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Opioids The Big and Dandy Fentanyl Analogues Thread - Acetylfentanyl / Butyrfentanyl

Does anyone know the dosage for depropionylfentanyl? I would like to use it nasally and currently have no opiate tolerance.

Are you crazy! Don't touch any fent analogues without a tolerance. Literally you will probably die, please do not even try using it. It's a death wish, junkies with huge tolerances die from fentanyl laced dope or even just abusing the 100mcg/hr patches every day. It's like the end of the line opiate, please don't even try using it, I have to say that again, just don't !

Hope you stay safe
yes, those analogues WILL show up on a Fentnanyl drug tetst. ALL analogues will. Believe me, i know from my 3MF addiction days. Doesnt matter wtf it is Fentanyl (citrate..guess thats how its called..like a citrus fruit, why invent a lollipop then for the U.S. public, damn thats hilarious..anyway), 3-MethylFentanyl, AcetylFentanyl, OhMeFentanyl - it'll show up under Fentanyl.
just like "super bubble gasoline kush crack" will show up like "big bud power plant pure jack herer white rhino blueberry" under Cannabis.

"depropionylfentanyl" - wtf is this? info please. if you said fluranylfentanyl, i would have answered you or acetylfentanyl or soemthing or even ohmefentanyl or whatever but...depropionylfentanyl?hmm.

I just have to say that iuse 140mg methadone a day (although i can drink 2000mg and be straight as an arrow for 24hrs aswell, there just isnt no "od" land for me for dope and benzos, i just pass out and sleep a bit and am depressed further or i just stay awake and try to acquire more opiates to put me into an unsucessfull nod from this godforsaken world) and i can smoke 40-50mg of Butyrfentanyl/Fu-F/A-F/3MF whatver analogue you have and not even nod out, i mean i stay on the nod but am fully awake the whole time. I hate this tolerance with a passion but for some reason i have it for EVERYTHING. i tried suicide with over 3 liters 3000ml methadone and 850mg xanax and about 70 15m midazolam's. nothing else but a trip to the hospital where i got my tummy pumped for all the alprazolam and midazolam. fuck loosing these benzos. afer that i was released and drove straight to my 3MF (dope) guy.
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b)what a huge tolly? it was you near my grannies house IV'ing 720mg roxicodone in Cape Coral near my grannies window any way, its been fun seeing ya. ill see you in 30.

My grandma IVed at least TWICE that into her jugular, plus bull semen.
I just have to say that iuse 140mg methadone a day (although i can drink 2000mg and be straight as an arrow for 24hrs aswell, there just isnt no "od" land for me for dope and benzos
1. There is an 'OD' land for you and benzos, you just haven't found it yet. Moreover based on reading some of your posts you're obviously pretty fucked off half the time. And based on the stuff you say you're taking when you find 'OD land' you will never post to say you found it. You will be in a coffin. If benzos hadn't replaced barbiturates as anxiolytics and hypnotics you'd have been in that coffin (or urn) long ago.

2. See #1

Edit: I was looking around and found this thread and just thought I'd post this here:
For anyone or any journalist that wants to see how an article about drugs of abuse SHOULD ALWAYS be written:

Seiko's and MobiusDick's posts are also quite informative. Seiko, however, takes the win with the sentences: "I seriously doubt the fentanyl was manufactured domestically. The precursors are locked down tighter than a gnat's asshole in a thunderstorm."


Props to author David Kroll, he wrote an article about acetyl-fentanyl and a cluster of overdoses occurring in Rhode Island in August 2013. He uses pure logic and solidly sourced information (he mentions "Even the internationally-known recreational drug information site Erowid.org does not currently have any entries on this chemical." and he also links to the sources throughout the article ), doesn't resort to scare tactics (lets the data tell the story) and even started the article with the sentence "I rarely use sensational headlines but this one deserves the term, “deadly.” (most news articles covering the same topic would be something like "is your kid in danger from this new mega-heroin" or some derivative of that) "

This is the man when it comes to writing news articles for anyone who isn't a fucking idiot.
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Hm, so nothing like the "common" "I am somewhere else talking to somebody while I am actually lying alone in my bed" kind of thing? That happens to me quite often on different types of opiates. Sometimes I even start talking to the person that isn't there and then realizing "WTH, I am lying in my bed alone, it was just an "opiate-dream"".

But from your explanation it was something quite different to say the least? Weird. I am going to try AF either tonight or tomorrow, but not more than 5 or 10mg under the tongue. And that's it, I won't buy any, I got these as a free sample otherwise I would never have gotten any.

