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Opioids The Big and Dandy Fentanyl Analogues Thread - Acetylfentanyl / Butyrfentanyl

Hi all! My studies show me that Transdermal bupe is equally effective for analgesia as fentanyl with the added benefit of no hyperalgesia over time. Can anyone tell me anything about this? Thanks. :)
OK, be careful with this shit.. the BF kicks AF's ass.. for sure.. dont evfen bother with AF. One thing I have noticed, is that its half life is a lot longer than most are reporting? for me, I can dose once with BF (I vape from foil) maybe 1 or 2 good hits, and i will feel fine for a good 6-8 hours!! I dont wake up at night in withdrawal, in fact i can sleep in, then wait to take a shit, before dosing again, before i start feeling bad.
I will warn you.. one week of use (2gms) put me in a very bad place that suboxone had no effect at all on.. after using the last of it.. i woke p the next day.. thought i was okay.. but an hour later, i started POURING sweat.. i was shivering and pouring sweat at the same time.. then the diareaha.. vomitting.. felt like i was gong to have a seizure. 5 days of ACUTE withdrawal.. until i started feeling a bit better.. it did help me quit suboxone tho.. because they didnt help at all i dint take them.
pls be careful with this substance.. i also noticed it would put me into a weird hallucinating delerium.. i would be dreaming, while sitting up, looking out the window hallucinating.. then wake up and snap out of it.. reall weird
i also noticed it would put me into a weird hallucinating delerium.. i would be dreaming, while sitting up, looking out the window hallucinating.. then wake up and snap out of it.. reall weird

Hm, so nothing like the "common" "I am somewhere else talking to somebody while I am actually lying alone in my bed" kind of thing? That happens to me quite often on different types of opiates. Sometimes I even start talking to the person that isn't there and then realizing "WTH, I am lying in my bed alone, it was just an "opiate-dream"".

But from your explanation it was something quite different to say the least? Weird. I am going to try AF either tonight or tomorrow, but not more than 5 or 10mg under the tongue. And that's it, I won't buy any, I got these as a free sample otherwise I would never have gotten any.
So yesterday my friend took five 5mg tabs and felt almost nothing. It was a free sample that I got from a newly opened vendor so no one really knows their products yet. But these looked very professional and where completely white, easy to break and crush to powder.

I persuaded him into doing an allergy test first because that is something you really should do with everything new you try, not only RC's. Anyhow, I broke off a small bit, he put it under his tongue and let it melt. Said it tasted bad at first but later on that night he said they didn't really taste much or as bad as he first said.

40 minutes later, not effect and no side effects, hooray he was not allergic to A-F! So he took first 2.5mg under the tongue. We waited hmm.. not completely sure but 40-60 minutes and he felt nothing. He took the other half (2.5mg more) and we waited. Still nothing.

Then he took a full 5mg under the tongue, let it melt for like 15-20 minutes (should it really take this long time?). He has to take it sublingually by the way, due to a relatively fresh nose-piercing, otherwise I guess he would have snorted it. But well, we waited an hour, no effect whatsoever.

So then he took two 5mg with not much time in between and maybe 30-40 minutes after that he took the last one and after a few hours (yes a few hours weirdly enough since I have read that the effects usually only last for 1-3 hours or so) he said he had felt something similar to 150-200mg Tramadol. This must have been bullsh*t tabs right? Plus he has a "high natural tolerance" for opiates, a few of my friends have but me personally am very sensitive to opiates.

And a quick question, which is probably impossible to answer since there hasn't been much research going on on A-F (at least I get that impression), but does anyone know if there are risks of seizures on this one like there are on Tramadol (and Oxy I think?). Subutex, codeine and morphine for example has no seizure risk as far as I know, of course... using it responsibly. But maybe someone could get something out from just looking at the formula or the molecule composition or whatever, these are not the kinds of words I am very familiar with so I don't know if that is even possible.
Or if someone has experience, personal or know of someone who had a seizure on A-F and if so, what dose did you or that person take and how was it ingested?

I am really interested in the question in the last paragraph. I don't think I ever plan to buy A-F since I am too scared of RC opiates, especially fentanyl ones due to their potency. But I feel that it is a REALLY important matter to bring up.

Hey there everyone, long time reader but only a recent member here. I received some PFBF today and thought I'd share my experience with it so far.

I ordered it in a nasal sprayer (for the convenience) which delivers 0.6mg per spray and although nothing came out with the first two sprays, I'm assuming it was because the sprayer had not yet sucked up enough liquid throughout its mechanism. Still, I waited around a half hour between those attempts and before trying again. The next spray definitely delivered a dose as I could both smell it and feel liquid in my nose. This gave threshold effects for me. I have used many pharmaceutical opioids and heroin in the past, some regularly and habitually (most notably heroin), but none for around two months at this point and even then I haven't used on a daily basis in over a year. I still cannot emphasize enough to start with a single spray or similar dose (500-600ug), then wait at least a half hour (the longer the better) before ingesting another dose.

