sitting on my bedroom table for months. I have 30 of them, now when i first tried these i cant remember how many i took but i think it was less than 10.. anyway i basically didnt get any effects at all. Considering that was a while ago and age effects the LSA content as ive been told, would it be extreme of me to do all 30? What are the possible outcomes, both negative and positive?
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