OK bro, I guess i just had never been opiated enough to feel this (was on H for over 10 years). I never found myself in a state of delerium from opiates.. Only The B-F put me there. It is how u describe, sometimes I found myself speaking to a long lost friend, for hours on end.. alone in middle of the night. then realized and was shocked.. that and also the more weird almost psychedelic side where id be staring at a beautiful spinning vortex .. while in a weird half sleep state.. and thinking i was in an indian tribe smoking BF with all the elders.. then they would all dissappear and i was just smoking off the foil.. alone.. weird shit.. anyone else get these effects from B-F?
What's up, bluelighters!
Furanyl Fentanyl. Give a brief assessment of this drug. What are your tips for safe use?
I would like to add that Butyrfentanyl is a Schedule I controlled substance in the USA. While it is not specifically listed, it is a positional isomer of 3-Methylfentanyl. This is not a case of the Federal Analog Act, Butyrfentanyl is Schedule I and intent to consume means nothing in regards to its legality.
I have to post about my last weekend as a warning about these fentanyl analouges (and triazolo benzos). I received an order i have long forgotten about and it contained several samples; namely etizolam 2,2mg and 1mg pellets, 0,3mg flubromazolam blotters, 80mg 4-FBF and 120mg BF.

I made a solution of 4-5mg/ml in water with the 4-FBF first, calculating from the amount of water my nasal spray delivers and the concentration of commercialy available 4-FBF sprays. I could feel very little from 4 sprays consisting of 2mg. (note i use heroin and/or up to 2mg buprenorphine daily). I went up to 8 sprays in half an hour and got a pleaseant but not quite there euphoria. But i could feel strong narcotic and pain killing effects compared to the level of euphoria. After this i injected 0,5-1ml of this solution with heroin like euphoria but extremly short lasting. Everything was nice this day.

I think it was the next day when i made another solution with the remaining 4-FBF with some specks of BF, to increase the strenght. The potency of the solution increased, i injected and spayed it because so many injections are highly impractical, it reminded me of my cocaine affair. In the evening i droped one 2,2 mg Etizolam pellet, and did expect a level of relaxtion like 10mg diazepam. After one hour i felt practically nothing, mind you i still used the fentanyl and smoked weed. So then i proceed to drop a 1mg dark blue pellet (inside white). and drank a beer, so i would feel at least something. I got very slightly sedated after half another hour. I have never used etizolam before so i thought this stuff is either weak or the pellets are bunk , which i dont really belive considering the fentanyl was strong.

Now comes the bad decission of the evening. I also droped one 0,3mg flubromazolam blotter (Homer Simpson imprint). This one quickly hit and in my impaired state of mind the last thing i remember is that i droped another half blotter flubromazolam.

Now i was in blackout mode, and the first thing that come to my mind is that i sit in front of a solution with unknown concentration of BF and injecting it with several times used needles. After every shot, i told to myself to concentrate but i lost my consciousness every time for an unknown time. Usually waking up in the same position with the needle sometimes still beside my arm. I was in a total delerium and somehow was not able to stop.

My girlfried later told me, she had to call the ambulance one time the next afternoon after i dropped the flubromazolam. I lost my consciousness in the bathroom and fell on the floor. She threw the pills and the BF away, but somehow i managed to find the BF and made more solution. i think i am lucky i survived. All i needed was 3 days off of work, but on thusday i was largely fine, only a little forgetfull. I have absolutely no idea about the BF concentration, but i felt no euphoria, i just blacked out every damn shot, reminding me of midazolam ampoules. The whole 120mg BF where gone in two days, and my arm looked really bad.
^you are lucky to live and tell that story. It was super reckless to do what u did and not only did u shoot and u known concert of fent u combined with multiple benzos AND additional resides of the fent. I think you should think long and hard about how much you value your life and mind. If you do at all, then think what would have happened if you hadn't had your girlfriend there and shit. I don't mean to preach; this is a harm reduction site and your trip report is the exact opposite of harm reduction. Thanks for sharing but dude you realize most people, even you actually, would have died from the shit you did. You got lucky but next time you may not. Please don't take this wrong. I just don't want people to read your report and assume that it's safe to do anything even closetk the level of danger you were at. Literally its a miracle you are alive. Don't forget that.
I have to post about my last weekend as a warning about these fentanyl analouges (and triazolo benzos).

What happened to you didn't happen because of the potency of fentanyl analogues. It happened because you mixed highly potent opioids, highly potent benzos, weed, and alcohol. You're lucky to be alive shooting unknown quantities of butyrfentanyl when in a blackout state from the benzos.
I am aware about the fact that this was highly reckless and this was my third worst overdoses experience i ever had. In the other two i had longer lasting injuries from OD. Up to the point untill i dropped the flubromazolam everything was fine, i most of the night sprayed the PFBF and was quite clear in my head, i waited a long time between the Etizolam doses. This is no justification, but i by far underestimated the flubromazolam blotters. The stupid stuff happend first when i was total blacked out from the benzos. I havent even informed myself about how strong i should concentrate the BF, i guess in retrospect i might have eyeballed (!!) it or dosed it as strong as the PFBF.
I know its time to take a step backwards and review the times i just survived the OD's i had, and think about how long i will have this luck.
To preface this post, I have no opiate/opioid tolerance and has only ever used percocet prescribed for a week after a head injury.