After a few more of those dosing intervals, I found my sweet spot for now at four sprays. At around 40 minutes since that fourth spray, the effect had only faded slightly. I wasn't deterred by the extremely short half life as I'm not solely seeking a rush, but also the mellower high that follows. I've never IV'd heroin, but up until just over a year ago I was using it intranasally on a daily basis for a good length of time. Still, after the initial rush faded from whatever amount of heroin I did, I would continue to thoroughly enjoy the remainder of my day because of the mellow opioid feeling. This is why reading about how short acting it is prior to ordering didn't bother me. I had also read that PFBF isn't very recreational, but I found it to be. I know euphoria is subjective, but the first few times I did heroin I didn't find it very euphoric at all, however it grew on me. When it comes to PFBF, I found it to have decent euphoria with my first dose. The closest opioid I can compare it to is probably intranasal oxycodone, but everyone is different.

I cannot stress the following enough. Do NOT start with more than one single spray or a similar dose of around 500-600ug tops the first time using this substance. If you're receiving it in powder porm, do NOT attempt to dose without a mg scale that has at least 2 digits after the decimal (for example a 550ug dose would read 0.55mg). Also, if you find that, for example, 1.2mg is your preferred dose and find you want to up your dose eventually, do NOT up it by any more than one spray or similar dose (500-600ug) at a time. I know I only have a few posts here and I apologize if I come across as sounding arrogant by thinking anyone here should value my thoughts yet. I also know that many other people have stated similar precautions as I have in this very thread, but I don't think it can be stated enough because these fentanyl analogues are very dangerous if not used responsibly and I just want to do my part harm reduction-wise. Anyway, if anybody else here has used PFBF, but not yet submitted a post about their experience I would love to hear it. It's interesting to read other people's take on the same substance.

Has anyone tried this sublingually and if so, how does it compare to instranasally?
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Hey Opes, there is also a pfbf thread: http://www.bluelight.org/vb/threads/746212-Parafluorobutyrfentanyl-(PFBF)

I ordered the 100x0.6 mg spray and have zero opiode tolerance at the moment. I dont want to risk an overdose if I am not satisfied with the inital dose.

How long would you estimate the half life of pfbf? In what time intervals would you think redosing (0.6 mg) would be safe for a person with no recent opiode tolerance?
Oh, thanks, I didn't see that when I searched so I'll be reading through that whole thread now too.

How long would you estimate the half life of pfbf? In what time intervals would you think redosing (0.6 mg) would be safe for a person with no recent opiode tolerance?

I would say that if after a half hour you're not feeling anything more than threshold effects then you're okay to redose. If you are feeling some effects, but not satisfied then you should also be good to redose after a half hour, but it doesn't hurt to wait longer. I'm not too sure about the half life, have been wondering that myself.
I used 275x 0.6mg doses of PFBF in 16 hours.
it was a nasal spray 0.f 275 0.6mg/60ug doses of ParafluoroBUTYRFENTANYL. my hands, face, everything was covered with it..when it squirted, it squirted quite nice and big and you had to make sure to snort that squirt up your nose each time, the drip is not nice, btw. but nothing that cant be handle. do this 20 times for each nostril and i will promise a very nice fent high for those with BIG opiate tolerances (few grams of H IV / a day, 250+ mg methadone a day. Otherwise, about 3 sprays up the nose was enough for girls, about 6 for guys. No nod, no real euphoria, you just felt nice. it's weird - many of them comparedi to .. Cocaine :D Guess cause it was in a social setting, there wasnt needles, it went up your nose and it made you chatty and happy for a while. also made your nose numb, possibly.

I also got 500mg of Buty, 500mg of Acetyl and 500mg of Fluranylfentnanyl in pure powder form, excep a professional AccuLab scale (except for a mj grower (weighs 0.1-410g). I have a ridic. tolerance and used to fucc with both A nd BF all summer, over 3-5g each, and am still kicking. Sounds sick but i HATE it, hate the tolerance, that that iive ALWAYS had a tolerance to opiate/benzo families of drugs. Now, that OD for me is practically a possibility, i can totally black out and just .. stay in a coma and ... wake up at home. I've taken STUPID, RETARDED doses solely for the purpose of SUICIDE, but I've failed REPEATEDLY with me and fentanyl in me, all the benzos ive swallowed over the past 30+ minutes taking full effect yet i start to feel nervous. but im mentally 100% clear, stay that way. and the life goes on. ok, theres that. Everybody else, if You order a Parafluoro version of BF, the site you'll be ordering from wil llet you prolly know how many times to spray. i felt the spray bottle was extremely low quality and by th 100th time or even more 150-200th time, it almost never sprayed anything at all, just sprouting some of that water outside that was stuck at the end of the bottle. so i just took the last 10% of bottle and mixed it with a nice tea (500ml). didnt taste anything, didnt feel anything much either. probably due to my tolerance, because 10% of 275 of 0.6mg is still a pretty hefty dose for sure.
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I bought a PFBF nasal spray bottle to test it out. My opiate dosage is 140mg/methadone a day, I have been using 3-MF for about 3 (2010-2012) years (3-methylfentanyl, look up the country where its available in, youll get to know where im at, i live in the capital).Our country is also the first in drug deaths in ALL of Europe, for MANY (more than 10!) years in row. There's been years with 200+ dead of 3MF. When I first picked it up and just let out a few puffs, it sure looked like a powerful sprayer. so i sprayed myself 3 times in one of my sinuses. dude, all that "water" or, etanol, rather came straight running up my nose and into my lips which were closed as i didnt want this shit in my mouth. i took a handkerchief, fixed myself, and sprayed another 3 sprays into my other nose hole. this time i was breathing it in a bit, when spraying and also had my head at a brief angle, unlike the first time where i pretty much fckk up a little, although i wouldnt say i wasted a "dose" or anything, ok well one 60ug/0.6mg drop that after spraying whent almosst straight down my nose and into my lips to wait to get into my mouse, that was a dose that wasnt dosed but then again, it couldve just been water from the fact that my water was becoming pretty watery from all this water being added to it and me, ofc, sniffing if into the nose to make it more in-tune with my sinuses or something, i dunno. I saw many people using PFBF, even COMPLETE opiate virgins, and after 4 shots, they would be fine, would be craving a dose, 2 hours later, wouldnt be nodding off, nothing of the like. to be honest, it worked like COCAINE or ALCOHOL but without ALL THE STUPIDITY AND PEOPLE TALKING SHIT OUT OF THEIR ASSES. I was glad I wasn't with anyone who decided to ruin EVERYONE'S time by being the asshole who has to have 20 hits to those while 10 Norco gets him nice and buzzed.
A few naloxone shots later and there he is again spraying shots to get the naloxone wd's away
Then again, maybe, after hitting these 20 shots of the PFBF, that dick decides to wonder to walk away and watch the moonlight, alone, somewhere..he'll be found in the morning by some fishermen or whoever.
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as You can see I wrote two 'posts' from two COMPLETELY DIFFERENT POV'S.
let's see what our fellow users have to say.
a)wut?HIDE that OPIATE DICK of tolerance and just suffer the joy of and BE sober or
b)what a huge tolly? it was you near my grannies house IV'ing 720mg roxicodone in Cape Coral near my grannies window any way, its been fun seeing ya. ill see you in 30.
if anybody wants to get more into the 'business' and the True TRUE Dark DARK Rotten-rotten-ROTTEN side of things and reasons why we are the only

country in the whole wide world with ANY sort of 3-MF (3-MethylFentanyl) availability and why these kinds of projects (drug dealing, everything else to

do with earning money from SOMETHING, be it something you can MAKE (this is SOOOO large, ANYEVERYTHING to basically WORLD WAR 3 EQUIPMENT),, something

that one OWNS (like oil, for example), or something that one can make/grow (chemistry, biology). immediate names: heisenberg, YOU (you do grow SOME

weed, right? well, at least you know someone that does...)

This Überpotent opiate, about 300x stronger than fentanyl itself and about 4000x stronger than morphine appeared overnight to ALL OF OUR COUNTRIES

CITIES streets, no matter the Capital or the RUS dominated Eastern EST. The change was swift and overnight. Like a usual operation.
4 months later, this "unknown chemical" appeared on our streets, as a replacement to heroin
about 4 months later, first OD's of 2003 February began ALL over Estonia, each day and night 60-100 people were dying, nobody knowing that this new

thing they're buying from their regular low level dealer who doesnt know whether its mornign or day neither right from wrong sells a 300x stronger

opiate than a Fentanyl (which is stronger than heroin itself) and about 4000 times stroper than morphine itself)? The very top knew about it, they jsut

didnt care. Get it out. Soon enough, they'll find out, how to treat it with "respect", is my theory. There was too much time between the unknkown

(NOBODY knew what where these junkies using? where was it coming? at the same time, every last selling place has it, the price is all the same. its

just a new 'thing', but absolutelt 'same'. thats it. thats how the 'low' people, the dealers who deal on the street level, then a bit up the street

level so street guys can have a group of theirs who manage different block and diffrent phone numbers.
each one on the street level is basically only doing it to get themselves some good IV hits. the first time TRIMETHYLFENTANYL hits you, its like You

just IV'd gasoline into ur veins and that feeling lasts for a good 5-7 seconds, after that theres this headrush that can only be felt, not explained.