I got 100mg of acetyl-fentanyl 2 days ago.

I did an allergy test by railing some dust off the end of tweezers. Nothing happened so I proceeded to weigh out approx 5mg and railed that.

After about 10 minutes I felt pretty good but wanted to feel better so I waited about 15 minutes to make sure I would be okay to take more.
I then took another 5-6mg and felt really good, mild nodding.

The next day(yesterday) I took more, maybe 7-8mg with some redoses anywhere from 2-5mg throughout the day when I wanted a boost.
I intermittently experienced nausea throughout the day, throwing up a few times and feeling kinda sick. Eventually at around 4PM I passed out for 5 hours. I woke up and had a minor headache for a while, and still felt nauseous. Smoking weed helped, got rid of the nausea (though maybe time did this and had nothing to do with the weed).

Today I started with a 6mg dose, felt a little bit but not much. I redosed twice in the past 2 hours at about 5mg each (doing key bumps so not precise in any way). I hasn't been able to get a good nod going but has a general sense of relaxation and euphoria. I can sense a slight onset of nausea.

Tolerance to this stuff clearly builds incredibly fast, which makes me sad because I thought I had found a new fun drug.
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I took another bump probably 10mg about 20 minutes ago, tolerance is clearly a factor now, but damn I still feel pretty good.

I'm a novice when it comes to opiates, and I can't seem to find the information I need about redosing. I remember reading somewhere about having to be careful about the half-life and accidentally ODing. Is it possible for me to OD because I have too much of the drug in my system, even if I'm not feeling any effects?

Basically my question is: as long as I don't feel like I'm too fucked up, there is basically no chance of me OD'ing right? Or can I OD while not feeling high at all?
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I'm a little confused by these lines:
"In acute toxicity studies in mice , the LD50(the dose causing death of 50% of test animals) of acetyl fentanyl and fentanyl are 9.3 mg/kg and 62 mg/kg, respectively."
"Relative potency = about 1/20 of fentanyl, estimated, based on these figures."
"LD50 of acetylfentanyl (predicted) = 4.5 mcg/kg (0.0045 mg/kg) - 300 mcg (0.3mg) for a 70kg opioid intolerant user!!!"

All of these lines contradict each other.

The first line says the LD50 for fentanyl compared to acetyl-fentanyl is 6.66x higher, implying that acetyl-fentanyl is MORE potent than fentanyl (from an LD50 perspective).

The next line says acetyl-fentanyl potency is "about 1/20th of fentanyl", but the line above clearly shows acetyl-fentanyl is 6.66x more potent (from an LD50 perspective), or in other words fentanyl is 1/15 the LD50 potency of acetyl-fentanyl.

The third line says that predicted LD50 of acetyl-fentanyl is 4.5mcg/kg?? How can it be 4.5mcg/kg in humans when it is 9.3mg/kg in mice???? That would mean it takes 2000x more to kill a mouse than a human...

It also says that 300mcg is the expected LD50 for a 70kg intolerant opiate user.
I'm a 60kg intolerant opiate user and I've taken ~70mg in the past 3 days. I just took a ~10mg bump.

The OP makes no sense
Agree that numbers in OP are contradictory. (Did my prior post get lost? May be repeating myself.) I'll take WF's experience into account and start low from there. (Non-opiate naive, 80kg)
Hey, i litterally just signed up to this website a few mins ago, so still figuring things out. Can someone help me answer a question or two about fent patches? Im pretty familiar with it but would like a bit of input, thanks!
Heyy, im new to the site. Litterally just signed up. I have a quick question. Im pretty familiar with the fent patch. Although it is rare, so its not often i get to do it. Ive had a few 75-50 mg patches. Always cut them into smaller pieces and chew them to get extremelyyy high. But lately all i can get is the 12 mg patches. I have cut them in half and been pretty buzzed but it only seems to get weaker and last shorter. So my QUESTION IS should i just stick the whole patch on my body instead of chew it???
Of course i could try not cutting it and chewing the whole thing, but i dont want to be drooling lol
My tolerance is ok, not too high but not low either so im basically wondering if it would be worth it to try sticking it or would it be a waste.. thanks!!
Fentany is a very hard drug/medication. Be careful because you don´t wanna be addicted to it. It´s simply too strong.
Remember that one you chew them you are allowing the quantity supposed to dispense 3 days of fentanyl in one single moment.
It´s not actually 75-50 mg it´s mcg! Just be careful. Lots of people have died on Fentanyl.
Ordering fent analogues online is a dangerous option to have, and imo fent is one drug not to be fucked with. It will kill indiscriminately.
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ran out of subs, and i have 10 grams of BF arriving tomorow. gonna attempt to responsibly maintain using it. anyone think i have a chance?? i honestly think i can limit myself to maintenance doses..