but amphetamines, stimulants, everything, is far behind, when i compare the REAL high of opioids...
I tried the PFBF nasal spray today 6mcg in each blast,so i started with 6mcg up each nostril...Nothing,30 mins later i did another 6mcg in each nostril,nothing,about another 3 hrs later i did 12mcg in each nostril,still nothing.
I take 25g of Kratom every day with 20mg of diaz each night,i feel the PFBF doesn`t work otherwise i would be totally fucked by now,this is supposed to be a fentanyl analouge. I shall report my findings to the vendor.

perhaps yo, i dont know, absolutely misused the spray, leaving the tip on? (im just kidding...)
did you do 12 PROPER sprays into EACH nostril and snorted the liquid back into your nose (the spray is pretty big, there will be lots of waterworks). even if you did 6 for both nostrils, that shouldve been noticeable. esp if youre not an addict.
god damn it, i did 15 proper sprays to each nostril (30 in total) and i was HIGH off my ass, nodding. about 2 hours after that. not much euphoria, but a sense of ewllbeing, a being of total opiate feeling, a nice euphoria but not overwhelming and then ... the nod. i woke up about 2hrs later, sober as a judge. did 5 sprays into each nostril so 10 in total. i hated that it tased like alcohol, probably cause it had etanol in it and because it kept running down from my nose (i'd rather just 'kleenex' that watery gunk away rather than swallow that shit that came from my nose). they should make the doses about 3-4 times stronger. 2.5mg should be FABULOUS for ppl like me. but 0.6mg..60cg..i mean thats a bit TOO lite considering its not even BF put PFBF..
Some interesting thoughts on AF and FluF to follow. i will also mention how good the flubromazolam was. it was GOOOOOD!!! (1MG CAPS!!!!!!!, the uk vendors are selling 0.25mg ones lololol) i also have clonitrazolam. have tried this too, it works quicker, but i like the end of bromazoLAM, and a FLUbromazoLAM at that, far more, mainly due to more musle relaxation, total anxiolytic, hypnotic, euphoric, general feeling of happyness and positivity :)
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the uk vendors are selling 0.25mg ones lololol)

And they are completely sufficent for people with no or low tolerance ;) I would not even want to take more than that. Same with the 0,5mg Clonazolam pellets. Sry for OT...
Anyone know about these analogous still being available and shipped to the U.S.? I'm not asking sources, I found a Chinese Chen lab shipping international and they sell a-f and a-pvp, both of which I though could not be shipped to the U.S. For legal reasons. Anyone know if people are still getting the real deal and if it's the same dosages, give or take, as has been established? could these be fake Chems or outright ripoff a, due to the likely illegal nature of what they claim to be able to do ( ships to us, etc). Basicslly, are these still around on the gray market rc scene or is it likely this is a scam? Just some ideas, speculation. Also is the acetyl-fent dosage for someone who is tolerant found to be around 2.5-10mg or is it lower? I only ask to have some safe ranges people can see to use as a starting off point, once they have done small sub mg doses to test the strength and allergy?
Anyone know about these analogous still being available and shipped to the U.S.? I'm not asking sources, I found a Chinese Chen lab shipping international and they sell a-f and a-pvp, both of which I though could not be shipped to the U.S. For legal reasons. Anyone know if people are still getting the real deal and if it's the same dosages, give or take, as has been established? could these be fake Chems or outright ripoff a, due to the likely illegal nature of what they claim to be able to do ( ships to us, etc). Basicslly, are these still around on the gray market rc scene or is it likely this is a scam? Just some ideas, speculation. Also is the acetyl-fent dosage for someone who is tolerant found to be around 2.5-10mg or is it lower? I only ask to have some safe ranges people can see to use as a starting off point, once they have done small sub mg doses to test the strength and allergy?

Yes, I am pretty sure a-f and b-f are still available from some places. They are not scheduled yet, but they are the kind of dangerous chems that led to the analog act being created in the first place! There are some Chinese vendors that will still send legally dicey things to the US. Until recently, that was true of some European vendors too, but they got pressured by the US gov into stopping. My guess is that (based on global economic realities) the US has much less leverage to make China do anything than European countries.
There is supposedly even a US-based supplier with b-f. Not sure how that could pan out for them.

As far as dosage, it completely depends on your tolerance. Opiate tolerance is not a black-and-white condition. Mine is minimal, and I find a-f to be effective at what looks like less than 1 mg. If your tolerance isn't hefty, definitely do not start off snorting 10 mg! You may find this out in your allergy test.
Also, I find the duration to be longer than what many here have claimed. A buzz from a small insufflated dose a-f will last several hours for me.

Does anyone know what the oral bioavailability is on these? I never tried swallowing it.
Does anyone know the dosage for depropionylfentanyl? I would like to use it nasally and currently have no opiate tolerance.